Among Us: Fresh Meat

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all right what do you think slug we'll tell pads i think i prefer you as you are oh uh hey so what do we do here uh nothing we're just waiting for the round to start wait is this your first time yeah i don't know what's happening okay so there's going to be an imposter among us i said the thing okay but it's our job to find out who it is and vote them out yeah but the imposters have got like special abilities and stuff so you need to be careful oh so what are those guys doing no idea no [ __ ] clue oh we're starting good luck unless you're the imposter then screw you huh cool uh hey question can all of the imposters use the vent okay i guess i'll never know whoa what's going on okay first of all we're not meant to talk to each other unless we're voting wait what happened red asked me if imposters can use vents yeah it's his first game yeah but everybody says that well hang on secondly that's a really suspect question no no i it's just that i'm pretty sure i saw blue go through the vent on the cameras and i don't know how this game works like can everyone do that or it wasn't me dude i saw you you're lying man there's no way this is your first time i'm already confused is anyone dead no we're all still here look all i'm saying is i saw someone blue go into the vent someone blew it wasn't me are you sure it wasn't cyan dude no i oh uh i don't or maybe it was you what yeah maybe you went through the vent and you're ratting yourself out why the [ __ ] would i oh that wasn't him that's crazy well that's a shame right next round this game sucks come on come on come on this is so [ __ ] stupid yes thank you finally no wait a minute where where was the body where was it in admin where in i just said an admin i was with cyan and medbay can confirm i was in navigation i found the body i was an admin well one of you [ __ ] is lying why is it one of us why can't it be you yeah you've been on your own a lot this game i've been doing tasks also how would you know unless you've been following me i'm keeping my eyes on everybody i don't trust a single one of you what do you have left to do electrical and trash that's kind of sauce how the [ __ ] is playing the game sus i mean that does sound like something an imposter would say what do you want me to say i killed yellow guys it was me that would be really sus too you sir are a bellend guys listen i'll follow white to trash watch him to confirm and then report back okay sounds good okay that's totally fine with me i've got nothing to hide you're all gonna feel so stupid when i where where is my body by trash by trash that's kind of sauce you need to shut up wait who was last with white blue yeah it was blue blue yeah did you see anything sorry guys i saw nothing yeah whoever this guy is oh man he's good does anyone else think it's strange that blacks found two bodies in a row on his own do you think he's self-reporting i don't know i just think it seems quite sus yeah it does seem quite sus [Music] i hate this [ __ ] thing how's this gonna go down boys you two stay the hell away from me yeah six feet apart [ __ ] why aren't you doing your tasks blue i've done all my [ __ ] pets i've done all my tests what's your excuses i ain't telling either of you [ __ ] aren't we meant to be on mute you shut the [ __ ] up wait there's only three of us oh yeah are you [ __ ] stupid so you guys want to go again [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,428,708
Rating: 4.9447017 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us animation, among us cartoon, among us mashed, eloediel, shadyvox, ed templer, spookysketches, probluesplayer, damien lee, zachxfuller, eloediel among us, shadyvox among us, ed templer among us, spooksketches among us, probluesplayer among us, zachxfuller among us, tim bender, tim bender among us, spyro's bad day, mashed spyro
Id: jO8TBjAQtas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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