An ATHEIST Conversion to the CATHOLIC FAITH ( Jon Sorenson) ( Catholic Testimony )

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Thomas Aquinas once said to the one who has faith no explanation is necessary to the one without faith no explanation is possible how can a theist say that God does not exist when the whole of creation shouts out that he does no wonder that the scripture states in Psalm chapter 14 verses 1 that the fool says in his heart that there is no god but having said the above atheism has been growing by leaps and bounds in the Western world thanks to atheist evangelists like Richard Dawkins Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris Bishop Baron one of the greatest Catholic evangelist of our times Oh points that the present-day atheist have two major problems in their approach first the problem is not that atheists are asking too many questions but they stop asking it as soon as it gets interesting second they believe that the scientific way is the only way of proving things in this world it is also called scientism so as Catholics what can we do to combat this growing number of ATS around us well we need Catholic scientists doctors researchers scholars and teachers to play a major role in answering the various queries of the anger generation and also show them the beauty and the fullness of the Catholic faith it's not that the Catholic Church cannot answer these questions and prove the existence of God it's just that not enough Catholics are taking up the cost to do it it is observed that only the Catholic Church can give convincing answers to the deep and longing questions of the heart about God and life so as Catholics if we do not speak up then no one will today I am pleased to introduce to you John Sorensen the chief operating officer at Catholic Answers John was a born Catholic but lived as adolescence as an atheist until he met his wonderful wife Amy who enriched him with the beauty of the Catholic faith from there on John has embraced the fullness of the Catholic faith to become a great get for it is it any surprise today that he's working with Catholic Answers which is at the forefront of helping Catholics renew their faith across the globe so please join me in this wonderful interview as I discussed with John about his journey from being an atheist to a Catholic god bless you so we can start by you giving a brief introduction to your to your family and yourself Oh John okay that sounds good my name is John Sorensen and I'm the director of external activities at Catholic Answers well technically I got promoted two days ago so I'm chief of operations now but my my upbringing was my folks were Catholic my grandparents were actually missionaries in Africa for several years and my after my grandmother passed away it seemed like the whole family just kind of left the church and you know it wasn't right away sort of a gradual thing but by the time I was a teenager I wasn't going to church anymore and I just kind of slowly drifted into atheism after that you know that took a while too but I spent most of my adult life as an atheist and my grandfather on my mom's side passed away in on st. Patrick's Day in 2000 and I went to his funeral and I remember sitting there thinking gosh is this all that there is or is there something to what they're doing here and I found myself just kind of lightening up on the I was still an atheist I found myself lightening up on idea that of God at the time I was a bar manager at Pacific Beach here in San Diego and I you know did that during you know in the evenings and most of the day I spent just drinking and smoking pot and but I was getting tired of that lifestyle it was just sort of felt like the same thing every day and so I you know I've started cutting that out a little bit at a time and and I went to the there's a library down the street from my apartment and I went down there I got a library card and I used to go there on my days off and I just sit there and read books there was a lot of periodicals popular science Popular Mechanics those kinds of things I just over time reading that kind of stuff I felt like everything's it became harder and harder to be an atheist because it just seemed like the whole world is so organized and I felt like you know this is it's too organized to be random and it made it it just made the idea of atheism that this that there's nothing behind all this it just popped into existence out of nowhere seem sort of silly to me so so I just you know I really lightened up on on the idea of God after that so it just it was a gradual thing over time and then in 2000 and 2001 or 2002 thousand one right after 9/11 the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers my my high school was having their 10-year reunion and so I went to it and that's where I met my future wife she was somebody that I went to high school with and she was Catholic and she's very devout Catholic and we didand and we dated for about a year and a half after that and then we got married and I was able to we were able to get married in the Catholic Church because I had gone through I had been baptized then I went through First Communion so technically the church considered me Catholic even though I was convinced atheist and my wife already had a daughter and she said well you know I'm gonna intend to raise my daughter Catholic and I don't want you to get in the way of that so I agreed I thought you know well my life was kind of a train wreck before that anyway so what do I have to lose so we got married and I you know I went back to college started learning some new skills to get out of the bar scene just because it was too there's too much temptation there it's not conducive to married life and during that time I would ask my wife a lot of questions about the Catholic faith and she would answer them she'd have these really good answers a lot of times she'd say oh I don't know the answer that question but I'll find out and I'll get back to you and after a year and a half of that you know and asking and me asking her a lot of questions she finally said well why don't we just cut out the middleman and I'll show you where I'm getting answers and she pointed me to Catholic calm which is Catholic Answers website and so I spent a lot of time on Catholic calm just reading the material there and over you know over some time I became convinced of the Catholic position and in 2003 I came into the church I was confirmed in the cathedral san bernardino california yeah john just good to go a little back you know you said you were brought up in a good Catholic environment so what kind of instigated you to become an atheist what pushed you to become an atheist well my family everybody had left it wasn't really a good it was a Catholic environment I wasn't really a good I mean my parents are good people but they have different ideas and I think they didn't I think that the the the appeal of the church just was was lost on them for whatever reason I've never really asked him about it why they left they just did and and so there was no after that there was no worldview it was sort of a you know my parents philosophy was to each to each his own you know whatever path you decide you want to take will support that and so but I remember what sort of started moving me towards atheism as I ran into an essay called why I'm not Christian by Bertrand Russell and I found arguments in there to be really convincing and so then after that I started seeking out other atheist writers and I just listened to them and there was no at the time you know Karl Keating and Catholic Answers was a tiny thing there was no apologetics so there was no and there were no answers you know of when I went to CCD and those kinds of things when I was kid I'd ask questions of the teachers and they were more interested in you know making wooden crosses out of popsicle sticks and Elmer's glue them to her and actually didn't mean answers to real serious things you know and so I just I figured that since these people who were in those positions didn't have any answers that there weren't any answers and so it wasn't until my wife to introduce me to Catholic calm that I realized oh oh there actually are answers to these tough question yeah I was asking that a lot of people accuse the Church of giving an authoritative teaching which means you know they hold on to their view of whatever Juraj so so for an 80s to know he wants to find the right answers yeah so the acquisition and the way you found the right answers kind of you know is contrary to what what people say about the church right yeah well I think the church the church makes some pretty bold claims and so you you know you have to do your best to look into it for me it wasn't just you know when I those years between when when I was lightening up on on the idea of God and finally become a Catholic between those times I was looking at different religions I was looking at Hinduism I was looking at Buddhism I was looking at Islam you know so I didn't just step into Christianity by accident you know it's I mean the result there are different things there was the influence of my you know my wife's influence and and also just I find the the the arguments that the church makes in favor of its teachings are compelling and they and in my opinion they best explain why the world works the way it does yeah so uh John I just want to move ahead with the second part of the interview where I want to discuss your life as an atheist so you know generally 80s do not hold up to any moral standard they believe that there is no higher power or you know and and so on since there is no higher power there is no accountability so you can literally do anything that you want so what's your life like that as an atheist you know I can't I can only speak for myself in my particular and my views I don't know about all a theist but most of the atheists that I know usually stick to a principle that sort of do no harm principle you know as long as you're not harming someone else and that's sort of the guiding principle and and you know I mean you can that can I know I know some good atheists I know some bad Catholics you know what I mean just because somebody's Catholic doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be good people and just because somebody's atheist doesn't mean necessarily mean that they're just gonna do whatever they want it's a lot easier I mean for me as an atheist I could you know there was nothing that told me I couldn't you know drink beer all day long and and and smoke pot as long as I wasn't getting in my car and slamming into a family on the freeway or something so so and I did have to make a lot of adjustments when I became Catholic I did make a lot of changes in my life and and but but I know but I know a lot of atheists who you know that they they go by that sort of do no harm principle and you know they're they're pretty well-adjusted people but their life could be better you know what I mean it if they had God I think their lives could be even better than they are and so I think that they're missing that for me it's the the you know it's it's it's I want to be Catholic because I love Jesus right so I'm not in the church because you know it's this it's these rules that I that I like I'm there because I love Jesus and I want to do you know I want to I want to make myself better yeah so that leads me to the next question send Augustine says that God created us for himself so when you are a living and as an atheist how did you fill your God sized vacuum where there's something missing oh yeah I remember I used to wake up at night you know not all the time but but not infrequently either I would I would wake up in the in the middle of the night think just in sort of a cold sweat thinking gosh you know when I die is just this void and there's nothing after that and that kind of scared me a little bit you know wasn't enough to make me become a religious person of any religion you know a lot of religions teach life after death but but the thought of it there was a hole there you know and and it's something that that and I can't even describe it after becoming Catholic I just can't even describe that you know once it's some sometimes you don't even realize that the hole is there you know but then once it's filled it's like this it's it's an experience that you just really can't describe to somebody they almost have to experience it for themselves and you know this sense of value for life and human dignity comes from the fact that you know as Christians we believe that we are created in the image of God so when you when as an atheist when you say there is no God do you kind of value value your own life yeah yeah as a matter of fact um you know one of the things about being an atheist is that if it's if if this is all that there is then life becomes even more important as a matter of fact that one of the first things that started changing my mind about atheism was the I used to be a pro-choice and I you know I would say well I you know I remember my wife when we were dating she said she said are you pro-life or you pro-choice and I said well I'm neither I just but you know if if I was put in that situation I wouldn't you know I wouldn't favor abortion but I wouldn't tell somebody else that they couldn't she says well then you're pro-choice and I started thinking about it and then a few nights later I was watching this Clint Eastwood movie called the Unforgiven and he says this line in the movie he says it's a hell of a thing killing a man you take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have and I thought that's so if so if you abort somebody whose company you know if you aboard a human being coming into this life you've taken away everything that they're ever gonna have and why am I so special I mean why do I get to be here and somebody else didn't because it was some kind of choice and so you know so I lightened up on that and I think my my my whole view about just the value of human life I never really paid attention to homeless people I mean I'd talk to them and you know I'd give him money if I had money and I'd feed him but I didn't really but that was it and then I just felt like I did something good then I walked away and I didn't really care about other people but I find myself being more sort of attentive to to other people people around me knit more so now than years ago so what you're saying is they know when you lived as an atheist you kind of respected life but you didn't know why you were doing it yeah there was no big picture too attached that's what you think yeah yeah and I think some of that has to do with you know that the the passage in Romans chapter 2 that says you know the Gentiles do with the you know what the law requires because it's written on their heart even though they don't have them you know I think there's you know I think there's a lot to that so I think that you know atheists you know the atheists or anybody who's good they do they do the good things because it's written on their on their hearts you know even though they're not completely aware of the gospel message and next question is John you know you know that you know the Western civilization was built on the judeo-christian principles and you know for no more than 15 centuries that the Western civilization was drenched with Christianity and all of a sudden this concept called atheism comes into picture maybe in the sixteenth seventeenth century and you know it you know when you rot you are an atheist and you live in the Western civilization where every value is based upon the principles of Christianity how do you kind of compromise that I don't know I don't really think you can I think that you know especially here in the United States we've gotten to a point where things are really fragmented and that's because we don't agree on and you know the sort of moral absolutes I suppose you could say there's no and and we've got to got to sort of a breaking point where you know for example I'm not going to I'm not going to compromise on the issue of abortion I'm just not it's the killing of an innocent human being how can any pukka do it you know if you're convicted of that how can you compromise on it say oh well it's okay that you kill innocent human beings but I'm not going to that's just a silly and ridiculous and and so I think that it's that kind of fragmentation that's that is leading to sort of the downfall if you will or at least the slow decline of Western civilization I don't know that you could attribute that necessarily to atheism I think I think I think that the the fragmentation in the church you know with the Protestant Reformation and and sort of the splitting of the churches in that regard has just as much to do with it SP not believing in God so there's no there's no no you know even within Christianity you know we've got our Catholic faith but a lot of people outside you know they've got this this idea that they just pick up the Bible and and can understand it and come up with their own doctrine and you've got all these different Protestant churches I don't know I mean either actually are some people say 30,000 but I don't know if that numbers accurate and I don't really care I know I just know that there's a different church on every corner in my hometown you know and they don't all go to the same place because they don't all believe the same things and and I think that's just sort of a microcosm of society at large everybody believes something different we don't agree on anything anymore and that's what's causing the downfall John I just like to press on this particular issue you know I asked you about the Western civilization so when a person lives in the Western civilization and they see everything around them is based on Christianity and so what standard will an atheist have for his morals and values well I think it goes back to that do no harm principle I think that's just I mean it's just this one simple rule but even that is left open to interpretation you know what I mean what does that into do no harm you know if I'm you know let's say you're trying to raise your kids a certain way and you go out and the you know you get on the bus and and people there's some people would say oh well I just want to ride the bus completely naked and listen to super loud music you know what I mean it's you know how do you but you're trying to teach your kids not to be like that so how do you you know so the people that are doing that they think they're doing no harm because they're not doing any physical harm to you you know what I mean or maybe it's and maybe some people would add emotional harm what does harm mean and and that's where it gets kind of iffy to me you know to each his own is what I was raised on but you know even the people who say that don't really believe that you know they probably say to each his own as long as you still agree with me you know the people have just bumper stickers and that kind of thing that what they're really saying is you know we should all get get along but you have to kind of agree with me on so and and the last question in this segment John is that you know what did you lose the most that now looking back as your life as an atheist what did you think what do you think is that thing which you lost the most living as an atheist yes motivation motivation was the was the big one I didn't you know a sense of purpose a sense of moving on I was kind of trapped in a in a cycle of life that just wasn't really there was no vision for the future you know I was hard worker but I didn't there was nothing really to look forward to so I just kind of did the same old thing every day and once I came into the once I came into the church that's that God's eyes told that we were talking about before when I was build it really gave me a sense of purpose and and Drive and so I knew that I wanted to do I knew that I wanted to do something that involved something with the church and so when I was done you know when I was done with school I made television commercials and corporate video for a while I did a few years as a graphic designer and then position opened up to Catholic Answers and so I you know I I just took whatever I could to get my foot in the door here and because this is the the path that I want to follow and I've just been extremely happy and very blessed ever since yeah before we go to the next segment I just want to ask you the last question in this segment is the the fact that you know even in my life I have understood that when you have God you have a purpose for your life so do you know of any atheist or people who do not you know or agnostic will they have a real sense of purpose in their life do you think well there's one guy that comes to mind you know he's a he's a friend of mine and he's been a friend of mine for a very long time and you know he's a really good family man and I think that the purpose in his life is to be a good family man and you know he asked me a lot of questions and so part of me feels like he's still kind of maybe searching you know he a lot of I think a lot of people will say yeah I'm an atheist this and that but but a lot of a lot of the people that I've met who say that and you know when you really start talking to them I think they're a little they probably mean more agnostic than atheist you know you find out it's not so much that they believe theirs Oh God as it is that they just don't aren't sure and so they they look to other things to give purpose and meaning to their lives you know like raising their kids or or even being a good husband or a good father you know so they're not they're not left without any meaning at all but I just think that you know doing those do becoming a Christian for those sorts of reasons I think is maybe looking at it the wrong way you know like I'm not married to my wife because of what's in it for me I'm married to my wife because I love her and I want you know I want what's best for her and and and in love you do those sorts of things obviously there's nothing that God you know God doesn't need anything for me but but I'm in that I'm in that relationship because I love God and I wanted to as well and so that's that adds I think that adds another layer of purpose to your life you know but I think you can be an atheist and still have you know some meaning in your life it's not completely devoid of meaning it's just I think it's just absent of the most important thing because most of the people in the Silicon Valley are you know a tease so I was just trying to figure that out yeah the next segment John is debunking the arguments of atheism so you know I have few you know normal arguments with eighty eight east have so you can give your perspective on that and how you or in overcame those you know questions in your life so the first question you know as the cliche goes how can you prove the existence of God and you know I also would like to say that Bishop Baron says that you know not all not everything can be proved by scientific methods you know there are certain things which it cannot be proved by science but by other forms of things so what do you think about that particular question well I think that if somebody's trying to find proof for scientific proof for God they're look they're they're looking in the wrong they're looking in the wrong place you can't if God is it you know if God created time and God created matter and all those things and Sciences can only science can only investigate you know the material universe then you're not gonna find any you're not gonna find any evidence for God through those methods it's a philosophical question not a scientific one it's money like that the my boss and I were talking about this just the other day that philosophy used to be considered a science you know I just wade into matter of philosophy all the time they still tell you on the one hand oh well we don't need philosophy but then they you know that they they come up with you know they wade into philosophy when they when they say that a scientific conclusion means we ought to do this or we ought to do that and also Sen John Paul the second says that you know faith and reason are like two wings of a human spirit so the church is not against reason it's just that we have to understand it in the right perspective of what the church says when it says you know it doesn't agree to scientific proof of God's existence right absolutely and and some of the greatest scientists that have lived have been people of faith so you know I mean - from a Christian perspective you want to look at science and and and take it where where it leads you because you want to better understand God's creation you know there's no there there is no barrier between faith and science I think that they in fact I think they complement each other quite nicely yeah and the next question you know I have not you know I've heard a lot of eighties say this and but I've also heard a lot of believing practicing Catholics say this you know ask this question like you know most of the churchgoers or people who are part of the church administration are hypocrites because they do not practice what they preach especially with the child abuse scandals and so many things would just happened over the history in the church people you know people generally think that they no charge going people are hypocrites what do you have to say for that well yeah some of them are I mean maybe maybe even most of them but you know Jesus had hypocrites and isn't--it's then you can still follow him right and the the problem is the problem is people you know but the institution itself just because you know just because somebody is a hypocrite or even a even a criminal or so you know if a criminal comes up to you and tells you something that's true it doesn't make the thing not true because he was told to you by a criminal or hypocrite or whatever you know what I mean so that that argument to me is just sort of a fallacious line of reasoning I don't I don't accept that of course there are hypocrites in the church so what's the saying about it being a hospital for sinners not a hotel for Saints you know I just I go back to that I mean you know and the the priest abuse scandal it's a you know it's an unfortunate thing because it has tarnished the reputation of the church and we should be doing all we can to make sure that those kinds of things do not happen in our in our midst but it doesn't mean that at the end of the day that the church is false and not the reason why people tend to not believe in the existence of God is when they go through immense suffering in their personal life and when there is no solution that they could you know possibly see and they have prayed and asked God and nothing seems to happen in their life and eventually they come to the conclusion that there is no God right yeah the problem of evil there you know that's an that one's always been fascinating to me as an atheist you know I started reading a you know a lot of different Catholic philosophers and their their opinion of that and you know they're I don't believe that God God you know wishes evil on anybody God wants good for for everybody of all of his creation but the fact the matter is something happens that created that that caused this world to be fallen and and so you know there there are just imperfections that exist and we have to we have to deal with those imperfections for a time you know but God promises something better you know as long as we stick to our end of the bargain so to speak and you know I heard recently a parent telling me that he lost his 18 year old daughter in a road accident and till then you know he was a very good believe in Christine but ever since that happened in his life he stopped believing in God what would you tell for people who have gone through such situations in their life you know honestly I wouldn't tell him anything I would just I would just be I would just be friends to them I listen to them I I'd hear what they had to say because sometimes some of the worst things you can try to say is oh well you know God has a plan or you know or you know they're better off in heaven or you know somebody who's in in immense pain you know somebody like your buddy who lost his daughter it's better off just to back off a little bit and let him let him breathe you know if he's got questions for you he'll ask them and you can answer them when they come up but I wouldn't offer any sort of you know those kind of platitudes that a lot of people think of when somebody loses someone close to them I I would avoid that kind of stuff all together and just be there for him yeah and another argument with generally atheist and agnostics bring is the fact that you know God isn't in competition with you he kind of suppresses your freedom he does not let you do what you want to do with your life and he is against you determining who you are and what you want to do with your life and you know it's so contrasting because then Irenaeus says the glory of God is a human being fully alive what do you have to say for that I used to think that the you know that God you know God says no basically and you know it's if I was if I was uh if I was walking towards a cliff and somebody warned me about it you know are they are they suppressing my freedom you know my freedom to walk off a cliff without knowing it or you know is that I don't know that to me is just that that's also a silly line of argumentation but it's one that I believed for a really long time then my thought have you ever seen the the video with Penn Jillette you know the guy from Penn & Teller in the comedy duo he basically talks about how you know what kind of a jerk would someone have to be to not evangelize me you know if they knew that I was doing something and they were you know so he actually has a lot of respect for people who evangelize and and he understands whether where they're coming from I don't think it's a matter of God suppressing anybody's freedom as it is God telling you hey there's something better for you if you just follow these these these Commandments yeah and you know most of these arguments if you see the Catholic Church can give a compelling answer as you said rightly said John so why do you think in today's Western world that it is an atheism is growing if you know answers could be given I think because we Christians are not doing a very good job of evangelizing I think it I think it boils I think a lot of it boils down to that you know we a lot of people are afraid to evangelize a lot of people don't take the time and the effort to understand their own faith you know I've run into a lot of Catholics a lot of Christians who frankly don't know why they believe what they believe or they just sort of go they just go along with it because they were raised that way or you know I'm a firm believer that whatever position you take you should study it thoroughly and know exactly what it is that you believe why and do you think argumentation is the most effective way to you know bring back an eighties to the church no no I think argumentation is just being you know I think you should just be ready for when the questions come up but ultimately I you know I agree with Pope Benedict and other Pope's who said you know you need to be you need to be a friend to people first you need to be prepared that's what first Peter 3:15 says always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that's in but do it with chinta you know with charity and reverence and so you know I believe that be prepared to make the defence for somebody always on you to do that but don't just like you know go up to random people and start arguing with them hey your name yes I'm gonna tell you why you're wrong I think that you know you just you befriend people you answer their questions when they ask and and and but be ready you know know your faith know those things and the opportunities will arise God will put those opportunities and friendly you know no doubt so and I asked you this question before so do you think atheism is one of the main reasons for the downfall of the European society and Western civilization as a wholly I do not I think it's a contributing factor but I think that I think that the the decline of Western civilization has more to do with people not agreeing on on unmoral issues you know we regard yeah and you also said your journey back to the Catholic faith started when you met your wife so you also said that when you asked the questions she was able to give the answers but what more that she did kind of you know pull you back to the church be when we first got married my wife Amy would you know she would invite me to go to Mass with her and you know and I started thinking about it was like you know if she wants to raise if she wants to raise her daughter Catholic I probably shouldn't be sending any confusing signals so I just started going with her and every time and when I went I you know I came across people who are actually living their faith you know they would go and you know they had a the thing that impressed me the most was the the pro-life ministry at our parish you know they were there actually out there helping women in crisis pregnancy situations and you know and and in doing the things that they they didn't just talk about it they were actually out doing it and so I think it was it was partly my wife's patience with me you know with my questions and the the joy that I mean you could see that the Catholic faith brought her a lot of joy and then also the witness of the other people that at her at her parish you know they were all they were all living the faith and when the last question John so how did you coming back to the Catholic faith change your life well my life is a million times better right it's I couldn't even there's no way to even measure it it's just I'm super blessed I work in a place where you know I go to Mass every day you know we've got a chaplain here I can go to confession whenever I want their spiritual direction I worked with a lot of really great people who love Jesus and and even on the weekends outside of here I you know I ran into you know people who who like I said they actually lived their faith and and and there's a lot of good really good Catholics out there there's also a lot of Catholics who who don't know that much about their faith they don't really know why they believe they come to church on Sunday and they just sort of sit in the pew but they don't really know why they're there and those are those are the people that I really want to reach and that's what motivates me when I get up in the morning you know the atheists and when I most of my friends are a theist just because of how I grew up the people that I hung around with for for most of my life and so you know I'm just I'm just patient with them and you know and I answered their questions when they come up I'm not you know I'm not in their face with my Catholicism and a very pitching about that but my real passion is for those Catholics and go to church but aren't really quite sure why they're there that's my those are the people I want to reach because I feel like in my own life if somebody like if somebody who knew the faith pretty well had been there for me I might not have spent so much time away from the church yeah and you know most of the 80s today in this generation get become atheist because of what is happening in the online social media platforms there are a ton of 80s to know who are evangelizing their people so do you think as Catholics we should be there with our full arsenal you know fighting these people and evangelizing Catholics and bringing them back to the church yeah but you know one of the things I noticed on social media or discussion forums or those kinds of things is even among Catholics is just this role lack of charity you know and and and sometimes people don't even realize they're doing it or they use this excuse that oh well it's tough love this person needs to hear it all in the delivery man it's all in the delivery you've got to be charitable st. Peter calls us to that Jesus calls us to that it's it's in the delivery it's so I don't look at it as a I don't look at it as a fight you know I'm not answering these people's questions or befriending them because I I like fighting it's because I genuinely care for these people and and and I found the truth and I and I want other people to see that too and so you know you just can't be a jerk to people when you're when you're talking to them and and I see so much of that you know I run a lot of different social media platforms and and you know a lot of times I just want to jump in there and say ah man you gotta you gotta lighten the delivery there you can't it you can't just punch people in the face with your faith you know she should be more of an invitation than a challenge yeah that was one of my friends who said even if you have a diamond and if you're going to you know a beautiful diamond and if you're going to throw it at the face of another person it's going to hurt them even if it's as beautiful as a diamond so you know you know John I should say it was a very enriching interview because as a believer whenever I come across these questions that a tease ask you know even I really it's a mystery you know I don't have the right answers and this interview was very clarifying and I'm I hope that it will be for a lot of people so thank you for taking the time John thank you for having me I really appreciate it and I'm I'm really impressed with what you're doing and I hope that it continues and that God blesses all your work thank you John [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: atheist conversion stories, Atheist to Catholic, atheist conversion to catholicism, catholic convert, catholic conversion testimony, catholicism, Catholic Testimony, atheist vs christian, jennifer fulwiler conversion, catholic answers, Steve Ray, catholic, Song on Fire, Song on Fire Catholic Ministries, Jon Sorenson, joseph Dinesh, conversion, christianity, Catholicism, Catholic Faith, atheist experience
Id: n8OiHUKmiGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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