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i'm looking good because this is serious business first if you don't know among us is a game where eight crew members run around a ship they try and complete tasks but there's also two imposters who are running around murdering the crew members the crew members have to figure out who the imposters are before they kill everyone we're playing among us but we're going to use the absolute stupidest imposter strategies i can come up with some involve being a blatant murderer in front of other players some involve spending money we've won in roblox by spending money i'm gonna make among us pay to win let's get down to business all right you wait till you see how stupid this strategy is it's time to be imposter i've got good ideas here's what i want to do kill someone hide the body where's the body where's the body can we talk for a minute so laser beam he's literally standing over his body right now not doing a goddamn thing fresh is literally bleeding all over the damn floor and laser beams staring at him i was doing my directional tasks i have not seen a single damn thing he's literally looking at the body like the bomb yeah no mate i'm doing my directional navigation thing deluxe there's anyone else in the room because i didn't even see a body man i did not even see a body you were literally staring at the body looking towards o2 like i was like oh this is hilarious mate that'd be a very weird kill i didn't say anything and one thing i would say is that there were way too many people who went right sides out of this [ __ ] there's no way it's right everyone's voting to skip i lived to fight another day all right chat so i didn't get to properly explain what my plan was i'm gonna kill a body stand over the top of it and hide it and see if people can see it all right take out rob now i'm just going to cover up the body it's so big brain mate yeah i know the report button pops up on the screen right that's the whole thing but uh i'm just going to say i didn't see nothing i was afk eating some chips you know hey i'm just sitting on top of the body no one's seeing him i just want to see if someone spots the body [Music] where's the body where's the body is literally standing on the body hiding it where's the body now where was the body though i'm not dumb nah i've been afk eating chips i've been afk eating chips i'm not letting him get away with this [ __ ] there's no way he's standing yeah he's just like standing on bodies like a weirdo mate i was just sitting there afk eating some chips no i'm not going down or false accusations right he's standing on top of the party trying to hide it you will not sit here and falsely accuse me i'm sitting here eating some rock and deli honey soy chips that's some [ __ ] it's got to be deluxe bro you're throwing you're throwing bro you're throwing it you're dead you're throwing [Applause] chat i tried you know not every imposter strategy is gonna work all right this round chat uh i'm just gonna use i'm gonna like try and bribe people right how did i get impostor again dude i don't know how i got this again i honestly like get this way too much i want to try and pay to win among us i'm just going to offer to bribe people hold on i could still do it i could still do it oh i'm going to try i'm going to try it is i've dm'd alex and i've dm'd vic i've said i'd give them 500 each if they just vouch for them if they stay with me and vouch for me that's what that's how i'm doing it i'm bribing players wait wait wait hold on rob walked in i'm just gonna kill rob all right didn't see who done it or nothing like that but i was like i just want to clear wildcat because i saw him skating so while everyone else was arguing uh i made sure to check that both vic and alex had agreed to my 500 proposal they were both in among us was now paid to win i don't know like so it was in bottom mode too i just walk into my task mate and there's a body on the floor all right i don't know i didn't see anyone in the area okay okay mal was running from that area towards me all right let's do it okay that's all you got to say all right well we're doing it let's vote him out uh you know getting rid of mao was not part of the plan but we'll make it work you don't need a teammate when you pay to win that's what that's how i'm doing it i'm bribing players that's how i'm doing it i've dm'd alex and vic so we'll see how that works yeah all right there there i send them both a message saying i'll give them 500 bucks if they just vouch for me i didn't mean to get mao knocked out there all right just looking legit where's alex where's the other guy in here alex just stay with me mate alex stay with me mate you gotta vouch for me mate [Music] all right so i walk in to the bottom of o2 again i see deluxe in the area right and alex was with me alex was with me the entire time i can all right i can confirm this alex was with me the entire time right so it definitely wasn't me i can i can watch for lana it wasn't how many bodies does he have to report so that first kill was now i think we're right with me i think we're right with me landon how many people did you kill landon how many people did you kill how many people did i get how many people did you kill me it's four bodies in a row that he has reported i'm just saying i'm just saying do we have to vote no definitely okay we kill do them yeah but i'm saying the lock's in the area only personal store in the era keep an eye on him keeping on him hey everybody just follow landon follow landon they're all just following me bro they're all just following me this is so sad they're just following me they're just following me what are they doing what are they doing i have the perfect alibi why are they mad at me how do they not vote deluxe dude dude okay can everybody count how many people died it seems like someone really wanted to clear their name they're deluxe you need to put into two what if i get oh bro we gotta be careful so let's just say theoretically side deluxe and me we're fine it could be one or two of the other three mr luck's fine how is deluxe fine he's the only person i saw walk away from a body deluxe and i were at the bottom right of the entire first of the round uh and there were two kills so i was with him the entire time and then okay so it could be both of you you're the only person bouncing i mean you're the only person okay listen listen listen you can't really clear yourselves if it's just two though don't land yeah let's get it up get it up get it over with them that's actual such [ __ ] i vouch for him on when wildcat died oh we almost lost it was a split vote though we're fine we're fine we're still in it [Music] deluxe is also staying with me i got a frame deluxe dude i got a frame deluxe okay i got my two alibis okay it is so obviously deluxe alex and vic can both catch me alex and vic can both vouch for me they're fresh i have two alibis i have two alibis fresh y'all watched hilly you literally watched him kill him that is such [ __ ] i don't know if it's ping but when the door opened i can't tell who actually killed me we're throwing right now are we throwing nah that is such [ __ ] it's so obvious people with me are you kidding me where is me where is vic and where is alex where is vic and where is alex i was that it could have been either of them but i think it's deluxe i think he still looks i swear no no he's never [ __ ] freaked out i'm going to freak out you literally watch him kill him i swear to god i will never play with you again i swear laser beam is the dumbest piece of [ __ ] i've ever seen say sorry after the game i swear to god thank you i did this [ __ ] to me last time you're gonna do it again fresh help me out fresh fresh you're the only guy i love you're the only guy i love right now please you watched him kill everybody i swear y'all y'all are dumb you son of a [ __ ] i'm done with you [Music] let's go fix it i think the bribes work boys both vic and alex boucher will be boys among us is pay to win if you're having trouble getting some dubs you just spend a thousand dollars that's all you got to do that's all you got to do where's freshy boy where's freshy boy i'm going to go kill fresh and then i got my boys backing me up and then i've got my boys backing me up fresh is dead let's have a little dance party it's too easy too easy boys it's pay to win we've done it lads we've done it all right so i'm assuming alex and vic hold on hold on you need to learn something you need to learn something alex and vic did you both get my messages yeah yeah all right so i wanted to see if uh among us could be pay to win right so i dm both alex and vic 500 bucks if they vouched for me the entire way no matter what i said vic was playing third impossible and it literally did not matter what i did dude that's it mate
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 15,241,412
Rating: 4.9489999 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, lazarbeam
Id: v8VvSluPv2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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