Americans Try Balti! - Delicious Indian Food in Birmingham, England

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[Music] good morning adventures we're just on our way out of Birmingham today we're gonna head down to London to drop the car off and go to our hotel for the night but on the way we wanted to try something there's actually a dish that's really well-known here in Birmingham I think we might have mentioned it in the other vlogs I can't remember but we didn't get a chance to try it it's called ball T it's actually a curry dish that's named after the bowl that it comes in a ball t Bowl yeah so that's the name ball t we've never had it before apparently you can get in the states too but I actually hadn't heard of it yeah I don't think we've been to any Indian places with it so but there's this area of town called the ball T triangle which is a road called lady pool road where there's a bunch of ball T houses that's what they call it a ball t restaurants is a ball T house yes so while it's three roads there's lady pools and two others to make the triangle but yeah lots of multi houses down there so we actually ran into a subscriber yesterday Matt he met and he recommended a place of that is where we are headed now in in rooms I believe a shout out to Matt thank you for the recommendation appreciate it yeah and it better not suck [Music] the place that we've come to is called in Ron's but they just opened up it's like noon on the dot yeah so I think we're the only ones here we're the only ones in the park in London way we're trying to figure out where the entrance is looks like it could be the entrance complete handle marked or just someone's house so it looks like they have all kinds of dishes here and there is the ball T it's a six pound 95 which seems like a pretty good price a lot of the stuff on this menu in general is pretty affordable they just brought a plate of Papa Dom's and some of the sauces over here it looks pretty good the poppadoms are really a large and very very crispy they look pretty good and all kinds of sauces I'm not sure what's what this one could be a kind of a minty sauce this one probably a sweet fruit kind of sauce not exactly sure what this big hunk left in here is some kind of vegetable but looks pretty dang good it's like completely saturated in that really house the flavor is so strong it's so like salty and tangy and citrusy it just like stings you all over the mouth because it was the first thing that I that I've tasted so it's just like you making your tastebuds come on good yeah it's really good and the crunch from this is just so satisfying I just like it over here we've got kind of a yogurt sauce and this is like a minty sauce and they're both excellent on their own kind of mix them all together oops broke it it's really good like creamy and minty delicious 90 the lamb ball tea please Liam ball tea the food has arrived and it looked amazing it smells so good so I went with the keema which I had never heard of before he explained that it's just minced lamb so you can get lamb chicken or minced lamb and then I also got mixed veggies in there so I got maybe it's a little healthier there's some potatoes and carrots and peas and green beans and all sorts of goodies and I went with the chicken you can see it's in the cute little ball tea Bowl which is great it's got the smell of just like a nice bowl of chili and it uh you can see kind of all the the curry in there and the nice thick gooey at the bottom I think you can see some of the green peppers floating around in there overall I'm very excited to try this it looks really good and then we got two of these giant fluffy pieces of naan bread these are I thought they said this was a small naan bread but these are definitely very big [Music] all right the moment of truth see what this vault is all about so you're going with it on the nine oh yeah further is that okay yeah okay that'll make it delicious it almost smells like a sloppy joe or something I don't know if if you all have that over here but it's like a tomato-based like meat dish so it's really good the curry flavor is really mild it is spicy the meat the lamb in there is really good it's really like rich and hearty it almost like reminds me of a spicy curry stew it's really neat very different than any other career I've had I think I'm gonna try mine with without the non-first mystical yeah yeah get a taste of it get a lot of the curry action in that and a big hunk of chicken I mean it really just smells like a pot of chili or sloppy joe or something like that for real I mean it smells so good yeah it's got some nice heat in it yeah yeah that's good chicken is super juicy there's tons of flavors in the curry it's like tangy the you have the peppers in there it's a nice like lingering heat in my mouth but it's not too much this is really good I'm very happy with this I think putting it on a piece of non it's gonna take it to the next level oh yeah yeah I can see why this is a thing this is really good I'm gonna have to compare it to yours shadow I'll try my best just get a little scoop of it here's this so much more orange than mine mine's really red it's got a slightly different smell like a little buttery kind of here's different yeah yeah considerably it's a lot less tangy and acidic it's much more on the creamy side yeah they're both really good though yeah I'm really happy with yeah that was a good idea I can highly recommend this this is very tasty I'm happy with this choice so of course there are a bunch of restaurants in this Balti triangle so this is just one restaurant I'm sure everyone has their favorite and there's a lot of you know argument about which one is the best so we've only had time to try one obviously if we come back we'll definitely have to try others yeah for sure but if you guys have been to the Balti triangle and you have a favorite place make sure you leave a comment below and let us know so you can help other people out so they can try those places or we can try it when we come back through but I will say we were pretty pleasantly surprised by this place so so far this is giving us a really good impression of Baldy oh yeah thank you guys for inventing it you know so I think we're just going to stop filming for a while so we could just dig in and destroy all this [Music] that was a very satisfying meal though we enjoyed that quite a bit and all the people they were really nice they were so nice yeah but I guess now we're gonna head back on the road had London right now we have to do here right I think so okay thanks again Matt for the recommendation yeah big shout out to Matt that was awesome all right London here we come we're gonna have to drop off this car it's gonna be sad I feel like it's my car but no more left-hand driving yeah that's true I'm not gonna be driving again for a while I'm over it at this point let's go you guys I'm really gonna miss all these tiny little roundabouts maybe this cute little guy some of them are tiny like that some of them are even smaller than that and then someone from her just gigantic and terrifying [Music] this little place is great we need a friend nice yeah upgraded you guys we weren't we supposed to have a shared bathroom but alright we actually ended up going out and I totally forgot to bring my camera yeah I'm really good at this vlog in thinking but uh we ended up going out to cooperative food and getting a bunch of little prepackaged goodies it's so funny the difference between Eric and myself when we do these kinds of things Eric got chicken and bacon with nachos I got a super green salad and a beetroot rap to be fair they didn't have much of a selection so yeah check this out we were we just decided to carry the beer in our pockets yeah cuz it is about zero outside it's such yeah I think the plan is to eat this prepackaged gourmet dinner and drink our beers and I got a little bit of work to do I've been pretty behind on work from this past week just having a lot of stuff scheduled just our two backpacks yeah it's mostly but I guess so this might end up being kind of a short vlog I don't know but uh hope you guys didn't at least enjoyed coming along with us tasting the ball tea that was pretty fun I'm so hungry right now I'm still like thinking about that but now I'm gonna have to eat this Indian food is tricky cuz it's a lot of like sauces and bread so I don't know I feel like you get full really quickly thinking you're eating so much more you actually don't eat very much yes it's all just the bread and the carbs and the rice and stuff so yummy yeah I think yeah tomorrow we're we're gonna be vlogging tomorrow our trip back to the u.s. nice in our flight yeah we're gonna head them Miami we're gonna have a really fun day that we're meeting up with a guide hi everyone David Hoffman from David's been here in my hometown of Miami Florida we've met each other digitally but not in real yeah impressed exactly we tried to meet up in Thailand actually and it didn't work out so now we're gonna hit him up in Miami his hometown he's gonna take us to eat some amazing Cuban food and I think you're gonna drink some more beer it should be a very very delicious day we cannot wait for that so it's gonna be warm it's gonna be warm we're gonna be in t-shirts on the beach for one day and then it yeah well hardly ever get to really experience Miami yeah it'll be a fun little pit stop on the way home all right good night adventures we'll see on the road
Channel: The Endless Adventure
Views: 565,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balti, england, england food, english food, balti birmingham, balti triangle, indian food, americans try indian food, americans try british food, endless adventure food, british food, birmingham, endless adventure england, indian food england, The Endless Adventure, daily vlogger, travel vlogger, daily vlog, travel, vlog, travel vlog, Eric Bieller, Allison Bieller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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