America's cowboy kids | Unreported World

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[Music] meet these cowboy kids who have a passion for the fast and furious often described as the most dangerous eight seconds in sport [Music] this is bull riding [Music] [Applause] [Music] studies reveal bull riding is 10 times more dangerous than American football yet this sport has never been so popular and training starts with children who are barely older than toddlers Rodya we're looking forward to six-year-olds are testing their method of cheap much better known as multi boosting right here [Music] Fort Worth in Texas is the heart of cowboy country and the spiritual home of bull riding once a rural pastime now it's the fastest growing sport in America Lance Lara is 10 years old he's the current bull riding world champion for his age group and he comes from a dyed-in-the-wool rodeo family so what are you gonna be riding today Don and a quick peek bigger than you [Music] Lance is competing with his little sister Jayden who's just seven and you are ready to write and you're gonna be riding those calves I like your boots I won't have to borrow them myself older brother Joseph is 15 what are you doing here Joseph I'm Rossington up my rope to make it sticky helps you hold on better all are following in their father TJ's footsteps are you nervous for the kids today DJ no everything started last year Lance gives five thousand dollars in prize money they get 20% of their winnings to go in their pocket and then the rest goes into our radio fund that helps pay for the next rodeo opportunity rodeo enjoy the sport that we love so much first in the hot seat is Lance's little sister [Music] is this Jaden's first year she's new from Jaden only raised 23 kilograms her calf is nearly ten times that [Applause] she heard that everybody was cheering for you this time Jayden is fine but not everyone is so lucky what happened to you today you broke your wrist the bone on this side of the wrist and then the bone on the side of the wrist he has to see that were comedic surgeon anonymous and you're only eight years old so are you worried as a mum that's what he likes to do then that's part of the price that comes along with it right let's come back here then Vickie Turner has been working as a rodeo medic for 37 years it may be broken right there okay what happens here Vicki when he got bucked off the bull stepped on this calf they're like little toothpicks so when they step on that much white steps on it many people have you seen already probably 50/50 yeah in four Ares yeah four you know injuries before they got here to get typed up didn't band-aids and what's the worst injury you've seen here today broken arm was probably the worst [Applause] there's a plaque up on the ceiling of this arena that has to a bronc riders name and a bull riders name and both of them died during their event we kept him alive till they got to the hospital on my dad later yeah there are a few statistics on casualties and youth bull riding but it's estimated that one in 15 rides ends an injury I'm keen to find out why parents like Deanna and TJ are seemingly so brazen about the dangers facing their children is it a matter than of cowboy parents like yourselves prising courage over caution [Applause] [Music] second chances as these kids that's what they're doing they're taking chances you know when Isis parents were taking a chance the cowboy culture might not allow kids to be kids this is a very dangerous board and you can't really take it kiddush around and playing around because that's when you can't get they do you understand I've gotta give you here to do business [Music] next up the Islam's right of miniature buzzes don't be misled by that name from where I'm son of this book huge after Jaden's fall he needs to step up he only managed to stay on for five seconds and he's taken himself off to a quiet corner why do you think you're always so hard on yourself after a right it was a disappointing day for the Lara's none of the kids won any prize money but Lance says he's coming back next week fighting in the united states bull-riding events began in the 1930s but it's come a long way since then in the last 20 years it's become a global phenomenon and a multi-million dollar industry now bulls are being genetically bred exclusively for the sport to be bigger stronger and more aggressive [Music] Cody Custer is a former world champion and bull riding legend all right buddy you're in he says young kids are too often being used as crash-test dummies on so-called Super Bowl cody's so concerned that he set up his own training camps to teach them on safer animals these cattle that you see these kids can get on they're gonna be rider friendly the right kind of stalks they're gonna be able to put into motion the things that they know up here he was in total control he even kicked his feet out a couple times just to show that he had control of things that's what my mission is just make sure that these kids are getting on the right kind of stock and they'll have a chance to go someplace but these are unpredictable animals and there's only so much you can do to protect young riders especially when they get a 15 and graduate on two young bulls which are far stronger than calves the squirrel does not look happy that another animalism on his back [Music] seriously nerve-wracking stuff for the spectator kind of helicopter men land it out on my head off to the next I guess it looks like they're finding more inventive ways to throw you guys off oh yeah there's the breeding system nowadays is getting so intense and so hardcore it's it's not even realistic the more the more stuff they braiding the more of the stuff they do it's it's getting [ __ ] harder and harder Trey just had one of these crazy crazy Falls I'm just gonna speak to his mum how I deserve level a little better landing are you not worried as a mum having these kids on on big pillows you know they've been doing it since they were a little bitty and it really is their oxygen now did I get scared cry dress screamed I yell yes all of that but I would never ever ever ask him myself have you been ever been to a rodeo where you felt like the Bulls or maybe just too big for your kids absolutely absolutely and Trey has been knocked out a couple of times which the Bulls were too big however much the cowboy community brush off the bumps and bruises and defend the sport it's clear there are underlying concerns even your son is after mentioning the breeding issue that it's just it's going too far what do you make of that there's a lot of money involved and now they can take a bull who's so good and they can breed him and breed him and you know make more that are so good you see you'd have one or two Bulls going down the road that were phenomenal now you have 40 so it's it's a it's a numbers game it's a money game there's I don't see it changing it's an issue the Cody knows all too well it's something this generation of guys has to deal with that we didn't have to deal with now they're trying to raise it bigger you know a stronger better north to athletic bull does that add more danger to the sport a sport that's already hugely dangerous take young teenaged boy put him on a bull that's got a massive pedigree it'd be kinda like putting a 13 14 year old football player against the NFL player it just it doesn't it's not it's not even there's no question Cody's dedicated to training and protecting the next generation of bull riders but he's a lone figure in a multi-million dollar sport [Music] bull riding is hugely popular in Canada Australia Brazil and Mexico but here in the southern states of Oklahoma and Texas it's more than just a sport it's a way of life and the Lara family realized it can be a path to a better future after his disappointment at the last rodeo Lance is working hard determined to win the next event he trains for up to two hours a day every day comeback leading the pack you get eat he's always been one of the smaller guys so it's kind of a you know it's just something to kind of motivate him and pump him up Lance has been lucky not to injure himself seriously so far but he's had some close shave I was hanging upside down makes me know I was on the ground stepped on that sounds terrifying then and what did you do most of the thing is daddy daddy says is don't cry an arena don't cry in the arena yes ma'am so what what did you do I cried in the back pin okay so you held back the tears yes ma'am while a big feared stood on your neck yes me you're a wooden brave cowboy yes but it's not all blood sweat and tears even when Lance isn't training for a bull riding he's playing bull riding oh we just make up names oh you're making up booze no ah yeah we mostly tell me brother and sister all we do is make up names oh got more fun most let's have then we have a big rodeo like when our boys named grasshopper one named dr. pepper didn't your dad needs to be a better Rider how are you oh they probably want more buckles in their young age and what I did in my whole entire career [Music] inside you start to really understand what this sport means to the leras do you like bull riding or something yes ma'am it's just bought at this yes me that's the biggest check I've ever seen I think when we went to Vegas and I won I cared about go check ok there's my first [ __ ] hey this is the first check of everyone the cardboard but check chairs nanny firstly what's this lunch so I just noticed this saving up for college you're saving up for college dude that's pretty heavy so you're actually you're doing quite well you've got you've saved 14 bucks and 71 cents Lance's dream is to perform professionally at the PBR bull ridings equivalent to the Premier League events like these are viewed by half a billion people around the world Lance has eight more years before you can even think about riding here just think if these bulls are bucking this hard and this right right now what are they gonna be like eight years when he's there I'm gonna get to the point where nobody is able to stand these buddies if it continues the way it is the sport of rodeo the way it is you know no longer be a bull riding it'll be a just a bull bucking competition it's all about money [Music] HD page is the biggest boat reader in the business everything's DNA another foam crew is here and we're having to wait a night it seems that everyone wants to speak to HD ahead of a PBR event weekend where his boat would be the star attraction name change now he's sweet pros Long John he's big yeah he's big boy he's the reigning world champion bulls like Long John don't come along by accident he's a product of years of selective breeding we raised his mother from a calf and and her mother you know that was a goal all along you hope you know produce one that you can be proud of thirty years ago hd's dad was one of the first to start breeding exclusively for bull riding now there are nearly 1,000 stock contractors all dedicated to producing bigger and more athletic bulls and HD leaves nothing to chance big money what we're doing they're taking a rectal probe it's actually inserted into the rectum and it calls the bowl to extend this penis and go ahead and ejaculate and then we'll take that sample into the lab so that they can bank the genetic material in order to market that [Music] or take the ejaculate and we'll put it in the water bath well note the volume we gave right at seven meals this is an example of what an actual straw would be that's a half mil straw on average from the bucking stock industry they have a value anywhere from $150 and it can be upwards on average several thousand so one round of ejaculation could fill one straw now I can feel about 165 straws on average there lot of bulls that they've had over a million dollars distancing themselves that's incredible gets a perfect genetic mix and you can create a bull worth millions of dollars [Applause] [Music] what we're looking for right there [Music] it's lances big day he's back at the youth rodeo eyeing up this young bull which stands between him and getting a season back on track this one comes with a fierce reputation Lance is currently in fifth place in the league he has to produce a perfect road if he wants a chance of staying near the top of the table [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stayed on for a second I'm buddy [Music] Lance came second today earning himself $95 and his seasons locking up but there's a mantra in bull riding it's not a case of if you get injured but when and how badly [Applause] lance's ultimate goal is riding a PBR events like this one at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Texas Long John is tonight's star Bowl but Lance is here to see his hero bull ridings poster boy JB Mooney it's Jamie we feels like a natural extension of cowboy bull riding event like they were all about the clip from the cavern and about the rock star lifestyle Mitchell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow as the night draws to a climax it's revealed that the events two biggest stars will be battling each other JB Mooney has been drone to ride long John and HD is getting his boat prepared [Music] [Applause] it's a great result for HD long Jeonbuk JB Moody just before the buzzer [Applause] [Music] for lumps it was disappointing to see as hero being bucked off but he's gained access backstage and he's in for a surprise his hero JB Mooney has agreed to meet him I ever received it was any good keep your hand shut that's all you gotta do as the sport becomes more lucrative the rewards for breeders and riders are only going to grow but so too will the pressure on kids to ride bigger and more dangerous bulls if they want to rise to the top it's a risk bull riding families seemed destined to take thanks for watching this classic unreported world episode click the logo to subscribe for more award-winning documentaries from the unreported world team we upload videos every Wednesday and Sunday keeping you up to date with content from all over the world [Music]
Channel: Unreported World
Views: 762,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cowboy kids, cowboy kids bull riding, cowboy kids videos, bull riding kids, riding bulls, bucking bulls, rodeo bulls, bulls, cow, bull cow, rodeo, miniature bull riding, bull jumper, boy rides bucking bull, rodeo children, bull riding, mutton busting, kids bull riding, rodeo kids, rodeo kids sheep, rodeo kids show, shaunagh connaire, cowboy kids unreported world, unreported world, channel 4 unreported world, channel 4
Id: Xe4DxB2riP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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