Amy Shares Personal News About Marriage

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we live a lot of our lives here on the air with you guys sometimes alongside you sometimes we share stuff so you know you'll get to know us better sometimes we'll share stuff because it relates and we think we can help a lot of different reasons we've been doing this for a long time I've been doing this since dang 17 18 years old so I've been doing it for a long time for how old am I 42 yeah yeah so we do we we try to share a lot with you for different reasons and so that's what we're going to do here and I would just rip the Band-Aid off and just go right at it that's what I would do yeah well so we share a lot of our lives and I know listeners have walked alongside so much that we've been through um both of my parents fasting away the adoption of children you know the first year of the show back in 2006 my first year on the show I I got married and um you know I've been walking through something for the last couple of years that it's not a secret but it's also something that we've kept pretty private so that we could heal as a family and and take care of of everyone involved and so yeah talking about it right now isn't easy but it feels right like this is the right time and and Ben and I that's my husband I don't talk about him much he's always been a very private person in fact when I joined the show he was in the Air Force and we we called him Air Force guy because he didn't want his name we did on the radio yeah when we first started dating you were like I should have picked a different branch though to not be so dialed in on that one yeah yeah but he wasn't yeah yeah so Ben and I are getting a divorce and this is something that was not made lightly at all whatsoever um in fact it's like I said it's been the last couple of years that we've spent a lot of time just working towards what is most loving for everybody involved and um really most true to the people that we've become and I know from my childhood uh and now as an adult how divorces painful stressful it's emotional and so really the well-being of our kids and co-parenting and learning how to co-parent in a way to show up as the best parents possible for our kids has been the top priority through all of this and so I think that's what we've been working through and I'm honestly very I'm very proud of how we've as a family navigated this whole thing and I guess it's just it's hard to you know say it again it's not a secret to our people um but just now putting it out there just so I can show up authentically as myself in this in this new chapter of my life and nobody wants something like this to happen I mean honestly I never thought it would happen and to me and my younger self would have never allowed it what do you mean well thinking back to 2006 my first few years on the radio and marriage I remember so many topics would come up and I remember always saying divorce is not an option and listeners would even call in and they they'd probably they'd experienced more life than me and but again I came from a divorced home but I think that's why I was I I held so tightly to that and ended up in a very legalistic environment for a long time and I think I just that was something that was rooted in me that I I couldn't see past and I was like that I will never do it and I remember you in lunchbox throwing out different scenarios about my husband potentially being in jail or doing this or that my head grows out of his butt right we were throwing all kinds of stuff out right and I would be like not an option right well Stan you know not an option I'd be killed 80 people no no I love them not an option and so I'm pretty sure it's that younger my younger self that's been the most terrified of all of this and so I have to I have compassion for her and who I was then and who I was even six years ago like one of my dear friends went through a divorce and I didn't know how to support her and that I mean that's what gets me right now I mean we've done the healing and in our own relationship Ben and I both and he's aware we're talking about this right now and um I think that's what I I heard for how I didn't know how to understand what other people might be going through because the reality is you don't ever really know fully what someone is going through and I wasn't able to be there for my friend and I wasn't able to show up for her and we recently in the last seven or eight months reconnected and were able to repair our relationship and I was able to finally see because what Ben and I have been walking through what she was going through and how I just I think I because I didn't understand it I I had some why can't you figure this out or a little bit of judgment in there that now I have fully released thank goodness and um and thankful now that I'll be able to show up for people in a different way and we wouldn't be where we are today at all in this process if it wasn't for the love and support from our family and friends that have walked alongside us with no judgment and just such encouragement and support and wisdom and guidance from therapists and um I just feel like divorce brings up a lot of complicated feelings shame being the number one thing and so um that's what we've been working on releasing and I feel as though we're finally there we've released ourselves from any stigma and My Hope in in sharing this is really that anyone else walking through this type of loss Will also be able to release any shame they feel around it because um you're not alone in what you're going through and so that is where we are and that everyone is doing well I was gonna ask like how are you it has been very it is it's been very hard but I'm how am I now I feel like we're finally on the other side like we weathered multiple storms at the same time not even just this there was a lot happening at once for our family that almost didn't seem like how can this happen all at the same time but now that we're on the other side of it I see actually how Divine each thing was like one of the things had to happen for the next thing to be able to happen and then for the next thing to happen like and again those are details that are close to to our family and but I say that to also you know encourage anybody else going through multiple hard things as to sure you have to process and deal with it you don't but but just somewhere somehow start to process okay what does this make possible and don't waste it don't waste what you've been through and and linger in that hurt and pain like if you can process and heal then you can get to the other side and see what what came from it and for our family so much has come from the last two years that actually we're now on the other side better people what do you feel like you've learned about yourself um that um I mean resilient is a word that comes to mind which fills weird to say about yourself but um all of us like that were involved like there was a time in probably 20 21 that I didn't I mean I wouldn't I I didn't fear for I I didn't think I would do anything to myself but there were times where if I I'd be driving down the highway and I thought okay like if if I were to just get in an accident that would be okay you know like it was hard so um resilient comes to mind because we persevered as a family we showed up for each other um we're a team we've been and I both our team like we went to therapy about all of this and mostly just to a lot of co-parenting but us trying to figure out what was happening and what where we were going to go and what we were going to do and that was a year we saw one couple's therapist for a year every week a lot of those were two-hour sessions um there was a season where I would leave work and I had therapy for other things that were going on in our life that last one of the things was intense like five weeks three hours a day and that's where I would leave here and go do that and it was it was heavy but and I know there was a time where I was absent from the show during some of that and like you said you know you've said many many times before if you're not in a right space like go take care of yourself you don't have to be here so I'm thankful for that I mean this work play this our work environment is is part of that that support that I'm talking about from family and friends and and again the therapists like I say all that because it took work you can't just come out on the other side of stuff like that without really digging deep and it was it was heavy and it's hard to do stuff like that but we we came out on the other side and I feel as I can see the rainbow now like the storms have passed and I know in life I'll encounter more storms for sure but what we've walked through I just don't think now all grip so tightly to the umbrella like I feel like I just was holding on to it and I couldn't see the the rainbow but now now I just have different tools and I have different life experience that is now um I think gonna benefit me in this new chapter and I'm I'm a different I'm just a different person from it all yeah you've been through a lot I've been a pretty heavy 18 months or so maybe two years yeah I think back on the end at all it all of this probably around 2020 a bit and I know for a lot of people that happened to be the year that um everybody's lives probably got a little crazy but that none of this has anything to do with covid it but it all started that year so it's just a lot well I'm proud of you I love you we love you and like you and I have talked about many times not even on the air a lot of people go through their version of this and you shouldn't feel alone but I think it's something that can make you feel extremely lonely because you really don't hear a lot of people talking about it in a way like you do we're not talking about it at all except saying this happened on to the next right and this isn't something that was decided yesterday this has been well over like at least two years well over a year in this decision um but we were we were taking care of our family first before it became a fan I think yeah I just want to be able to show up here in segments and like not have to yeah have to dodge certain topics and you know Ben and I are both again in a good place like I when I say I'm I'm proud of us I I really mean it because it it's not easy and I hope that that's encouragement to anybody else going through something hard like this is that hopefully and I know not everybody's blessed with two people that are doing the work and two people that are getting the healing and two people that are wanting to continue the work to make it right because if you're in this and you're the only one doing the work and the other person's not I can't even imagine honestly cannot even imagine um and so my heart goes out to anybody that's in that situation but I would hope if you're listening to this and you're in that and you may realize like oh shoot I'm not doing the work I might be the person that's kind of making this super difficult um my hope would be that you know us talking about something like this might be that nudge to to get the therapy get the help dig deeper show up as a person that you know you can be proud of later that handled it well and well for your kids well for your kids like that's like for the last year we have kept the kids in our house and I know not everybody has this option and it's going to transition soon we'll start to rotate a week on week off we're doing 50 50 custody um and but we had an apartment close by and the kids would stay in the house and we would rotate so every week for the last year we'd been packing bags mid-week and switching and that was important for us to do that so the kids could feel like they were stable in their home and now they're involved in the process of their dad getting a new house and they we drive by and look at houses and they're like oh can you get a one with the basement and you know so they're they're now involved and they feel like they've got a little agency over this as well well they're also very lucky to have two parents that love them yeah and we do very much well I'm proud of you for talking about it it would have come up and you're right we had to dodge some stuff and you know it's got to be tough to come on and go young me was kind of uneducated and this version of me is better educated and I hope to help other people too and that's what you did and that's what you're doing so you know I say it again we love you I love you uh you know what worse things have happened to weaker people but you'll get through this be better for it and help others and help them get through similar things as well I have no doubt yeah well I'm able to come out and talk about it now because I feel like I am on that yeah I've made it to that other side it didn't seem right to come out any sooner than now well and also there are things to our listeners we love 95 of you five percent of our listeners we can't stand but the five percent that want to get on social media and right like Amy we know we like post stuff there's a reason she can't share things that it can be legal it can be kids it can be there's a reason literally and you're the reason we don't like five percent of you because you want to get online and be like Amy we know we know we never see your husband pictures Amy what does that even do there's no reason Amy's a real life human being yeah they yeah there's just it sucks I would get so mad when I see people like we know well yeah of course I think people knew that they didn't get online and be like they because their lives were so worthless they got to get online and like put other people's crap out there maybe 94 of your listeners are like six percent I don't and I get mad but anyway okay ray says we have to get out of this break [Music]
Channel: Bobby Bones Show
Views: 158,807
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Keywords: bobby bones, bobby bones show, country, country music, nashville, bobby bones show today
Id: 62T_vzIBrgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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