Amy Grant On Her Hit Song "Baby, Baby" & What She Loves To Do While On Tour

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amy grant yeah i went to my closet and i found my amy grant shirt from back in the day i think that's 1994. you do well i bought this is a high dollar shirt because in the retro world well let's stop bobby stop what happened there's reverb [Laughter] the friday morning conversation with amy grant so because you were coming in i went to my closet and i got my immigrant shirt out you really had that in your closet oh i've had this for years okay what what year is this shirt from 1994. really how do you remember that what's the sandwich is there a tour on the back yeah yeah this i buy so few clothes like i can look at a photograph and go oh yeah it's that shirt that's 87. oh yeah and my kids are the same way we're just like zero in the in the shopping department yep 1994. if you were to have 10 of these shirts you could make some good money because when i bought this yeah because retro's so expensive now this was a high dollar tour t-shirt what it was like 86 dollars i think is what i paid for this shirt what do you think it cost at a concert back in the day back then i don't know uh maybe 18 bucks i'll sell it back to you for 70. [Laughter] you uh we were talking about you the other day on the show because you're going back out on tour and you're celebrating was it 30 years mm-hmm i mean does that seem like yesterday or does it seem like forever ago that this record came out and changed your life it feels like uh both it feels like um honestly lifetimes ago you know like somebody will say tell me a memory from that tour and i'll go will you tell me something what happened to you when you were 25. you know um but it was the thing i remember most from that tour is i had two young kids uh one and a half and a three and a half year old and so i have three nephews that were born when i was in high school and so they were like 13 14 and i said we're traveling across the country come with me of course their their mom i took two of them across the whole country and she was like thrilled they're gone i they had zero supervision that's what i remember most they got per diem we would get to a town my feeling was you're not in diapers you got this covered and when we look i just look back and go oh my gosh okay i think an alcohol problem began then i think they were just it's their favorite summer and when we look back and that's what i mostly remember was hanging out with my nephews listening to music all night and on the bus and um i mean think about that you're a 13 year old kid and you get to go with amy grant across your aunt aunt amy i don't know what they called you yeah you get per damn they get money every day 25 30 bucks whatever they're gonna get to go eat they're on buses they have access to probably go backstage probably teenage girls at your shows they can go meet i mean i just remember getting to san francisco and we got there about three o'clock in the morning we had the next day off and then the following day we had to be on the bus like one o'clock to get the sound check and what i said was you better be here when it's time for the bus to leave that was it did their mom know that you were allowing them to just run free i don't you know i i i think i have a screw loose one day i was going through the um i was on my way to my hotel room and they're great guys great sense of humor but there were some two police officers in the hallway and they said we think somebody's broken into this room and went oh my gosh that's where that's where logan and burtner are and anyway i looked and went oh my gosh it was ransacked like everything torn up beds torn apart mattresses in the wrong parts of the room and while we were there they walked up and i went guys i hate to tell you this and they looked at him like oh that's how we left it [Laughter] amy grant is here with us right now which by the way she is celebrating 30 years of heart in motion uh which had baby baby are you gonna be playing baby baby out on the road i am a little bit lower and why would you do it a little lower because i'm my i'm my voice is lower is when you single because i've artists that i know too have turned their keys lower as well when they sing when did you have to start changing your songs pretty recently yeah honestly it was for the tour um i held on as long as i could and finally kim keys who i've sung with for many years she said good gosh just lower the g you know all that just trying to be something that you're not and lower is great what was it like to have a big pop song in the 90s um it was exciting because that kind of thing was not really happening in nashville and so everybody that participated it felt like such a group win um all the producers on that record keith thomas michael martian brown bannister um i mean omar he'd had number ones in decades you know i mean multiple decades but for us i don't know it just felt like it felt like the olympics it felt like being on a winning team at the olympics and um uh yeah so it was awesome did you have expectations and right let's play a little bit of this song did you have expectations that this song was going to be a massive pop success were they telling you like this is what we're going to do amy this song is going to be me because again you're in nashville you're not in l.a not new york it's hard for something to come out in the poplar at least now it is from here like did you have massive thoughts of just i'm going to be just a humongous pop star with a song i know no i just loved it i it was a fun time in life and i wanted you know my background is more uh singing songs about faith which tends to make for a serious conversation and i was just so glad to have songs that were fun and um you know once again i had lived next door to four of my nieces and nephews and i remember them coming over and i would play like five songs and from this record and i say which one do you hate like always trying to figure out how do we make this just something that somebody wants to play and um yeah it was it's just so much fun and i was assigned to two record companies at the time word records and a m records simultaneously you know because music you had to you had to hunt for music back then nothing was you know online and neither record company really was high up on the song of that song specifically yeah so if neither company is going this is the one how does it end up being the one how does it being such a smash somebody sent it maybe mark mazzetti sent it to a dj in san diego kevin oh sorry kevin i can't remember your last name uh yeah and it it just took off in southern california so it went one station another then said oh that's pretty good let me play it and then it's slowly organically built yeah that was back when music was like a grass fire yeah when did you feel in your life like oh my life is changing now because of this song was there a moment where you're going or a crowd you looked into and you're like wow you guys are a lot bigger than than you have been in the past um crowds were big before that but i remember going into the donut den in green hills and a group of girls maybe high school girls were coming out and i walked in we just passed in the doorway and they all screamed in my face like right in there and then they left and i went and i thought well that's weird i've been coming to donut dan since i was five was there ever a point where you had to go okay it's not safe for me to go out places because it's right now it's a little too crazy no i never felt that way because you know i was the baby in my family and five generations of my family here i knew your mother when we were just children i mean yeah i've just always been somewhere in the pack you have non-stop tour dates because amy had told me that you were doing like 40 shows or something this year and i was like wow for for anybody to commit to 40 shows is crazy pandemic or not that's just a lot of shows are you kind of touring more pop style than country style where it's not just friday saturday and come home are there like tuesday wednesday shows do you know yeah that is a lot of dates i think we're leaving in october and not coming back you're doing alternative rock tour that's what that is you just live on the bus well you know what's fun about that is you have days off away from town because um to really discover the country i mean it's so fantastic because you're working your way across and so it's you know like the bike trails in the pacific northwest are unbelievable so you actually go on the road and find things to do on off days and don't just sleep oh yeah and i mean i like to get out and meet people i like to i remember finding a drum circle at a park in california and yeah and just like yeah just live and be a part of what other people are doing and finding a farmer's market and coming back and cooking in the room and you know it's just live that's what i need a little more of just live i said i'm like just work just work what climb to the next goal uh let me play a little bit of every heartbeat here because i think this is my favorite of all the the old school pop stuff like this one to me i every heartbeat i sing it really good too yeah you do like what do you think about when you hear this song every heartbeat yeah i think about these you know hand motions i i i never took dance class i'm not a dancer but i i i can't help but move when music is happening i'm not trying to look cool it just happens but i remember the goofy hand motions that we all did during that tour for that song it kind of looks like the macarena what you're doing it does yeah but yeah but i mean and we weren't trying to get anybody to dance but it was so um like everybody did it my my young children did it the crew guys did it you know hard and truck drivers would come in and they're like hmm they're doing that yeah that's what that song makes me think of what about that's what love is for that's a jam too that might be my new favorite as i'm playing them all now i'm changing as we're going yeah i still sing that song every show and i mean the world needs that that world needs that song is there a song that you don't you're like oh man i've just sang this so many times i got to sing it again or are you just happy to be out and sing them all at this point i'm glad to sing them all there's some songs that are that i probably won't do live you know that were just kind of goofy songs on the record but um yeah just to get to do something you love is what a gift let me say this beginning july 30th for the first time since its original release the album will be remastered on vinyl that's it's exciting here's always that because now you know i've been been doing this for the radio thing for now 24 a long time right 20 something well since i was 17 yeah and then i've been doing mornings i was 22 so almost 20 years and in a way i'm like hey that's really cool but in a way i'm like dang it's like it's a long time like i'm good so with this record as it hits 30 years are you like dang look at that the success of this thing is amazing but are you also like dang it's 30 years later because that's how i feel with this thing too yeah yeah well i was 17 when i started singing and so like when i look back on that it might have looked like something happened overnight but i had put in a lot of a lot of years before that and mostly what i feel is dang life goes by fast and if i didn't look in a mirror or if i didn't like try to run really fast and wind up wetting my pants you know it's just like you'd think oh no i mean time stands still for all of us with different things and for me music makes time stand still i was reading a book and i read a long time ago called uh i'm okay you're okay where they talk about music that if let's say you listen to a song a whole lot when you were 10 and you play that song right now for a brief second in your brain it feels like you're 10 years old because your your brain triggers on that sound and it reminds you of exactly just instant just for an instant but it gives you that feeling like you're talking about now like when i play you know every heartbeat i think of where i was i was listening to the radio back then yeah you know when i had the shirt the first time the first version of this shirt um you are a massive amy grant fan i know you've been sitting back there just patiently waiting what would you like to ask amy i mean i just like my fifth grade talent show like i performed galileo so and i had when you were talking about like the dance moves like two of my girlfriends kristen and hailey we had matching outfits and we got up on stage in front of our entire elementary school and performed um in the year of 14 92 when columbus sailed the ocean blew so i just for me like that i mean i would you are you going to be performing that at your show i don't even know i'll be honest i don't know that song only from amy here singing it no i'm galileo even on the darkest night i will find the shine do you realize this whole interview is us singing to amy grant it's us singing her songs to her that's so great i can just picture your little fifth grade face oh like we puff painted our own matching shirts and we had hats and like there was a part because we had microphones with chords and um there was a part where we incorporated or choreographed a turn which we didn't really think that through with the cords and like i tried and so i just have so many special memories with you so i'm definitely going to be finding a city near me i don't know which one she's coming from franklin three times oh well then yes that is the city near me yeah it's near you but i just think it's it's interesting to even just hear you say too as a reminder of like for you like it just goes by so fast and to live and i love that that you're you're actually doing that and you just sitting here with you in this moment has inspired me to like want to live a little bit more and be a singer no chase your dream i can't do that but thank you for that you sound great do you feel like you know as you talk about live your life do you feel like your heart surgery has changed your perspective about living did that hap did that happen with you or you're like okay now i really gotta refocus i was just grateful to wake up you know um but um it's funny like coming in here i was joking with jennifer cook my manager and i said you think he wants to talk about like picking up beer mash from east nashville beer works and feeding our beefalo no bro that's probably not what it's going to be you think he wants to talk about the day camp we do at our farm no i'm an archery instructor probably not that you think he wants to talk about this acoustic brain mirroring therapy that i do no i think it's music and what i love is that there's a lot of life in my head and in my heart and music music is part of that and touring focuses me on that um and then i go oh god what a gift that really has been the platform from which i have launched a lot of other things that i wouldn't been able to participate in had it not been for music but i just think um we all have so many gifts and talents and you just have to you've got to reach you have to reach for different things because you might be essential in another circle and you don't even know it and it's it's a good thing by the numbers you have sold more than 30 million albums worldwide you have six grammys i mean like she doesn't know this yeah i'm reading you alyssa you have 22 dove awards you had the first christian album to go platinum you know whenever you know you kind of look at folks you know who is most to me because i've been able to see you um be amazing on the christian chart as well but like a lauren daigle because i know lauren a little bit too like you guys to me are like just the same person it's so funny she um i met her and said you want to go to walk go walk on our farm and we went and strung hammocks high up in a tree and sat there and i said what really matters to you and i loved it that she said i'll always sing but what i really care about is and it was you know that's her story tell and it's just like saying sing sing sing because that's the platform from which you'll be able to do other things but man she whoo but that's you too you know like you are her she is you yeah i i love that yeah well and i know you just said that and i just want to affirm you because two things came to my mind when you were talking about how it's enabled you to do other things so my daughter actually went to your camp last week no way yeah so she was there for a full week and it was the best camp experience she's ever had so and she came away with so many new friendships it's very special and then also uh bobby the brain thing i got you for your birthday that's what she's talking about that exact thing yes it is he just hasn't done i think yes he hasn't done it yet well so here's the thing and i haven't talked about it a lot because it's a medic but i've had some brain issues some medical issues yeah and amy was like i got you something i am so this makes me so happy and so but it was covered still and i was like well i'm gonna wait till we're out of this thing and i'll go and it's but i haven't gone yet so what's this thing gonna do to me am i gonna come in smarter well lovelier be honest you couldn't be smarter you are like god you fire on all pistons all the time i discovered this technology in 2009 and it was a game changer and it does subtle things but for some people it does really amazing things but you know real peace and joy is found in the moment and but our brains create all these tracks from things that have happened to us in the past and they default to those tracks even when those circumstances have changed and so this seroset acoustic brain mirroring you just lie back in a comfortable chair eyes closed you got a weighted blanket on your lap and you let your brain hear itself and then and in real time the energy that your brain is exhibiting you know your your brain shouldn't have its foot on the gas or the break when you're relaxed and when it's listening to itself it'll go oh like i've got my foot on the on the gas and in that space where it's has no responsibility it's not having to keep you alive or normalize anything it will it will um relax those deep brain tracts like i did sessions on a guy that was traumatized as a ten-year-old and every night had a nightmare every night every night every night and uh i just wanted him to be able to sleep and he's in his 60s and you know so it's four sessions three weeks later another session and every day i was like are you sleeping are you sleeping and juan he came back for the fifth session three weeks later and he said i finally started sleeping because you know it's his brain that has to do the fixing i'm not do i'm just giving his brain the opportunity and i said what about the nightmares and he went oh those ended after the first session and so but we all live with stress and trauma and uh you know someday lord willing this will be fda approved and the whole world can do it but we do it with veterans i've done it with women from the shelter what do you mean you've done it you actually are there with them i am a tech you are i did i did two sessions yesterday i'm like are you gonna be doing mine do you read my brain no sure yeah it's so funny it's i was talking to a musician yesterday who's in my chair and um yeah and another thing is it's just it's caring touch that's another thing like just setting somebody up is i don't know we just it's so much fun to have a a a job that where i can care for people you mention you know sometimes we revert back to where our brains were even though we're not in that situation now yes that's kind of what happens with my fiance now because listen i grew up didn't have a dad didn't have a good mom situation lived in poverty a lot of my life and i still act like i still go back to that sometimes my fiance's like hey look she got by the shoulders you're not that kid anymore like your brain is taking you to a bad place and you're acting like you were when you were you're nine or ten but you don't have to do that anymore and so when you said that that kind of struck me as like that's what we deal with all the time in my house yeah well i'm constantly living like i'm that same person growing up you know in the trailer park like we don't know if we even have food tonight yeah and she'll you know she has to do that to me yeah you're gonna love this because it will it like the noise in your head will disappear and that's what it is the noise in my head has never disappeared it's always one foot on the gas or two feet on the gas that's it there's no break it's one foot or two all the time well listen i'm so glad that you came in because we are massive fans of you just in general uh and whenever amy mentioned that you're doing the tutorials like this gives us a reason to invite her back on because now we can you know build it like we just we're promoting the tour but we can actually hang out and talk with her so uh thank you for coming in tell vince we said hello i talked to vince a couple weeks ago yeah um just the lovely just the loveliest people you're just the loveliest and i don't know how you stay lovely all the time what's the what's the secret to being lovely all the time oh my gosh well i uh thank you for saying that and i um i just um air dead air [Laughter] um i think i think loved people love people loved people love people and i think with that we will end because that is fantastic i will tell you this you can go to amy she starts august 5th rolling all the way to the end of october 30 years of the heart and motion tour which had all the songs we talked about we are massive fans thank you for for giving us the time thank you and also we ended up talking about all the stuff you wondered if we were going to talk about we talked about music we talked about it all i know so i hope that when they called and said hey bobby wants to talk to you that you weren't like i have to go do an interview oh my gosh no i i have so much respect for you well that's very kind of you when you were out of town you know i did your i filled in for you doing the opry mm-hmm live and oh my god all i could think of is he is so smart he can juggle so many things in that brain at one time and i was trying to enter you did a great job they even told me they were like amy killed it and then i started feeling self-conscious like well why do you even want me she's a star and she's better at this so there she is amy greg go to to get tickets let's clap our hands forward again amy graham thank you
Channel: Bobby Bones Show
Views: 23,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobby bones, bobby bones show, country, country music, nashville, bobby bones show today
Id: G3Y_tamuyyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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