An Apostolic Shift | Jeremiah Johnson | The Watchman’s Corner

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hey it's jeremiah johnson i'm so excited to come to you today and invite you to join me on a brand new e-course that we've just launched called end time messengers arise you know i'll admit that the greatest passion in my heart even in the midst of covet 19 is that god would raise up bold unashamed end-time messengers that would prepare the bride of christ to meet the bridegroom king i have an urgency in my heart as the anti-christ spirit is raging in the nations of the earth that god is seeking a remnant people who will not run away from the coming battle but will engage the enemy on the front lines of the battle and call the church back to her first love on this e-course you're going to learn practical tools on how to get invested in the bride of christ and god is going to challenge you at the deepest levels of your heart that now is the time to prepare i want to encourage you sign up today it's going to be powerful and we will all be marked for eternity check it out [Music] welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson i'm excited today to bring to you a message broadcast live from around our nation you know in the midst of covet 19 god is seeking a radical remnant calling us to the front lines of the battle i know that you'll be blessed by today's message and i encourage you to hang in there after this message for a special time of prayer check it out [Music] let's take a look at the global pandemic numbers now stay away from crowds stay home as much as you can the cdc has confirmed this is the first case in the country houses of worship essentially remnant is rising [Music] god is looking for a remnant in america who's going to build arts of his presence all over america your family might think you're crazy your friends might have never heard of that revelation before [Music] [Music] um as i was listening to brother sadhu speak last night what i heard was a father and i heard an apostolic shift and we see in scriptures that paul traveled with barnabas prior to antioch where they were commissioned both as apostles but barnabas the son of encouragement a prophet traveled with paul you have an apostolic prophetic team there paul traveled with silas a prophet you have an apostolic prophetic team the foundations of the church are built on the apostolic and the prophetic and so what i believe the lord is asking me to do just kind of at least for my time here is to try to inject an apostolic dna into your mind and into your heart i think that we limit ourselves in the prophetic movement greatly when we don't grab a hold of an apostolic revelation and a shift so some of you this might be your first time maybe hearing about the apostolic or how it can partner with the prophetic anointing but obviously most of us know the word pastor is only mentioned once in the new testament the out of the five ministries the most that is mentioned is apostles and then prophets and so we're going to talk about this this morning i woke up again early and felt god's heart but i do want to just make an opening statement i do believe that overall the prophetic movement has become drunk on hearing god at the expense of obeying god we make the focus of our prophetic schools and our prophetic conferences all about hearing what god is saying but if you heard brother sudo last night what is he saying it's more than being a hearer of the word you've got to be a doer of the word right it's more than having a facebook account and telling people what god is saying how about we do something about it it's more than getting on social media talking about how there are no prophetic churches in my state how about you plant one so you're going to feel a little bit of a tension here this morning because when an apostolic shift comes it seeks to mobilize you it seeks to empower you it's getting you out of the soaking position posture and it's saying it's time to pioneer great you have 68 prophetic words why have none of them ever come to pass because i'll be honest with you i meet folks all over the united states of the world they've got 28 prophecies they're they're looking for another one and they still haven't partnered or even thought about obeying the last one so i believe we're going to turn the corner i believe we're going to make a shift i believe many of us have received we're hearing what god is saying but now the lord is going to release an apostolic shift i thank god for the fathers that are here that's what i'm hearing from bobby and brother sadhu real fathers that love you enough to tell you the truth to encourage the urgency of the hour we've got to get to work we've got to begin to build we've got to begin to plant we've got to begin to take the gifts the calling the anointing that's inside of you an activate you and empower you in the various sphere of influence god has called you to walk in so can you say apostolic shift all right grab the hand of the person next to you we're going to pray i do have several resources on apostolic ministry on the table if this message is doing something bubbling in you you can get those resources at the table all right let's pray father we just declare an apostolic shift over this house we decree an apostolic shift over every person in this room lord we begin to pray that the seed not just in this conference but from years past god let it germinate lord we ask that you would send rain that you would cause a bubbling forth lord i pray for a pioneering anointing to rest in this place we declare that it's time for the people of god to rise up and do great exploits for the kingdom of god we declare that men and women will rise and turn cities upside down lord we thank you for the outpouring of the holy spirit in the upper room but we declare that we are filled with the holy spirit so that we can go and be witnesses and impact society god we call forth the harvest of this nation and we say god will you use us more than god just do it god would you use each and every one of us in this room lord we ask release an apostolic shift in the mighty name of jesus and everybody said would you turn in your bibles to first corinthians chapter 15. i got a call this morning from our pool guy down in florida and um he said that our uh pool pump uh had broken and he said you know it's interesting i can shock your pool i can dump so many good chemicals in that pool but if the motor doesn't work on the pump that water's going to become clouded and stay green likewise god can put good seed in you you can get great prophecies of promise and destiny if you don't have a motor baby you're not going to get to your destiny i know the message of grace is being emphasized in this generation and we're going to talk about grace but we're also going to talk about labor we're going to talk about perseverance we're going to talk about endurance we're going to talk about pressing through the hard times grabbing hold of the grace of god and bearing much fruit lord i want fruit in my life i want to be traceable i want people to be able to come into my life and say wow thank you that there was a man who did more than just prophesy he built and established he discipled he got involved in every sphere of society so the message this morning is called this what god has joined let no man separate what god has joined let no man separate now that be a great topic for marriage i'm not here to talk about marriage bobby could do that he's been married like 50 something years praise god but what we're talking about this morning is grace and labor what god has joined let no man separate in the scriptures this morning we're going to look at how god has joined grace and labor and established an apostolic shift in the earth so that his kingdom might come fully back in april something began to trigger inside of me god began to encounter me concerning this we had scheduled a meeting up in minnesota does anyone like me not like snow i grew up in the snow and so my vow was when i got married i will never live in the snow again but be careful because often times what you vow not to do that's ding ding ding for the lord that's exactly what you're going to do so we scheduled it in april up in northern minnesota believing that the blizzards would be gone well just to god's joy he sent a blizzard that weekend there was a dear sister who showed up talk about hunger who had driven 15 hours in a blizzard on her own the main roads were closed she prayed took back roads and that sister showed up to that meeting in northern minnesota and had herself a great encounter with the lord hunger looks like something that's a pioneering spirit that's an apostolic shift that's a woman that said the lord told me to go to that conference and i'm not letting any obstacle any trial any enemy attack lord i'm gonna stand on your word and guess what she had to drive the car she had to partner with the grace of god in order to get there listen there is great destiny there is great promise over your life over this region but god is looking for a pioneering people who are willing to grab hold of the purposes of god and begin to mobilize them begin to put an arm and a leg to them you know the prophets and the prophetic people they're great because they have a dream they have a vision but we don't know what to do with it but dad used to say you need an arm and a leg you got like a body you got a vision but where are the arms and the legs that's going to get that prophetic word to actually come to life so we're up there in minnesota in the blizzard and they rented out this curling stadium you guys know the curling this town of just a few thousand people folks from all over the northern part of the united states assembled and i was doing some prophetic training and equipping at the end of the service they took up an offering for our time there and there was an older gentleman in his 80s that came forward and he said brother i i don't have any money i really don't have any material things to get you i've been a a poor farmer most of my life i've worked these fields in northern minnesota with my hands just to provide for my family but he said i want to give you the gloves my favorite pair of gloves that i've used for more than 25 years so these gloves that i have here i'll put them on just so that you can see them this dear brother this farmer gave me these gloves these worn out gloves this pioneer this faithful steward this man who really didn't feel like he had quote much to offer materially but what he gave me was an encounter he gave me a prophetic word he began to prophesy to me and say jeremiah and he's prophesying to me but i believe he's prophesying to you there's a fresh pioneering anointing that's about to come upon the prophetic movement my people will no longer just be hearers of the word they will be doers they will not only collect seed the seed of the word of the lord but they will learn how to put it in the ground they will learn how to toil they will learn how to till the soil something mighty has come upon me what i'm just simply calling an apostolic shift where god is beginning to teach us how to marry his grace with our hard work how to take the promises of god and how to look at the process in order to get to prophetic fulfillment i want to be someone that's more than just i received a word what have i done with the word one of the greatest myths in the prophetic movement is just because you get a word it's going to come to pass that didn't work for israel did it a whole nation got a prophetic word flowing with milk and honey do you know how many in that generation inherited that promise to so much of the old testament prophecy is actually conditional if you then i will can i tell you that most new testament prophecy is if then we're just so focused on i got a word the guy said i'm the next billy graham so i'm just going to go home and play video games and eat potato chips and that word better come to pass and of course when it doesn't we think the guy was a false prophet when the truth is we were a poor steward are we doing telling you this thing called responsibility has become a cuss word in the body of christ we have a responsibility there is a divine partnership when we hear the word of the lord what we immediately with this apostolic shift have to begin to ask ourselves is what decisions do i have to make what shifts what changes are required in order to fulfill this prophetic word and i'll just save you some time most of the time that first step is your character welcome to the lancaster 2019 prophetic conference wow this is different a lot of hard words going forth no god is preparing you to inherit destiny you know why things have been so heavy the last few so much repentance and holiness and correction and he's trying to wake you up so that after we wake up we get to work this isn't like you just come in the shop oh that was a great conference no it's the shock paddles it's the awakening it's the cleansing it's the correction but it's so that you get sent you get empowered there's a fresh wind of grace that begins to blow upon your back not so that you can just wait to come back next year to hear another word from the lord it's so that you come back next year as a faithful steward that you obeyed the word you heard last year why would he give you another word when you're not faithful with the word you've already gotten. people email us all the time why haven't i got a new prophetic word why won't you prophesy to me here's the short answer you probably weren't faithful with the last one first samuel 3 a lot of people don't understand this about the hebrew language first samuel 3 the samuel says to the lord speak lord for your servant is listening this hebrew understanding of listening listen this is what it means to listen with the intent of obeying maybe god's not talking to us because we have no intention of obeying what he's about to speak well brother every word that i get must confirm what i've already had in my heart to do i don't believe in prophecies about new things well here's the problem with that if you've just limited the prophetic the real prophetic to simply confirming what you already have in your heart you're assuming that you're in the will of god quiet in here i'm telling you every real prophetic word i've gotten wasn't even on my radar never even had a when god called me to plant a church people i literally fell out of the chair cried my eyes out and said oh god no and the people were gathering around me like thinking i'm having some joyful god and they're saying more lord and i'm saying oh god stop no no no most of the i i mean a lot of my lord tell me you're gonna you're gonna travel i'm a scheduled guy i don't like being away from my wife and fam everything the lord has put me up to and i'm asking the lord one day why why can't i be one of those guys who can just tell people i love to plant churches i love to travel and he said it's that way with you so that you can never try to get the glory you'll never be able to boast and say i thought of this and i wanted to do this you're going to have to stand before people and say by the grace of god he called me he sustained me he gave me grace i found myself in doors in places that i could have never imagined but it wasn't my idea it was his i don't know what kind of dreams you've got i don't know what kind of desires you have in your heart but if those dreams and those desires don't require divine intervention your dreams and your desires are too small how we doing i'm just ready to get wild all right first corinthians 15. let's look at paul in first corinthians 15 verse 10 paul here he lived under an apostolic anointing i'm asking god to release a mobilizing fatherly maturity let's get a little kick in the pants and get to work kind of anointing i know some of us older folks in here that sounds great as i mentioned in lakeland what we're finding out with young people is they don't even want to work a job but they have tons of destiny right okay first corinthians 15 10 paul says and we're going to look at a marriage here but by the grace of god i am what i am sounds like popeye do you remember i am what i am but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace toward me did not prove in vain but i labored even more than all of them yet not i but the grace of god so paul is doing a little shifting here he's doing a little marriage here he's doing a little preferring and deferring he's releasing the secret to walking underneath an apostolic shift that's going to get the prophetic movement not just to prophesy destiny but to inherit destiny it's always been interesting pastor joe i can go into places and prophesy the word of the lord and walk out and then as a church planter i prophesied the word of the lord and then i actually had to mobilize it two totally isn't it nice you could just walk up to people and just like ruin their life like we just the lord says move the lord says we just drop like these crazy directional like all i i one really can't stand that and for me as i've grown in an apple i'm already looking at my gosh in order for that person to move they're gonna have to leave their grandkids and if you're a grandparent in here that's a big deal in order they're going to have to quit their job that's a i'm already looking at what is it going to take to par what what cost what price is required and this is for me it just changed everything i went from the guy at the conference wearing the bright colored t-shirt so the prophet couldn't miss me i mean i was sad i was so desperate i used to try to talk to them when they were going number two i mean they're in the stall and i'm i'm trying to hey please don't do that sometimes i don't want to tell my stories because then i'm like people are gonna they're gonna do that to me and it's just gonna be don't hitchhike to profits conferences no you should just i mean never mind okay next year i lost my train of thought i never do that what was i talking about yeah inheriting destiny there's a partnership so i was desperate to get a word but when i started realizing the process and the price that's required here was my revelation the greater the promise the deeper the process you're going to be a great prophet to this nation you're going to tear down and i i used to oh yeah i want the big word of destiny it's just going to be awesome i'm just going to get a great prophetic word and go back home and everything's going to be great and all of a sudden i realize my gosh if you read your bible the greater the destiny the greater the process baby you better get ready for the warfare you you better get ready for the onslaught of the devil because he is going to contend against that prophetic word i remember standing up a gentleman in pennsylvania about six years ago and i usually don't do this but i had a word from the lord prophesying to him that he would become a multi-millionaire and he would fund the kingdom of god a week later we got an email letting me know i was a false prophet because all his stocks crashed and he lost everything now again understanding this shift i'm telling you about today i actually responded and said i know now that that's a more true word of the lord than when i gave it to you a lot of we get thrown we get a great word and then bam but what if the bam is actually the proof that there's power in the word what if we could grow up and mature as the body of christ and take all the good seed that we receive at these conferences and we hear online and the seed just wouldn't fall into pockets with holes in them but that we would learn how to hide the word in our hearts we would learn how to partner with it we would actually learn how to tremble under the word of the lord that we would have a reverential fear of receiving lord what is it that you're requiring of me through this word amen to me this is the life of paul great destiny i mean how about this prophetic word he sees jesus christ and hears the word i'm going to show you how much you're going to suffer well brother that's not new covenant all prophecy has to be encouraging and positive i just wish we'd actually look in the book of revelation a new covenant post-resurrection jesus is rebuking and correcting and he's telling jezebel i'm about to throw you on a sick bed praise the lord all right underline verse 10 let's just dissect this how we doing all right here we go but by the grace of god can we talk about grace just for a second my favorite definition of grace personally that has always made the most sense to me i've heard people give definitions of grace unmerited favor i just it doesn't i don't understand it for me the best definition for jeremiah to understand grace is this it's divine influence upon our hearts grace is the divine influence of god upon our hearts to live by grace means to depend upon god to enable us and empower us we aren't striving in our own power to do something for him rather he's working in us and through us to accomplish his will one more time to live by grace means to depend upon him to enable us and empower us we aren't striving on our own to do something for him rather he is working in us and through us to accomplish his will paul would constantly make these statements according to the grace given to me i say to you this word according in the greek language is kata k-a-t-a and it means this in agreement with now listen to it paul in agreement with the grace that god has given to me i say to every one of you are you and i coming into agreement with the grace of god that he has made available to us in his son jesus christ are we receiving are we allowing a work of grace to work in us and through us so that when we make accomplishments when we do great things we aren't boasting in our own gifts and talents rather we are giving jesus the credit because without his grace we are nothing if god were to take his hand off your business it's gonna go if god takes his hand off your marriage off your life are we waking up every day saying god i thank you for your grace and your mercy it was you that put breath in my lungs it was you that gave me the gifts and the talents for your glory that i might establish your kingdom and not my own lord i thank you for giving me these children that are not mine these are gifts that you have given me to steward while they walk the earth how we doing i love the grace of god but here's the secret satan never counterfeits trash satan never counterfeits trash do you know why there's a false grace movement in the earth because satan knows the true power of real grace operating in the life of the saints come on i just get excited see i was an athlete you could probably tell i got a lot of testosterone right i'm just the lord gave me three girls hallelujah i do have a boy praise the lord we got a boy dog it's recent they're trying to but you know in the athletic world it i mean you just you person you gotta you gotta do it i mean you to put in the work you got to train i mean i started when i was four years old i was one of those guys early on i was given over to in my own strength and in my own ability but when you come to the kingdom of god the guy on the court just shooting them like michael jordan swooshing every time in the kingdom he has just as m much worth value and significance as the guy on the bench that's hurt that rattles our performance in our own strength the grace of god comes to neutralize human ability and talent and says will you now make room for the grace of god to work in you and through you hear me and you will do by his grace what you could never do in your own strength can i talk about money for a minute praise god we're not taking up an offering after this so don't get scared can i just mention in passing this thing about tithing apparently we've been freed from tithe it's old testament it's under the law i've got a revelation of grace for me i'm not even going to argue tithe 10 percent because here's just simply what i want to know are you telling me under the old covenant in my own strength and abilities the requirement of the law was ten percent we're clear are you telling me in my own strength and my own abilities ten percent now under the new covenant it's no longer my strength but his his power his spirit working with are you telling me that under grace now when god gets involved i get to give less let me just look at your neighbor and give him the craziest face you can make okay i'm going to rattle your cages here's real biblical grace if under the law in my own strength i gave 10 i've been delivered i've been set free to an understanding of true generous new covenant giving where 10 is no longer the maximum it's the minimum quiet in here dude like the big grace of god who breathed his breath and said here's i mean to what have you ever felt his grace blow through your body blow through your family blow through oh i'm dependent i ache i long for it god i need your grace oh we need it like the breath in our lungs where would we be without it when that grace starts blowing on your money when it starts blowing on your family you know just oh what's the minimum i can do what's the minimum i can do on earth and still get into heaven what's the minimum i can put in the offering bucket and just get out of here what's the minimum people that are empowered by grace don't ask about minimums they're always looking for maximums it's just sad that this isn't preached more we're so not used to hearing real empowering liberating grace of god that frees us from our own abilities and invites to if you could just saints if you could believe the dream of god's heart for your life ask our children what do you want to do for a career how about what's god's dream for your life are we leaving any room for little johnny to catch a dream of god's heart for being a great missionary evangelist i tell you when the grace of god the real grace of god begins to blow through the church again he's going to raise up a company of nobodies and make them a somebody because they're willing to give all glory and all honor to the lord jesus christ come on somebody's feeling this come on saints i mean paul guy paul like the apostle like the guy the chief pioneer who paid the ult i mean we think we're radical we're committed not this brother right here pioneered the new testament church and he opens up with but by the grace of god i am what i am philippians 3 here are my accolades here are my accomplishments i love his language but compared to knowing jesus christ my lord and experiencing his grace his divine empowerment to fulfill his will all that other stuff he says is a bunch of dung a bunch of poo poo has anybody ever showed you their pile of poo poo look what i have done no jack you didn't do anything it was his grace working through your life it's like crazy why would you get prideful over your gifts when he gave them to you so it's crazy about jealousy why would you get jealous of what someone else has when they did nothing to get it it's okay because paul deals with this i couldn't come to you as mature men but as infants because there's still jealousy among you they're still the church at corinth he's he's after them about this stuff saying listen you guys are living in these small little pods of your own strength and your own ability how about you let the grace of god begin to blow through your life blow through your marriage it's so liberating we have a family in lakeland a couple raised seven kids i mean they went seven for seven okay i'm just kind of the lord convicted now like you got seven kids if like four of them turn out good that's probably a decent percentage i mean seven out of seven five are missionaries i mean the most godly family you've ever met so i'm going to this guy with four young kids saying hey man what's the formula have you written a book i'm looking for like some you know help us and he looks at me one day and he just starts crying dude he'd mess me up he starts crying he said jeremiah i sense a level of deception in your mind in your heart right now he said you actually think in your own strength and in your own gifting you can get your kids to where they need to be i'm telling you somebody's hearing from god he said here's the secret and he's just crying he said he said i got down on my knees my wife and i grabbed hands every morning and just said oh god we have no idea what we're doing [Music] and they're just confessing their helplessness this is what attracts the grace of god i'm telling you some of you you are not inheriting destiny not because of the devil but because you are in the way [Music] you are it's not a demon it's not a timing issue it's a you issue when are we gonna surrender and get down and say lord use a weak broken twisted this is the power of the gospel oh weak twisted broken people when they encounter the gospel god can do anything this is the good news this is not a self-help program the gospel confirms yes you are so messed up we're afraid to tell people this you see how twisted it is come to church we make you feel really good give you all the comforts just accept jesus put them in the buffet have a nice life you're going to heaven not no the gospel confirms how we twisted narcissistic depraved but you'll be uncomfortable if you don't recognize how jacked up you are the grace of god always shines brightest against the black backdrop the diamond we'll never understand the grace of god until we get a revelation of our human depravity you will never fulfill your destiny until you confess i can't get there without god lord i give you this prophetic word i give you this scrubby come on folks are you like pinch yourself like you got sudo and and bobby you got the i mean i mean wherever i go i mean they're so this is like they're so desperate they would pay anything to be here today you get to sit under all this great teaching and all this seed and sooner or later i for me i'm just like god when are we going to do something with this how we doing am i crazy man by the grace of god let's finish it i am what i am and his grace toward me did not prove vain this is a greek word again i'm just breaking it down vain it means the grace of god had an impact it produced a result people could look at my life and recognize the evidence of the grace of god working through me saints it's only 11. wake up you know what type of salvations we should be believing for the type of salvations where someone was so stinking messed up they were so out there that people start getting saved because they look at them and say if you can get saved anyone can get saved but that's the work of grace it transforms it empowers it doesn't leave the prodigal in the pig slop it pulls him up out of it this is you once were lost but now you're found you once were a poor father but you met some crazy dude from lakeland who said you can do it baby you might have come feeling you're a failure but have you met the spirit of grace see i used to preach grace all the time like a concept like an idea until i had a dream one night where the spirit of grace came to me and it's the holy spirit jesus prince of peace god and father of our lord jesus christ paul writes and says grace and peace to you you know here's the secret he's invoking the trinity into every new testament letter i missed it so i need the grace of god no i need the holy spirit the spirit of grace i need to get out of the way and let him do his work in me artie ready we're almost done joe how long got five minutes two listen listen let's just turn the corner here when the grace of god comes it empowers us it fills us it drives us this is where the labor part comes in and i'll just close with this and again i know it sounds like a cop-out but you can get more at the table if you want more but listen he says it did not prove vain and look at this but i labored even more than all of them who is this guy saying that he out labored again i'm going to win back the real spirit of grace in the church today those who preach grace the most should be the hardest workers in our midst but welcome to an american culture who everyone who preaches and talks about grace is lazy because it's all about effortless union in christ what the grace of god i am what i am it did not prove in vain but i out labored i outworked but where does he give the credit to but not i but the grace of god when the grace of god begins to blow on the church in america we will begin to rise up we will begin to get out of the stinking pew and stop becoming so spiritually fat and lethargic and that grace is gonna blow on us and we're gonna do great exploits we're gonna turn cities and regions upside down we're not just going to get a word we're going to mobilize the word we're going to see our families our neighborhood saints we need an apostolic shift in the church [Applause] last close let me just define this word labor just so that you have an idea when paul says i out labored all of you he's not talking about i spent a couple hours on facebook debating people please my gosh can we just please a lot of us just get off social media and do something we're telling people how to do a church and we don't even attend one like get some skin in the game build relationship and effect change don't be a part of the prophetic peanut gallery that wants to tell people how bad the church is how about you be a part of the solution grab hold of a pioneering anointing an apostolic shift and build something but here's what it's going to take i out labored all of you it describes a literal beating or the weariness that comes from a beating it speaks of intense hard weary some toil even to the point of utter exhaustion and fainting the intensity of the work leaves the workers so weary that it's as if they were physically beaten right now i'm telling you i am neck deep in a generation looking to be preachers missionaries they're of all ages they're coming to lakeland they love the grace message they get excited and then when you actually tell them what the grace is for to help you accomplish this type of labor they want out i don't want to work a job i don't like it i don't want to be married anymore it doesn't feel good i just want to be an apostle what's that mean i'd like a microphone i'd like some gator shoes i'd like some ripped up jeans i'd like a following i want to change the world i want to do this i want to do that are you ready to pay the price all right saints grace and labor an apostolic shift we're going to witness the word of the lord mobilized in this generation like never before we're going to see a company of old and young rice who they will love and cherish the word of god but their very next step is what's the price how do we get to work i want some skin in the game i'm here to call you by the word of the lord out of the shadows out of the shallows relationship is a two-way street they're not calling me you call them they're not coming you go get them stop the excuses i will not take no for an answer that woman in that blizzard up in minnesota 15 hours in her car she would not take no for an answer i encourage you i challenge you to rise up into a place of maturity and say there's nothing that's going to keep me from my destiny for the sake of today's message primarily we're talking about ourselves don't let you get in the way of what god has called you to do would you bow your heads with me i believe there's a tangible impartation here for a pioneering anointing i'm going to pray in faith okay just 30 seconds i'm probably going to just get a little wild but i'm telling you if you feel something in your spirit some of you this is it right here father in the name of jesus i ask and i decree a pioneering anointing that would be released in this place we call forth the establishing of prophetic hubs of church plants we declare that an apostolic shift is coming to the prophetic movement where we are going to begin to mobilize i release an anointing for ideas and inventions we thank you for the entrepreneurials in here the business owners we thank you for the mothers and the fathers lord release by the power of your spirit by the name of jesus that's above every other name let great exploits come let cities be turned upside down let's families be saved in a day god we need your grace we need your grace we need your grace help us to partner with it no fear lord i bind up fear in this place of the cost we thank you that no matter where we go no matter how hard it gets your grace is always available in us and i just decree someone in here you are scared of being weak you fear being weak and i remind you with the scriptures in our weakness we are made strong christ in you the hope of glory greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world we give god all the honor and all the praise could we stand up and give god a shout of praise today [Applause] i want to thank you so much for joining us today on the watchmen's corner i pray that the message that just went forth was a blessing to you that you were strengthened and encouraged we're going to go into a time of prayer but before we do that i want to ask you to consider sowing into the watchmen's corner television program the ministry of jeremiah johnson ministries we are impacting lives on a daily basis we're witnessing salvation miracles and deliverance be the portion of this generation there's going to be a prompt that's going to pop up on your screen you can follow the directions be sure to check out our website jeremiahjohnson let's pray now father we just thank you for this opportunity today to gather and hear what you're saying to the churches we lift up every need to you those that are sowing financially into the program god we just ask lord for greater blessing to be ours today in the name of jesus christ amen thank you so much for joining us in the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 12,259
Rating: 4.8937383 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremiah, Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, JJM, Ministries, Ministry, God, Jesus, Prophet, Prophecy, Author, Christianity, Christ, Jesus Christ, Church, jeremiah johnson ministries
Id: p7-q7iqXIGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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