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[Music] hi guys welcome back to the channel if you are new here my name is yvon and you have landed on a ginger chick rehab where I love to take secondhand finds and make them over for you but in today's video I also love when I'm looking for secondhand finds I look all over not only good will Salvation Army those type of thrift stores you got your garage sales you've got your yard sales estate sales but I love to go antiquey not only to pick up Treasures but also to get inspired by others so I'm going to be making the cutest little oh my gosh look at the picture I saw it at Antique Mall um they made it on a do Rod I'm going to do a noo version of it so I got I ordered fabric off of Amazon because I really couldn't find any at Hobby Lobby that's the only place I really anyway so so some stars with some blue fabric gingham red check and then the the la oh my gosh look at and I looked for their crocheted thicker one that wasn't so necessarily thin now this isn't a whole bunch of different sizes so I'm able to link all this if you're interested because I thought it was super cute perfect for all year long we're going to be putting it on a hanger they put it on a dial Rod but I'm going to put it on one of these old hangers because that'll make it super easy to hang oh my gosh I can't wait to get started but now I kind of have to play with my Dimensions I think you just kind of make it up as you go because then all I'm I'm fitting in on here so I have I have plenty of fabric so I'm kind of just lining up my hanger I'm going to do a general cut first and then go in and tweak it since there's so much fabric to work with then I can square it off this was I fabric that was sold by the yard but I can see using this for many other things or making multiple of these probably should cut a second one why while I'm here right I'm just kind of going with the fold marks now like you look at this but it'll be hot glued on the whole length of this probably like starting a little bit here so I'm not necessarily staying in the middle like the inside part got to work with what's comfortable for me here cut off that part that we know we don't need Square this so I have at least a square on something on two sides and then shorten it up I'm just guesstimate I'm just guesstimating what I think will look good for me so we're going to go on that five so if that's five I want two inches longer I think so cut the other one to match I don't know maybe I can fold it in quarters so I can see I think I have a I have a new blade so I think it'll cut through that that way at least I can see the size that I'm doing I'm going to cut that afid edge off oh yeah it'll cut through there and then I think we're going to do to one in one and a half do one and a half no that looks too large we're going to one and a quarter maybe one and a quarter so this is just one of those projects that you see inspiration and you just run with it you do whatever your creativity takes you to tweak what you're doing so I'm doing I'm going to go ahead and double this to make it a little bit thicker if I had some flat batting like quilting material I might do that but I don't have any of that that so it's going to be what it's going to be um but I'm going to go ahead once my hot glue gun is ready and glue this together and then for my my bottom I'm actually going to glue these on but I thought it would be fun to kind of gather them so they're not necessarily laying straight and then I'll cut them to length and now I need to find where my starting point is for my lace do the same thing I'm going to fold it I'm going to butt it right up so it's really close like [Music] overlapping that way yep and I have plenty to fold it over I'm going to overlap it doesn't stick I a little bit more [Music] glue I don't want to use the same every time that's why I bought multiples that one I don't need to fold over cuz that one's a skinnier one so I'll work my way down and then we'll I'll show you once I get to this point okay now that we got into this part yes the hot glue will go the hot glue will go all the way through the fabric and I'm going to glue one of the long ones all the way down color of I was hoping to end up with the checked actually I needed to go up all the way ever feel like you need an extra hand there that's what I needed it to do see look at that same thing I'm if it doesn't completely match up there that's okay cuz I can cut extra off there're good I need I need an extra hand anybody want to come over give me a hand fold this in half okay now we're going to go ahead and go down again so I'm going to glue my blue on now there oh my gosh look how cute that is turning out I'm glad I did both sides I really am that didn't look like it was glued there you go nope I need to glue this side together first so glue this side now so I'm going to roll my little Edge think I'm going to glue I'm going to glue on the flag and then I can decide where there press it down so on these I'm going to still fold it over so it gets that crinkled but I'm going to go ahead and glue that first because I think I'm going to go ahead and fold it over to keep along the lines of the same clean Edge [Music] T too sweet so fold [Music] over a little glue fold my little Edge [Music] over overlap just a little bit try to try to eyeball a clean [Music] line oh so sweet didn't know if the glue would go all the way through on the lace okay then I'll just keep going working my way down okay I'm just finishing up I I had to cut a few more of these Stripes you know I cut enough for uh to do two and then I decided no I wanted to double and you know those hangers aren't necessarily always something you find so I'm like no I'm just going to do one so I I'll save that hanger for um another project another day except I did not glue this top piece down probably should do there huh I just hang hung this on my cupboard anything that's extremely long I don't think they necessarily need to be all the same same length I think it's kind of fun if they're not wish I had a longer one there but I'm not Chang I'm not changing it out oh super cute [Music] so we have some of this beautiful galvanized roofing material and it's the season ref flag so I thought this would be perfect um to cut up I mean it's just hanging out in the barn so Chris is measuring we know we have 13 stripes kind of copying off what this flag is so where he's going to cut it for me because as you see it needs a bath but might as well cut it first but we did buy a device that cuts metal so much easier safety [Music] first so counting our stripes so is it just wide enough yep oh awesome and then it was it'll be half the length even though I'll be washing it but yeah so that would be 21 21 [Music] so now it's time to get this cleaned up even though Chris threw some chalk lines I went in with a little Sharpie um black Sharpie so I knew where my blue square will be not terribly dirty not terribly clean either here is my blue section so now I just happen to always have on hand the 2in masking tape and it just by chance happens that the lines are going to be 2 in so I'm going to start off at the bottom and make sure that we are all good I don't know if I can do it in one long stripper knot without getting it to Kink up my only arms are only so long now I'm going to lay another one buted right up to it now it probably makes sense to take this one off and then put this one here so I can do my every other Stripes but I can tell that the tape is stretching so my lines aren't going to stay necessarily straight if I use I got a wrinkle here so yeah it's it's stretching on me so I'm not going to try to do that going to take this one off so now I'm going to take where my blue section's going to be my little marks line that up so the way I'm doing it this one is a little so it'll have a little bit of a stripe there for my red stripe I'm going to be using fusions paint paint primer top coat allinone for York red going make sure that I'm stuck down I'm sure it'll take a couple coats to cover this is a fun recycled art project that's for sure if you see any Roofing old the roofing material I'm working with what colors I have on hand so I'm doing Willow Bank for my blue color which I think is perfectly fine even though the Red's still kind of just tacky wet I'm going to start going in because if that's going to take three coats my white I'm doing my last but yeah I'm going in for my dark right now G to get my blue on here first switched over to the smaller brush for a little bit more control going to keep using the same small brush because I'm not dirty dirty dirtying multiple brushes I don't think Willow bank's that bad for the blue now for my white I'm going to be using picket fence come I'm going to Crick it out look at there's actually like this is perfect and I don't have to do a whole bunch of stars like and try to align them I just need to kind of size it to what I need I just have to rotate it because it won't like if I go to make it it's going to tell me that my image is too long large so then I have to go in and then do the rotating so it fits the long 12 by 24 mat or it could be yeah I might have to shrink it a little bit cuz it might be a little too it's probably going to tell me that it's I'm just going to shrink it by a little bit do a little weeding there they are I'm sure you could use the vinyl lettering for something else but I don't have anything else made right now or you could use the vinyl lettering as the stars on it but I I assuming that somebody's going to put this out in the weather and I don't know how well that would hold up on metal if I stuck this vinyl right on that painted surface I'm pretty sure that I would just pull all the paint off so what I'm going to do is once I get it on my transfer tape I'm going to dirty up my vinyl I'm pretty sure there's lots of sawdust and dust in this shop that I will I'm just cutting off the excess um that I will be able to get that that done I already dirty dirtied up my transfer tape so I'll I will show you how I how I did that let's get it this is the same as you can see I dirtied it up because the transfer tape is going to be showing through where those stars are so to dirt it up I'm going to be using my palette wall so I'm just going to stick it on my pallet wall a couple times so that it's not so over sticky and it gets kind of dirty so then I just move it to another spot so that way it's not going to be terribly sticky and take off too much of the paint I might have some touchup okay the things we [Music] do it's hard cuz you know there's waves going on the on this so card stock would be hard a stamp would be hard just have I just have to commit it's looks like I'm probably not completely centered but we're just going to take what we have I'm not going to try to lift it up so see why I wanted to get that dirty so then it didn't pull up my in between my stars still going to be using that picket fence to do the stars but I'm going to use a sponge Dabber which is a makeup sponge from the Dollar Tree store I'm not going to have a ton on it then I'll probably have to go over it twice to get the bright white I'm going to put my heat gun on the lowest heat setting just enough to warm the vinyl up just a little bit and hopes nope it's just going to make a it's just going to be a mess that's okay I just I'll just have some touch-up to do okay just working on my touch up oh well some projects are harder than others [Music] okay so the last thing I need to do now is to go ahead and drill some holes for it to hang I decided to go here because there's already a hole over there so there's one that is already so might as well use that same hole for the wire I'm just going to go ahead and use the black wire do the little twisty knots so it stays [Music] on I need a lot though because this is long there go got to twist it through here that should be strong enough to hold it there for [Music] so thank you so much for watching today's video and what did you think did I reproduce the fabric flag I thought it was super cute super easy you could have just put it on a dowel or something like that just happened to have a few old hangers laying around that I thought oh my gosh that is perfect for that and then the metal galvanized flag I've always really wanted to make one of those I need to come up with an easier way to put the Stars on and paint I'd like it to be paint and not vinyl it would have been way easier just to stick those on in vinyl and not have to go back and clean everything up it was because it was wavy and even the inspiration that I saw on Pinterest showed that she was using vinyl to make her letters so how did she get her paints to stick on metal I'm I'm not sure but that's okay you know not every project is like straightforward it's not always like okay just paint it paint it put it on and then you're done it's you know it's crafting it's diying sometimes you have to tweak it sometimes you have to go back and fix it it's it is what it is right so give me a quick comment Down Below have I inspired you to make any of these projects or have you already made these projects and I'm just late to the game so thanks again for watching today's video and as always if you're part of our you family thank you so much and if you're new and you're checking out the channel for the first time and you liked what you saw not only do I do DIYs and crafts I love to make items over that have been pre-loved and get them to be loved again so again thanks for watching we will see you next time and you can see what we're up to bye [Music] n
Channel: GingerChickRehab
Views: 12,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, TRASH TO TREASURE, FARMHOUSE DECOR, UPCYLING, Thrifting, secondhand shopping, shop with me, makeovers, salvaged, repurposed, yard sales, garage sales, estate sale, haul, diy, home decor, home decorating
Id: PhX2JPCnols
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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