AMSOIL Oil Filter Cut Open! | vs. Mobil-1/Royal Purple

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hey guys welcome to another cut-up video today I'll be looking at by popular demand this filter here from amsoil as always this filter fits the same vehicle as all the other filters I've looked at so far on this channel so if you're familiar with my content or you check anything out afterwards just know this is an apples-to-apples kind of comparison now if you're not familiar with kind of my standard rundown what I'm gonna do is talk about the packaging and everything you can kind of observe about the exterior or the filter and then I'm gonna go ahead and cut it open to show you guys what the filter cartridge on the inside actually looks like as well as some other details like the design of the emergency bypass valve and whatnot so that's what I'm gonna do with this guy before I continue I do want to point out that filters from AMSOIL are kind of hard to come by I didn't realize there would be such a challenge but the only two places I could even find these things online were AMSOIL zone website and eBay and from either place to get one of these shipped was gonna come to a total of about 25 bucks which is a lot for her TOA filter I have the most expensive I had ever seen up till this point was about 15 bucks for this royal purple here and even that's a lot and I I I find it hard to believe that if you guys are looking to spend that kind of money so to be fair to AMSOIL though they do have a local vendor retailer finder on their website so if you type in your zip code as well as the model number fortune looking for they will show you where you can get it locally now when I did that the only places I could find were kind of smaller performance or repair shops no big name chain retailers came up like I was kind of hoping for like no Auto zones no O'Reilly so if any of you out there are aware of where you can get these things from kind of like a big name brand chain please say so in the comments if you don't mind so that way the rest of us can benefit from that information anyway so this guy was expensive so just be aware of that if you're really interested in going after and Anza Web Filter so starting off with the box there are two things that are worth pointing out if the model number didn't tip you off already it's indicative of their 15,000 mile service interval warranty provided you follow the little legalese here on the back the fine print if you will that says they won't guarantee for more than a year of service and you have to use their AMSOIL brand synthetic oil too so that's not really an uncommon requirement when you look at some really high mileage guarantees from other manufacturers so the second thing though that I want to point out that I'm actually pretty impressed with from AMSOIL is their little efficiency chart they have in the back not so much because they include information about the competition but because they have their efficiency rating of 98.7 but they give the little details about what tests they use this is the standard iso 45 48 12 tests that pretty much everyone uses but they also tell you what micron rating they were using and that just tells you what size particles were they using when they were flow testing this guy right so smaller particles are harder to trap so if you look at this mobile one box they advertise 99 plus percent efficiency for the same iso test well this is better right well look they use 30 micron particles when they ran their tests which are 50 percent larger than what mzl use so if you ran much bigger particles through the AMSOIL I'm sure this 98.7 would take up into the 99 plus range like mobile one does so just I point this out so that you can be aware that an efficiency rating from one filter to another is not always comparable a lot of times manufacturers will show an efficiency rating only with no details on this test or they won't even bother showing that in the first place so if you really care about this stuff you have to either hope it's on the box or you'll have to dig it up on the website and I have had on rare occasion but I've had to do it I've had to reach out to customer service to get these kinds of details about a particular filter so just thank you and Zoe for including it on your box anyway when I pulled the filter out of the box I found that it came in this pretty big plastic bag which was great a lot of times filters will just have really no protection other than the cardboard box they come in but I have seen probably about half the time there's a little bit of shrink wrap of a covering over just the bottom portion here and presumably that or the bag is to a keep crud from getting in here and winding up in your engine ultimately but also it's probably to keep any lubricated gaskets on the bottom from getting too dried out by the time before it reaches the end-user so it's good to see a bag when you pay $25 anyway the weight of this guy measures around 292 grams which is 10 to 12 grams surer than these mobile one and royal purple filters that I've got here and the reason I've got these out is because they're awfully similar to the AMSOIL in a lot of ways which I'll get to but for being a very similar design this guy is a little bit lighter maybe not even worth mentioning because four filters for the same application I've seen filters as light as 220 something grams and as heavy as 350 so this is kind of the middle of the road as far as the case itself goes it's again extremely similar to these other ones they're probably these the filters from Mobil 1 royal purple and AM Azul here are probably all made from the same manufacturer like champion labs or something I don't know but that's very very common when you see similar designs I know I think Bosch and what's purer later are both made by the same place - so I've seen seen that before anyway looking at the underside starting with the gasket this is H NVR gasket and you can see that it's trapped really well by this undercut kind of racetrack seal here in the in the fold of metal that's great because it hangs onto this thing really well what you don't want to happen is for you to go ahead and unscrew this guy when you go to change it out later and this thing comes off and stays on your engine because if you don't notice when that happens and you put a new filter on top of it it'll get balled up and all your engine will leak out because it didn't seal right now when I first started reviewing oil filters I never even thought of that possibly happening but more than one person told me that that has happened to them before and it causes problem so just know that with a design like this it's not an issue and just to be fair the people that brought that up didn't say that happened with this brand it was with a different design I think anyway moving on to the inlet holes here there are five inlet holes for the same size one is larger why that is I don't know maybe for manufacturing or something but I measured them and they're the same as the Mobil one royal purple again and the combined Inlet area is about 0.27 square inches if you the math and I do want to point out that if you get an up-close look at the side of the hole you can get a feel for how thick that tapping plate is thicker is better in this case so I just want to let you guys see that and well we've got an up-close look you can see there's the silicone anti drain back valve right here silicone is pretty much what everyone uses I will say maybe two plus years ago Fram had on their low end I think a regular nitrile rubber gasket and really silicone is superior when it comes to more extreme temperature ranges so that's probably why everyone is using it but that's standard lastly there is the center hole this is an M 20 by 1.5 thread and I've seen that now this guy has four and a half - five full threats here I've seen as low as three and a half on really cheap filters but never more than five so this is about as good as good as it gets in that department so that's pretty much everything you had to talk about from an exterior perspective so I'm gonna go ahead and cut this guy open so we need to look at what's inside okay so here are all the filters cut open I took some calipers and put them on the walls of the cases and verify that they are the heavier 20,000 stick gauge usually you'll find that filters come in either the heavier 20,000 or 15,000 ice moving on down a little bit here is the spring that rests against the inside of the case and keeps the filter cartridge pressed down against the seal on the anti drain back valve now the stamped sheet metal design doesn't look all that elegant but there is some beauty in its simplicity I would say and probably cost effectiveness over the coil spring design that you'll find in other filters and this one's from this cannon performance silver here so those are really the only two designs you'll see and all three of these just use the same sheet metal style moving on down a little bit here is the top of the filter cartridge and what you see the center here is the emergency bypass valve and what that does is it allows oil to flow past this seal in the event that your filter gets so full that it's is clogged essentially when that happens the oil pressure will rise to the point where the pressure of the oil pushing on the seal will compress the spring and cause it to open so what will happen is your oil while dirty will still continue to flow through the filter rather than just be blocked entirely so that's what that does all three of these guys use the same design so there's not much to compare one to the next in that regard moving down further here is the center tube that you find in the middle of the filter cartridge here is just the basic construction and this is the tube on the inside that just kind of helps hold things together and support the police there are two different designs that you'll see the first is what the royal purple AMSOIL filters have which is a single axial seam versus this little more complicated maybe more three-dimensional helical style that the mobile one has and you can see that seem kind of curls around the outside now when I squeeze these things with my fingers I can feel the single active design giving a lot more readily so I'm confident I can squish this thing a lot more easily than this guy so from a strength perspective I would I would definitely say the mobile one is is better than these other guys here moving down a little bit further here is the inside of the tapping plate just so you can take a closer look at it and what sits on top of it is the anti drain back valve that we saw earlier just from the other side now all this thing is is just a molded piece of silicone that's basically just a check valve okay when your engine is running oil is flowing up and in through these holes or on the outside and that will flow past this this lip here and when you shut your engine off it will shut like that and seal closed to keep the dirty oil in your filter from draining out okay that keeps the dirty oil in your filter but it also keeps oil in your filter period to prevent dry starting so that's just what that does if you're not familiar okay and like I said all three of these are silicone they're pretty much the same other than color lastly and probably most importantly is the filter media now there are as I've gone through different filters there's two general approaches that manufacturers use the first is to use a fully synthetic media which which we've got here in the AMSOIL and the royal purple the fully synthetic media is finer so that we can trap smaller tinier particles then the more traditional cellulose wood pulp paper or even synthetic blend materials can capture and the mobile one here has a synthetic blend okay so you get a higher degree of filtration efficiency with this guy it has also got a wire mesh behind it and the mobile one does not have that okay now what that results in is you've got a pretty widely spaced pattern of pleats as you see that they're folded back and forth on in the cartridge now that's nice for strength it's nice for in someways flow because it keeps the PLS from being all smashed together too tightly but it leaves a whole lot less room for just adding more pleats which is what Mobil 1 did okay so if when I cut these guys open and stretch them all out now these are just little samples III cut them but when I measured the total length I got you know 30 to something inches the AMSOIL may be closer to 36 here on the royal purple but you get nearly twice that with the Mobil one when you forego the wire backing and such so this is nearly sixty inches so between having a lot more total filter area and combine that with the fact you're not filtering out particles that are so tiny that I'm sure is I'm sure there's more to it than just that but that's probably the main means by which Mobil one can achieve the dirt capacity required to guarantee a twenty thousand mile service interval versus you know a 15 or less for other filters okay so which is superior it's it's hard to say because it really you have to ask what matters to you because if you care about filtering out the tiniest of particles well you're gonna really be forced to go with this option where you have a fully synthetic media okay what that's gonna mean is a probably higher cost because like I said this guy was twenty five dollars in the world purple is 15 I forget the Mobil one but I've seen them probably for around ten bucks if you go to Walmart so you'll pay a little more for that and you just won't be able to drive as far as long between oil changes now fifteen or twenty thousand miles most people I talked to aren't willing to drive even close to 15,000 before changing their oil anyway so maybe this whole discussion is moot so if that's your attitude you just plan on changing oil every 5,000 miles sure go with something that has you know a really high degree of filtration efficiency why not but if you're one of those people that just wants to push the limit and see how long they can go between oil changes which I don't really recommend but if that kind of fits your personality type more then Mobil 1 is probably more suited to you and that's kind of the approach that K&N takes actually you can see that that's what they've got going on here in this performance silver they don't have that wire mesh back but they've got an awful lot of material it's actually quite a bit taller than any of these other filters as well so that's pretty much all I had with these guys that I had to talk about so if there's anything that I skipped or you would like to know that I didn't cover please ask me in the comments and hopefully I can respond to that at least in the notes section of the video if you have other filters or brands that you want me to cover or that I haven't covered in quite a while that you want to see let me know so I can keep putting out content that you guys are actually interested in the reason I did the AMSOIL today is because I saw a number of comments for you guys asking for it so thanks for the feedback on that so that's pretty much all I've got thank you for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Dan's Guide to Everything
Views: 350,000
Rating: 4.7180109 out of 5
Keywords: AMSOIL, Mobil-1, Royal Purple, Oil, Filter, Comparison, Cutup, Cut, Open, K&N, WIX, FRAM, BOSCH, MotorCraft, Purolator, Baldwin, STP, Synthetic, Efficient, Automotive, Car, Truck, Guide, Change, High Mileage, Miles, 5W-30, Full Synthetic, AutoZone, O'Reilley, Advance Auto, Media, Anti-Drainback Valve, emergency-bypass valve, 15000 Miles, 15k mi, microns, case, canister, element, cartridge, Ford, Subaru, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Chevy, Chevrolet, Center Tube, Gasket, HNBR, Silicone, engine, combustion, gas, GM, warranty, Pleats, AMZOIL
Id: RQgPo6hXqQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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