American was shocked by English Differences Over the World!!

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at least at least in California I say Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari [Music] hello I want to go to Italy oh I don't know my friend is in there so it looks very pretty the picture so yeah that's why I want to like very nice landscapes I want to go to France I'm a dancer and there there is a good environment for dance yeah I would go to Argentina because I've visited the other country okay I really would like to go to Indonesia because I had a lot of good things about it just recently and the food is supposed to be amazing so yeah well because I've never been to the states I would like to visit the states I really want to go to Sweden actually because uh if you go up north you can see the Nordic flights and Snow Dogs um I would like to go to Italy yeah good view so I feel like I don't like that oh I'm like stuck between Argentina and Indonesia well main reason the food too I really want to explore like South America and Asia in the U.S we say apple in Argentina we say Manzana Indonesia we say apple in Italy we say Mela in Sweden we say in Korea we say in Germany we would say and in France it's okay I love the applea the way the intonation goes away I thought like Palm is tomato in French no no it's too much but maybe you're thinking of potato oh yeah potato is which means [Music] too but that was the first one I thought of like out of the other ones I know this one so one son oh so in Argentina we just say Manzana with like an S but I guess in Spanish Spain in other countries we will say Montana so yeah but I say Manzana yeah we say sun um we say sorry Indonesia we say matahari in Italy we say in Swedish Korea will say we would say and in French it's so late a spy a famous spy woman that was called Matari really yeah the second world she's all good to know if I'm not saying something wrong about this someone that was called Matari well I gotta agree with Alex because batahari just sounds really cool it just sounds like a war cry every time in the U.S we say water Korea we say in Germany we say and in French so in French it's similar to Italian or Spanish all the words have either male or female particles and so o is the word itself and it should be La the female but because it's double boil when you remove the r and it becomes just l apostrophe so that's why it's low hold on one more time foreign in Swedish German and Swedish is kind of I see that yeah like like which is I think like 100 years ago we could understand each other I feel like if a German person would speak really slowly I could understand parts of it it's like have you heard something yeah I know I said today we heard different words from different countries I I must have heard but yeah but I mean how do you say in Sweden in the US we say music in Argentina we say musica in Indonesia we say music in Italy we say musica in Sweden we say Korea we say map and Germany we say music in French it's also a music first word a letter or combination is but when you say fast it's like yeah you don't say that you say um well if you lived abroad and they're not really yeah fair enough or like something like this but what's really fascinating is that music was in every country's history but like with our country that we have now it's so similar to each other except Korean of course but like it's it's so fascinating like yeah it's in California I say Ferrari [Music] um Ferrari Ferrari why do I want to pull out my face my Italian accent Ferrari yes everybody's here come on Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari in the U.S it is called Frozen in Argentina it's called Frozen we just say frozen also in Italy we say Frozen I think it's called Frozen South Korea we say which also means um in Germany we would say the ice queen again which means the ice cream in French it's means the queen of the Snows the multiples knows Let It Go in French is which means liberated and free oh I think it's lazos laws which is just a translation of Let It Go let it go it's it's kind of similar to the meaning but it's like a more metaphor yeah I like that they sing slowly less slowly which means like loose Break Free High School Musical vibes actually I'll just say the French version because the rest were mostly Frozen right and can you pronounce it [Music] [Laughter] today was fun I knew that like the other languages would be quite different but it was nice to see how close your languages were to each other I knew I'd be similar ish with like French and Spanish but the rest I had really no idea so sweet oh yeah like I didn't know the like a French and Italian words sounds so romantic like music flow I don't know I don't know Flores Fiore I like Fiore it's so cute and romantic for me today I usually only heard Asian words but now I heard more abroad about the words differences and it's pretty interesting and thanks to you guys for sharing your words yeah also for me it was really fun especially because I could teach you guys about Ferrari Ferrari yeah it was really interesting listen to other languages yeah it was yeah I like languages is always fun it's fun to learn new things so Korean is obviously very different from everyone else's words but to see the similarities and everything it was just and I really want to learn every one of your languages well I had a lot of fun today and I feel like we need to practice a little more and then maybe in about 100 years yeah today was really fun I I thought Swedish was so cute like in the way like it came out was just like really polite like the words are like hello and I I didn't know the meaning of Matari even if I knew the word because of this person and it was nice to men about it so today we talked about where differences if you like this video please like And subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 1,262,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -mfdPWqAmrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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