Among Us but EVERYONE is the impostor EXCEPT the impostor...

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15 seconds voting time [Music] oh my god dude i can't skip cars swift excuse card swipe kill him kill him kill the killer hey abe abe i heard abe guys we got five seconds oh [ __ ] i think it's tron what don't get my ticket john no meme i think it's john oh my god it was wendy right it wasn't what do you mean it's john what is up guys it's icuno here 15 seconds voting time wait 15 second voting time some going to be camping vitals and then we just immediately kill them at vitals oh man that was another thing that was such a bad kill that was a terrible oh my god oh my god what's happening what's happening guys what information information [Music] we got away with it 15 second vote time oh my god dude i can't skip scarves do you like his cards like oh [Applause] you guys think i had any time to think about what i was doing there we had like less than 10 seconds to think about what's happening there we had nothing we had nothing guys oh what the there was no card swipe it was scanning it oh what how did she how is she doing this these these hacks ah whatever we got her oh my god hey buddy what oh god he said oh no eraser what did ray say here's what we do they're killing themselves we don't have to do anything i want to pretend to be innocent i'm going to hit the button on the left side look extremely innocent and then they're going to vote jon off job just galaxy brain oh man i did left reaction nobody died nobody i did the right one okay sean came up after me it's got to be john guys he must have been trying to get the kill guys we got five seconds john john oh my god oh my god i'm really not wendy oh my god it's not me it's not me it's strong it's trying to shot it's trying to stratus it would have killed him gotta be john what is happening all right um oh man how am i gonna do this i'm trying to get a stat kill here bud okay um i gotta kill pokey but it's so hard to target oh my god oh my god oh my god it was it was wendy right what no it wasn't wendy what do you mean it's john i thought i saw wendy no it's not me oh oh man we did it guys oh worthy imposter oh let's see how this goes wow um i'm pretty sure i saw poopy and blue and then they were followed by i didn't know someone else greek who was with you with me i also think that greek self reported oh it's a possibility wait so pokey is no longer a suspect right is that what [Music] okay wait man great just disappeared so quickly i tried to vouch for him let it be known but if somebody dies here then that's his fault for leaving the pack all right oh greek i'm so sorry oh god wait i know this is like you had one joke i know this looks so incriminating i it wasn't me yeah okay so i was doing the thing the weather thing that's in the med bay lab area right and then the lights went off and i lost him and i was like oh he probably just went to go do lights so my assumption is that it's in the medical center i'm sorry greek you're poor soul all right who did you see nearby like you pass anyone listen listen the lights went off bro i just i went to the lights the lights were i could not see where he went okay so here's what i see right i'm in lab greek tina they're chilling in there i am on the little uh the clicker for the for the maze lights go off i'm the one that heads the lights i don't see anyone near me bro and then lights turn back on and i go back there and i remember before lights going off tina and greek walking to the right side of labs what were you gonna say i saw tina on the other side of the right door into lights were you the person on cams i was on cams for a bit i was on cams for most of the round well i think tina played a quick one on us i think it's probably myth and said they're they're they're both dog piling me guys soon i mean i tried to clear you i literally tried to vouch for you it's tina isn't it it's tina is it tina i mean i i'm going to trust myth on this one i thought i thought miss sounded pretty certain i don't know it's arya it's arya it's pokey then you they're all turning on each other okay um um they are so confused guys they are so confused right now i haven't even killed anyone hafu solo carrying this one um imma go back on the cameras all right there's pokey um i'm not even doing anything oh hey hafu oh oh i got closed off uh is anyone down here oh wait hafu we just need a double wait so if me and hoff we just need a double to win oh what happened nice button oh i was gonna try and group up with her for the double but it's too late they hit the button i didn't expect that i haven't seen him either haven't seen what i was in vitamins next to brown i think wait what's the vitamins wait i actually you're you're like super detective right why would you why would you not think it's tina the reason i sussed you was okay we're on eight people we don't need to vote someone if we're not entirely sure it's them so seeing you vote may be very suspicious of you especially since you've been really quiet this whole game well i just believe myth and and also the sus was put on sydney at some point by tina and the thing is i also believe sydney is not because i saw her in lights and she also fixed the lights with hafu there she could have killed hafu because i know because sydney killed me last round doing the lights so like yeah it just seemed very clear that the story would check out i believe now it's still not worth a vote in my opinion okay either way guys we have one dead body and i think we need to vote here just in case we miss voted on tina who are you thinking though because i don't have many i have ambitions yeah yeah my sauce is on pookie but that's just my sis pokey too oh wait why are you clear guys i pushed a button when we could have just gotten double killed if there were two imposters so it can be me guys we gotta vote together on this like i kind of want to vote are you i'm sorry jessica i'm voting sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm sorry actually arya i'm sorry i don't know if it's arya but i'm pretty sure that pokey's innocent that's the only reason why arya i i it's because i know pokey's innocent because um because we're the killers five six seven eight nine ten why am i counting oh hafu already got it you know i'm not even gonna get a kill hafu you deserve this one you she carried it she deserves it [Applause] i did not do a single kill that whole round hafu did everything she she's she's a legend and so i started keith and i thought he would call me out so i tried to kill him [Music] crazy i didn't do a single kill i don't blame you for killing me first i can't believe it well next time all i did was i i guess technically i got tina killed because i did the deciding people like she carried all the kill kills because like i just did the meeting kills you know like i voted to kill people but i didn't like kill kill she did everything like how did she get away with so many [Music] kills now and then i feel light's fading softly all over me and i remember last year
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,380,903
Rating: 4.9746966 out of 5
Id: nF7VlbOIxks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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