among us but we can talk

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chat chat chat chat chat chat what's up what's good chat hmm how's it going i just popped right in here didn't even see me didn't even see me because i popped in so quick so mf quick huh wow wow wow they say they say wow i want to change the white balance oh hold on enlarge them there we go all right chat listen i want to try something real quick how many people are here i can't tell i don't understand this because i feel like you guys know how many people are here before i do which is dumb right it's dumb why can't i see the live viewer account before 5k plus okay what the hell dude crazy just crazy i want to try something real quick okay you guys know me what um listen there's a lot of people here and i want to see what happens if i tell you to do something okay do it if you want if you don't want to whatever but i want to see what happens we have a great mod team here you know a lot of a lot of lovely folks a lot of lovely folks that i appreciate many much they're also cursed individuals but i trust them and i think that they're also not only trustworthy individuals but i think that they're also funny individuals so i want to try something real quick the mods made a tick tock currently has 2 992 followers i just want to see what happens if i tell you to go and follow their tick tock it's at cranky mods the icon is the shrek character that i made in demon souls i just want to see what happens if i tell you to go and follow it at cranky mods i just want to see on ticks go for it go do it huh what happens and you know it gives you a nice opportunity as well although they post some curse content they've been posting some introductions too to themselves and i think that's cool um where like a few of them have been like hey this is who i am this is a little bit about me a little tidbit you see me in chat say what's up and i think that that is funny why is that funny i don't know they make funny memes about being mods and about chat um but i think it's cool that like they're introducing themselves and stuff because it's nice to be able to put a face to the name and what i'm hoping for is if you guys see the mods on said social media whether it's tick tock or on their personal accounts and mods whenever you whatever you want i trust you so i know that you won't [ __ ] spam it but post your own twitter if you feel like it you know i want the community to to know who each other's is you know and recently the streams have been getting bigger which is great but it also makes for more chaotic chat and the mods are mods for a reason they're mods because i trust them and uh and i trust them and i think that they're cool and i want the people in the chat to give them the respect that they that they deserve you know they're in the position for a reason and it's because i trust them and i know that they're gonna make correct decisions in the chat um they really are like the backbone of the stream because i'm focusing on making the content you know baby just making this top quality content no but i can't really stream especially with the way that chat has been recently i can't stream and also make sure the chats running smoothly and make sure the immunity the immunity the community is staying in line you know um i really respect them um so yeah go and follow their funny tick tock they make funny things and you can also get to know them uh and i think having a face to the name makes it a little more real it's like oh i don't want to piss this person off because they're a real person i'm going to respect them more you know at cranky mods on tick tock and uh to the mods who are making tick tocks if you feel like because i don't know if all of you have but if you feel like making a little introduction to talk of who you are i think that's cool if you don't that's fine because i know that not everybody likes to be on camera wow anywho we're going to be playing phasmaphobia in about a half hour i've got a vivid voltage booster box here okay oops this needs to go this way the camera setup is a little weird because it's a little weird but it's okay would you rather uh i'll just do it like this okay anyway we're gonna do a little bit of pokemons pokemons pokeman time okay we gonna open this booster box now we only have phasmaphobia huh i changed the game i changed it to just chatting didn't i oh wait did i say that we were playing phasmaphobia i meant that we were playing among us anyway we've got some cards here i'm going to bust through this enlarge through this booster box okay all right here we go here we go gamers uh the camera angle is kind of weird but oh well you know we can't all we can't all be winners you know can't all be winners wow okay here we go one two three four to the back i think right wow here we go baby they even wanted to reach out and apologize from the other night nessa hopefully sometime in the future [Laughter] oh first card first pack first pack [ __ ] wow first pack oh oh baby oh that's nice oh that's real nice i i think i saw lean heart in the chat a little bit earlier i don't know if that was if that was a true or not the camera angle is really weird because i just cleaned my office wow i didn't have everything set up first pack wow [Music] wow wow galerian der manchin v-max rainbow baby he is in here lean heart what's up first pack that's awesome that's so good um yeah sorry about the weird camera angle but i was just setting it up kind of last minute because i was like oh i have a bunch of i have five booster boxes that are unopened what if i one before the stream stream starts wow all right here we go good stuff one two three four to the back dark energy heroes middle hip on top croco rock pineco mud bray pujiana charmander i love this charmander art that's sweet look at that what is this booster box so far this is uh this is pretty pog i hate this camera angle so much it's really weird it's not it's not top down it's like on a weird angle but it's just the best that i could do with the time that i had i didn't want to bust out like the big stand that i normally do because i just cleaned um so yeah anywho nice nice nice nice amazing rare pog that's right it is okay go one two three four two back all right wash energy charmeleon pincher fanfee yanma sorry hold on i'm moving uh the streamlabs app so i can see what i'm doing better i didn't realize the spencer cam was still there the whole time yanma meowth duskol voltorb memory capsule reverse hollow we are just uh we're going through these pretty quick because we only have a half hour so wasting no time today gamers wasting no time just going through them one two three four one firing memory capsule jurassic electric oshawott pineco clefairy dynamo milsari will reverse hollow whaler and a colossal v not too bad not too bad not too shabby not too shabby oh also um i'm going to send in some cards to get graded soon and i'm excited about it i'll show you really quick leanna if you're still here these are the cards so leon tell me tell me if this is too much there's 30 something cards in here and i want to send all of these to get graded is this too much is this a bad idea to get all of these graded but this is what i want to do uh dark charizard wow dark charizard shiny charizard shiny charizard charizard v max charlotte remax misty sidra light asmorel lapras dark blastoise dark blastoise dark gyarados holo dark gyarados hollow pre-release dark dragonite dark dragonite dark dragonite dark dragonite hollow hollow dark alakazam hollow venusaur hollow wild plume hollow dark vile plume hollow dark gold bat hollow dark wheezing hollow dark wheezing hollow right you hollow dark right you hollow dark magnets on hollow zapdos uh here comes team rocket hollow and then energies hollow leonhardt if you're still here is that too many cards to get created is that a bad idea wow i figured i figured like those are the best cards that i have so i might as well get them all graded i don't know i wouldn't bother with the last three sauce what's up but those are first edition though you know you know you know you know if you know you know uh energy b duet weedle beldum fanfee dusko electric reverse holo jolteon that's cool ooh and a zekrom hollow not too shabby not too shabby that's the first uh normal holo cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool not too bad not too bad not too bad not too bad wow also i've been thinking about potentially selling some uh of like the normal cards that i have not not like comments but like you know like these kind of stuff like these and like some v-maxes maybe stuff like that but i don't know i don't know what are the big pulls for this booster box um so we definitely want anything rainbow obviously and then there's a bunch of amazing rares in this too so there's a lugia which we pulled there's a snorlax that we pulled um there is the the chunky pikachu is is the big one that we want swellow ryolu evc dot electric fairy first hollow swoop and mega super mega wow we are busting through these dude we are busting through them we're gonna do this the old fashioned way real quick for this pack all right people are gonna be upset about it but it's fine wow we're just gonna just because i don't have a lot of time hey a pikachu v nice where's the there it is just busting through it real quick let me sleeve that pikachu yeah so we're looking for a chunky pikachu this is just a normal pikachu pikachu v all right let's speed run one more let's see what happens manifest chonkichu dump truck pikachu i like that a lot he won't be in here actually an amazing rare could be on green apparently there's the all right so we didn't get it didn't get anything oh well oh well oh will this is so nice and chill yay gotta get the big boy gotta get that big boy nothing but hey that's just the way it happens we do actually kind of have to move if we want to get through the whole box because um because we're doing stuff playing among us there's something good here energy pin churchin loudrid memory capsule execute woobat beldum blitzel milsari reverse hall of c-dot whatever whatever you know you know this uh stream by the way guys sponsored by top of the morning coffee it's not but i love my friend sean and i genuinely love his coffee it is i am not saying this because he's my friend you're over here i'm not saying this because he's my friend genuinely my favorite coffee that i that i've had ever um like it just tastes so good both the cold brew and the beans i drink it almost every day top of the morning dot com top of the morning coffee dot com top of the morning dot com i don't know mods will you put the coffee in the chat thank you appreciate you top of the morning coffee what is it i don't know it's good though is it pre-sweetened no it's not i usually what i do if i'm too lazy to get a glass is i'll drink like a quarter of it and then [Music] um wait i this just happened right did i just did i just do something weird or did did this have two things what two codes double code okay energy i thought we were going to get a god pack for a second that was weird shuckle fanfee yanma meowth duskal voltorb clefairy that was weird i got excited for a second i was like oh oh let's go maybe a god pack so god packs have been happening um i don't know why but there are some packs i think it's with vivid voltage i'm pretty sure where it's just all you get an entire wow an entire pack of insane cards energy winning stadium tang mighty anna uh eevee c dot electric fairy ooh reverse holo snorlax that's cool executor all right we got 20 minutes let's go let's go through this wow anything anything oh we got another hollow snorlax i like that a lot cool i really like this snorlax a lot is this an amazing rare i don't actually know i don't think it is um yeah i know mark poop stop please stop with the mark poop spam i am aware also it's been happening all that happened a bit ago i realized that old news chat old news we know that mark done pooped okay we know hit him with that emote only mode real quick one two three four energy cara dusk lops electric barracuda in kata piggy peck pucciana rockruff reverse hollow charmander that's cool in a drapey envy okay not too bad not too bad got something cool i guess we have we're not even halfway through the booster box which is a little concerning considering the amount of time that we have left guys i have a fan next to my desk as as many of you know because a lot of you are like ethan why is your hair moving but it's been great um because it has a timer on it and i always forget to turn off my fan and then it's on like all night but it has a timer on it and i've been remembering when i turn it on it's a habit now to turn the timer on and it's great because then it'll automatically shut off because i don't remember to shut it off and that's that what a good feature right right one two three four i'm opening vivid voltage right now by the way for those of you just tuning in taylor charmander whooper glaring cottony reverse holo shi ninja and nothing a good old nothing all right timers are adhd's best friend yes timers and scheduled things i'm trying to get a uh it's out of stock right now but i'm trying to get a because it gets kind of stuffy in my room in my recording room so i'm trying to get an air purifier that has a schedule on it so not only a timer but i can say hey turn on from this time to this time every day because that's the other thing is like oh i buy a thing like an air purifier or a fan and i forget to turn it on not only do i forget to turn it off but i'll forget to turn it on too it's great it's wonderful stuff i swear i'm hog well i don't know about that i don't know about that one two three four whoops i did it wrong i did three instead of four all right we are halfway through we are halfway through the box see if we can get something good we need to go faster ooh we got a shaman hollow nice that's cool that's cool is ethan reading chat yes all right i'm gonna really start going through these packs because we are closing in i know that that's not the preferred method for everybody but screw you ethan what did i do what did i do amy that was so mean what did i do i shout out the the the cranky mods tick tock and i am like hey i'm gonna open some packs gonna place them among us and i'm just chilling in in chat i'm reading chat i'm not encouraging spam i've said nice things and this is how i get repaid this is how i get repaired maya thank you so much for the thousand bits stay as long as i can thank you thank you thank you oh baby do we do not get a reverse holo i guess not that's pretty that's pretty hey damn that's cool that's pretty cool i love dog pokemon dog poopy man ethan do you play pokemon online or do you just collect the cards um i don't play pokemon online i don't even know why i'm doing the four to the back if i'm just going through it like this but you know we got to go fast because we've got less than 15 minutes left we still have so many packs wow i'm just going you know i'm just going i am popping off gamers i would like a couple more do you consider this gambling um not really no i wouldn't consider it gambling oh i do like these electrodes i wouldn't consider it gambling no wow i don't know it's collecting it's it's not gambling are you sure about that i'm pretty sure about that i don't know chat what would you call it [Music] full art full art lady now that's pog i don't know what would you call it sauce are you still in here you do pokemon stuff it's not gambling like it's just collecting but like i don't know it is kind of a gamble because you're spending money hoping that you get big poles i guess i don't i don't know it's a female you are so beautiful [Music] to me can't you see you're everything i hope for can't believe i just wasted 7.5 k channel point oh yeah i forget to do that i should refund everybody their channel points because i never do anything because i don't pay attention enough you're everything i need [Music] you are so beautiful anybody get that reference not just the song but specifically the voice that i'm doing it in and what that voice entails if you can say what that's from then your pog little rascal so many people are getting it wow i thought honestly don't take this the wrong way i thought that a lot of you guys would be too young to get little rascals honestly good old alfalfa you are so beautiful to me can't you see you're everything i hope for alfalfa is kind of a simple yeah ethan i'm older than you i was talking about in general chad is younger than me that was not an invitation to post ages in chat no uh it's against tos if you're under 13 to be on twitch just don't put your age in chat not even as a joke don't even say like i'm two years old because that is something that i've noticed recently chat you think it's a funny joke to be like haha i'm too but with the streams getting more views recently which is really cool there's also been twitch staff in chat so that's a thing so when i'm like if twitch staff is in chat they can just permaban you if you say that you're under 13. and pretty regularly recently oh yes togekiss v-max pog there has been twitch staff in chat so be careful be careful dude togekiss v-max nice i think i've already pulled one of these i can't remember i'll have to check nice nice nice nice nice nice all right we have four packs left four packs left and just in time because like 10 minutes so we'll do these uh a little more uh normal all right we got steel energy memory capsule go goat ferrothorn whale mer cottony club opus dude yes i want a club o puss v-max electric execute heroes metal and ooh another shaman cool cool cool two shaymin are so beautiful [Music] to me can't you see everything i hope for [Music] your everything i need you are so beautiful to me oh alfalfa all right here we go last two wow ethan i thought you only had 30 minutes i only have 30 minutes to open these packs because in eight minutes we're going to start playing among us all right nothing in here all right last chance for chunky pikachu let's do it dude last chance today i still have four more booster boxes but i'm not opening them today all right here we go last pack magic psychic energy aleister cramarant voltorb weedle drill bir clefairy whaler reverse hall of vaporeon or beetle bee not terrible but also not great well the stuff we've pulled the big boys or beetle v togekiss v-max drapeon v pokey center lady full art i like that electrode drapeon v snorlax hollow zehrud stanstorm pikachu colossal v zation and the gallantry yeah i mentioned vmax rainbow not too shabby mate not too shabby going to these air you're everything i hope for your everything i need you are so beautiful to me can't you see all right please hold chat i need to throw these away i don't keep the wrappers so don't go oh you think they're valuable kind of you could probably sell them for like dollar but i don't care not even actually not vivid voltage you can sell those not yet maybe eventually they'll have value you are so beautiful you're everything i need you are so beautiful hey to me can't you see okay and now we do this upside down hold on sorry you're everything i hope for everything i need there we go baby there we go isn't that lovely isn't she lovely isn't he wonderful [Music] isn't he stinky he's just two years old what a guy what a guy look at him look at him he's just sitting there being the best boy i've ever done seen in my whole life look at him wow yeah talking about you i'm talking about you oh you winked at me thank you okay oh god all right i need two wow what do i need to do what do i need to do oh [Music] [Music] um sorry i'm just getting i'm getting everything set up just so there we go um just so we're all ready for the stream them switch this over real quick [Music] and launch that figure out where that is later isn't she wonderful um all right dream team among us crankgameplace everybody you're required to retweet the tweet that i'm tweeting out right now thank you so much i appreciate it you know it's just the way it is wowie among us there we go okay sorry i had to change things guys dream team among us baby all right let's get into it shall we love let's get into it right everyone's deafened up everybody's stepping don't worry about it everybody was deafened isn't she happy i guess i should make sure that my game is updated that's probably a good idea that's probably a pog idea mods how are the levels and everything i'm switching to a two pc stream setup soon i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna try and get my audio all good to go um because it's been a little funky i got my coffee let's get this party started let's get it started let's get started all right everybody grab a beverage grab a whatever you need oh here we go always on time to be fair brian it is very nice to meet you it's super nice to meet you i think we uh travel in a lot of similar circles so this yes i was excited i was like i see i see your name i love a good circle dude i don't want to be the jerk in it though i love circles guys oh wait what oh boy yeah i didn't know where we were going i just pretty much i think i know everybody here except for luxy is amazing it's better that farrell gets it out in the open and that everybody knows i'm just the worst i'm just trying to be honest ethan it's so nice to meet you dude jeff it's so nice to meet you dude i was thinking about you in my dreams last night and i was like i can't wait to meet jeff for the first time it's gonna be great dude you are making me feel [Music] why do you sound like a kid who lost his wallet today [Laughter] hey guys it's a really rough day i'm not doing good on my screen that's so sad chris i saw somebody tweet a picture of you i think it was last night from uh when you were in college i'd take a kiss i mean i'd take a kiss now oh chris left i'm back sorry yeah you'd be a little bit more passionate back then though you gotta admit yeah there are a lot of moments happening also i posted the code in case you don't want to like oh girls i just didn't want to join them to unless like we were going to commit to that because it might will it double um you should be able to hit right control to deafen the proximity well maybe i'm wrong i'm not hearing it i hope it hurts nobody's doubling up you know no one's doubling up for me unless it's just that good that it's playing at the exact same time oh no latency people are people are doubling you know what your little green bubbles are popping up at the exact same time i have like a muted thing yeah like a mute over your person yeah you can hit right control again oh it's working mine's pushed to talk so can we not uh use this voice chat for the discord thing as well the stream kit well i think once we switch we're going all in on the uh proximity right yeah oh oh do you stay in the proximity the whole time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i'm gonna restart i wasn't sure if we like hop back and forth uh i think what we should do okay so i don't know i mean maybe i just like that actually because you kind of put it together but maybe somebody we start a game just like a fake game and somebody goes all the way down and one by one we go down there and see if they can hear us yeah yeah yeah that would actually be pretty smart does it work jason thank you for the enthusiasm on that so should we all everyone is very quiet in my my game for some reason i think everyone for me sounds perfect maybe you have to um turn your game volume up or maybe in the accrualing settings yeah maybe it's crew link oh yeah crew link uh keeps dropping the volume for some reason it's weird crispy is that actually you oh that's so loud oh we're starting oh are we going oh no wait well i can't i don't know about hearing people okay i can hear you hello hello test game hi so we are talking um we're just basically testing [Music] oh i can hear people [Laughter] so hold on how is this working i actually so oh my god yeah we should go down uh right now i we won't be able to test black because black just died i don't know we can see that's killed everyone else can talk uh who's yellow yeah oh actually that's how you actually yellow i can hear you uh jason i believe i can hear you i can please yeah chris can you talk i was just doing tasks um i think i figured it out if anybody wants to come over here and test it with me just solo [Music] yeah i think everyone's good grayson you want to talk again um should we just let reactor run out or okay yeah but wait wait wait i want someone to murder me okay first someone murder ashley so she can talk in dead [ __ ] let's follow me christmas doesn't work crispy's not working yeah i can't handle it oh there he is oh wait there you go yeah yeah there he is wait say it again how's everybody's level i couldn't hear i couldn't hear chris though oh wait i can't hear crispy i could hear every oh my god mods thank you so much for making a uh proximity command jesus christ it's me wow i wonder if it's because i can't hear chris though and are on the same internet maybe it's screwed up oh yeah it shouldn't yeah i mean it attaches to like a server so that's weird are we doing um wait does one vote get you off i i guess there was only one vote oh no wait wait my chat just said that they can hear ethan's notifications playing back your notifications through your mic again uh is that happening i i don't hear it on my end but my channel is someone someone uh can you guys hear me can you hear me right now real fast wait can you guys hear me test just forget okay uh i just had an idea do you guys still hear it you shouldn't hear it at all i didn't hear it that time why did you get a sub that's rude uh wow dude two thousand gifts and subs that's just some kind of pog wow president obama 8 000 gifted subs thank you wow uh so are we just going to let reactor run out or something so we can do a real game what do we what's the plan i don't know sorry i was doing pass killer could again kill us all yeah just kill us all let's go just kill us all or did that wow just don't report just wait for the kill who was it i couldn't tell oh i think it was real wait so proximity works for dead chat too yeah but only amongst ghosts i guess is what ashley was telling me anyone want to kill me well yeah that's what i mean yeah that's the thing some of you guys are quiet and then some of you guys are okay so everyone sounds really good for me but i can't hear me yeah i could hear you is crispy not talking yeah crispy are you there i can hear you yeah i don't hear crispy pretty quiet it's weird that's so maybe it'll fix after you fix up the next one let me see if this works yeah i can hear you guys oh nice oh okay how much price i think everyone i think i just made everyone better how did you do that uh jason i i was in my master volume my windows master volume and uh it was some for some reason being hijacked by crew link to like go super low and now now it's okay for someone oh yeah yeah you're right yeah do you see how it's like sort of jumping around all over for no [ __ ] reason yeah wait can you make it oh it just got quiet again what the [ __ ] yeah mine just got quiet too it's like that it's automatically changing the levels oh my gosh crew link [Music] okay i wanted to let everybody know in case you didn't realize um you can hear the uh ghosts when you're dead so you have dead chat you can just hang out with other ghosts and chat cool let's see okay we don't each other when you do that right you can also hear everyone that's still alive yeah a lot of people can't just can't hear you okay so a lot of people can't hear it oh this is gonna be fun so good i have a question all right are we ready for a real one yeah wait i have a i have a question yeah i'm just trying to figure out the question um no i don't think that sounds fine to me i never heard it has weird audio issues crispy you and me let's rejoin i think me and chris should be joined because i can't hear him yeah i i also can't i just want to say your audio is always fine i thought i could hear chris oh good point okay yeah crispy why is crew link doing this crew link is also being weird for me it keeps going up and down it's like yeah going up and down automatically there's no way to hard lock that going up and down is that you want to use it in go xlr yeah i just put it on a volume i got it on my chat i think i'm yeah what is happening can y'all still hear me yeah i can hear you no no no no no no i'm not deafened right now can you hear me can you definitely close out and then like reopen it and see if that's good yeah that fixed problem for me control r like refresh crew link with control r i think i heard that you can do that yeah chris has to do that because i don't think wait can anyone hear me also if anyone has any issues i have the gen chat open in discord if you like kite fair i'll see it perfect um okay talk again okay gosh dang are you kidding christmas you've cursed it as soon as you left i could hear crispy i came back i can't hear crispy anymore what the hell chris chris what the [ __ ] bro that's not neat dude you're nice you're a nice guy yeah i don't know why but but uh can you guys keep dipping down like five volumes i thought i heard crispy for a second crispy um yeah i can hear crispy it sounds like he's coming through like somebody else's here that [ __ ] did you see in the my god i'm gonna have to wrestle i think we could make a private server just in case like it starts being weird i don't know if we want to try that uh i did not actually look up here it might be like a headache to do it but we can definitely do it work it'll be crispy just sounds like for me that he's oh crispy is your mic the wrong one you sound like you're in like another room can you hear me chris if you can hear me and say what up i just swapped my mic well why does everyone else sound so weird oh my gosh wow yeah everybody all right let's try again wow i was looking forward to it or yeah [Music] uh set up first and then we can what if uh what if we all set our keybind for def in in crew link to the same one that undefends in discord that's too smart i'm down wait oh god okay that so like say it's both left control just make sure you're deafened in discord and then when you hit it you'll undefine discord and deafen and crew link small maybe it might not be that big of a deal i don't know yeah yeah maybe i i think i'm coming to the realization that i also can't hear chris no is chris talking chris either chris who said circle around chris make sure we can hear chris hey chris hey chris hey chris hi chris hey chris hi chris happy birthday wait chris it's your birthday birthday yeah give me give me a hundred subs dude wait it's your birthday is it actually no problem i have a horrible birthday wait hold on wait it's not your birthday's happy birthday it's not christmas oh my god someone should what the hell jeff okay oh my gosh yeah yeah maybe it'll fix curling if you drop some gifts chris i was literally about to gift you 100 subs for the meme and now i'm not going to that's fine dad loves me hey i have a couple questions yes what's up actually the first one's more of a statement you look amazing thank you oh i do thank you the the second thing is are we playing with any special um ethan did i are we oh i was just really in my personal level right sorry i was just coming over to listen you're eating oh hi also um [Music] did i [Laughter] oh my god no once we get everyone sorted i was just gonna ask you if we're playing on any like uh are there any specific rules like are we allowed to play how we normally would play like call emergency meetings are we not doing any of that that was my question from before too audio gets cursed i think we should be fine yeah if we just play normal we just can hear each other of course why hell yeah okay uh chat can you hear them okay the audio on my end has been kind of weird um i don't know why but let me know if you can hear everybody and stuff again it's proximity based so the volume is going to go up and down and up and down depending on how um how close they are [Music] for comments 25 or 22.5 yeah sorry this is from like why are you crewmate vision is at 2x so we should probably put that down i'm going to grab a sweatshirt really quick because i'm cold this is from hide and seek i think impossible roommate vision just not like chris or like one person yeah explain the default stuff that we want to do i could do it if you want real real quick so crewmate vision point seven five okay uh creamy mission white whoops 0.75 imposter vision 1.25 uh okay passport updates meetings uh test for updates meetings hell yes okay good visual tasks off yeah um it says no discussion voting time should be at discussion should be like 15 voting time at like 75. you guys feeling all right this looks this looks good okay are we ready normally i don't remember uh okay 20 is normal uh anonymous votes do we want anonymous voting on not for now or yet i mean all right consensus yes no no no no no no okay so no confirm ejects no anonymous votes okay we should be solid to go now ready ready let's go let's [Music] it's all proximity based all right hey guys what's up this is really weird it feels wrong [Music] but i'm getting distracted it's really weird i'm afraid because it's weird talking to people yeah it's so strange i feel like it's wrong that i can't talk i feel like we're breaking a law yeah [Laughter] hello anybody in here i heard somebody i heard brian for a second this is so weird this is so weird i feel so wrong but it feels so right you know my shields doing my shield i'm getting so much done right now somebody's on cams nice hell yeah hi loxie hi ashley please stop how are you today i'm doing good you're not going to kill me right i'm not getting killed you're going to kill me no i'm not going to kill you seven six six seven oh you're here yeah i did it so hopefully somebody else got oh yeah we can should or should we talking discord about it we can just talk here can't we just to make sure everyone can hear yeah oh okay okay i'm undoubtedly yeah so i can hear crispy's voice hey yeah that's so weird i can't hear you dude hey what's up hi hi what's good everybody actually you know what having discord and this open at the same time is fantastic so hi and also with ally for a lot of it too yeah i'm trying to remember who ran past those when we were goofing around with the hats because i found uh the body on the very right side of um cafeteria like at the entrance to weapons so oh no okay interesting i was very busy looking at our combo and i did not pay attention to who ran past us okay let's see angel baby i saw you come up from that direction oh no sorry oh no you're fine but i was in the i wasn't in cafeteria i was in the room above where y'all were [ __ ] around and i came directly down to y'all and was by ash essentially that whole time me brian and christopher i was literally just having conversations with people i did i did the card swipe in front of jason and admin that's true hey guys hey welcome welcome back hey hey what's good hey so weird it feels so weird but it's very fast this is strange it feels like yelling as they're running away [Music] it's so weird oh crispy hey ash hey ethan hey and i'm not paying attention at all to what's going on ethan don't you dare i'm not gonna kill you i don't have that i thought that i had that thing i don't i have this all right oh i still have a note 2 okay this is so weird i feel like brian's going to kill me i don't trust mine [Music] i just heard you trying to trying to trying to say stuff about me oh god i don't want to get killed i don't trust brian i don't trust brian let's get out of here i just i don't i never trust buying brian's coming close to me he's coming close to me i'm gonna kill you oh that was that was incredible so sad wait ethan can you hear me yeah i can hear you can you hear me i watched that happen oh that was so sad and you could hear you could hear us right you can hear everybody yeah oh that's so so hilarious i was like it can't be brian because i'm gonna kill you bam wow wow wow wow wow hi chris brian and luxy by the way uh killed me hi chris hi chris chris you can't see here hear me jason please go choke close to my body i'm gonna fall daily you guys want to run all right no one's dead there oh okay i'm going please don't kill me in electrical i just want to please no dying here i don't want to die in electrical okay thank you hello if you get killed i will report the body immediately in space whoever does it i just didn't mention it's not gonna be me because i just didn't oh oh my god you have no hat hello jason you do not have anything on your head yeah what no hat there was doing trash my poor little sweet maybe handsome ethan was doing trash and somebody sliced him right in half oh oh god somebody that's what ethan last i don't know i saw brian when i went to go dudes diamonds i left i caught a whiff of a whiff or something beautiful and i followed it fresh okay so jeff reported who was it was ethan where was the body sorry i i i i it was okay more trash and that's not saying anything about ethan that's just where he was what i'm clarifying wow that ethan pooped his pants when he died and that's what you were smelling can you confuse me i said it was a beautiful tent i didn't see anything can you confirm a stinky poopoo if you want to put it in the realm of reality i have no idea i was on campus for a little while uh except that ashley was really far away when reactor was done but that could have just been where she was during taxes with brian ashley and chris are having this weird stare down i saw brian chris was telling me about his audio issues and i was telling him what i use my settings literally very distracted by everything happening open voices by the way open voice and then definitely is the way to go yeah yeah yeah that's what i've been doing sucks fun though i gotta say i don't know how to do that yeah i'm going to finish myself too sick are you not the only people that are dead yeah could you uh hear me during the meeting uh no because i'm muted or i definitely and only brian was repeating for me so if you want to do that you can talk in deadshot during the meetings oh okay okay okay yeah uh i'm done with my i'm done okay are you done no i have three more i'll follow you so pretty cool ship huh yeah i like that our hat stayed with us yeah i got a little egg wait do you have a hat i don't see a hat on you it's a hatchet it's a hat chit shut up that was good all right again okay [Laughter] have you played with jason before no oh yes you're in for a tweet jason's my favorite person he's so loud i love him when i tweeted uh about the whole thing i was like who's gonna be the most chaotic 98 uh [Music] oh my god the cursed audio when you reload oh my god are you guys down can you pull this because that level's way too tall oh my god when whenever he walks in it becomes yeah and you completely just ignored me oh then killed me oh dude yeah because i'm going to kill you always randomly it's always with like the weirdest stuff too i guess yeah hello discord back in discord hello this card this is so less chaotic beef we could do try doing a vpn maybe chris because i have one but also like that'll mess up my stream oh yeah what's up losers [Laughter] that's very good this is fun this is fun this is fun all right chris talk in the the thing micah uh can i talk to you down here hello hello mike hit him with that micah micah no i still can't hear chris what the heck my name is jeff but somebody could call me jesus oh is that something i could do can i can i be called foxy i love their voices slowly fading away as you walk away why is your name red it's so chaotic this is so chaotic my name is not red chief trying to frame me trying to frame me or something all right you can follow me i'm doing med base scan baby oh you can hear that through my headphones why am i going down here i don't have a thing well i'll go down here just to see if anybody's down here millennials please the game is so loud wait where are you going ethan i'm going over into the office bye flip over my card flip over this card put the thing on the thing and then that's the whole thing that's the whole deal they are no deal the audio is a bit loud well i changed it so there so there chat okay i heard somebody hello hello [Music] i heard chris chris chris what are you doing what are you doing what's up [Music] i was with ashley and we both went down the specimen she was afraid i was going to kill her and that's when i found the body it's true also if anyone has med skin i have med skin if you want to you want to hey guys guys r.i.p all right r.i.p mika am i right guys huh [Applause] i don't know mika i only know micah just putting it out there i'm automatically not suss on lexi because she was complimenting me so i'm automatically not listening to ali and luxy talk about cheese or something for a minute there yeah yeah i'm automatically not sauce on on sorry i had to burp in my stomach uh [Music] our respective corners and we've been survived so nice honestly i the only person i could not suss was mika because she easily could have burned me with beating and also i thought you were gonna say because she's dead i was like that's pretty obvious um it's obvious but before it was not look i don't think it's ashley guys i just want to point out that jason when i was in admin with him and i asked are you going to kill me he said no i don't have the click kill button or it's on cooldown so [Music] that i can see your top hat in this in this photo okay there you go i don't think it's jason it's always not jason when you think it's true you're probably right but i can't condemn him [Music] i'm gonna do this thing see it's funny because it's hard to tell sometimes where the people are at you know i'm going to do this r2 i'm going to put this canister in the thing wait for it to fill up and then ooh there she goes she goes i wonder if mika's watching me do my tasks hey mika how's it feel how do how does it feel to be dead sucks to suck it's what i'm saying about it i'm good you ever throwed up in your your bed that's a good point hey guys what's up killer apparently there's sets on chris and crispy so i'm passing this along uh uh hey everybody wait i don't know i'm trying to do simon says oh i need to go back up actually i'm gonna do simon says okay have fun and he would just wear tracks there i guess it's ugly oh hey like your baby thank you he's my little son and if anybody kills me my son becomes an orphan a lot of people here i'm not venting i'm doing the wires over here who was it done who just walked up who just walked up oh brian wasn't you oh half was it no no no ashley and i were hanging out the entire time was it brian [Music] we were all stacked on electric panel and someone died because i have a megaphone so it's just not fair true i i i can say i think with my at least my left eye not both eyes i think ally did it wait why ally no but i also just walked up like at the at the last second the body got chopped in half right in front of me why why would i you start yelling right away well because that's the perfect time for you to kill right when you're walking up and it's like oh man this person just i mean you don't yeah i mean listen that's that's fine if you want you can like i said i can't say it was two eyes so i i'm eighty percent on ali i can't even because you know sometimes i don't see things correctly do my final wiring task i had just done wires over by a tree and i checked tree i ran down like past everything i did reactor on the left side past chris melberger didn't see who did reactor on the right side went into lab saw 70 people at wires and that's when i saw the slice why don't we sauce on json information i didn't really [Music] complimenting her cheese and i didn't die so maybe it was the compliment that says i'm skipping ali and i were together jason i don't know that's right you could have killed me too in the first round [Music] we're almost done at any point during the round uh where did he go where did chris my burger go grab my bubba let's go on cams oh here's chris hey hey what's up i'm just looking at stuff what are you doing cool me too i'm done with my tasks don't kill me if you're the guy i'm not the guy i trust you man i trust you here comes jeff i watch i just fixed the lights guys you see that yeah that was cool are you done with tasks jeff let me see i got two more one down i'm done cool if we follow you yeah follow me kill me i don't give a [ __ ] oh brian's here i think brian might kill him oh god oh man oh look at me i'm about to kill someone i'm gonna kill ethan i did it [Laughter] i genuinely thought that jason had just killed me i respect him i'm gonna let you explain yourself chris i'm gonna i'm gonna let you explain yourself too all right isn't it jason's brian combo because brian just killed ethan and literally goes i'm going to kill you look i did it was brian it was definitely he killed right in front of me and chris does not sound like me does that sound like anything i'd ever do we've played together so many times i'm sorry brian kilby we went down to have a little shindig brian comes through everywhere i watched that happen again here's my defense again you watched me i was talking to ethan before he started gaming brian he was like and i don't have anything to live for i'm going to die like you did ethan really [Laughter] he is concurrent with my i saw brian slash someone and also chris was attempting to go to left reactor when people were stacked on right right you said you saw brian last time yeah but then you accused my ass mr top hat you know that's a weird thing to accuse chris do you believe me or can i swallow you at all i don't believe you chris personally but that's just me well yeah it's because you just killed you're the killer so i think i think there's i think what am i i think i'm good i'm believing chris here oh no i'm overwhelmed luxy it's it's brian okay brian hey you can vote for me but you're doing everything perfectly or the other one brian vote for the other people i'm going to vote for chris then next time i haven't i haven't talked i've been talking like no good good good good good brian you get it hey i'm a ghost brian literally said i'm going to kill ethan and then he killed me brian oh you mean kill you like this who is the second killer brian listen listen ethan i had to do something because tasks are almost done and uh my fellow imposter was not doing much so oh [ __ ] um uh this person oh okay i got it i got it mika i gotta say that my kill on you is probably the funniest thing i've ever done on stream is that what's happening i i was both amazed and also so offended i was like i really trust brian in this moment and then yeah you're like hey that's what happens promise you won't kill me and i was like yeah yeah sure like this and then i literally sliced you in half that's what happened yep and i i failed by being like hey let's see did you just vent me well who who was it what was it brian and luxy brian's different server oh my god why didn't you kill me at reactor i just couldn't do it i couldn't do it i couldn't die see you're not familiar with enough people when i'm imposter you're all dead i'm saying it right now i'm gonna kill all of you immediately but also proximity chat's very stressful and like if they hear me get excited and kill them they'll know they'll know a joke right before he slaps her little boy here fatherless i don't know brian you killed me and my son didn't have a father as if you've ever been there for him in your life excuse [Music] oh i gotta say i don't trust you in game and oh no well too many yeah mika i think is that something you can just go all the leaves are brown wow and the sky is gray all the leaves are brown yeah one ass at a time you know one ass at a time baby what you doing oh just your weapons okay i'm gonna leave jason bye all right bye ah darlies chris what's up and the sky is gray [Music] there's like an extra spy that joins that's pink i just want you to know are we wait are we doing discord or are we just staying on here i don't know what's happening well chris is dead yeah we can stay here um thank you for dying chris uh okay so yeah [ __ ] discord then uh i went into excuse me i have the megaphone mika wait your turn all right jesus all right uh i went into i don't even know what building it is it's the one with the the gas can in it okay you can ask me if you want is it story it's really sus that you called mikamika that is wait jeff turn your discord off there's an echo dude and krista isn't even alive he wasn't even good enough um sassy tonight we got some salad we got something down there i haven't even started drinking my wine yet yeah oh yeah i'm definitely gonna grab a wine christmas stuff that needs to speak i mean i said my thing i was in storage and i found uh i found ali there okay that's it that's like the microphone and let me see here specimen by himself oh he did yeah and when i went down he wasn't i'm hearing echo somewhere um i'm hearing echo as well is that me it might be dude who knows yeah anyways i heard him uh i i didn't hear him oh that's so distracting god he went down like a speech james coming through ashley is and then he definitely went through and died probably an admin because i was in specimen finishing my task in there and i didn't um i didn't see him anywhere so okay who i i can corroborate ashweet and luxie we we all waited for each other for scan and we're all good okay so who are we moving [Music] conversations going technically oh is it actually it's a little funky so weird yeah i think you are the killer i'm so confused oh i thought you meant the echo oh yeah i keep i keep thinking about me okay i'm sorry yeah me too i'm sorry i'm sorry the leaves are brown and the sky is gray all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey these are brown and the sky is great and the sky is grey you all know about when the leaves are brown and then the skies like that oh my god the audio got set everywhere every time a body is called i think that i'm getting killed and it's horrifying yes i am here i don't know why proximity does that but somebody's got me scared it does [ __ ] up okay i'm lower left right now where was crispy's body film right outside of lights i was gonna go in to check who was at lights but if anyone saw me they'd be like ashley did it but i mean whatever um right outside of lights i definitely know it was not mika i'm 90 sure it wasn't jason but also jason did take off i went down the specimen oh my gosh we were gonna go when did you go down to specimen i was inspect is specimen and decontamination the same thing towards that way yeah it's bottom right okay yeah yeah okay we saw jason about like 10 15 seconds before i got called okay there's no way you were all the way down and stressed me out no no i didn't make it i made it to the door and then i noticed y'all weren't following me so i went back up through admin to see if there was a dead body on like that temperature skin what really sucks is that chris and crispy are dead and they can't talk to each other and ally's the middle man what's up with your dad how you been i've seen better days but i mean i don't know that word better days oh i was doing wires down low by uh trash and co2 and all that stuff crispy literally passed me to go to lights and then he died i was about to do canisters and lure left so well i want to say well you know it's not crispy and that's my helpful we don't vote on seven i think is that a thing that we don't do we don't shoot on seven can you clear uh mika and ashley uh okay listen i can say that they scanned me but i did not see their scans is my only fear yeah we waited for you so we know that you're good so i don't know i thought that you were going to confirm us yeah well i mean why the two of you trust each other so completely yeah why confirming going on what me and mika because they waited for each other on med scan okay okay sure why are you okay you know what it's fine honestly i'm gonna just let it happen before okay if if it's how do i go down there i gotta go oh hi hi okay bye bye if any don't walk up with me and kill me amaze don't kill me on me don't jesus christ someone turning on all the leaves are brown oh my god i am the sky and the sky is gray all the leaves are burnt and the sky is grey what's going on uh there was like a jake paul stream so i turned it off please don't make a list i'm gonna well me and jason are wrong oh yep we are wrong wait hold on what do you mean by it me and jason are wrong how do you believe in you well yeah she waited for me why would she lie if she wasn't impossible okay you know what if she was cremated she was she did very moving movements at the reactor listen what was she moving the wrong way oh she's just like kept doubling back you know double but you know the imposter doesn't know the dumplings the double back fair enough fairness i have i have a question for lexi about ashley but ashley you reported the body so just say but you go oh okay i'll go you know when you have a dream shut up okay i found mika right outside the door to the area that leads you to like lab and upper like deacon tam right like right outside right underneath the right reactor thing what is your question i really want to know though my question because you and mika were all elbow to elbow friend a friend and you guys were trying to get luxie to confirm luxie could you ever confirm ashley okay they had confirmed each other on the scan as i was walking up and they were like oh you do it and then we'll check you out and that's why i got a little nervous later on because i get i couldn't confirm them but they were like oh yeah you're good i thought when we jumped on you oh you know what i thought you were gonna jump off and then confirm us i didn't know you actually finished your scan when you did it the first time i legitimately thought you stopped to check us all right oh no i don't have any stuff on ashley because of life you didn't stop your scan come on oh my god brian yes me did you when you got on cameras was the body already there i didn't actually look at cams i just clicked it quick and then flicked off because i was singing with ethan why why would you go to cams and not actually look at camps i don't know are we voting are we skipping what are we doing i don't know that's true all right who wants to call them i promise you guys can call a meeting and vote me out immediately if you want to throw but that's that's fine i have two tasks i have two tasks [Music] all the leaves are brown and the sky is gray dude i just want to say i love you dude i'll love you too good she was dude willow curse dude i think it's ethan might be ethan and then you just killed jason right before my very eyes wait a minute ashley that wasn't you that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying can you not can you not see where i'm coming from actually yeah i could totally stream it because i definitely was there but it was definitely ethan i promise i swear on my goddamn life jeff okay i mean we did lights together jeff we did we did that that's all i have that's all i have lives together listen ashley all i'm saying is that it was you me and brian right there the body fell i could not tell if it was you or brian but i have actually trusted you i could not tell who it was but i have not trusted you since the beginning dude and now a body's fallen and the three of us are there i see who'd you vote lexi what yeah what did you do for my best friend ashley ashley i'm leaving you can all suck my ass i actually i really [ __ ] hope that i can believe that it's not you all right jeff what's good i'm so sorry i'm so sorry [Laughter] [Music] guys i'm gonna grab a drink real quick that was a sick and pass around jeff let's go [Music] god [Laughter] [Music] my feet are hot because i've been drinking and that that got me riled up get excited i got really excited that was such a good embossed around guys god that was fun this is so fun i'm having such a good time i hope you guys are having a good time i love it when when god makes a decision like he does with those wires you know when he puts them in there just right oh that was so good that was so funny [Music] getting stronger by the second hell yeah okay let's go do lights let's fix those uh oh i literally oh i thought you just uh oh every time you're scared oh brian's not thinking about it oh my god brian i just heard your voice what the hell but i understand standing literally next to me while lights were off oh do we need to go to discord for chris no crispy's dead so good oh is it crispy one of them dies first imposters always put one of them first and then we will see oh don't do that don't actually do that um chris killed crispy just so he could talk in meetings you got me um that's enough for me that's enough for me i'm good to vote i found i found crispy's body over by lights the lights were off uh i didn't see anybody the only person i'm not casting sus but the only person i saw over on the left was at the very beginning uh jeff was there that is literally the only other person i saw i did co2 and then i left through the bottom yeah i don't think it was jeff but jeff you were the only other person that i saw on the left it was kind of weird that everybody was like jeff passed me on the bottom i saw feral wife and i think ashley on the like i saw ashley i didn't see you chris but you might have just seen me before the lights went out and i saw brian in labs earlier i'm literally with brian right now we are basically we're in the same like vision circle i didn't go to lights because i was like scared of everyone else being there and then nobody was at lights and then i was extra scared because no one really actually was doing lights uh congratulations mika i know i'd like to thank brian for not killing me you're welcome you're alive but it turns out it doesn't line up with your brand though mika so i think you should change that yeah i think it has to happen sorry safe in your head already you're halfway there safe rally oh maybe rally okay rally swing all right uh hey jeffy's in this lobby that's enough for me um jeff jeff is here disarming person like he's like yeah that's true and it scares you he literally told me a joke and then snapped my neck three seconds [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] oh god good luck on the maze i think it's mika child like hands i have child i have child like hands and abilities what is happening oh ethan's over here hey what's up i don't know ethan are you actually doing telescope what's the plan yeah i got like the like weird like helix looking one it's got oh wow it's cause i found it dude uh-huh i've got good spatial recognition is that a real thing is that something wait how did brian just get there i went through a specimen i went through event is what he said i'm sorry hey you have a bone to pick with me okay i'm doing a reactor oh my god i forgot to mute myself i'm sorry what's up hey dude nice classic uh classic oops i'm muted again kind of going pog on these uh tasks here legends uh [Applause] [Music] so there's a body outside of uh that area um okay uh i only walked by jeff by cams but yeah you were just in specimen how did you get there that fast i wasn't just in specimen i came out of cams and brian was there yeah jeff no brian brian no but you were just in specimen right before i walked across the top chris yeah but i was going he's there who do you vote for brian i don't like him i will i will say brian could have made it to lights or wherever he was down in specimen [Music] i hope no one's hearing me thank you guys for subs right now because that'd be embarrassing and then you were like hey thanks for four gifted subs and i was like what the hell what did i do four gifted subs that's such a specimen so that's probably it's probably not maybe yeah jason was there when i got there so yeah can i think it's brian and mika because because i don't like brian um and i'm voting because he killed me so many times and then hold on with mika i think it's yuca okay i think it's mika because because if mika if mika's saying stuff like thanks for the four gifted subs who gives four gifted subs dude do you either gift a gift or something one gift is up or you do five foster from them yeah and then they slip their voices slowly right away so i just finished it's simon but i already finished simon all my tasks are done baby time to keep my feet up because it's not simon says man come on you're not gonna kill me are you are you gonna kill me oh jason who's gonna kill you who's gonna hit it who's gonna kill you who is who jay's head i i i would love to hear this story why is it why is it coming through my headset that shouldn't be something that i can hear right now did he actually just die jason died no it was chris oh my god chris warmed me up why can't we chris chris warmed me up with conversation and then he killed me [Laughter] what i can hear you in crew link but people can hear me in the alive thing geez wait i i encountered crew link was bugging because i yeah so was mine i heard crispy saying chris killed him yeah no i heard jason say that i said i heard jason oh wait what happened yeah crew link was being weird i could hear jason uh after he died i think i think i'm gonna i think i'm just gonna go talking as a ghost maybe no no no keep talking no don't do that keep talking about chris killed me because it's beautiful yeah it was a oh my god i bet you did okay so i walked in to jeff and chris having a conversation i didn't know it was chris but i just heard jeff talking an imposter voice [Laughter] and i started to run away because i was scared and he followed me like ashley are you okay are you feeling okay and then chris jumped out of the bed and stabbed me [Music] got him so scared hey everyone in the lobby really quick say hi to my mom hey feral mom you raised someone who blames people for being a murderer when they're not oh [ __ ] basically you you raised uh someone who's snitching on people who are innocent yeah yeah before we start can i can i want to make a drink real quick yes go for it are we are we all audio doesn't glitch again are we all drinking tonight that was weird yeah i just wasn't gonna vote like if we had gotten to meeting because i was like jason's literally jason well i was upset because chris warmed me up with conversation that's what he does man yeah he's got that voice i just got a question and then murder together hey that was pretty incredible yeah that was a great round i didn't suspect you two impossible rounds in a row with my my my guys is lexie um christy is lucky is everyone ready uh no jason's grabbing uh yeah he's going to drink real quick he got muted dude that was an insane round by the way that was crazy we finally got a props regularly yeah that was nuts [ __ ] insane yeah that was really nice that was like wild i didn't suspect i could have gotten y'all so bad though but you got me i was it's because i don't know i've been a very nice and positive brian do you know why i don't trust you you run around going what is the kill button while i'm doing tasks though uh yeah while you're doing cast dude you said you're gonna kill me two times and then he killed me two times i was consistent man i don't want to lie to my viewers after this after this game i have to pee just letting you all yeah okay yeah i will also take a pee break after this next oh yeah let's do it water rally i'll drink raleigh right now or after the next time after the next door i can let my heat marinate a little longer i'll marinate yeah yeah i got a little wet brine going on i can wait what are you what are y'all what are you all drinking tonight honestly a white claw white cloth white wine with frozen strawberries to keep it cold oh my gosh that's some fancy that is fancy though sugar-free gatorade that's some white people's shoes nice hell yeah i'm drinking [ __ ] up i'm getting crazy going crazy yeah wait jeff what are you eating like drinking relax a little bit a little glacier blue uh sugar-free gatorade you know glacier blue is the best flavor i don't care what anyone's good electrical oh that's controversial you were wearing the color of the best gatorade and you're disputing that oh what spanx over here okay but what about that like what about their purple one that's like the arctic something there's like a really good gatorade frost flavor that's like so [ __ ] good i kind of only drink gatorade for hangovers my kidneys are built different okay i drink gatorade mostly when i'm sick to be honest i use gatorade to exfoliate my insulin my kidneys are built differently [Laughter] muscles it's totally fine people punching their kidneys my kidneys punch themselves okay you know what it's like you know how you're training yourself to like by punching trees with like the micro fractures in your fingers to make them stronger it's like that's what your kidneys do wait hold on hold on what wait what have you not heard about the people who punch trays to get micro fractures in their fingers to make it all the time are these related to the monks that can will themselves to die just be honest with me it's the same reason i go barefoot everywhere i go okay with nature honestly let's go get stabbed in the foot by a twig continue drinking my red wine out of a beer glass dude i'm gonna have a poggy woggy time right now i'm just letting you know i'm getting all my tasks done real quick all right let me yeah that sounds like a lie let me tell you something did i [ __ ] ask you [Laughter] that was relentless i'm on something else today gamers please stay away oh no we find ourselves down here again let's take a risk let's go frank we're green squad we're green squads four three two [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] got it hey i hope that there's not a dead body down here if i find a dead body down here i'm going to be real upset about it coming in because the lights were off hey gamers i'm doing simon says i hate this one ethan's just not doing any tasks at all that was funny hmm that is what are you talking about mate i'm doing the numbers right now one british accent oh no if i wanted to kill either one of you right now i would so you would i know you yeah i know you would so we would do the same to you because we we all trust each other that way all right we're just like squatting i just i just heard jason first round yeah yep this has been a very long whoa what's that about dude yikes wait wait wait wait who's that who's that i had to go call an emergency meeting i just took the bible two people one day jason's dead he's got the phone dude all right so i'm going i saw jason i saw jason electrical screaming about someone being dead on [ __ ] i can't hear him so he could talk he could hear me in there oh yeah okay that's a good plan that's actually a really good plan okay that's a good thing that's way smarter than what we were doing but everyone's definitely discord cause you hear me twice it'll be annoying everyone definitely happens all right hold on yeah there we go okay oh wait but you guys also okay okay crispy happy we're good we're good oh uh do i do i have to me no you're fine here oh okay yeah yeah you're good so i found jason's corpse in o2 and i saw mika and brian like we're just talking to each other they were like locked out but like for some reason wasn't paying attention to jason's body what wait where was that yeah where was that the lights were right above that's why yeah they were fixed no no no no no i have to say i saw the whole shebang through the door um i watched chris walk down and i watched him be like hey why aren't you reporting this body and then reported the body so i trust chris okay okay wait where was i i was literally i don't think he did it i don't think he would have murdered in front of all these people so i vouch hold on he was a little bit ahead of us where was ethan at i was doing like dumb i were talking about water did you ask where the body was yeah can you hear me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you can hear it okay it was above you i said it was above you because i'm currently at the the trash chute in the bottom yeah my ring is coming up red for some reason uh [Laughter] [Music] and people who do their tasks brian i hate you you're going to kill me aren't you you're going to kill me aren't you you're going to kill me you're going to come down here you're going to [ __ ] snap my neck right in front of all these people how many people are here there's like 9 000 people here kind of snap my neck right in front of these people and instead kill me brian's going to kill me i'm killing you everybody now look at brian's coming brian's going to kill me brian's going to kill me all right don't be murdery ethan are you imposter no i'm doing this dumb ass water task did you did you murder jason no i did not are you taking my imposter strat and faking wheels no art wait are you have you been faking wheels this brian i don't trust ashley right now help help help come with me come with me come with me i don't trust you either oh [ __ ] what's up guys oh okay oh no wait i can't get back oh god chase every time it scares me every day the audio gets so loud because we're digging christie kill oh my god mika or really people over there that was so confusing crispy was standing still when the lights went off i ran to do lights lights came back on i ran back and saw mika's body in lab crispy is the closest person to the body crispy what's up with that uh crispy yeah no i was i i was following you guys out and then no you weren't you were standing still when we were eating ethan was behind me behind you was with me wait was that not ethan yeah no ethan was with me like we were he literally was like i'm afraid of ashley and i opened a door for him someone was behind yeah no i was with ethan i was [ __ ] with ethan then i went to fix lights i who i fixed lights thank you for fixing the person who could have killed was the person that was behind us leaving lab because i would have crossed the body if it was chris because chris was in front of me well ali to be fair to be fair at the end there when the lights went off like 15 people were there so yeah that's true brian brian keeps randomly like vouching for ethan we were assessing ethan last round so that's just something wait okay where specifically was the body found i need to know it was in that little lobby that you know that entrance to lab that's like that first little vestibule before you go up into like rocky maybe they're both imposter because i don't know it was it was below that farther right door where that leads into like med bay and everything else yeah i had literally just left them so basically what happened was i had a chance to leave them at the door go fix lights and then leave and get halfway over the lab again and then the body got called i was going to say it was already heading down towards that i feel like ash is good on this she literally was doing lights she ran by me when i fixed lights so i think ash is good who was talking about josh wines with us who was that [ __ ] that was me that was me that was like chris yeah i have some information for the future and maybe right now i was doing that dumb ass water task where you gotta do the wheel thing okay real quick i'll be fast uh and ashley was like are you doing the strat where i'm imposter and i faked the wheel task so if you see ashley doing the [ __ ] wheel thing might not be real just saying she doesn't have to do this [Music] okay i got one task that task is happening now doing my requires don't do it don't vent up here please don't vent up here and kill me please don't do it thank you so much and that's it that's all she wrote that was you being the creepy no i did like ethan yeah oh there's a double guess if you're the killer unless you're gonna kill me i'm literally on the camps i'm literally i'm literally i'm on cams we don't need two people on cams we might see something nope nevermind no i usually don't do reactor i usually let other people take care of me just vented by the way i think chris yeah wait hold on watch here wait chris let's do a little smooth move okay i'll sacrifice myself i'm gonna go hang out what's up dude hey guys because we're almost done with tasks ethan was just with me dude it's crispy both crispy right now yeah yeah he went the other way okay so then that means the only two that are unaccounted for christine brian is that are you saying that that's what i'm saying i've been on youtube even left me like a solid five seconds you weren't seconds ago i was behind you guys yeah i left after ethan got there god is it chris and lexi it might be chris because he's the last person i saw with ethan oh my god i was i was nowhere near ethan he left me like four or five seconds ago i was trying to follow lexi okay but chris says okay ethan walked past both me and crispy and like continued onwards and me and christopher were leaving the room we were in yeah all right it's crispy i bought it for christmas well i have to vote here chris what are you doing with ethan by the way some security because i ran up to do the reactor and you guys were discussing the only person i haven't seen is brian like this entire time mm-hmm yeah that's cause i'm done with tests but so you're brian christie's special brian chris no i feel like brian could have killed me a couple times i probably could we have two more dead and oh my god chris why should i trust you right now tell me because because me i was just with ethan and crispy and luxy walked by and i followed luxie and now ethan's dead they just said that crispy was uh on the other side of the map i hope that they believed he was just with ethan i was i was with you anybody in dead oh [Music] wait hold on guys i have a funny story come here so literally me and chris were over walking by crispy and i was like chris wait i'm gonna go over there and if i die it's crispy so i literally sacrificed myself and that's why chris was like immediately like it's crispy and that's exactly what happened we called it you were like oh what's up crispy yep it's all damn dude damn you are so beautiful damn that's crazy dude i can't hear anybody hello hello hello wowie why can't i hear anybody reggie hello i can't hear you oh could you guys also not hear all right okay can we all take a pee break yeah i'm gonna make a look i'm gonna take a a few minutes pee break i'm gonna pee and make a drink and feed spencer so i'll be back in like three minutes don't pee in your drink though whatever you do that might be nice spencer drinking well [ __ ] play i was on the other side of the wall of that body but tucked in the corner so you couldn't see me yeah but you were also standing still i think crew leak is broken in lights and we were like oh no when we were all sitting in [ __ ] um wires and we were going towards lights you were the only one he had to have been doing life because it's all weird right now it could be server load i mean it's been fun i mean we could just play regular too if it just becomes too much of a thing yeah like i'm having a good time either way this is a blast okay i'll pee break i'll be right back yeah yeah i'll be back too okay um oh [ __ ] yeah we do some normie games then switch it back up if it works again later or something normie i don't even know i'm jason i'm chris i'm jason jason i tweeted the clip dude it's so funny i just saw wait so that was broken because you could hear me afterwards yeah and then you were like chris killed me i was like is this my this is my thought yeah dude and i was like trying to correct you because i was like i don't want chris to get caught i don't know how no one's found i literally tips kept killing people and there was his bodies everywhere dude honestly though it was so freaking funny like he's just warming me up with like a little little combo i'm like okay okay yeah i was trying to get you know a little wine and dine yeah yeah man but also i got you back for the uh for making me sing lame miz and then murdering me but that was actually kind of funny yo you know what i hate i hate that we can't talk while we're in vents dude wait you can't no every time somebody because i on the two impostor games i literally jumped into an event and jason you came up to me to do wires right next to the event i was like hey jason oh my god that would have been so funny yeah that's dammit i'm gonna exit cruelling for now maybe maybe if it works later we could try it again but it might just be overwhelmed okay all right yeah i'm gonna go bathroom well everyone else's i'll watch you what the [ __ ] that's a good friend that's a good friend right there thank you i'm sorry he doesn't appreciate that oh you know comes with the territory friendship so is crew link not working yeah it's a little fuzzy but the servers right now i think sick sick hello i feel like crew link is down still i'm gonna restart my crew it's a little down yeah that makes me real sad because that happened all at once yeah i mean i'm glad we got through a full game with it though yeah well it's super fun and i really want to do it more yeah i'm annoyed that it's not seems like it's not working because me and chris are like on the same ip i guess or something yeah i know that when there's a thing on it that says that if more than 100 people are using crewlink the program because they only use one server it can crash and that's why they suggest you do your own server for it but if we ever do this again i'm totally down to host a server for us yeah i wonder if that would fix with me and chris randomly i don't know randomly though because we have like we're like he's literally two floors below me right now yeah and we're on basically the same private internet i don't know it's not the same ip necessarily but it's definitely the same like whatever connection so it's weird sometimes it sometimes it randomly does this that's so strange that doesn't make like yeah i don't know weird man i'm trying to look in real quick i'm like i'm signing up to uh all the programs that you need to host the server i'm gonna see if i can get it going while everyone's in the bathroom oh yeah that'd be super cool oh hi sorry about killing you is it working or is it not working what crew link yeah crew link is down for a bit it's bound yeah okay yeah i think uh if the servers are just overloaded yeah the among us music gives the brb screen a message what's up dun dun dun dun so should we go back to um scaled then if we don't have proximity chat for a little bit i'm down to go back to the regular map if we uh we're not doing procs i'm down dash i'll do that i'll set it up i'll set it up today um is the new map coming out soon or am i crazy i don't know if it's definitely they're definitely probably going to be like a beta of it in the upcoming weeks yeah i'm back sorry [Music] yeah yeah we're saying [ __ ] this lobby second yeah basically because yeah we're going back to normal and not proximity because uh krillin ethan wait does that mean we have to restart the game no no no no no we're not we're not playing proximity anymore that's all no i mean maybe it's worth it to shoot start it up and see if it's working i don't know i mean i'm down to try to restart my game and crew link all together but i don't know i i just restarted it and everybody's red yeah oh yeah i'll try restarting my game and crew link i'll be the guinea yo what up all right is something going wrong all right everything yeah servers are overloaded because people are too many people are trying to use it oh man we're just too popular thanks dr lupo for tweeting about it dr lupo more like mr poopo ooh good one brian they're all still ready sure he actually has a medical degree uh hello guys thank you i almost did like a jeb bush please collab like i really almost are you guys having a a super fun time because i'm having a really really fun it's kind of great i'm having a great time i'm having a super fantastical time i love how chaotic it is i love the chaos lobbies chaos it's gonna be the funniest thing yo you guys are putting eggs on your head too yeah dude [ __ ] it yeah let's go egg time oh my god we all had hats though should we all be on my head and i feel like we could be eggheads i always have eggs egg boy hey guys you know what oh my god keep yourself muted on it until all the red circles go away and then if it comes back we can yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i just started going through the private server you have to download four apps to do this hello hello and i got through two and and gave up oh god like doing just like the eggness and i'm like oh my god you're the pre the pre-crack i'm the pre-conversion of the egg yeah this is the pre-cum version of the egg [Laughter] smell oh we edged eggs over here okay business egg stuff first of all leave me and my eggs alone uh we're having because we're having a moment over here that's that's fair hold on wait ashley don't don't move that'll be five dollars if you're gonna take a peek at these eggs so we're gonna need to hand that over [Music] wait ashley don't move wait hold on ashley come back i'm here i'm here what's up ashley come back hold on you can blame me at all i'm starting [Music] all right now it's we i'm just talking to you guys okay bye uh back to normie and my my i mean i just want you to know i feel so lonely now okay bye lonely or mr lonely man proximity chat was fun that sucks at the servers get overloaded jason please don't kill me i'll be super sad having so much fun guys stark contrast from last night's among yes but i'm really glad that we're all having a good time you know just having good games good buns you know everybody's having a good time right last night phasma was good yeah that was real fun basma was really good there was way less of a like a moment there was no moments i didn't have any moments without proximity chat the moments happen now guys i found ashley's corpse in lower engine green eggs on maine oh stop krill uh [Music] wait hold on wait crispy crispy can be the crispy can be the farmer [Music] did you see anything by the the body i just saw the body i don't know if anyone was on the left side uh it seems like we might have messed up i think we're supposed to do two long tasks instead of all the commons because um everyone's on top of each other ethan crispy lexi jason like seven times like i saw everyone like we were all grouped up like multiple times i didn't see anyone that whole time i'm only going to say this one jason you saw me but the killer has a variation of an egg on their head that's all i'm going to say so so it's well that egg is that hat's actually made out of egg fiber if you didn't know um [Music] [Music] did you guys hear chris yeah i heard that that was crazy oh i heard that obsessed oh for a second i thought proximity was working again that sounded so petty like brian was trying to be like hey shut the [ __ ] up you're supposed to be muted right now oh god no all the leaves are brown and the sky is gray i'm so sorry i'm so sorry for burping sorry brian got me scared brian brian who's not doing the other o2 dude i think what crime is most afraid of coaching but crispy sorry jason i was just messing with you dude i'm so sorry crispy was just chasing me around the cafeteria table for so long i chased him that entire time that's good enough for me no no i i literally i if if i was the killer i couldn't i could have easily killed him i was like on him oh you know you were not lost you made your you made your brain dude i'm voting crispy i'm putting crispy i was just cool i literally chased him the entire time it was funny i i'm sorry i had to do it oh no no no no no no no oh guys i was it was a goo i saw the woods and i thought this is this is a no a no goof zone get out of here with your [ __ ] hat dude [Laughter] yo uh by the way one of my friends just made a crewlink server for us for the next game [Laughter] i'm ready to end the game too i think that'd be awesome what do you think let me get one more kill real quick there you go whoa jason what do you think dude what do you think about ending the game right here uh brian is throwing the game right now jason just died probably brian i was sitting there talking to him and all of a sudden he had half a body what the [ __ ] up with that yeah brian's throwing big throw for brian long his arms explain what just happened such a throw i was in reactor and brian was making some goofs brian excuse me i have the microphone right now so shut the [ __ ] up dude that's crazy brian's making jokes for me i'm voting ethan all right mika this is why we broke up brian unless you want to look like you get an egg the most neutral thing is breathing it's briefing it could be it could be ether iron as well nobody heard my joke mika did you hear my joke no no wait say it again play it again [Music] no no stay together please please please well it's almost like over half the lobby was like hey let's just end this round i think that was a joke okay to be fair i was actually not trying wait was it crispy oh [ __ ] that's so funny oh yeah i was actually not trying to kill jason though i was just messing with him i could have killed him so funny dude that's hilarious um wait mika what's the uh jason what's the what's the info i'm waiting for them to send it to me let me see i'm so i'm so excited because that was so lonely instantly i felt like yeah i know i felt literally everyone was like man i want proximity to chat back i missed you i literally was like i miss passing by people and saying hello i'm too influenced by jeff he's too influential he was like man i'm all right and i was like what is this guy an influencer hi scott thank you so much for the sound dark magic thank you so much [Music] i love being verified on instagram what is this guy got a [ __ ] check mark over here guys i just can't imagine okay i think i got it i can't imagine what it's like to survive without a check mark to be honest what's that all right hey hey relax i want to donate mine to the less fortunate yeah i feel that sometimes dude i just feel bad you know what the heck and then just lend me your check mark yeah just get out every day ashley every day jeff tweet at twitter verified unverify me you know what's funny is that people people like me and chris just pissed away our checkmark started a second account i did it too you know i just wanted to feel normal again normal again my side account's way more popping than my main one answer it in case you get a new account and then that's it uh oh wait mika are you is that do we link oh uh hold on do we link that yeah like put it in the void server in settings i believe right it didn't work for me yeah you put it okay so you just copy and paste that let me restart start it now wait no control r do we restart everything no hello it's not working no no no let's uh yeah restart the app maybe yeah restart it i think we need to just do a hard restart on everything yeah hard restart on everything computers okay i'm gonna end my stream and uh open open everything open just completely refresh your whole life it's great all new everything oh it's still red yeah it's so red for me here's the new um code here's the new code hold on let's see hold up it can't be read we just got the code test test yes oh no it's definitely still red for me oh pog dude mika you're muted by the way i don't know if you're saying important things but let me try a different like hold on hold on i think she was trying to do the uh try this one i don't know if this one's gonna work what the hell do we need do we need to relaunch um [Music] this is my friend uh i i worked with him for like two years and he's in it and he's incredible so he sent us is it nino thank no it's not nino nino doesn't work in i.t well i don't know he's a smart dude ruining him wait do i know yeah it's working he goes by x if you want to miss the voices thank you thank you x x i think this is the only time i've ever publicly uh thanked any of my exes for anything thank you alex [Music] hold on can i make a great joke can i make a great joke real quick thank you for the eight bucks support peter baum i'm gonna make it hold on i need to make i need to make a joke i feel like i don't know where this is going i'm gonna make a joke stand up comedy hour yeah all right hey this is gonna be good thank you x for having a friend that knows how to set this up is the person going hey guys i have a joke the comedian being like hey guys wait wait a second can you shut the [ __ ] up wait hold on mika what did you say i need to hear your rebuttal i said hey ethan as your ex i uh i say you're welcome from my friend x nice nice nice guys mika and i dated if you didn't know and now we are that's why it's funny that's fair i can hear you somehow go for it it's quieter we're having a fun time here guys we're having a good time oh my god wow that was a sorry experience that was jarring what the heck who killed brian i walked into storage and brian's little butt was just chilling all right so our imposters are on the move today did you kill it jeff [Laughter] i sincerely hate it when you call me eve has beef with jesus i sincerely cannot tell you how much i hate it i thought you called me eve it just makes you sorry it's right there you can't oh yeah we have a history you don't want me to educate myself and read wow should we should we call you beef instead of our power i can hear luxy jason where have you been yo i've been he just does this like he just periodically leaves planet guys i made my drink way too strong somebody leaves yeah that's where brian's big voluptuous green i was with ashley after lights and we went down the tree i didn't see [ __ ] at storage i left i left lights going left i didn't go right on into the open i think that ali and i are clear because that was two kills and we were together like that whole round the whole time i was with jason uh laboratory we were doing the node thing and i accidentally called him someone else oh wow oh my god we were having a conversation embarrassing yeah that's crazy that's crazy oh wait okay no sorry i heard that's crazy and my chris's imposter detector went up real hard and i lost my mind that's exactly why i said it that's dude nobody's crazy nobody has influenced my mannerisms more than chris melberger i'm just like a weird i've known you literally not even that long and i already yeah i'm a little mannerism sponge and chris and i talk all the time now so i'm just like that's crazy dude anyway well someone just disappeared what the hell was that anyways anyway thanks man thanks someone literally was like standing next to me i love being perky [Music] please don't please don't kill me i don't i don't have a killing bone in my body [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] i heard you guys from across the world oh really i honestly was looking at the clock i was like no one's gonna touch that 420 is too high okay that's fine there's so much happening right now guys it was me yeah i was in med scan with i only saw ethan i heard mika yeah that's it did you report it for some reason no i reported about it we were all [ __ ] around on med scan and as soon as we left after the lights went off you are a med scan so i was just trying to see who's all there and who okay where was the body it was like as soon as we left uh med bay med scan oh damn okay yeah i thought like luxury literally like right with lexi oh i didn't even know that um so i was waiting for eve because we both had med scan i can confirm eve was on medscan because it was telling me to wait i really i don't know what it is but i was like hey ethan stop so you can actually confirm me on medscan now and he was like why would i wait for you no i didn't say that i just didn't know what you were saying because you you just went wait wait ethan wait wait and i said i said wait for wait for what okay i can 100 clear jason he came from specimen yeah i saw jason's name in d comp it was bleeding through up into the bottom of medscan i have wires on top of decomp i thought i had med skin and i lied so then i just made everyone go to med scan for no reason i want to hear everybody that was like the power that you have though gosh like the influence ashley are you are you an influencer she influenced people influencing i don't like that though i don't like it either but you know i have an idea guys i'm not i'll complain about the skipper i want to say i'm not i'm not drunk yet but i made my drink way too strong and no there's no such thing rolling with it i'm happy for you thank you so much you know what makes me oh well everybody's gone so i heard you singing a little bit it's nice it's nice it made me go if anyone here's me dying tree i'm doing the maze outside uh cooley i'm drinking a little jack and coke that's kind of all i have right now i have beer and jack and coke here before we've been here before we were down there together and now we're going to go up here hi ethan i'm doing a little o2 right now buddy yeah yeah doing a little too you gonna kill me right now or no are you gonna kill me right now oh lights are off too i didn't even realize you want to go or are you gonna kill me or what no you can kill me right now if you want to hold on wait come back if you wanted to kill me you could kill me yeah but make sure that chris made it hey we were just discussing with one of us was cool to kill the other one yeah that was cool oh my god that's sick uh can i watch yeah for sure five dollars with you guys right now yeah yeah i love him i think i'm magic you think you're a magician i swear to god oh god listen hey hey [Music] everyone just [ __ ] exits what what what whatever [Music] what are you talking about i was on telescope but i i just had something weird happen i went to do a med bay again nobody was on it and it told me i was waiting for jason and i no that happened it was like ghost guys oh it makes you wait for ghosts dude i went straight from med bay up to tel that's amazing oh there's no way you missed this body it's right underneath where we did the temperature thing you had to see this thing i do want to say you really can't expect me to okay so you know so okay so you know where the where the nodes are right where you go to click the number i never went over the right i don't know you can see that with normal vision crispy from the telescope i went directly from i went directly from med bay where i saw the jason thing happening where i was like jason's not even on med bay but it's telling me to wait for him and then i went to telescope all i know is that i saw ethan like 10 seconds into the round literally didn't murder me we were talking about murdering each other jeff and ashley walked up and we're like what are y'all doing which means the only two people that none of us saw as far as i know are mika and crispy that's true i legitimately think it's crispy i'm sorry crispy but i do not think you cannot see note from telescope and if you saw telescope from the museum imposter vision and i'm scared i do want to say real quick right there yeah go ahead me because i don't even know where i get i saw the front there no ethan go ahead i know you're going to say that i'm suspicious no no no mika you're about to be surprised i'm talking about the temperature thing uh hold on by the way because mika's telling the truth mika's telling the truth because uh definitely like the ghost thing i didn't know that until the other day mika's 20 seconds being like chat what the [ __ ] is happening this is either a really old body what the [ __ ] is going on completely proximity is hard because there's a lot of wish i could lie this good but ethan would be able to call me out on this ah yeah no mika's not lying just for clarification thank you ashley just for clarification the body was under temperature that's what i said that's not it's not look let's go let's go right now let's go right now i'll show you where it was no i don't trust you're going to kill me here i'll do it wait hold on crispy show me where it is show me where it is okay all right are we really gonna you think yeah show me all right so this is this is where the body was right here yep this is where mika was everywhere well the lights are off you can easily see dude wait you can easily see we can easily see right now you can easily see right here right here wait hold on come back come back crispy crispy hold on wait make a wait crispy come here oh [ __ ] let me get this planet you can easily see there how did you miss it wait i don't trust you where was the body right lights by myself no no was that not miku hold on that was not me i'm telling look mika i believe you okay all right okay wait because say say your piece real quick say your piece let's hear it let's hear it i was trying crispy i was right next to you trying to get you to come with me to telescope i was literally standing still i was like crispy come with me from med bay to telescope i'll show you the path i took and imagine yourself two glasses of wine in uh what you would see here's why it's crispy you can see hold on here's why it's crispy crispy when you were showing wait when you were showing where we could see you said hey you can see from here right yeah they'll [ __ ] literally see yeah could we clearly see no we couldn't wait hold on wait hold on we could not see crispy do you know why because the [ __ ] lights were off yeah the [ __ ] lights were off and you were saying you were saying you can clearly see and i was like i can't see and you're like no you could clearly see we can't because the lights are off yes it is crispy vote crispy i know who it is i know who killed my hand though i voted crispy i know who killed i voted crispy i didn't kill anybody jeff you better have voted crispy i didn't because when i walked up crispy was standing still oh my god i'm standing still oh my god dude okay [Music] ashley okay no [ __ ] you wow i think it's jeff i think it's jeff oh i have specimen and i have uh i'm gonna i'm gonna level with you guys okay listen yeah let's go fix lights real quick let's go listen listen no no we can stand here for a second because he's going to wait to kill us but i'm going to level with you guys i definitely saw jeff kill but i made a pact with jeff earlier that i said jeff i won't i won't suspicion like i won't put suspicion on you where chief and micah so i won't put substitution on you but he was waiting to kill us at lights and i wasn't going to report him so all right let's go let's go right now let's go let's go come on thank you all right i'm so sorry jeff we're gonna have to vote we're gonna have to fight you hey look you know what i really think we should talk about this okay jeff let him talk let him talk let him talk to you talk i'll let i tried my damnedest just show a couple of friends a magic trick guys was that we were all going to stay alive and be happy together for the rest of our lives oh yeah brings me to a finite conclusion yes i know you've never seen two pretty best friends always have to be ugly and for that i'm voting ethan wow am i the ugly one what about three pretty best friends oh [ __ ] i'm gonna tell you exactly what i just told ethan ashley i promised you i made a pact with you that i wouldn't vote you the first time but i definitely saw you kill that time and i voted crispy just just to be a just just to be a homie with you chief because i'm micah and you're chief i appreciate that mike i appreciate it but the time is up i have a family to i have a family to provide for and i'm going to have to vote you out jeeve i'm very sorry but i'll carry i'll carry you in my heart forever thank you oh god can we just get a round of applause for that that beautiful this is what you call this is what you call progress ladies and gentlemen this is something here today and people had to die for it sure sure we learned yeah happens so everybody vote ethan let's get this out of here you know you're right you're right i voted ethan so i mean wait i can't make sense mika you haven't voted yet and i'm really worried about it just throw a little no just think about what your heart goes in there you're you're all right look you are one letter take into consideration you are one letter more if you turn a or if you turn j around it's an l so i'm gonna vote that's true oh my god you're a [ __ ] idiot jesus christ you [ __ ] idiot you're so stupid no i'm going to die jeff's going to kill me you got it you got it you got it [Music] i think hey dude you know what can i just get it can i just hear from my my pals for a second absolutely chief micah's here i think that there is a lot of animosity going on between the three of us there is wait a minute i just noticed ashley was dead oh oh man you didn't call the meeting though did you go to the bus go to the button i think i i think i actually hit the report button when i was trying to do reactor come on come on i think ashley might have been the other imposter and she reported i think so too and here's why i could have totally just let that reactor run out but i wanted to give you guys the chance to freaking sew this thing up [Laughter] we're all skipping at least at least that can we at least i already voted me you got a chance to make a big difference here babe you're right i know you will i know you'll do that all right here here's here's how i'm gonna decide oh my god i want you both to give me your best british accent uh and i'll vote for the one that has the worst one let's do it the worst one yeah if you love it i don't like it i don't like it at all all right if you're going [Music] that's the easiest way to do it yeah that's the easiest way to do it i did have the better accent though meek at least admit that you did you did it that was the dumbest round of among us i've ever made in my why were you the third imposter i suspected you the whole time bro if you didn't catch me there i would have been fine man do you think i'm honestly um honestly when i was like red i died all the time i i don't know um crispy i can't even remember what you're talking about because it was so long ago i don't even remember anything the lights being off things that's all right we can hear each other what do you mean actually i've excluded myself brian what do you mean i threw are you listening uh it's not just me all of ghost chat was talking about you don't get sad but what do you mean i threw what what are you talking about it happened and that's all you got to do i throw oh there's a lot of people talking about again that was crazy the one that was the ribbons it looks like it's like a bunch of circly ribbons oh yeah just hearing jason's scream in the background did i throw what the [ __ ] did i mean i threw the [ __ ] is he talking about i threw he threw i think he's i think he's making jokes i think he's making goofs [Music] do you really hate people calling you eve because i actually feel that i'll play ethan forever now no i don't i just like legitimately feel weird when mika calls me oh that's that's very fair and valid just because of our our history yeah no that that in itself is very fair don't care about it i don't care about it a friend of mine uncomfortable okay oh that's why we call you a thrower though hey brian i'll kill you in your sleep okay well a good thing i never sleep for legal reasons that's a joke tos twitch staff please don't kill me in my in my sleep you know oh hello please don't kill me i won't i'm just gonna kill these asteroids all right all right can you can you bend bounce because your lights are off we're in weapons i think that's a pretty good sign i think that's pretty good ye jason are you okay jason anybody else around here hey ethan i see you hey what's up is there a dead body in here okay look at that whoa dead body that body somebody else it was more than ally oh no oh three kills dude that was i'm not gonna lie that was a long round hold on lexie brian was just alive with us yeah i don't understand i'm very confused because they all died so quick brian said uh ali was dead and i went to check vitals when i checked uh well brian wasn't dead yet but purple and white were dead hold on jason where's the bot what body did you find i found jerf's body right outside of us you know when you walk in to do that room where that wherever the tree in the office is so yeah yeah no no i wasn't it was all the way at the bottom though so like like the wheels i guess the water wheels okay i only heard ashley i heard your voice but i don't know where you were at i was with ethan in weapons i think we can vouch for each other because we were just challenged you know where did you yeah the lights were off we were in weapons that's like the dead zone and we didn't die so i think we're okay yeah weapons lights off that's a recipe for disaster dude anywhere the thing that sucks is i just left brian at at a vital titles because brian said brian said purple's dead and i was like and and and then brian said i gotta i gotta hit the emergency meeting and i said no let me go find the body so i'm no reason brian's dead now because will ryan go find the body no no because i went to go find purple because the emergency meaning it's better if we know where the body is and that's when i found jerf brian wanted to go find your body that you killed and you killed him well yeah but the only other person with me was luck oh so yes i could have killed me i feel like with jason and i didn't die so shouldn't you so much echo wait guys i have to pee really bad once this game is over okay thank you so much all right all right i'm gonna remember that okay all right pause thank you it's great yeah okay bye okay could you both be bodyguards for me maybe because i'm scared okay yeah oh god now i feel fear all right we're gonna go through slides yeah let's go fix lights no it's okay we're back here that's so funny i thought i followed your voice ashley was it crispy i hurt i'm so sorry was it crispy i just i literally watched your trust get absolutely betrayed wow so crispy and mika huh yeah it is yeah oh my god literally oh my god i'm like i got a body [Music] so there's a double kill so i mean it could be jason and but i found a body at electrical it was dark and i was scared i i heard jason i was on my way from like the medical area i didn't see him but i know he was around oh did you he was there but you can't hear chris i forgot no no i couldn't hear chris i'ma be real with y'all i was on asteroids and i'm having a really hard time hitting all the asteroids that's that's the whole automatically no one has a hard time wait i'm sorry could you let me finish mika or did you want to just vote me out because you're being suspicious of you because i i do but why were you because i said are you going to kill me then you ran three laps and then jason showed up and then i didn't die i was walking to the left the door wasn't open as soon as i opened the door eve's dead body is right there so wait where was this okay oh going into electrical no it's not me i was nowhere near electrolytes are we going to talk about we're going to talk about our specimen encounter or no yes you guys were all suspicious of me i was going i was running out lately i was going to tell you what you know how to do this specimen oh my god run ads right now you can type slash ad or you can go to your dashboard if you heard a girl's voice in in electrical i'm voting lexi because i was nowhere near it okay mika oh oh her no jason just did that wait guys can i can i pee and also make a drink because i have to pee really bad [Music] i was like i have to kill ethan i killed ethan and i was like crispy has to kill ashley or we are [ __ ] i i just honestly trusted you and went off the fact that i thought you were gonna kill ethan cause you doubled back so i just went and killed ashley and i was like all right we're just gonna let it rock damn it oh my god i'm very upset right now i'm so sorry loxie crispy and i'll just remember it forever crispy right now i'm happy with you we're like cosmo and wanda i'm gonna be honest look at us incredible i i feel really bad i watched i appreciate it just absolutely get [ __ ] wrecked by trusting y'all that double kill was disgusting i'm sorry it's how does it disgusting knowing that you just you reek of suspicion constantly i don't know i don't know how i'm so suspicious it's because i like to dance with people when i walk by them and then i was honestly chris i was honestly not gonna kill you i'm just running it's funny to tell you about my about my encounter that was so funny i literally was like that first round i was like are there good like did she let me live and then what a favorite player of the round i honestly i walked out of specimen and killed brian right as the report button happened and i felt so lucky about that ah that's so funny i haven't been in on my head now nothing to see here guys are we no longer business eggs go back to my little friend hey y'all can't see here you know a little propaganda in our in our game that's it pull over pull over please pull over uh [Music] [Music] an hour over the speed limit i think i want to be an orange business cheese i think this feels right ooh nice business cheese thank you oh my god you're so excited great merry christmas hey merry christmas oh my god that's a great hat how are we doing christmas time lexi's festive too wait i believe in miracles and also on christmas so you guys are so do you think there are reindeer furries oh probably 8 000 the fact that you even doubt that brings a tear to my eye i'm gonna go because it goes bad about dancing your special parts look like carrots for sure for sure whoa do you think the special part has like a light up a light up bit on the end like right oh i love the creativity there i wouldn't doubt it what's the special part a special part is a penis but i was being oh we're talking we're talking about please relax we have construction going on over here sir what are you doing over there chris we're working on new things please talk about it back away please back away by the construction's going on yeah build the new map please hey get the lights out here please we're trying to build a new map okay all right can i not decorate your construction site bring a little cheer uh yeah yeah ask me one more time what are you going to ask me you know what i'm going to show you what kind of cop are you i can't stand this is a special part did y'all know this is private y'all talking about reindeer boners y'all talking about reindeer reindeers don't have boners they have carrots where their penises should be yeah true what are you talking about i got my one that's a lie it is it's a lie all right bottom right if you're ready gamers listen y'all on private property oh no you're naked okay i'm starting i'm starting i don't care i'm stunning let me put clothes on you're naked now you're naked sorry come on where are we going oh we're going let's go okay guys i'm just getting back please just kill my friends god oh man hello are we good everyone we're gonna protect jason are we all good are we all good who wants protection i'll be right there brian's not brian's not back either oh brian's back he's probably here we're good we're good okay okay i don't want to talk to them get these guys wait what what are we doing oh my god did i miss that we were going to like role play this round raise your hand [Music] [Music] yeah you know everything about that gamers y'all ever think about that gamers oh whoops don't ever think about gamers north carolina i am [Music] [Music] it was in the hallway um outside of bottom d damn going into like the main area power bottom timber power bottom deco power bottom can you give me your pathing for that round just uh after i left you near med bay near med bay at the very beginning i went down through deacon tam and then i went out and then i went over here guys um brian's on discord he can't hear any of us sometimes control control r control r it says here it says you're red yeah me and chris are the only ones that should have uh and then i went here now brian and then i want uh weapons by the way what the hell you have to be clicked on the crew link yeah click on crewlink i guess you can't hear me i don't know why i'm talking about it brian i know you can't hear us but control r while the window is selected i know you can't hear us but please these tech helpers no no no you're still red you might have to reconnect it yeah you might have to remember do you want to just go this way maybe maybe i didn't see anything so i'm just gonna skip i think be honest honestly the only thing i had was even because he disappeared near deacon tam but honestly if someone else can vouch for him i'm fine what's up i mean that was at the very beginning of the round um down by the like card swipe area did any of you come from decontamination because i came in there and everyone was already there left us and said do you want to see my carrot she was she was with me we found the body i mean christopher walking into like the specimen room and after decontamination yeah brian did you fix it or no no it's just it's not working i think i think we've got a chris melberger alley special okay that's that's so off we're gonna try what did i why am i suspicious right now i don't think it's chris at all wait why am i suspicious what did i do i have the opportunities suspicious yeah what's up yeah so i know it's you i know it's you but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna call him please don't kill me okay uh why do you think there's anything guys i don't why do you think i'm hey go away okay when you say it's me why do you think it's me i know it's you just don't tell anyone okay why do you think it's me what about me why are you like yo i know it's you kill me i'd like to know kill death kill me i'll deny it [Laughter] chris you don't get to talk first i know you have the megaphone but i have more important information that's kind of toxic but i walked in to jeff chris and ethan all in weapons together and they're like oh ashley's your run and then i heard chris being like just just kill just kill i'll vouch it's okay i won't say anything so i'm just saying whatever the hell has happened chris is uh brian can't hear we need to go back to [ __ ] if you don't mind his discord um his discord um yeah sorry i was just so chris you you you told uh you were gonna get you were gonna vouch for the kill what yeah my lips are my lips are sealed chris dang my lips are sealed in on it um i literally walked in on them planning something ethan you want to have some you want to tell me what's going on all right listen no all right listen well you literally you literally you literally just said ethan you want to tell me what's going on and then i say all right listen and you go no you deny me my right to speak listen ashley i know you're canadian but in america we have free freedom of speech okay that's the number one rule here okay okay so let me speak for a second dude my name is chris malparker all right listen hold on i'm getting 1200 bits while i'm thinking about someone else i'm getting a texas speech um okay you come in there and you think you hear these noises coming out of ours listen ally if you want to let me speak then let me speak okay listen ashley comes in and is like starting to do the thing and then we leave and then chris and i look back chris and i look back and what's there it's jeff's body and it's falling and and ashley is there it's ethan and chris so who are we shooting first then 50 50 50 me and ashley i think we should 50 50 me and ashley i'm voting actually i'm voting ashley i'm letting you see chris wait i thought people said ethan and chris what the [ __ ] i want to point out what are they doing what are they doing are these double kills to be honest i kind of believe that it's not you because you said you were on a cover for someone else so like who else is it wait brian is it brian i think it is we got ethan right unfortunately i i kind of want to keep him around longer because i promise him but i think it's fine what are you guys doing over here what do you guys think wait can you guys hear me in dead chat crispy come on jeff why were you so down to get killed just for the good times or what jeff jeff jeff are you talking i do pal stuff man it was seemed like a really pal move you know yeah you and chris were having a moment i wanted to contribute jeff you and i live semicolons together right oh well i was gonna say tell me a joke first pick this up uh okay chris what's up go ahead um i was with crispy wait no talking here i can't hear you if you throw me under the bus afterwards uh discord oh yeah with crispy and ashley and um i think they're both good okay all right i was trying to make sure am i man but here's the [ __ ] but before ali before your final question here's my thanks brian voted for me instead of ethan because he knew ethan was the imposter and he won the savings literally not what happened but okay i honestly have to kind of agree look the thing that i'll have to say is the only reason i'm vouching for chris is because his phrasing was that he was going to cover foreign imposter not that he was it didn't sound like he was an imposter it sounded like he someone has told him and waited but they were imposter i may have [ __ ] up and walked in on their plotting and i mean if you guys want to vote me off anyway because my app's not working that's fine but no no no no oh we would never i i'm all okay can i say can i say two quick things yeah let ali talk like that wait two quick things uh i the only reason i was suspicious of chris is one because i literally heard him in weapons with ethan going so what's what are you doing but also chris but chris didn't kill me they could have easily killed me and no one would have reported but also chris doesn't usually dismiss suspicion that much and he's like i got nothing so that was kind of weird um and lexi i want to know what you were doing in admin because i was on cameras and you were just standing at the door and you weren't opening the door and you weren't doing tasks and you weren't doing anything so i just wanted to know what you're telling all that i for some reason can barely hear you in this chat so i've been trying to like [ __ ] with my audio i can't hear like anything i'm sorry like i think the app is like like muting y'all for me in discord so it's like really lowering the audio so i definitely i was just trying to mess with the audio it's malware and we're all dying it uh you guys can vote me off if you want just so that i can fix my app no no because we need we need crew maybe it's not yet oh my goodness maybe it's an awesome oh my god i mean uh the texas thinking this is a little like if if we got eve if was the killer we got time yeah we're good we're good definitely got time oh i'm still nervous about chris though like i'm actually still nervous about chris wait jeff yeah we're gonna continue our chat you live kind of near me maybe question mark i probably used to before i moved to vegas in april oh but i mean still kind of still dude i'd drive up there for a little party that's like that's like four or five hours right ah it's a little over three and a half dude if you leave at the right time all right all right all right once uh once covet is over you gotta come and then uh sip a beer with it or something um i'll i'll sip on the water bro i'm five years sober but i'm i'll [ __ ] be there and hang out oh hell yeah has to be him that would be very very [ __ ] i'll i'll drive you around if i got to that's a weird way i could go through here and not oh crazy it's good uh that would be very fun i can't wait to hang out with anybody once honestly if like you know slows down everything becomes cool and you through any kind of event i would definitely drive to it oh an event ooh there you go an event or if you just wanted to hang out bro yeah dude come to la for a few days i'm trying to buy a house maybe i'll have a guest room i don't see anyone around you all right all right hi jason whoa hey uh oh [ __ ] um all right you're right jason's company but you gotta tell me a joke first i'm getting [Music] i'm trying to get my tests done because i've completely ignored them you guys want to hear a real ghost sound oh my god that's like talking oh my god you just gave me plasma can we play prasmophobia together us four yeah sure right now all right let's leave right now let's just [ __ ] bounce next week what day next week wednesday free any day outside of uh wednesday all right let's do it on tuesday i say wednesday you say no i'm not freaking free tuesday i'm down for it jason's got a free tuesday [Music] hold on uh discord discord yeah all right listen that round was really long no one died let's talk about this what's going on here what's going on here what's going on i was dancing with people is it is it is it luxie because she won't kill anyone um possibility could be i i listen i genuinely mean this if you're talking about me i can't answer you on on discord i'm sorry oh here wait i'll talk on i'll talk on here too yeah yeah i can like i don't know i don't know if this is echoey as hell but where i literally can't hear you in discord so i can hear you so it's fine oh no oh discussing me yeah a little bit hold on we said oh my god it's so echoey but um okay sorry that's all right we'll just deal with it no it's literally it's just when lexi talks but i can be in here to talk to lexi and kind of relay thanks anyway so lexi yeah um uh we think that it might be you because you're not killing anyone well i'm sorry hold on you've been the killer because i haven't killed anyone yes of course what's to kill anyone every time you've been a pastor it's not true i have killed people i kill at least one person when i'm the imposter and i haven't killed anyone because i'm not the imposter okay she did she did uh refuse to tell me a joke and i would have given her a free kill so that's a joke to tell you too like i want to save that for a special killing moment okay that's fair that's right so who has tasks left though i'm done yeah i'm straight up yeah i'm totally done uh yo it goes i love you very much do some tasks do your tasks do your tests ethan jason biggest biggest uh it's brian it's me that's right i'm just kidding no it's brilliant i'm skipping though i'm escaping i [Laughter] yeah i voted brian so that's fine oh [ __ ] i mean i mean it will end the race like if i'm imposter that's funko funk it's a night if i'm not then you keep playing with me it's fine because no one else voted you i'm just a dick oh wow okay we just met and good luck everybody i'm going to specimen hey what's up somebody i'm gonna just check it needs protection introduce me to your knife oh jason my nice name is horatio griffin are you okay go brian go go brian go go brian go go brian go he's really milking this [ __ ] task how are there so many of us alive oh wait no he's on uh whatever i'm gonna follow brian around yeah yeah meeting we're having a meeting all right yeah yeah go for it i'm just kidding brian lights are yeah come on come come on baby kill chris beating the knife or whatever this tool is real quick anyone kill anyone [ __ ] it is it you oh no it's not it's not actually me i would i would have killed ryan seven years ago if it was me come on [Music] [Music] my [ __ ] dumbass tweet again what has [ __ ] almost retweet if eve has almost 10 000 retweets that's the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever seen in my life i'm vibing how many people are in the stream 8 600 everybody needs to go retweet my latest treats that sentence didn't work like that's my boy you know like that's my buddy are you talking about me making some good calls tonight too no eve i love you but i mean what if next time we play we make sure like one of you is on a vpn i mean i'd be down to do that i know chris has one but i don't want him to change it midstream because yeah yeah but next time next time yeah we'll definitely play with this group again mm-hmm are we honestly i'll be honest this is the i think this is the [ __ ] christmas is so funny is somebody leaving no no no no we're just being no we're just talking about we appreciate one another can you and i switch colors because i'm always black is that chill jason are you okay wait jeff can i be black is that cool i do what can i be black halloween all year right oh no i need to read oh my god okay holy [ __ ] the chats are the best [Music] listen i'm not here to send survive so i'm just gonna uh power bottom right if you're ready dude power bottom right if you're ready hello chris are you drinking oh i [Music] [Music] it's been a second okay since we started streaming and i made very strong oh my god drinks wow ethan i'm a little brother jason need to fight for america's hobbies i got a duel yeah okay thank you nobody made am i fighting you gotta you gotta you gotta have a uh old western gun to hold to see who's gonna be chad good job uh our mods good job putting that in uh emote only mode once i said i was drunk good call good call at cranky mods on tick-tock good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] everyone have fun please i'm gone baby doing my tests already you know i don't wait i go and i go hard you know i get my [ __ ] done dude thank you uh wait who's over here my name i heard my name ashley come confirm somebody come confirm med bay i got i don't have i don't know i'm sorry all right jason you got it yeah don't kill me okay wait i cancelled you do my bed all right oh my god what the [ __ ] dude that's so sad you can undo emote only oh my god [Laughter] dude what the [ __ ] that's funny wow that's funny me missing me saying something different actually oh i'm actually like insane people are dead great i'm gonna call him so there was there was no bodies for me i was on vitals and i saw ethan who got you black and pink and i had oh wait brian hey i love black paint okay damn this is my favorite thing i've ever heard jeff say but go ahead give me 15 give me 15 seconds right before someone called the emergency meeting jeff goes you know what's crazy uh no one ever does this right here and he was about to destroy the business he was definitely gonna kill me you said something before randomly i heard you say something what would you say come with me after this meeting so i can show you uh so it couldn't have been a double kill because uh we checked vitals and we saw that he was dead but nobody else was dead and it was definitely someone checked before me and then i checked like five seconds after them so it couldn't have been a double kill we all met up we were like yo it's fine no one saw the actual physical mica ashley was in tree with me for like an hour and then luxie came down from electrical and like cams and hung out with us for a minute and we were talking about how we all thought each other's outfits were cute and then that was it i i was doing the round to find eve's body because me and mika saw that eve was dead and we were both looking for the body guys okay so uh the body is not anywhere near there either really quick jason chris where did you find that wait you just had it i called them nobody goes oh yeah oh my god this is quick but then crispy actually was helping me out protecting me and then i lost her christianity i'm [Music] i trust you please well you know i was looking at looking at a text i gotta go in the first time he's not that dumb i can't believe jason killed me chris he sounds like the flea circus director from pretty pog if you ask me pretty [ __ ] pog dude oh wait where did chris go where's chris dark blue i think yeah jason stark blue jason killed me and brian mission uh twitch rivals need food put a banana in your ear hey quickly i love you guys almost done with my tasks that's paused yeah there we go gamers on my tabs there's a body here there's a body here hello there's anybody [Applause] anybody what did i witness there's a body here who killed you who killed you right here yeah there's a body here so um me and jason are fine that's all i got okay so here's the thing chris and i are throwing his crew because i was like what are you guys doing yeah after weapons pants there was two groups that i saw being very wholesome towards each other ali and chris jason and ashley i know i'm not the crew member i i mean i'm not the author oh [ __ ] let's remember i [ __ ] it up it's jeff and luxie boom case plus you know better i can if it's luxie again i will honestly crispy's gonna not me but i'm really offended because right before mika died we confessed to each other that we both have daddy issues jeff overheard it [Music] i [ __ ] hate [Music] i [ __ ] hate this game very good i hate this game so much dude i [ __ ] hate this game i'm never playing this game with you ever again do you think can you hear me yes unfortunately jesus christ okay but who doesn't know with the characters that i sent for anyone are you kidding me yeah no we can you don't need to repeat the [ __ ] names i know you're types dude we [ __ ] dated for two and a half years do you think i don't know who you're into for yeah did you see me jeff [ __ ] flew it up [Laughter] [Applause] right in front of my eyes [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] sure okay and then i killed ethan and walked away and then crispy great but then crispy was about to walk over there i was like wait crispy follow me real quick oh no way you just died jason you're a genius you played me that's actually so good [Music] oh my [ __ ] god what just [ __ ] happened thing jeff the [ __ ] comedic the [ __ ] comedic timing on that jeff was so [ __ ] funny may i may i post a link in the general yeah yes please immediate timing tell anyone [Laughter] [Music] your comedic timing on that was the [ __ ] funniest [ __ ] ever even when i were arguing and jeff and brian are just sitting there until ethan and i are like trading these like arguments and jeff goes uh yeah this isn't for us and just floats away [Music] for like four [ __ ] minutes oh my god that was so funny i went and talked about her own relationship that was so good we had also dated for three and a half months yes wow that was so funny damn seven kids when jeff and i get together for the holidays we don't even need to ask anybody else to make our lobbies because our kids play with us we just do another full jam family lobby we need the extra spot for our weird neighbor oh my god oh my god i am so sorry everyone for that one that was so funny okay so that was the [ __ ] best thing that has ever happened in this game like that was like the funniest [ __ ] thing that's ever happened oh so weirdest lobby [ __ ] actually you're not no you come off that was like a lie cough please just i didn't cough did i cough i don't know but i'm trying to like just play like a little bit you know i mean yeah yeah that's fine like not this one out here dude you never passed why you come down here ethan oh late stage capitalism [Laughter] you can kill me if you want no i would though i definitely won't oh [ __ ] wait what all right fan two that's a little bit exciting it's a little bit exciting ethan is huge he's my homie why do you say what's happening hold on why do you say you went through because you went through a specimen and had no tasks so why'd you even go down there ah okay literally literally you came in and you were like ethan hey hey what's up and you were saying all this [ __ ] all right literally twice strong the guy said literally two times okay can we you can't be any more literal you can't this guy literally invented literally all right well if you saw it literally two times it cancels out so maybe he wasn't being literally vote okay so it wasn't fingers [Laughter] [Music] here's what i think it's him okay because he walked down a specimen of me right uh-huh and i was i was like don't kill me bro please don't kill me i just want to play another round and um like i'm just doing my tasks and he just kept walking so like why go through specimen and not do a task like that but ethan ethan did you say it might have been protecting you dude did i what did you say where the body were did you did you call a meeting or did you report a body i reported to the body where who did you report where sorry brian actually we're hearing echo near admin oh sorry holy [ __ ] oh my god sorry sorry yeah i just noticed that jeff's clear all right am i dead oh no i'm not no you're alive i had to brb real quick sorry i'm dead uh again hello ladies and gentlemen jason off planet temporarily he's back [Music] a lot of self-love going on i get it yeah dude [ __ ] christ i'm touched i'm incredibly touch starved please someone give me a hug or a kiss jason would you kiss me in real life i kiss you yeah all right nobody come out of the vent and kill me i swear to god all right raising twitch channel oh hey jason you want to plug your twitch channel my chat's asking plug it yeah plug it into what oh my god [Laughter] no not at all all right guys i just [ __ ] saw chris murder mika right in front of my [ __ ] eyes listen listen oh wait i guess chris you can go first because you reported it okay thank you she was telling me about her rats pickles spaghetti and milk i left chris while he was having that conversation but he's the last person i saw with mika and i'll be honest jeff ethan just came out of nowhere stabbed mika in the [ __ ] neck split her body in two and then walked away it's easy do you hear the brakes absolutely absolutely of course you could definitely say that but you could also be his his second imposter it's it's ethan yeah where are you i saw him nobody here knows spaghetti milk and pickles like i do other than mika i was there at their conception [Music] and chris was like [ __ ] wrestling and then he killed mika right in front of me why would i kill why would i kill right in front of [ __ ] chris i watched his [Music] he sounds it right now [Music] [Music] i want you to tell me right now are you the imposter no i am not chris is doing a classic chris melburger moved that's what i think okay i think i believe you because i don't [ __ ] you i know how you talk when you're imposter and you're not doing the thing no i'm not [ __ ] marinating me swear to god i am not marinating you chris melbourne is doing whoa listen can i can i talk well hold on hold on alex ally called you get the talk thank you ally talking i want to know why we voted chris jason i hated it chris okay because ethan ethan was around most of that time okay for i mean he did disappear so i understand where chris is coming from but the report and then yell is normally a chris mel horny which means it's chris and i just gotta go on that i've done that you know what i agree with chris hold on hold on hold on let chris call him no jason so i don't even know what's going on who's the killer hold on hold on there's a lot of talking over everybody just let chris talk real quick whoever's singing that 70s chart just let chris talk real quick cut your [ __ ] throat blood everywhere and then i yell because i can't believe it my eyes dude okay keep in my [ __ ] eyes and then i yell okay i [ __ ] yell you think jason jason you made the wrong call i'll be honest with you as a boy you made the wrong call dude yeah why did you vote chris i voted chris originally because i left him with mika and now mika's dead oh god chris i swear to god okay but actually actually i swear i swear i don't you are not the type of person to use you are never in vain i would never i would never i would never i swear to god ashley do you remember the conversation no that's true see now you're saying it that way okay but ashley you don't even let me speak christmas after the conversation that we've not been my name is white my name is my name is white but now i don't know why all right oh [ __ ] all right thank you very much i don't even get a chance to talk about that's okay whatever ashley's argument is what sold me on that i just want you to remember the correct decision thank you so much ethan i'm so sorry but you can't [ __ ] kill her evil is defeated okay so ethan you suck bro giant bag of [ __ ] why am i a bag of [ __ ] i almost got away with the two if it wasn't for you [ __ ] meddling kids okay why am i a bag of [ __ ] i'm admitting to me sitting there trying to tell chris about my rats and you killed me right in the middle of telling him my names that i gave them well yeah that's [ __ ] up bro excuse me stop you take this [ __ ] up you take a lot of credit you take a lot of credit for those names i just want to say because i was there and i i also oh boy i almost got away with it actually i'm going to cry she's too i was about to say if [ __ ] ali vents but i know who it dude what is hell what the heck what's going on is everyone okay you're not going to kill me are you jason is it you or is it one of you guys wait what if i just close all the doors oh god okay i'm just gonna do my test really quickly then and probably get killed while i'm doing it jeff please don't kill me you can't kill uh where is jeff proximity chat is really funny why not how is it me i got it why not use it you murdered he murdered ashley in cold blood once again i didn't i got it i used it that was your logic yeah we don't know where the [ __ ] is we were also right on ethan hey we were also writing ethan because there's four left and jeff didn't vote last round it's jeff ggs oh yeah we're right about you're right that we're right about ethan cause thank you yeah i know that they were right about it look at chris now my eye has been unlocked jason it's a wonderful thing how do you call that i gotta go i understand that noise later jeff i'm sorry i love you bro i'm inclined to believe chris and jason just because they both stayed together the whole time on vitals i already voted for you we weren't we weren't together the whole time i actually i'm not sorry no we did meet up later that is true oh god i'm [Music] do i have time to pee before the next game yeah oh my god all right smallest ladder in the world yeah we weren't together i swear i ran into them at the end and i was like let's go take vitals i walked up when you guys circled jerking at vitals because you figured [Music] i know it's fine i forgive you i know what you think don't worry about it i don't know i'm going to get this forward to my face not here but i'm saying it now by the way it was hilarious it was very funny and i'm i'm not mad a lot of hesitation in that dude i was trying to get discord and uh my crew link to work that whole time i couldn't get it i got and then i got disconnected from both i'm just throwing constantly today i mean you got it that round so that's pretty freaking sick that was an intense game i'm not going that was really good yeah that was awesome ashley and ali i'm sorry i had to like go to the depths to [ __ ] convince you guys because i was like i'm like there's no goddamn way you don't normally get that intensely like i know what what's happening unless you're not i was freaking out because because ethan literally murdered me in front of me i was like that really that really heated you up so drunkenly high it did i think you got so heated about it like nervous because it sounded like you were over compensating for the fact that you just killed mika in front of ethan and i'm like oh i just wanted to say lux like next time you tweet about um having gay imposter syndrome just at me you [Music] just google like a photo of me and just put my face on the tweet be like this yeah i'll get a reaction gif of you and everything exactly yeah are ethan and jason back uh ethan is not back i would assume no because uh yeah there's not enough noise dude this is so funny and also [ __ ] my brain yeah and i think [Music] like puts us on ethan because we had just been talking and he killed me immediately afterwards literally i have had three white claws i don't know what's happening okay yeah that's all good you know wait allie threw my claws and you're good yeah wow [Music] when i say words i'm like my mouth is moving slower than normal i'm seven hours into a stream and i realize i'm still wearing sneakers so i just oh my god wait wait makeup like [ __ ] jeans or something what shoes are you wearing are you wearing those air maxes dude jeans makeup i'm wearing jeans though so they're very loose mika i i have a question my ladybugs are fine 15 seconds at most to uh change into pajamas yes mika are you wearing oh my god the air max is 15 seconds to change why are you guys wearing hard pants for streaming so terrible don't wear hard pants my [Music] feelings back flip into your own ass if you're in jeans though what if i have the power wow yeah thank you that's all i wanted to hear hi hi hi hi telescope no one watched everyone look away what planet you want what planets i have a little one that looks like a like a dark sludge it's kind of like being thrown okay it's like the black and blue it's the dark souls of pants the hard pants the dark souls of pants jeans are the dark souls i was gonna say i don't make those but i do and if you say you're sleeping in hard pants you are banned permanently from this channel oh my god if you sleep in jeans then please guys no you're not alive let's cancel mika let's cancel micah text her and let her know that we think she should probably not take cards hard is like a zipper button combo most sweatpants or soft pants don't have that oh no you can only catch me in kirkland jeans baby elastic waist yeah hold on i am currently not in sneakers and i am in x-wing pajamas nice nice thank you i'm still canceling you because i know yes ashley i found brian at the temperature reader for the spicy hot lava area that's all i got i saw nobody i literally was just talking to brian um and then brian capitalism again oh yeah he does that he does do that i respect that oh my god yeah i will say yeah luxie was protecting my body while i was changing into sweatpants unlike you all of you because you started the game without me i was happy i was protecting jason because jason's stuff crispy and jason were were next to me uh we were all in the drop ship the entire world sorry yeah that's good thank you um so ethan i saw temporarily in lab who else was in lab while i was saying i'm bad at telescope was it actually it was me i was right up in your business yeah that's fine i just i wanted to confirm that i saw the two of you that round and then i went down to specimen i did not go to admin so i can't give you any other info about who was near there that does reduce the lobby considerably the fact that that's why i wanted to put that out there was because i wanted to place chris what a yeah what what did he do like considerably the imposter oh my hold on wait chris what did you do i did my i did my card swipe with my eyes shut and i did afterwards in my eyes i don't like that you're laughing dude that's actually pretty funny though thanks man and i did i did i did our cars like first try all right all right there's a clip you're such a troll dude thanks man i don't know about that wow yeah what's up i'm doing over here i'm still a little wi-fi dude chris what are you doing i can't talk to chris oh chris what's good [Music] okay quickly lexi and mika were hanging out counting backwards from accounting numbers some something and i was like should i leave and they were like yes leave and i went into vitals and it said dead by cyan and i went i'm gonna go find the body and i [ __ ] found it where was it though weapons okay i'm okay got it is that where asteroids is perfect i think [ __ ] jeff and i have just decided to vote mika the entire time so uh i i couldn't get card swipe and i was counting out loud how many times it took it took 10 tries oh [ __ ] okay well so i'm inclined to say mika and look wait hold on i'm not involved where were the rest of you crispy ally can i just say a thing real quick say a thank god mika did you just say it took you ten times to do some card swipe okay ethan we're moving okay is also a whole bottle of wine deep in the night yeah i mean several drinks in but i it wouldn't take me [ __ ] ten voted for and vote the same way oh [Music] okay i was i was in the top by the the upper nipple and i was heading down towards the nip i heard everyone yelling when the lights went out and i was like ah where's everybody where's everybody i came across luxie i think jason where and muting annoys me because i like to be able to hear people okay so by process of elimination it has to be either chris uh ashley ethan or jeff because the others were either afk or gotta be somewhere i agree yeah it's gotta be somebody just yeah why is that mika you're a jerk because i'm a jerk i'm a jerk dude do not trust ethan okay hold on wait why i trust him i'm sorry i'm sorry don't trust ethan why ethan get out of here ethan i'm talking to jeff privately sidebar he didn't killed it ethan ah oh my god my freaking ears all i heard was get out of here ethan i'm talking to jeff privately and now make is dead all right listen i left okay jason go ahead jason go ahead before i tell you exactly what happened ethan why don't you talk and wow all right okay you can let me talk if you want are you sure okay thank you i will talk if that's what you don't want to talk about what just happened do you want to talk first you want me to talk first oh my [ __ ] jason voting jason baby everybody listen i got it it's open oh you got it ethan no contest ethan on this one yeah absolutely we're we're speedrunning ethan bye-bye all right so you guys know me meek and jason ethan votes for this round that's my game are you imposters are you communicating telepathically it's just the hot boys yeah myself going call an emergency meeting i'm not interested in that jeff mika what do you expect at this point i cannot believe this what do you mean you cannot believe this mickey you know me well dude i didn't suspect you at all really no no no no yeah that's what we do baby that's what we do i was telling ashley that i'm really grateful that we got mika do you know who the other imposter is wait did i kill you brian i can't remember yeah i was trying to talk about how jeans are the dark souls of pants oh yeah that's right yeah yeah screw anyone that wears jeans right yeah gene wears ill hey don't you guys please don't miss any asteroids please i uh i stopped i just missed god thank you holy [ __ ] it's so scary for a second brian what are you uh moving in l.a thank you yeah right thank you oh yeah we're talking about it lexi who is dead so why did you kill jay cyrus in electrical wait i wasn't even in electrical i was a telescope i was talking about buttered nipples so then how did i hear you at electrical butter i mean i know who it is if you all want that info since yeah i would love that jason it's crazy all right let's hear it wow [Applause] let's go jason oh my god i'm just gonna vote then chase come on crispy i was walking towards vitals what do you think was going to happen oh [ __ ] is this a gg oh this is [Music] unless he's an impossible all right that's the tell us considerably guys can i use this any word above five questions do you want to hear it yeah he doesn't talk like a text i would love to hear it ashley i'm so sorry that this is the second time that you've died when i've left me every time you find it because i literally was like crispy i have to go to specimen do you have to go to presbyterian crispy's like yeah i have to go to sleep if you kill me i swear to god i'll cry he's like i won't i won't and i'm like yeah you've said that to me before crispy and then he's like uh yeah i'm gonna do it anyways and then killed me [ __ ] simon says um simon said chris i have a question that sorry i burped is everybody having a great time because i'm having a great time do not say ew mika do not say you to me no i said wow i am no you said ew ashley and i cannot get out of the park here okay can i just say power bottom right [Music] i concur that this is a fantastic lobby but can i also just say go the [ __ ] off jason for clutching the [ __ ] out of that and reminding him he was dead well we'll never know what mika says because so you know who cares why did you do that who did it who was it jason who was it i don't know i still die though you know what kill me next so i can go wait who was it i wasn't there so i can talk to ali and mika please who was it uh yeah wholesome who was it admit it wait wait who wait who left who left wait someone left i left you can take this with a grain of salt i've known brian for a very long time i didn't like his inflection so i voted for him wow ethan's inflection so i'll guess i'll vote for him okay i love i love the whole thing i understand this whole concept in this dynamic because i don't like chris's erections and sometimes [Laughter] [Music] on a scale of one to ten okay well i've still known you for a long time [Music] known you my whole life [Laughter] if i had the kill command ethan would be so dead right now it's not even funny all right yeah i'm using that as uh right here as an excuse dude coming wait brian i gotta do something shut up wait hello that [ __ ] i [ __ ] knew it i knew it dude [ __ ] god guys [ __ ] damages [Music] jason's got the [ __ ] so after this number five doesn't matter we just directions oh hello yes it does one two three four five everybody in the club so come on let's ride to the liquor store around the corner boys said he wants some ginger juice but i really like it jeff and crispy well no i don't know what we're wasting time no no i cannot [ __ ] believe it big brain [ __ ] big brain trend it on twitter [ __ ] christ i cannot believe i called that so quick oh my god sorry ethan you're screaming and i wasn't even paying attention are you what yeah so i'm doing that brian i called brian immediately nothing i called brian immediately and then i heard i know him that's intonation and he's him and you were right he killed me in the first [ __ ] ryan and crispy i think yeah [Music] i said no because i had to go down to specimen yeah he didn't have med bank because he [ __ ] is imposter and i called it so fast and he was so bitter what a [ __ ] [ __ ] i cannot believe i called that so fast how dare i call that so fast i don't blame him talking about this is number five i don't know jason voted me the first round and i'm definitely not hashtag big brother he played me hard and pulled me away from a body so i don't know if i oh god it's all right i'm just saying that's what happened oh god i only heard your voice they like might win like they might win they can't skip they can't skip okay they can't skip for jason oh my god oh god i love you though i can't believe that they just scared them [Music] i cannot believe i called that so [ __ ] fast dude oh my god that was ridiculous that's ridiculous i [ __ ] know brian dude i literally that wasn't even a [ __ ] call i was like i literally don't like the way that brian said that and i think that he's imposter and i was [ __ ] right [ __ ] you i was so right immediately i was so [ __ ] right [ __ ] you jason's screaming i'm about to die okay i i went to go chase him because brian literally that wasn't even a throwaway like i think brian suss i literally could sense it in your voice and i was [ __ ] right dude you were dude oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] honed into people's vocal [ __ ] frequencies like five times in a sentence i'm like the first time i ever played uh among us with ethan i said one word and ethan said no i don't like her intonation vote her out everyone voted me out i was imposter i hate it immediately it was the best thing ever because i was just like i don't like her inflection um [Music] i just want everyone to come over here and if you want to make a deal i'm here i just wanna also all right crispy's done who who did it somebody had to have seen that right it wasn't me for the love of god thank you for getting revenge for me i did keys we had keys i didn't hard pants kill before what are you saying in the corner talking about making a deal with the devil because i just changed my outfit so i was trying to make a deal i wanted something hot jason was wearing it so it's not jason i don't see anything jason was with me it can't have been jason me and ethan left that whole area baby yeah i can i can vouch for for jeff i think i think i don't remember anything but it's not [ __ ] crispy again i gotta be honest you know what you're not you're not hard vouching me but i still like your inflection my guy yeah inflection read i didn't pay attention to anything and i'm wait hold on brian talk uh i literally didn't see anything going on except i was about the truth someone dropped dead oh he's inflected is that the truth he's inflected for sure it's a little skipping it's a little sauce i'm skipping luxie what did you see wait wait are people voting i don't know what i saw warm color walking away but that's all i have i'm warm i love it i want live i saw that warm in fl i like your inflection please how do you read that it's after knowing people for a long time dude like specifically with brian and mika i can kind of tell like no i'm not trying to brag or anything but like i i can kind of tell if they're lying i've just known them for such a long time and i i know the way that they talk so i can't i just want to be voted [Laughter] [Music] chris being alive is weird what the heck chris being alive is kind of weird to be honest eve is a true friend if you can tell that i mean not really it's just about knowing people and recognizing when they're [ __ ] lying i don't know i feel like after you know people for a long time it's not that hard to tell you can just tell with the inflection in their voice and stuff like that it's not like it happens every time but sometimes it's very obvious that people aren't banned for you know i love where your temperature negative ten [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what's my inflection like dude never mind it's fine hey hey we got eyes for you hey hi i love you scared you're precious hello hey you're doing bottles right you're popping bottles right yeah what's good doing the tree putting the thing down putting the thing up putting the thing down i'm guarding thank you ashley i'll vouch for you i'm not a weapon i have weapons and something else i can't remember 11 12 13 14 15 16. okay it was a long storm a day okay but that was like a long [ __ ] round it was that was a really long round who just came out of lights i um i was standing next to mika and um me and um brian we were we were chilling at admin i was talking about makeup brian and i just saw ashley where were you oh too yeah i was in o2 with brian and ethan then ethan and i left and then immediately split up where's the body i walked in from the right side and chris's butt was right above lexi wow who did you vote for huh yeah uh no one in particular if you voted for me i'm gonna backflip i have a rumbly in my tane and my rumbly tells me that it was you know yeah [Music] i'm brian i'm just saying brian i did hear brian say imposter you can kill ethan and i won't tell well that was me [Music] yeah uh that's true we dated jeff you and i and uh what did you do what was the tingle yeah my friend's a little quieter than normal i haven't really seen her i just have a suspicious feeling [Music] everybody's just fading away slowly listen when you're tame tingles you need to listen to it all right one more task oh no baby there we go a little bit tipsy there we go but no one is fixing lights what else is it yeah i want to go fix lights i'm going to fix lights is it my boy wait jason jason jason i just heard something who killed you kill someone [Music] i don't forgive ally at all i have gone [ __ ] 20 rounds not getting imposter and i changed to the devil outfit and i got it i never got a posture but it's also like almost a minute [Music] you can't trust that ever again because from the paint sometimes i'll give that to her for whom i'm behind sometimes for whom the tank tolls you know they're good tools for me damn all right i actually do have to go though it is like midnight latest show i love you so much thank you for the games oh my gosh how many thank you for organizing wait how many people still want to play because i i still want to play yeah yeah please do feel free to live in my discord honestly i i um i don't know if i have curling upstairs if i do i can try to do like super itsy-bitsy quiet [Music] um because i'm having way too much fun i'm sorry i'm really upset this is so funny leave for hot second stream and then hop back and just wait i have a proposition dude and people wait for twinkling drinks are being had just letting us know ally i've got a proposition for everybody staring at each other's collections what if hey everybody everybody hold on i'm going to try to really what if we all pee real quick and then we all grab a shot real quick fireball might happen right now i'm in my 30s i'm drinking wine and then we will take a shot hold on and then you know that's camaraderie because i'm having fun i must go i'll be right back with you i'm not interested it is my responsibility but p shots are [Laughter] you already want to pee he already has his shot he's right his stream is going alternate if anyone does need to drop out at any point i'm probably going to keep playing for a couple of hours i'll play a couple more oh i'm going to be yellow as long as you promise pinky swear i promise okay i am um huge fan of like a lemon drop what if instead of lemon juice gatorade are you guys telling me to get a second bottle of wine yes yes no no that's why i only bought one bottle of wine but i also have one of those wait i can't hear chris chris what are they called mamitas mamitas sometimes they're just guys oh he is my boy dude margaritas christmas christmas where else would he be i'm just reflecting and we matched and got imposter and then [ __ ] won no dude hey you know that last kill hey i'm really mad about ethan's body they were about to report they were like why were you just standing there in lights because i was trying to shut off the doors and i was like oh i don't know that was super weird i heard someone saying they were killing so i wanted to see if i could tell where it was coming from and they were like no no no and they ran but then you won because she killed the last guy yeah he was there with the assist i was i was so mad when i died in the first five seconds that i saw it was alley and i just like looked at the camera and i just kind of like shook my head like yep probably deserved that i'm not gonna lie i felt dear remorse that was good listen biggest biggest is here that's all i got to say yeah kill i had to do it right away all right i'll be right back hey let's go on let's bond a little bit what's everyone's favorite scary movie uh oh i can't hear you up there well then come the [ __ ] up here jeff scary movies are we talking are we talking slasher pondering are we talking about scary scary oh anything any in any um all of the child's play movies you're welcome hell yeah oh my god let's talk about let's talk about the fantastic series about the thing i hear everyone now thank you who said the thing i said the thing crispy said the thing is [Music] [Music] if i can get all nine yays i'll go get another one what do you guys think all nine what no no no yeah there's like three right there wow what are you what are you shooting right now tequila all right tequilas [Music] yeah all right i'm gonna go get whiskey i'm gonna go get more wine and whiskey i'll be right back oh i'll do it nico what you doing that person here that's so weird i'm really offended that you think that i'm not sober right now is it because i mentioned my taint or is it the buttery nipple go ahead and tell me which one that's really weird it's a little combination of both but to be honest with you i forgot about you and you don't see me oh my god find the alcohol now because i can't continue to say it's over after that yeah who's um do we start while we wait for ashley or what's up no let's play one round but it's it's up to you guys [Applause] let me cheat back we're doing cheese pepper jack oh good pick pepper jack nice i eat that i get diarrhea oh yeah it's cause you're dumb right pepper or the jack i'm going to click one wait for ashley i'm going to do a question i can't really play one or the other i'd feel bad all right wait wait wait hold on we don't have everybody yet yeah we gotta i'll shot it up i think i'm not taking a shot all right wait top top left if you're here okay that's smart hey luxie top left wait if you're here top left see if you're here oh my god whoa all right luxy i don't think it was luxie that's all i'm going to say all right so it's you and lefty sorry that i left the shot line because i'm not taking a shot with you but i didn't kill you who do you want to vote who do you want to vote whatever i'm down for it yeah i'm gonna go for a little a little bit over here a little yellow party hat who said that they forgot i existed [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i feel like we should just call the [ __ ] game i was taking up for luxie because i felt bad about the way that i phrased forgetting i didn't forget you as a whole i forgot that you weren't drinking oh and please because you want me to be dead what am i doing i'm gonna be dead welcome back jason uh apparently first thing i said when the money started airlock but i i said i don't think it's i can't vote for luxie yeah dude i i feel like that's an aggressive move for lexi but i'll go with everyone else's vote yeah i'm gonna vote for um i feel like we're throwing however jay cyrus oh wait do i get a gift the fight you're voting your case already okay you know what i'll just i'll talk to crispy about this when i'm dead i i'm just not here i was grabbing a second missing one so who needs a vote uh ashley is uh she said to play around and then she'll be back i'm voting for milk you missed a lot milk really okay that's fair i was just genuinely confused who milk was i was in the kitchen for a second i got it very confused all right guys look i tried to take up for luxie because i felt bad but it was like vodka milk wow vodka milk sounds like a good drink who's doing shots real quick huh no no no no no no no no no no i've been all right all right everybody everybody everybody way to admin let's do a shot real quick guys let's way to admit if i'm sorry let's put it admin let's do a shot real quick already ready no okay i'm dead but i'm down for a shot okay let's go where are we you know what i'm having a shot of no one wants this is terrible last time is so dangerous and i'm doing it anyway you know what jeff i didn't see you killed me so i don't know i don't know uh it's peppermint schnapps i got it i got my shot i'm ready is it what is it all right let's oh my god what a shot goddammit jaeger wow three shoot him all right i'm going back to being dead too funny i love that so are we supposed to let this run are you the are you the imposter no i'm the devil hello what happened why did you call an emergency meeting uh because i saw jason was dead and i don't know where his body is and i would rather not get killed like i did last time i got really sad when jason is dead i'm not going to i hate that i hate that i was like his name is jeff all right like jeff said that's sad but like jason i'm really wow where was the where was the body uh i didn't know where it was i just called the meeting because last time i tried to do this literally brian i went on vitals i'm sorry okay okay that's fair you know what that's true that's fair i would have been killed immediately i'm inclined to believe the carrot but i just hey brian are you are you lying wait can we get a can we get a can we get an inflection check ethan ethan where are you you're being awesome please uh difficult have you even taken another shot is that what's happening yeah is he not oh god he's gone he's gone ethan are you here and i saw that jason was dead so i called the meeting cool and right here i'm here hello where is oh yeah chris is eating cheese apparently so eating cheese they have a whole [ __ ] cheeseboard what kind of cheesecake are you having cheese and wine you're actually 30. dude yeah you're classy as [ __ ] yeah and crackers and dude my girlfriend i'm sorry i'm dead all right brag about how you have a dream all right and also it's fine that we're playing among us but like when can i play games with chan is my question please let me play games with chan she hates lying to her friends dude she hates lying your friends tell her that i love we don't have to play among us we can play other games she'll play around with you she'll play okay i want to play games with shan mika miyu ethan and shan wow oh my god please okay i was in the [ __ ] bathroom the whole time dude wait why did we are you [ __ ] kidding me one time [Music] what just happened that was not chill i was in the bathroom the whole time but terrible ugly look at me yeah that's right i'm in hold on chris mika look me in the [ __ ] visor and tell me that you would not do that no she would do that all she would are they go ahead chris i'm so sorry i don't know i've known me for a while that's my that's exactly if it wasn't him chris i did it because you said don't call me a good time [Music] because ethan wasn't talking because he was like afk or whatever yeah yeah in the background i want to vote chris just on principles oh okay then [Music] okay this is what happens when people do shots by the way i mean it's not me but i hope you guys don't die i hope you live bye i love childhood you might have lost [Music] that wasn't a real game ace [Music] she had that that first strike when everyone said i voted off right there ali i'm so sorry so passive the whole i literally would trust i mean like if chris was like you never trust chris all right never trust chris come on ally you know that i got kicked out of fight club guys okay whatever oh god i'm leaking code i'm sorry uh ashley just said that her game isn't recognizing something no no is she trying to play on mobile oh my god i'm such a [ __ ] dingus this uh crew does not work on mobile crew link does not work on mobile i don't think she's on mobile she has a laptop upstairs so she's probably trying to play on her laptop yeah i don't care i don't think ashley's playing on my own [Music] wait no everybody looks normal for me too everyone looks normal for me too this is the only one that has chris has a [ __ ] knee dude beanie and like a black suit on wait i have my egg dude and my boy i'm sorry ethan i think it's popular and a child yeah thank you [Music] love you guys jeff has a pirate hat hey i just showed up to finish some painting around the house [Music] area and get that white coat base coat going okay white coat base coat velma i've never heard something so white as somebody saying white coat base coat baby [Music] goes faster everybody knows it exactly all right well everything's good baby i won't get killed ever it's just the way babe baby five hours it's really fun hello honestly i don't know well that was well i mean i know there's a big stack but i don't know who did it where was that stacks on the stack it was in the show it was in the draft [Music] but i saw ethan too i did the i'm the only one who did the [ __ ] lights i don't know about that man that's a [ __ ] likely song this is why i never do it's a lightly story mine all right it's a lot like jason and i don't believe the trap that's meeting the cheese i mean sure jason vote me if you want no i'm going to vote i voted brian oh my god what the [ __ ] man that's the way it'd be baby that's the way it'd be we got one out we got one we got all right did we now i don't know if i trust chris you definitely sway me baby chris i don't i don't know if i i can so easily swayed by the lobby wait wait mika come with me come with me don't ethan if you do this i will never talk to you again okay that's fine you just kill lucky come here stop it i'm not going to kill you do you have a do you have a thing nika i'm just following you all right good good wait mika come with me that would suck actually because no one's doing it we got 10 seconds zero people on this table wow come on come on no there's no time it's happening there's no time all right we lost we lost we lost ah that's so funny that's so good dude i love that i kind of love that we just lost that's so funny what the heck chris melburger [Music] that was great yeah we were just in specimen all like being like don't kill me don't kill me like two years [Music] i [Music] oh my god wait ashley you had time to take a shower in that whole time what the [ __ ] if i get killed there we go i will kill everyone thank you thank god it's you dude jeff you kill me i'll be sad is oh i didn't see y'all there hey jason hurt somebody venting listen it's not me i'm doing the o2 right now the canisters baby all right i got i got office i got admin tests i mean oh last time i wasn't something yeah that was it wait crispy's dead wait ashley's dead wait i was hanging out with mika and now nika what were you doing chris chad what was what [Music] because i didn't see you and if you saw me that means that you have him it's not mika i just felt amica came up and i came right behind you in electrical okay can i baby baby wait sweet baby child can i say one thing real quick i was afk crispy came up to spawn and said i'm protecting you i left crispy with jeff and crispy's dead all right i'm voting jeff no offense jeff i love you oh my god chris i was right behind you you got it you got it you were flying you guys said that was an admin he got impostor three times in a row that kind of sucks west [Music] hold on jump because i felt like it [Laughter] but i didn't see him because he saw me so that means he has impossibility in puberty there we go and that's it baby [Music] [Music] babies ethan if you kill me again i will kill you in life i'll kill you in life it's not me it's okay that's literally what you've said every time yeah well it's not me for real dude well oh my god i just can't i just can't i just can't got no tears left to cry [ __ ] candy dude so picking it up picking it up i'm loving them i know who did it i wish i could hear chris but at the same time so uh mika you and i did our little dance by specimen absolutely did brian because i was like hey do you want to go like hang out down there again absolutely no it's not tuesday it's thursday in it okay so i just looked at vitals and yes what's going on ethan is dead and he's the one who was down there you had come up from there i can promise you bro hold on let me have the stage for just a second i'm gonna please go on i don't know if he's actually dead in there but i did not see ethernet on if i decided i would have told you that when i came out but i'm done about makeup it's makeup no because mika was with me like the whole [ __ ] time i saw you i was the british and also chris was there before and he said i please don't kill me and i said i'm not going to [ __ ] kill you and he left and we were just [ __ ] for two tonight [Music] i'm [ __ ] lost oh my god jason why are you so quiet yeah absolutely mental health i thought i had thank you what episode of skins is you always kill me always it's you and me watching [ __ ] skins mate all right what version are you watching mate you're [ __ ] watching [ __ ] british version all right you're not gonna [ __ ] watch the american version of skins it's always [ __ ] their british version of skins the uk version of skin do not watch the [ __ ] american version of skins it's [ __ ] garbage mate [ __ ] watch the the uk version brav always always anyway my name's ethan i and that's the [ __ ] that's in it all right thank you jeff what's up nothing much dude jeff you watch [ __ ] skins mate i watch skins but i'm not a [ __ ] bloke i don't watch the english version all right wait wait you watch the uk version of the [ __ ] american version the american version oh [ __ ] you mate you [ __ ] watched the uk version of skins right trying to see a bunch of [ __ ] that i grew up with now am i you [ __ ] watch this girls what can i say you [ __ ] if you watch skins you [ __ ] watch the uk version mate you never watched the american version hey hey don't tell my bird okay i feel like the uk version better all right mate i won't tell all right [ __ ] bruv don't tell me i will not i will not tell you a [ __ ] bird mate she's american she's american and i get it bruv but if you're watching skins might you always watch the english version bruv never these never never the [ __ ] us version mine the us the [ __ ] american version it's trash in it it's [ __ ] walmart it's [ __ ] for wankers mate it's disgusting it's disgusting mate always the [ __ ] uk version the skins bro i don't [ __ ] like it but if you tell my bird dad i'd be sleeping on the couch i'll be sleeping on a couch in it all right if your bird comes to me my and she asks all right what version of skins [ __ ] jeff watching i'm always gonna say oh us versions always us virgin thank you only to save your skin but i know we're watching the same version of skins might and it's always the use case version absolutely there is no other version okay there is no [ __ ] other version mine up here [Music] emma [Music] what's your guess on that why oh because she's not here finally they [ __ ] left [ __ ] i might i watched the [ __ ] okay okay watch the [ __ ] us version of the skins but what about what about the office yeah the office uk uk the american version no always [ __ ] us mate always who [ __ ] watches all right ashley mate actually got a question for you all right yeah all right ashley if you're walking if you're watching the [ __ ] skins all right the show skins you're watching the uk version of the us version right uk all right [ __ ] hey mate thank you mate [ __ ] never watching the us version of skins always the [ __ ] us version of skits [ __ ] seed that's the only character i can remember because i watched it [ __ ] 10 years ago mate i don't have a problem with it just don't [ __ ] tell my birdman all right here's the question here's a question which one of you is [ __ ] watch it love ollie mate uk version ethan i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna break out of the accent because please i could talk about love island for hours that's the that's my [ __ ] inebriated show dude i always watch [ __ ] love ali my it's my [ __ ] chili it's my [ __ ] chili show mate [ __ ] watch it love island first season of love island it was getting on right you were cracking up cracking up with the [ __ ] for like a long amount of time i'm sorry i'm literally automatically cause that's super [ __ ] up ally who is with each other you turn out to be the killer i will be devastated yes who are you with i'm with jason and brian yeah i was with ali the entire time speaker the entire time okay so i want to know what jason threw suss at me because that's super weird but you were always playing i already was with luxie what do i already know [Music] suspicious okay okay body was on vitals we're quoted [Music] luxie and i were coming through that little spray spray i literally couldn't see him from camera yeah but you you weren't you were on the other side of the deconstruct because i came from camera i came from but you were the only one near admin listen exactly this is weird this is how you set it up about the youtube video to how to set up proximity youtube videos i'm literally telling chat how to set up proximity voice okay so chat [Music] no i don't no because if there were two they would have done a double kill in one oh you're right i'm dumb no it's okay no no it's not i'm stupid you're right no it's okay it's it's literally you're the killer i am [Music] the announcement of shining fates officially shining fates oh my god protocol meeting yeah huge poggers big pogs dude i just opened another bottle of wine oh i just i broke in some well mamitas talk to mine so apparently it's tequila and soda i didn't realize it so i'm gonna be [ __ ] well that's the way it goes right why that's all you gotta do hey what are you doing over here who's been talking to me [ __ ] bad what what why are you talking to your [ __ ] bed like that confused in my life grayson why are you who's lying brian's going to let this run out until they all suck each other i've spent so much time [ __ ] around with mika because there's just been too much time that we've been [ __ ] around luxie has been very offended that i've been accusing her and and i feel like it's not luxy and i don't want to stress her out do you want to be honest i feel morally obligated not to vote for you brian you're confusing i don't have ethan check you and i don't know wait hold on i'm literally accounted for everywhere we're done with tasks i would be doing like an evil [ __ ] 50 villains left if i was impossible jason i don't know i also am confused by the immediate suss you put on me i well i mean listen i still think brian um oh my andrew my i'm [ __ ] streaming and i'm very drunk oh you're on stream right now [Music] i was gonna when i when i heard you answer the phone i was gonna sing a song about you being a windsor horse uh well i i would have loved it i'm pretty drunk everybody in chat say hi to andrew can i call you back when i'm done when you think of it again i have no idea right now yeah give me a call i might be asleep all right all right i love you very much love you too mister all right everybody is saying hi andrew hi andrew love you i'll call you later all right bye-bye [ __ ] christ what do you mean you swear to god i feel really bad right now [Music] that was the longest was not doing tasks because he was getting more booze that's because i got voted out and that was the impact i just said that i kind of want to just play forever really quickly ashley and luxie i need a yay or nay right now oh [ __ ] well i'll show you really happy my mind tell me right now four p.m to 7 30 p.m tomorrow yay or nay lexie and ashley oh [ __ ] hold on hold on hold on let me let me just double check something i have to know i'm walking away this is not my problem ethan please mika hold on please don't kill me do you swear hold on mika no let's let's do a handshake i understand that though i want to do a handshake spit in your hand i want to hear it hold on spit in your hand mika wait um what's something that we can both agree on okay crispy and brian you gotta leave this is probably the least weird everybody what about come on let's just get the free pass dude chris can you hear each other hold on chris can't hear each other hold on let's agree on something real quick okay yeah what's something that we can hold on crispy you got to go man all right what are you all doing hold on jesus can we get a moment alone dude what's something we can agree on that we're both not an imposter uh right was a really dumb name but it's still cut hello hi ethan mika work this out you got to work this out are you mediating this i kind of want to just hang out no we we we're both going to immediately until this works out judges are happening into my lap so ethan and mika were like holding hands crispy was like weirdly staring each other down that's a little harsh to be fair chris you couldn't hear me i was asking what they were doing and why they were they were making them packed no i think i'm i'm saying you're fine oh yeah yeah okay okay okay okay i think i think luxie farrell and jason are sus right now wait why am i successful wow i didn't see any of you when we were trying to talk about excuse me this is content creation time was that real hold on jason was that you and was that real talks my thing gets quieter for some reason well crispy oh so it does an auto thing okay esp from two floors up you know doing that and it it real yeah yeah exactly it's real science it's definitely jeff it's me i just drank an entire bottle of wine in one of those comically big wine glasses yep i drank i drink my wine in a beer glass because i don't own wine glasses it's jason sick honestly i voted jj jason you've never been quieter honestly wait did you guys vote for jason i skipped you're gonna tell me i'm wrong you're gonna tell me i'm wrong what does it mean her sister was a witch jason you've never been more quiet in your life dude his daughter is a queen you know honestly i'm still going to task and vibe killers so you can't bring me down bad sounds ethan what were you going to say i don't remember oh can i say where'd you go where'd pierce go come back come back here you talk to me yeah what's happening what's happening [Music] [Music] like literally they were like together i don't know what the [ __ ] i trust jason because hey here's why because me and him were just on asteroids and these kills happened just now we were literally the whole round here's the thing there's no way there's no way you find a double kill on a reactor and just be like oh oh yeah they're on the other side and i missed both people come on sorry there's no way i'm [ __ ] off nice we like it yes ma'am um i was running up to reactor is literally on the same path as right reactor right down on like right underneath like where like lab is i was running up to a reactor and i found them okay was it was it right outside of uh no it was like underneath i don't know what the hell they were doing they were like underneath the building it could be ali no i i'm so sorry i'm literally doing something else i'm that's this is entirely my bad i'm throwing right now i'm sorry i'm i'm oh [Music] that's and i can't hear you about me she's actually here are you still writing an email no no i'm free now i'm good now wait a minute we're going to ask this with me you're right yeah yeah yeah dude i'm sorry fam yeah yeah it was funny you were like oh my god i'm voting crispy i don't think it's either of us i think we're just voting for each other because we suck i literally love votes you know love votes you know what i love myself i guess i love them for myself that's fair i also voted for you sorry [Music] i'm sorry dude you can vote for me next round hey ethan i'm gonna this isn't for me i have to stop laughing so loud my problem mika i miss your dad's i miss your dad more than i miss you dude i oh my god i was going through the grocery store here jeff is killing me right now and i was like hey dad i'm going to go get a latte and he was like uh pick me up one of them candy bars you got me yeah we brought that into it i came back and i i gave him a candy bar and he's like unhealthy or anyone anymore [Laughter] [Music] because i'm stuck you like him i'm like [ __ ] it up for my entire crew i have to do it okay i'm a dead boy that was mid download what crispy's like oh my god we're okay i'm so bad at this okay so i was like actually you know what instead of doing stabilizers because i never do um you know i don't know i just felt it in my mind it's not jason it's not jason no it's not i i don't i don't know jason extraordinarily well it is not jason okay so i was doing wires found jason jason's doing wires and then i'm like okay i'm not going to follow you because jason went to the right and he's like jeff who killed you oh my god sorry i put and i didn't see any of those people and everyone's dead it's brian yeah what does that mean it is brian and luxy why did you call an emergency meeting unless you're trying to get your body out because i was panicking there were two people dead i don't think it's jason i voted that's fine [Music] i don't remember who voted me or who killed me i would never kill you jeff you would never kill me what [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i didn't understand why you were assessing her but i wish i would have listened to you because i knew it wasn't you dude i knew sometimes all right sometimes i just feel like it wasn't you i know i knew it was brian but i wasn't sure who the second he's in one more one more dude one more seven more all right what's your favorite number [ __ ] 24. all right 24 more rounds let's go [ __ ] off my favorite number [Music] i love that i just created all right i like playing with you it's right here i hate playing with all of you wow what the hell are you saying we're going to do this weekly right jason i'm so sorry i miss you so much it's gonna be real jason we've never hung out in real life and that makes me so sad i know you know what's funny i was like i hate how i made so many more la friends after i ran away too quick i'm back i'm back in in my home area wait i'm here we're saying jason we're safe are you not in l.a anymore hold on no i'm in the philly area now i'm back to the east coast because you know i wanted to start a family oh [ __ ] simon um i wanted to start a transplant a family all right we're talking about l.a we're talking about l.a with you guys jason jason jason what if you you guys come back to la for just like a week and we all hang out once once listen one one of our first questions once uh arya's old enough where we can leave her like with oh with her grandparents uh we are going to visit l.a first actually cool oh that's so cute okay kbbq and do karaoke jason oh yeah here's the deal i'm gonna buy a house with a hot tub and a pool and you guys are gonna come over and everybody's gonna talk about what you spend your money on wait can we stop by here because i got to do it this test i almost have friend fries [ __ ] yeah hell yeah oh yeah oh no i love this it's not the car i want del taco and that's what i miss about all right everybody's gonna come to my house and nobody's gonna complain uh in chat about the money that i spend on uh anything because you don't know what my finances are like and so [ __ ] off is really what i'm saying i don't know what z man means anyway you know my finances are like i'm gonna have everybody over dude you're gonna go pogba that's the whole thing thank you don't you dare fix the lights all alone in the moonlight i'll fix the lights oh good job mr cyrus god is this your little guy dancing in the moonlight everybody i just i just saw chris we were all standing in the middle lights went out i went over to laboratory i did my node thing i walked back and i saw luxy and i complimented her towel you did compliment my towel and i was on my way over to do the rocket clicky and i love that hey eve where are we buddy who's asking he's i was following you know communications you're voting me because i asked you where you were yes hold on that is weird bro listen oh no listen concurrently anybody let me talk now but i do think it's beef after that sketchy behavior all right well anybody let me talk ethan voted a busted lip wait ethan and jerf who did you vote for we still got a minute sorry uh pharaoh cutie pie who's that cutie pie pewdiepie all right can i talk after i voted who's pet name yeah typically we talk before we vote eth but go ahead all right listen i've been playing youtube for a long time all right i've been playing youtube for a long time you've been playing tuber simulator for a long time yeah youtube simulator for eight years fam who the oh my god this is too much ethan who i voted ally because i felt like it dude all right okay and your feelings are valid but your [ __ ] claims are unsubstantiated i just have to skip because this is so dumb this is the dumbest thing in the world hey don't shoot on seven don't shoot on seven i voted for the cutest guy okay look at where everyone voted nico [Music] should probably go finish my test though y'all i've been slow i want you to talk to me yes i did what's up everybody my name is craig gameplays and you what's up all right you've lost your chance i'm voting for you next round hello give you a smooch come on goodbye all right what voted herself out i don't want you to be sad though that would be upset i'm gonna that would be outside because of the way that mika acted mika has voted herself out and that's the way it is and that's on my task fam well why is there a body of idols who must oh and vitals ah so the imposter didn't realize that we were putting sauce on alley and they killed them that would have been a lot smarter to keep ali alive yeah mika because ethan i overheard that conversation between the two of you oh wait me and him wait wait that was like eight years ago what conversation talk to us oh no i'm not i'm not saying that ethan is the imposter i just know he voted for mika yes i did wait why why because i was walking by um what's the building in like the center left that's like got all the screens it's i can't remember what it's called no not cams it's like the one next to the nipple oh communications communications yes yeah i went up to the next communications and i heard ethan go well mika you huh you lost your chances without voting for you next round yep that's what i did i'm gonna give him a kiss and i went wait but why ethan don't do that when you hear that you say this isn't for me and you walk away thank you jeff thank you jeff you understand and you i was i was walking times tonight several times what if i had to vote i'm gonna vote where ethan went i'm sorry oh my god i'm going to wait that doesn't check out with me because yeah now that now that's creepy and weird well because listen it's sick so ethan if you're feeling it guys ethan's been playing youtube for nine years me ken luxie what he's doing this isn't he's true he's an expert he's an expert making looks it's field i've been watching youtube for 10 years i'm just going to go for it [ __ ] you who are we voting for are we actually voting i don't know what else if you would like to vote me out good luck on the rest of your crew mission okay goodbye you called it a crew mission unreal um all right well we lost the game you can't hear us anymore we can't hear them it's funny uh who's got tasks by the way owl if we could win on taxes oh yes all right what happened it's fluxy wait what why why luxie and i were just together talking about cleaning literally right outside the building i feel like listen is throwing yeah easily ethan off he's literally i might be throwing it to him i might be throwing but i have a feeling it was mika and loxie that's just the feeling that i have if you want to vote me off why would i vote me out were they even interacting i have i have no no hold on hold on jeff i have no no evidence no i just have no brains i have a feeling in my opinion i can respect that i can respect hold on everybody let me let me talk i already voted i have a feeling that it's mika and luxy and that's the feeling that i have and that's the feeling that i've heard ethan you went with the feeling the last time i got to go with you this time and then listen and i'll go with it okay can we keep it off after this because he's throwing yeah that's fine dude bye ethan ethan i was hooked on a feeling brother oh my god that's fine sometimes you don't mess with chaos [Music] no one suspects the jason inquisition this was so fun i accidentally muted everybody because we were in proximity chat and that's just the way it is dude that's the way it is anyway dude anyway dude we're gonna say goodbye thank you so much for being here i accidentally left and that's the way it is that's the way it is thank you guys so much for coming see you guys later i love you guys very much bye-bye
Channel: CrankyVODs
Views: 144,766
Rating: 4.9664154 out of 5
Keywords: crankgameplays, crankgameplays livestreams, crankgameplays streams, crankyvods, crankyvod, crankgameplays twitch vod, crankgameplays twitch highlights, twitch highlights, twitch funny moments, twitch, twitch vod, full twitch stream, crankgameplays full stream, funny twitch moments, twitch clips, best twitch clips, funniest twitch clips
Id: kG9dQViwD0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 337min 13sec (20233 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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