among us NEW INFECTED gamemode

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Wut is the mod pack tho?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ilikeurcutG3857 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/coolboiijax 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

where's the modpack

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lolofcourseme 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Please tell me the modpack

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phantomi_2 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh my god i'm infected i need to follow blaza i really want blaza on my side all right um close this all right i kill him now he's on my side hello we have coded a completely new game in among us called infected infected and i'll be honest this game mode was more fun than regular among us let me explain the game starts out with one imposter or in this case one infected player every time this infected player kills someone the person doesn't die he also becomes an imposter so instead of eliminating that player you're basically making your army bigger and on top of it it does leave a body but that body does not have a color so when you do find a body you know that someone got infected here but you don't know who unless of course you use 10 000 iq which i do so in today's video i have some amazing crewmate wins and then an actual amazing infected win at the very end if you're part of the percentage that's not subscribed subscribe right now i only upload quality content all right nadway is going top mimi is going to the right juice is going to the right mimi is coming back nedway went to the right zhao is going down we got med base again but i'm not even doing it what are you doing laughing guys is being god actually doing anything zhao over here wait who was on cams ciao right oh my god oh my god he killed me i got a vent i got a vent oh my god why would you do this to me jio all right well this is actually fine this is actually fine i will vent out of med bay and then i will sabotage uh this so they can't actually see the body yeah yeah that works that works now i'm gonna go to the right i gotta get an alibi oh i'm gonna stick with that way i'm sticking with that way he killed me now i'm part of the infected oh sucks why are you chasing me uh found a body outside of security you came from there okay i didn't come from security i came from weapons but you could have invented it no no no no i came from weapons so i knew who it was who who sox said he was in weapons but he was not i ran no no no no hold on so i was coming from weapons i ran down he ran up and then i ran over over med bay and then down and the body was right in security he could very easily come from there i'm not saying he did it but i am saying that there was a door locked in the way which is a common uh tactic from fosters and i did pass socks on the way and he was not in weapons oh my god that was close that's so funny that was my body insecurity well it's already over we just gotta kill two more people and that way's just looking right at me i honestly i don't even have to kill anybody i'm just gonna stick with nadwa i'm just gonna turn off reactor and we're all gonna go together i don't even need an alibi i i can literally just stick with them it sucks nadaway and juice what most important how is it nadway he was blaming me so it's laughing me i've got easy dub no shut up treat you for not foreign you're an idiot well that worked out and you know what's funny is that zhao's not even suspicious all right i'm on cams and is anyone coming okay meme god is coming i think i'm gonna kill someone oh no my kill bro what was that i walk down to electrical and i literally see a body on the floor and i see these are the people i see i see plaza laughing how did you get to electrical i what there's no way you walked i was right i was ahead of you and i didn't see what it's either blouse or laughing gas he would [Music] sometimes i i don't even understand okay lights went down we got to call an emergency meeting they're going to just kill someone we got 15 seconds we just got to kill one more person it's going to be mimi are you ready to die today are you ready to die all right i'm gonna quickly do a task first and i know tenson went to the right blessing is going to the left i'm gonna check to see if blasey killed anybody are they gonna have their kill ready maybe maybe not okay nadway's there and blas is there okay blasa and gabzita are going that direction all right if any of those bodies die then it's one of them oh that's a blast to do it i didn't do what do a little dance that's what i did i just did a little dance that's all i did i can finish this case right here it's blossom and nadwa nadway do not have a choice you know i don't even want to go over there he's going to kill someone i don't want to be the one hit though look at that nadway's over there i don't i don't even want to go fix it okay yeah it sucks out it sucks all right orange is going to the right and so is blasa juice is standing still anyone else down here oh blossom is there a dead body here lights are going down any anything something definitely happened over here oh lights are still down what about over here oh that's a body insecurity where did uh plaza and umpa where did you guys go you guys were together i saw him there i was just in uh yeah i went from admin to like electrical i have two tasks intellectual mommy where were you well i went to the left the reactor then i went down with impa who who skipped jiao did nadaway and zhao skipped and those guys are the most suspicious joe went left i just got to catch him red-handed he probably will yeah of course he goes on security cameras it's got to be jio and nadwa it's gotta be and we gotta do it before they kill another person is there a dead body here oh it is it is why would he even walk to the reactor uh jiao it's gotta be you man what he goes to the left uh he goes through security cameras and then he goes to reactor but he doesn't even do a task he walks through the machine doesn't do a task and walks right now he just did wires in security i i was walking into reactors are very suspicious to me and it's got to be one of them it is down that way it is because they all skipped last round literally everyone else skipped two not everyone else it's gotta be them all right where where's nadwa nadway's going to electrical is he gonna lock me in here are you gonna do an electrical task go ahead do it divert the power wow that literally takes like five seconds man that's literally all you have to do it is nadwa what is even doing yeah you try to close me in denson please tenson please come this way please oh blossom came out electrical so did tencent and zhao it's gotta be that way they're trying to lock me in oh my god don't do it i was right i was right where uh the body was just outside of electrical tension where were you insecure i was wait the body was an electrical a while ago so tencent you killed and then you vented social security no i don't i don't remember seeing you i probably could have saw you but i don't remember yeah it's gotta be tension oh my god i was right about that way i should've we should've just voted them out and now i'm on their side and we won that is so funny why would you guys run oh my god i'm infected all right so my goal is to infect everybody else all right i'll wait for my kill cool down and then i'll start doing things all right mimi's with me i want mimi on my side or blaser me and blossom we take over the world okay oh they're still on cam i need to follow blaza i really want blaza on my side all right um close this all right i kill him now he's on my side welcome oh i am not going to vent there i got to stay in the vents all right blaza's in here he just left the body there i just got to stay in the vents camera go away please oh my god i just stay in the vents oh it's mean dad mean guy get out of here are you stupid i wasn't freaking electrical no it's not nobody out of here are you already i can't believe this this is like unbelievable where was the body upper uh it was in a weapons weapons weapon okay look listen listen i was on cams and he came from there and he wasn't electrical oh no no no no no so why is it him nadway why is it him because because he came from the cafeteria's doors shut right behind him it has to be him there's it was like shut in storage yeah okay so i was in security i was watching the cameras with you right yeah and then i went down i stayed there for a while and then nothing was happening so i went down to like the electrical area right and then i didn't go no don't vote for me you guys are honestly adopted detective on the case [Music] that worked perfectly now who else do i join on my team okay we're supposedly doing tasks all right oh is he is he gonna kill him oh he turned off the lights i'm going back down did blasa kill someone no he didn't oh oh my god okay i know who it is you're not getting out of this you're not getting out of this let me go first let's go i was on camera i saw socks go down flawlessly came up and vented so let's vote him off first just got him wait i never vented it oh my god
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 7,669,838
Rating: 4.9387712 out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, among us 100 players, among us, among us new gamemode, among us new infected gamemode, among us the impostor has infinite range, among us no kill cooldown, no killcooldown, among us 100 impostors, among us 100 iq, among us mods, among us cheats, among us best players, among us impostor glitch
Id: kI308aIaUWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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