Among Us but I'm a 300 IQ Detective

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heidi hope everyone my name is mr fruit and welcome back to among us i'm imposter wrote me off let's go and what a way today start the day my puppy's going crazy all right just gotta wait for um to finish his part it'll do the trick lot and i were both doing the same exact thing so we'll see if that uh comes into play at all maybe this one's super easy with the content rob you must understand oh all right i was doing asteroids oh found a body which is versus his body and o2 and the last person i saw was mr fruit whoa whoa whoa objection i was never enough to oh okay but you came from that direction i came from weapons i didn't go all the way down i'm saying like it's like on top of o2 like the northern part i literally went to shoot asteroids and then i went into the cafeteria i never went around how'd you miss the body though if you're saying it's down to no two i wasn't down to no two or whatever that's places i'm pretty sure that's called oh too i don't know i'm telling you where the weapons are there was no body there's no uh i do want to throw something else out datto did not meet his mic so i think he should be auto booted and i were both doing the same exact thing so let's see if that that's right now i can get by that's a good argument i was dropping i'm just saying that fruits us i don't know my directions but he came from that general area uh nope i'm just gonna skip voting i can understand why you accused me but at the same time i don't appreciate it i didn't fruit accuse you i just said you came from that direction no no i got a way to prove it spell innocent backwards okay um that's a tough one tennessee in in english or yiddish yiddish you don't speak yiddish of course not i'm not even sure is yiddish can you is that like the way you say yiddish yes yeah it is you guys are being distracted by mr free you've been you're being distracted and it's fruit that's not what i meant hold up for the record i yeah i truly don't know what yeah this is so i'm just going to complete all of these in an order shouldn't be too hard and to be fair i wasn't the one distracting that was dad dad was the one that asked me that it's not like i asked for all this because i won't [ __ ] that and then i've got to spend forever downloading this good stuff todd just sees this he's like yeah that's a fat note for me all right i've almost done all my tasks to be fair that seems about right for me all right unless it's taj i'm not going to take the shot it's time so i'm taking the shot we gotta go fix the lights of all of the course out of the lights maj dead in front of the lights and so is ohm not the content my boy shark and i were just doing tasks uh yeah where where was this body the body was right in front of the lights oh therefore i assume he was trying to fix the lights that's a classic blunder i came up slowly i fixed the lights first before reporting this body so that way the lights would be on when we continue and do we have any rough idea about ohm's whereabouts has anyone seen him recently i've not seen him at all is there an event that goes from that area over to what it went from what area from where the lights are to navigation that's too far of it no electronics but it was there was no lights on so i think i just like saw him i didn't know he's around you intact no i passed them like we literally crossed like streams dude i was going i i went by electrical uh bless went in there and then he came out and then i went through storage to admin lights went off left admin through storage before i get to electrical to turn it back on meeting kind of sucks okay that's two ways 30 seconds radar is still on fruit like and every time that happens they usually are alive the next round from that direction where versus died okay i wasn't telling you that shark is not sauce on my meter because he could have killed me multiple times didn't i know i passed bless there was no way that bless ended up in electricity i'm suss a blessed because he was near me when the lights went out i'm dashed in sharks just watch fruit up top come and hear me when i was doing stuff in now the way this ends so i'm done with my task so i have to make it look like i'm doing my test so i'm going to head over to security and then all we have to do it's quite simple and quite surgical all we have to do is start something fallout on lights all right here's what i'll do i'll go on cams because my cooldown is now ready i see absolutely nobody it's just fallout 9 security they're going to see the lights but lincoln you know shark knows bus is going into admin datto is coming around to the engine daddo is in the reactor imtashed is down in admin oh hold up a good start good start let's go fall out absolutely nothing oh my god let's go all the time let's go right into the rick of things please brother i'll see myself out just the way i like it that's the way i like it uh-huh uh-huh i need to go to ba to the la app but i always die every time i go to the lab first just death death is what awaits me every every tim every freaking tomb i see this i'm all on where the fudge is my oh it's like bro where where where be it though the heck there's so many constellations found it don't kill me thank you uh um's in specimen bae screw that i'll go there no wait no he's not fallen dead over there oh stabilizer what what's up guys really the first time in my life really i became the guy who looked at the scanner yes apparently bless is dead okay okay i okay i saw on the fan cams i saw christian doing the nuclear reactor i saw ohm and rick cackus doing the left side so i know those two those three are accounted for and myself and thank you for watching the left side so um omen are you rick but we know you're left from right because did the left side yeah we didn't do it we were on our way there so what's she saying really i looked from the window and i saw i thought i saw caccus and oh maybe wait yeah you did we were walking towards it yeah we didn't like i didn't see anyone there we just bought okay i just didn't wait rob okay you're heading right there let me hit you with some carfax right okay [ __ ] so rob you're on cameras right yes i'm on the face we have taj doing the left pillar right yes sir apparently yes i'm on the right pillar i just saw ohm heading to the left pillar and you said he's with cactus yes yeah okay i saw datto on telescope and fallout in the med bay don't know where bless is if shark's looking at vitals you know that leaves who am ted ashman and he gets quiet when he's the impossible he was muted well sure i was just muted i i was going all the way around because i was in like the laboratory where you got to link up the specimens and then i was just making my way up would he press it i've seen everything because he had an emergency yeah you saw the vitals okay yeah i like i don't know like you don't know anything i'm voting nobody i did not oh [Music] i remembered where i saw everyone and then rob gave me info on cameras and everyone agreed so it only leaves one place now granted they could have come from a body but for the most part literally we can place everybody but emptash he says he's in specimen room guess what nobody else was there to back him up and you know who could have been there less so again not sure but the only one unaccounted for so it's real weird man i'm gonna come help it lights uh god willing i don't die i don't all right lot and i did it om just came from there okay lights were off i ran into taj in the bottom lower engine and who do i see running up to go and fix the lights m tash i'm not even highlights i'm over by the pillars in the middle no you are literally running up the hallway currently right about now [Music] yeah like okay you're not even hearing me you're gaslighting two times in a row i am not gaslighting we literally have passed the camera he was the bad guy here's what i'm saying we did not have tash was the only one in the first round not accounted for correct the only one everybody else was seen second round i literally run into taj running up into the lower engine and then i run back down and who do i run what where's the lower engine what are you talking about like bottom left like lower engines i mean like the water stuff water wheels whatever tash were you there no he apparently wait where were you tash you said that where you found the body in the lower left i passed ohm by electrical but i was at like going to middle pillar um did you see him fruit you were i saw you fruit but i didn't yeah we were by lights me falling no more lights didn't see that vote for m is a vote for an imposter i'm telling you rob has been trying to pin this on me i mean here's what i'll say why would you throw it like i was never freaked into emptash and taj is dead in the water i don't the first round is sus to me dude no one found a body like there's no is he because he he had finals a shark had he could do the vitals covering to hide the body and then he blames me i'm voting here's what i know it could be robbie is gaslighting m taps from the last front i don't know i don't like me yeah i voted dude sorry we'll find out we'll find out yeah one way the other pretty sure i was right oh you guys don't have it say this is prestige mode among us oh it's hard mode so i'm pretty sure it's tash but rob could be brick branding like maybe emtash wasn't lying but the fact that he said it was near om didn't see him now i think the reason he says that and he might not realize is cause lights were off so he's like i saw own but oh mommy's didn't see him because the lights weren't on then so that's my only guess but at the same time rob knew how suss um we'd already made em tash look so he could just be like yo guys it's totally him and it's getting voted off immediately and get you know essentially two quick kills not really sure all right somebody's dead no oh shark's dead shark's dead shark did wait aren't two people dead no we voted no we voted off the ship okay that actually clears dado because i was actually running back freaking out because i thought datto had killed somebody or not killed but was just uh not doing uh shooting fast enough where's the body robbie there was no body i literally hit a button i was covering for you when when the lights went out just to see like if you were still doing at any point no one saw anything no one knows where but no i know the light came in you like now i know it's not you okay so we're chilling okay okay but at least at any point did someone see blast or see where he went no the only person i saw was that's why i was charging now we're talking shark sharks yeah did anyone see shark i was on my own i did the what's it called the bottom right thing the specimen room i basically just got through the doors i was like going in there and no one was around me and then you guys called the meeting here's what i am well here's the thing fruit you saw me at electric fallout is accounted for don't think there's any way you could have killed it ohm did do electrical immediately and then if rob and datto saw each other it's kind of the same thing where caccus you're the only one we didn't literally only wasn't accounting here's here's what i'll say it takes me forever to get into the specimen room here's what i will say i was in specimen room at the start of the previous round i did my two cactus was coming through and then going to the specimen room and we called the meeting he had every opportunity to kill me the lights were off he could have just shanked me right there nobody are you talking to the clown what if he'd come no this was previous round the previous round and you guys called the meeting i didn't get to do anything yeah so that does give some credence to i'm suspicious of caccus and datto no data i'm pretty sure it's 100 percent right then fallout and cactus well we could still have 200. i'm looking at cactus honestly i don't think it's caccus if datto i mean maybe it is tattooed on cactus but i don't really think it is and if rob has cleared datto i just have to assume what he's saying is true going off the assumption that it was emptashed then it all i know if caccus was previously going to specimen room meeting got called then he had to still complete his tasks it makes sense why you'd want to go back there so yeah that kind of makes that clear i don't know and if he was an accountant and i don't know okay there's no way you did that those tasks that fast which task did someone die again like absolutely nobody died nobody did were you doing like your movements as well like it was clear you were trying to follow me a bit man which which in communication which thing were you doing were you resetting or were you uploading i was doing the last part of the reset what were you doing i was doing the upload and i saw you going even then next thing i know you're at wires but you say that wires for like a second and a half can i ask you this what what did you do after you saw ohm after i saw him he followed me again i followed him and we happened to do the same wires and then he was kind of sussing on me outside the door but i saw the camera was on so i was like we're chilling yeah and then button because i have to do another one i was walking towards me i ran and push a button i think i think i really i don't think that's enough i'm not i i'm not where's that at all i think that was the most clean having an entire emergency meeting to just accuse someone else and throw suspicion off yourself is a little sus i'm just stackers would you like a vote i vote i'll throw one your way if you want i thought someone died again dude i was like oh no who's where's monitoring vitals is do your job i don't know anything about that i mean they didn't bring up any new information i was going to say like if they call another vitals for the love of god find the body i think this is how i die oh thank god okay it's fall out in data this time it's rob on cams no he's not i'll go on camps i'll help my boys out uh okay we had datto moving from central fallout northeast up southwest northwest east central northeast going from central to to where okay datto and cactus would be in central somewhere let me go see and then which mccullough fallout went top right okay so it could be caccus and data let me check no bodies no bodies all right looking good is anyone dead no all right we're chilling we big chilling keep doing your tasks i'm almost done all right this is this is going okay it's going okay no one's dying that's the important thing i still have my last task in specimen room though god am i scared to do it if they catch me right here like it's is it i'm dead as long as they don't know i went specimen room though i'm clear because as an imposter if you're running low on time and you're i'll fall out oh god as i say that please oh no i have to follow him though because my task is here it's going to look a little sus i don't want him to think i'm sass so hold on timing i just found the dead body i found a dead body right next to where the heck is it in that little room rob showed up right when i found it he was running towards it though like so i don't know if that's stupid or not no i was coming from a room where were you coming no i want to know where this body is rob it's broad what room is that it's like bottom left by the o2 like tree kind of room i showed up i saw the body and rob came but he can't he didn't come down so i don't know whether that sucks or not but i came down because i was checking the fan cams and then data was behind me watching me check fancy let me give you this little exchange yeah i went to cams well looked around didn't see much i saw rob doing the gas can for the ship he came in we swap places to the fan cam i fixed the lights we verify we're both chilling and then i kind of we're just kind of floating around he leaves to go do something else and then as that's when the body's called by caccus so i have rob accounted for literally 95 of that last round i literally don't know if i literally caught rick as he killed the body or if he actually did just happen to stumble upon it where were you before that rick like doing stuff over in the uh what's the room in like the mid the middle uh bottom middle kind of and i was coming just into where you guys were right so i was coming into like that electrical area so i came up from the bottom down from the top fallout and i are good so i'm trying to decide who i'm voting for i think it's rick i think it's rick dude i started oh stop stop stop don't vote for anybody i i was gonna say i think we could just be voting for anybody what do you think there's no way he gets to specimen room like that as far as i can tell i'm all the way over there like fallout should be able to show yeah obviously he's not hit i don't know maybe his fault and he vented and he just debated them although it would have taken him a while to find the body i don't really know all i know is i have this like last task left and then i'm good uh fallout going there though makes sense that's where he was doing his wires before so that gives me hey i was able to eliminate where people were and who it would have been dude i'm surprised you guys didn't go for that vote on rick yeah you would have still had the numbers to win even if you got it wrong yeah it was pretty fun this is why i had to kill you dude tell me what early on you were like bro rick is totally in the clear that's yeah that's why i kind of gave up on ripped i had the opportunity to kill daddo and i didn't for that exact reason i thought we were big bringing it [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 1,556,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us trailer, among us gameplay, among us how to play, among us game, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us review, among us tutorial, among us impostor, among us guide, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us part 1, among us vs town of salem, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us with friends, among us toast, among us mr fruit, trouble in terrorist town, among us vs ttt, among us impostor gameplay, among us ssundee
Id: osNKXZZCnn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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