An Afternoon with Gardiner! - The Linux Gamer (L1 Ramble)

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this video is brought to you by asrock and z 490 I've got some big news last Rock and Intel have teamed up a new egg check out the link below you can get a motherboard a CPU bundle with a discount yeah who doesn't like saving money you can combine the ads Rock motherboard there's several different ones to choose from my personal pick would be to tie cheesy 490 it's got some surprising features and it won't break the bank even at you know the suggested retail products but you can combine the CPU and the motherboard and get a really good discount it's got majimak audio which is you know like having an add in audio solution it's actually a good audio solution it's dr. Moss so if you want to do overclocking you know you're gonna get the i7 or the i9 the 10 core I 9 you can overclock with this motherboard I did it I tested it it works great it's an awesome motherboard for Z 490 it's pcie gen 4 ready everything that you need for the new socket 1200 in the new Intel CPUs so if you want the fastest single thread performance you can possibly get right now well you know everything from the 10 600 k all the way up but you definitely want to overclock if you're gonna get the 10 600 K or the 10 900k or even the i7 and the 10th generation and that asrock z 490 is gonna take you there so check out the link below check out the special at new egg you can order directly from new I can get that bundled discount it's really awesome thanks to asrock for sponsoring this video I've got another Linux video for you today I'm here with Gartner Linux gamer we're not gonna be talking about gaming though no although you played the half-life Alex yeah and it's pretty good it's pretty good I haven't played it at all have you ever played any VR uh beat Sabre beat Sabre which is about as much of a train wreck as you might imagine yeah you seem like a pretty coordinated guy no I'm a ballerina okay so I'll tell you a little bit the story so I started playing doom eternal right before half-life Alex comes out and I'm like wow doom eternal is like really really fun I'm loving this game and then half-life Alex comes out I beat half-life Alex in about 15 hours I go back to do maternal I'm like I'm like a first person shooter ever again I mean it's that intense like you're you get like people shooting at you and you're literally ducking behind cover I mean it is one of the most immersive games I've ever played Wow yeah I figured we could do you know this is one of those cool low effort videos where we can just talk about five or six videos five or six topics or whatever it's not enough to really be their own video but there's a lot of happenings in the Linux world and Plus maybe some people on my channel or not familiar with yours you're doing a lot more Linux content than I am because well like those projects I showed you it's like okay I've dumped 20 hours into this how-to and there's literally an unfixable bug with this that maybe eventually I'll fix right and I'm the kind of guy who's like Oh a news topic let's just make some clickbait I build Greg Crow Hartman's machine that's fun and then beyond that is like how to set up raid on arch and it was like whoa it was LVM versus Linux MD and so it turns out LVM has raid built in like its own raid functionality built in which i've known for a while but when I tried that years ago it was like super incomplete wasn't buggy it just was incomplete but like Red Hat has actually put a lot of work into LVM so that you can like ileum is your one-stop shop for anything that you would need no technically the LVM raid uses the indie functions for raid but then look like something goes wrong the tools for fixing it like you're not gonna be using in the admin to manage the array so some people are like it's the same code and it's like you're wrong for all practical intents and purposes but technically I guess that is correct but it's a useless statement it's like if I'm if it's three o'clock in the morning and stuff is broken and you said that I would strangle you because well technically correct if it's utterly useless yeah I guess that sort of brings up the first thing which is we're both rockin AMD systems now yeah we are and that's pretty awesome I'm rockin with red Roper system you got a rise in something or other I have a rise in seven 1800 X and I have a rise in 530 700 is that right 3600 and a rise in seven 3700 I think you have the 3700 which is the rising said okay yeah but I could be wrong I could be wrong too I'm really bad at numbers but yes we're both rockin AMD systems yeah and I can't help but notice a lot of people in the open source seen a lot of store vaults but very Carmen have dropped Intel for AMD it's really it's really kind of exciting it is I'm a big fan of the risin line it's faster it's more thermal and performant I like it it's really and doing a lot of testing I've but I've been done a lot of testing and like and health death gen CPUs I just launched an Intel still wins a lot on a single thread speed and also reviewed Intel's new Nook the one that was Shawnee over there that's got the eight core Xeon in it and with a Quadro and you know the single thread speed there is just amazing but it's it's if there's going to be careful because you know they're Intel's like six and eight core and now they're ten core desktop CPUs a ten core desktop CPU it's it's ring bus it's really struggling with 10 cores you can tell because two of the cores are kind of weird in terms of latency and stuff and when you go on up to X 299 you know we run like the third generation of X 299 and the single thread performance is nowhere near as good so it's sort of this weird place where reisen has much better single thread performance than those higher end Intel CPUs but not as good as the lower end like six eight ten core desktop CPUs but like those six eight ten core desktop so you can use her like everyman CPUs but the rosna cpus are just so much cheaper yeah so and then thread Ripper is the same single thread performance like the single thread performance that you have on your rise in seven I have on my thread Ripper basically and there's no it's not like Intel where they're high end desktop CPUs single thread are much slower than their desktop CPU so it's really it's a it's a bizarre situation if you're a system builder or if your learner's Torvalds yeah how has the development team of that in the kernel like implemented that so well some of it has has been recent patches from AMD in their team and some of it has been growing pains because there have been a lot of things where just like poor synchronization between the developers working on the kernel and the hardware release and like microcode have not lined up perfectly to create impossible situations for hardware owners so I'm hoping that since Greg Hartmann and most Torvalds have these thread refer machines that one that will not happen again and two there will be better synchronization between microcode kernel level updates and everything else because there's a lot of stuff that has to come in the kernel things like encrypted memory I mean with the whole spectrum meltdown thing if all of the memory is encrypted and it's a different encryption key you know part process or per context like he has some system context processes and they have their own key and then you have some user account processes and that particular user has their own key even on a single user system you just even if there's spectrum meltdown top problems the fact that the memory is encrypted all those problems go away so that is a you know in the future that might be a clever hack because you know but the reason that Intel CPUs are so fast is because maybe they're not flush and Hardware the way that they should but imagine in AMD being able to also not flush hardware the way that they should because it doesn't matter anymore because of encryption right so in terms of performance that could be amazing yeah I don't know but what kind of overhead would you have for encrypting well yeah I mean you're gonna get a little bit of overhead but the overhead of that is less than flushing your cache surely yeah because that's what it does down I like the limit Torvalds post where he was like I'm reverting this because every time we have a context switch something is flushing the cache or you know I'm a special snowflake userland process I want to flush the cache which is going to negatively impact the performance of anything else that happen to be running at the same time he's just like nope but this is this is not okay this is bad yeah that would be cool to have like a purse read encryption yeah that would be awesome it's on the the cloud providers really wanted that it's on epic only a matter of time before it comes to the desktop it might actually work on three or four just with some software I don't know yeah that that's a little over my head we're gonna work on making more Linux of this this is what my content comes out very slow I'm over here like mmm looks nice this took this release does react video to Brian London clinic sucks videos no are we gonna address the elephant in the room there were comments on the last time we did videos together that you were actually my dad yeah that's not the case no definitely not you're from an entirely other part of the planet yes about a couple thousand miles away yeah get tell from the accent yeah and my great-grandfather was a West Virginia Sasquatch so OH [Laughter] I've got some Sasquatch in me it's pretty distant no they're not related those are the rocky mount's ask questions right you know what's your favorite district currently I'm running Manjaro on my home on my office PC and on my server I'm running ubuntu LTS that uh the machine that's in the corner that was in the in the workroom is a long term Manjaro experiment and so far it's actually working really well Manjaro seems to be a great distribution for gaming as I've got the I think it's got a 5,600 XT in it and I get steam on it and just every few days I just go and I update it and see if anything breaks play some games you know do some stuff and see what happens and it's had one or two weird episodes but for the most part it's just worked yeah I mean that's more than I can say for Ubuntu that's more than I can say for Debian that's more than I can say for fedora yeah well a GPU people were giving me crap because you know I just want a system that works like if it's a computer that I rely on to do my work I just want the OS to just do its thing and stay out of my way and not crash and die on me right and so people were giving me crap because like every six to ten months with a bun to like something would happen whether it was like a PPA would screw up and then Bork the whole system and then I just do reinstall and I haven't had to do that with man charge every time to do that with Manjaro like I think I've maybe done it once in the last two or three years of being a Manjaro user the that particular machine has two GPUs in and the other GPUs and rx 570 I think these 575 eighteens 570 and that is the only there's a problem with vfo right now on Ubuntu 20 point Oh or and I have not had the problem on Manjaro interestingly enough the pastor now the Navi like the Navi reset problems are still there but I haven't really had much of a problem with it now I've got another Fedora system that has an Nvidia driver and it's been completely stable it has an nvidia card so it's got the proprietary nvidia driver and the fedora system has been completely stable except for twice now whenever there has been a kernel update and i reboot i just it just it doesn't go into the graphical install and then i have to log in and and so the second time it happened i preemptively downloaded the new nvidia driver because the first time it happened it was like oh just need to reinstall but then it didn't build cleanly because i didn't think about it and it you know there's a big list of updates and it was like oh yeah whatever Ivan cares like oh yeah I should've paid attention to see if there was a kernel update you know technically my fault but and also proprietary driver problems you know that's yeah you get that's your punishment but uh twice it has struggled with that yeah and not on a current experiment but I also had a little bit of trouble with fedora with Phantom gaming RX 5500 and it was it like the Installer worked fine rebooted named ggp was good in blah blah and there was like I'm gonna update the kernel 5.7 it was like great and I think when it rebooted it didn't get the blobs like the binary blobs for it but it needed are you running like the Installer from an videos web site yeah Oh see with I when I have Nvidia graphics cards on Manjaro I use manager our hardware manager yeah that's what well that's on Manjaro and on Ubuntu I'll just use the little utility but on fedora for some the last couple I don't think that Fedora has a utility that makes sense but I could be wrong on the last couple versions of fedora I just run the thing from the website there's like a little helper script that you get but it still needs this stuff from from the website where is it on Ubuntu it just seems to do it for me although on the bunt Oh a couple of times I've had to do it from the as well yeah it's like I can't remove this yeah I find that like when you do the Manjaro version like the through the hardware manager it's it's way more simple especially because me and drama updates the kernel pretty frequently so it'll just automatically no yeah yeah that's that's kind of what I was getting at is like it seems like Manjaro is handling those kinds of situations better even than Ubuntu yeah and maybe it's because I'm also trying to use VF i/o but that use case works great on Mindoro and whereas other bun to it might be not so much so what distribution of the time mostly like super just like work work yeah fedora fedora yeah although more often there's a head problem with Visual Studio code for the order the other day and I was like is this it for the word problem or a Bunty problem and I went to I went to do Bunty machine and it was doing the same thing and okay so it's not a fedora problem but it turned out it was DNS when I launch code it was like oh let's check your plugins and see if there's updates and there was some DNS problem and it's like I didn't realize that would the entire I was getting yeah I was getting angry and then it started working again I was like okay I guess it's fine he's doing something with DNS huh that's always DNS you know so I kind of I don't know why this is so funny to me but I I was like working like really hard I was like super focused on what I was doing and I had to like log into SSH and I was using sshfs to do all the file system like I was writing on my development server so I tried to log into SSH and I failed like three times to type in my password cause it's kind of long and stupid anyway I forgot that I had in some failed to ban on my local network and I couldn't access the development site and I couldn't do anything couldn't write code or whatever I was like what is going on to play Minecraft for 15 minutes that's fine yeah I think I really like Medoro I don't know if I have a favorite distro right now I still have a soft spot for fedora I like what for the word is doing I like what Red Hat is doing in terms of watch the developments that are doing in the kernel yeah I love me some kubernetes but uh there's uh there's actually there's actually some content that has been prepared for kubernetes really amazing community member has put in a lot of time on the kubernetes thing and I actually have set up a lab for that and blah blah had some work stuff come up and I was like I can't but I'm hoping that I can do some more content around kubernetes before too long the node just launched their kubernetes engine thing which is actually really awesome it's way cheaper than Google yeah like a lot cheaper dramatically cheaper the node is just amazing I love full disclosure they've sponsored my channel before oh and uh I've actually hadn't had a whole lot of experience it's just dr. on steroids yeah oh there comes a download not really does a lot of nice things like it really like you know for your website or whatever if you need monitoring and management and like managed to sleep make sure everything's up and blah blah it will just do all of that for you good manage all the containers that's cool make sure everything's running manage ingress and egress out of the cluster which is nice as well CNM like wacky or else and it's like map the wacky URL to phu kham ok sounds good I haven't doctor it's like such a pain once you get used to using the tools that it's like oh the favorite way that I have of explaining doctor is you know how it used to be when you're working on a team and it was like it's not working for me and it's like I don't want to say it works on my machine so docker is we just ship your machine now yeah works on my machine here's my entire machine I had what was the docker I had to configure a docker container for something and I had to like put in I had to edit the configuration file to add like a username and password or something and I was like how the hell am I supposed to do this I have no idea it took me forever to figure it out but eventually I did well you can you can map the filesystem in two different ways you can map you can you can have something that when the container is spun up things are copied into the container from the host file system or you can map a directory to the host file system so like if you need to modify something inside the container you can just map that to a local path on your host system and that's much safer anyway because anything that's not permanent like that when that container is destroyed or upgraded for whatever whatever restored locally and that container isn't going yeah and it's also like for some reason every tutorial on the entire Internet does not include anything about saving the logs forwarding the logs to a syslog server or anything like that you can do it but like how would you know that something bad has happened to your container like somebody could just you know install a web shell on there and you would never know right I was like oh I should have had the logs yeah you should have had the logs why don't you have that in Houston dear tutorial yeah where can they find you on the Internet I'm at the Linux gamer on YouTube and at the Linux gamer on library' nice if you haven't used library check it out it's really cool and also Twitter oh yeah twitter @thelinuxgamer as well yeah let's add some good consistency yeah we didn't we're not that consistent at level walk every other account that I have is something completely different alright well thanks for hanging out and we'll catch you later thanks guys
Channel: Level1Linux
Views: 23,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, linux, software, programming, level1, l1, level one, l1Linux, Level1Linux
Id: QmqbX2GRb-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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