American Pickers August 19 2019 || S18E04#FULL

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[Music] once they really never mastered a really understood or spent any time to learn is about the different types of wine people that drink a lot of wine that do a lot of wine tasting right they have their own language words like oak toasty bright barnyard you know they talk about the way that one finishes well I you're single guy you should know this these words because when you're out with a lady and you order a bottle of wine oh my gosh she would be like this Oh Frank I need to get up on my wine etiquette because I'm not to uh not too much on that have you ever heard the term in vino veritas no I haven't in wine there's truth so means with you drink too much wine you start telling that if that truth serum I don't want to be telling this girl the truth about me she's gonna get up and leave [Music] hey Danielle hey one Washington DC what's up you there found skipper we are chipper I got up and ran a mile today I did a sit-up when I got out of bed wait does that gold you can keep Frankie that okay Steve's grandfather started a bicycle dealership in 1912 the family ran it for it closed in 1987 unfortunately so now he's kind of just sifting through that pertains to me how in the Christmas time when they would open up the shop they would have all these great toys in there our talking really pictures I'm looking at them right now this house has been untouched for generations you can tell send us the coordinates we'll hit it [Music] it's a nice neighborhood real nice these houses are small but the cool hi this is it right here it's no place that's the guy right here get in here I'm getting in [Music] hey how you doing I'm great welcome to beautiful Takoma Park thank you are we in Maryland right now you are okay I saw I saw a Maryland auto inspection across the street here in DC you were in the bike business my grandfather started the bike shop in 1912 when my mother closed the store in 1997 it was the oldest continuously own bicycle shop in the United States Wow was in the bicycle business I'm loving this pick already he carried Schwinns Iver Johnson Dayton's Columbia Johnson motorcycles - or did he just steal bicycles he never really was a motorcycle dealer but he repaired them okay and he sponsored motorcycle races down on the ellipse really and they did bicycle races down there - my grandfather he actually raced motorcycles until my grandmother said mmm that's enough and so he got into sales and service on bicycles what's going on with this property now that this was where my parents lived their whole married life okay my mom stayed here after my dad died she died him she was almost 96 when she does Wow she had longevity in the pan I certainly hope so my mother's side not on my dad's side yeah so you guys are at the point now where you're just wanting to start there are some stuff out yeah I like this is English bike from the 30s did you guys sell English three speeds yes okay so this would've been a bike you guys would have sold yes this up here Frank this is all ice skate no probably in the mid 1920s he branched out so sporting goods that's one thing I never learned how to do I can roller skate but I can't ice skate I don't have the ankles for it is it all ice skates up here no there's a whole bunch of stuff when I was a kid growing up called huncles sporting-goods okay you walk in there and anything from ice skates to canvas gym bags boxing gloves all of that stuff was under one roof and it was fascinating to me look at these frank member these the tube socks come so now I'm in the garage of somebody's house that used to own a place like that and all the inventories in there I'm in the boxing section yeah now they're Everlast to that never last back in the day there Muhammad see pictures of Muhammad Ali that's what's on his gloves so you've got let's see 15 boxes with gloves in them I don't really know the age of the boxing gloves but to a sports collector buying anything sports related that's new old stock has got to be a winner how about like 400 for all the gloves can you do 5 I'm thinking about how much is that Frank apiece times 15 boxes you know you're about 33 bucks a box I love this guy all right I'll do it okay I'm opening a sporting goods store their business in a lot of ways was like a coming-of-age business you know it's your first bicycle your first football your first boxing glove you know everything was a first tennis how many balls are there there's a whole case here you're an interesting pack I think there's something out of this 70s I'm sure you could still use them now it's like planners peanuts and I'm a peanut guy take a while to get sole because you have to saw one at a time how about 50 bucks for the box done done all right they were finding stuff that I didn't know was up there I didn't think it would be anything that interested them but it did [Music] tell me about this photograph that's my grandfather in the sidecar I find a large original photograph it's on race day it's on the track yeah these were the privateers man these were their guys that were out there just give it yeah they weren't making any money from the time period to the subject matter to what they're wearing there's so much of this that I love here's what catches your eye this Jersey here the Harley Indian Jersey other than that none of these guys have jerseys none of them are really wearing helmets but it just really captures the moment you know do you have a lot of photos of him racing of him actually racing no or him with the bikes and everything this yes bicycles and motorcycles shops went hand-in-hand back in the day I mean there were so many innovations with motorcycles and bicycles at the same time period the motorcycles were really over built bicycles at first so it's not unusual to hear a story about his grandfather racing motorcycles and owning a bicycle shop I gotta ask is this something that you eternally got two and a quarter on this 225 bucks can you go 250 yeah I'd love to see some of the other images too sure I mean any of this stuff to me is this is awesome thanks mister you got a lot to be proud of look at this mmm my grandfather made that for my mother to ride on the boardwalk in Ocean City Maryland so he made this yeah bicycling was a very social event around the turn of the century there were a lot of bicycling clubs there were a lot of innovations in bicycles and the tandem back then was the woman in front and a man in the back and it's what they called a steer from the rear so the man was actually steering the handlebars for the woman in front there beautiful bikes but the side by side tandems are very rare there was a company called Wolfe American and around the turn of the century that made a social tandem they call these where you can sit next to each other I want to say that this was probably made in the 30s that he probably patterned it after one of those others the Wolfe Americans side-by-side tandem that was made during the turn of the century is an expensive bike a very collectible bike this bike that I'm looking at is not that bike so the fork looks like it's off an English bike I love how he did the rear hub leave that hub Frank maybe his grandfather did this to promote the shop I started working for a bike shop and I was basically in the warehouse assembling bikes and then I finally moved up to working on the sales floor of the shop and then I own my own shop for a number of years Wow it was really for a while - oh you did I did I went to school at UVA in Charlottesville and when I went down there there were no bicycle shops you had a shop while you were going to school I did Wow one part time which is why it took me ten years to graduate I can talk about collecting bikes to a number of people but it's not often I run into somebody that I can talk to about the bicycle business the ins and outs that was exciting to me so what are you gonna do with this or the the girls bike we have to get rid of what's here I don't have space for it I'm starting to see more and more girl collectors real when I started dating a bike yeah when I started buying old bikes 2530 years ago man there was hardly any girl collectors it's a girl's bike I don't really buy girls bikes but its pre-war this is the best part of the bike has a very rare fender ornament and the fact that it's got original paint is great too and then I noticed underneath the shelving there's a road racing bike I'm like this is gonna be good let me see here it's a Raleigh International that's my old buck that's your bike it's not riding in style this was the type of bike i drooled over when I was a kid that's a tall bike yes 23 inch frame built of reynolds 531 double butted tubing abutted tubes you know what that means Frank butted tubes will they go together no that's thinner okay so it reduces the weight it's got Campagnolo parts on it Campagnolo Italian components were the top of the line there was nothing that touched them it doesn't have the alfredo bean two straps in 1979 when the movie Breaking Away came out it was a game changer in my life there was a young guy in that movie it was completely engulfed in the European cycling world you know his heroes were Eddy Merckx Bernard Hinault I mean when I was 14 years old I knew who those guys were I was riding around on European racing bikes and not a lot of people understood that so what year do you think this is probably 68 or 69 yeah that's got the center break yeah doesn't have a caliper brakes on it finding this Raleigh International just brings so much of my childhood back now these bikes they're getting collectible they were expensive back then and they're still expensive to this day because the guys that were riding them they want to ride him again is this something you'd sell I'm riding a mountain bike these days so yeah about 300 on this the women's bike this like to Bill's I mean I this stuff right here it's easy for me to gauge but when you start talking about the tandem right that's the thing that probably hasn't that side-by-side tandem my mother used to ride that bike so I needed to think about it I I just it was tough 300 on the Raleigh International and 200 on the Dayton good do that for me yeah thank you we decided to put the tandem on the back burner for now but at least I was able to cut a deal on the Raleigh International and the Dayton girls bike he was passing the torch this was his bike and I think one of the reasons he sold me the bike is because I understood the significance of it there's no way he's gonna sell it to somebody that didn't get it so it was like the perfect storm oh this must be your little toy test Steve there's just toys scattered everywhere and Steve was like you know we were a pretty big dealer I mean there's some pretty cool toys in here that actually pulls that travel trailer oh wow whoa check this out Mike I can tell that frank is completely interested in this boat Oh Frank oh yeah you always wanted to be the boss dude we're with Stephen Maryland searching through what's left of his family's old bicycle and sporting goods shop so you got more inventory in the basement well there's inventory there's a lot of my old toys in here too okay I can't get in there quick enough yeah you do got more inventory in here oh yeah shells you oh this must be your little toy test Steve yeah that was something my playroom when I was a kid I was a car guy I was into cars I could tell you the year and make a model of a car just by seeing it on the street there's kind of a cool one this is a shoe code oh yeah wind up this got a little value to it there's some shoe coal in here there's some windup toys in here I mean there's some pretty cool toys in here my parents sold toys and so every year before Christmas we would go to toy shows in New York and Philadelphia and they kind of figured that if it was something that I liked to play with then you know it would sell sure that was lucky man I walk into these toy shows and it was B ha all these aisles and aisles of toys and I get to play with all this stuff whatever they bought for the store they bought one more for me ok good it would show up under the Christmas tree some unfortunately yeah you know like this one yeah it melted yeah that one was actually a model there's a lot of classic car people out there that are searching for the toy that matches their ride are these something you would sell do you want to pick up fuel mout or a couple of these like these shook O's I would like to keep the rest I'm willing to part with some of these are better about 500 bucks sure I'm good with that that good with that yeah can I have the box here yeah awesome I go into another part of the basement and there's just toys scattered everywhere look at that Frank now that that's pretty neat that is large cost big Clark that actually pulls that travel trailer oh wow Frank whoa oh the top comes off dance off the doors open at your kitchen dining room set Ed Smith Miller toys are extremely rare and they're very sought out by collectors because they're made so well but this toy is Miller irons incorporation which is another name this Smith Miller sold under this just hooks onto the cruisin I know you took good care of this in the original box I remember that being under the Christmas tree I had a lot of big toys I guess they figured that there was bigger that I probably wouldn't break it but I love old travel trailers you know the old air streams and the bonuses and the Spartans and all that stuff now that that costs pretty little pity back in the day hey the doors you know I'm sure it did but because my parents were dealers they obviously Boyle wholesale sure for the travel trailer and the car Apple trailers are hot a lot of people that collect travel trailers you know would absolutely love that I think it's incredible ok you know you want to do that for the car this trailer sure all right you know Mike was certainly interested in it boy five hundred dollars for that I was stunned Steve baseball undershirts yeah but here's the cool thing about them made in the USA oh yeah how often you see that nowadays you know that's like a industry that's kind of gone people want to connect with the past and what better way to do that with something that you can wear this is new old stock never sold merchandise look at the color cuts into it at the edge yeah that's like the old Cincinnati Reds you remember the Reds that had the sleeveless yeah yeah yeah the jerseys the brand-new they're good sizes and they're not all smalls there's a lot of large there's a lot of medium if I can get five ten bucks apiece for those it's great you got the hats they still have the original tag on them harburg yeah they're more sized instead of anything being elastic in here wool hats flat bill that's hot right now man for this box and I guess basically from here down how about a like 550 for all of it I like that what you do that yes sir okay I very much appreciate it I really feel there's people out there that care that it's american-made and that can reflect and reminisce and feel proud on my mother really she didn't have the contacts she didn't have the real desire yeah well she had a lot on her plate I mean she if she was still working the business 297 yeah Wow they had everything from bicycles to Sporting Goods to clothing to toys I'm glad that you let us look around you know I mean when I came here I was excited because I'm a bicycle guy ya know there's just so many different layers to it you guys carried so many products you know it's pretty neat jack dempsey big boy Everlast boxing set Jack Dempsey is an American cultural icon when did the Senators leave Washington you know this w on this had is the old senators it's probably from maybe the 50s I would guess and then this is a really cool look at Frankie and I are in Maryland with a guy named Steve his family ran a bicycle and sporting goods store for nearly eighty five years sixty five bucks for the pair yeah done check this thing out fix it up tow truck it's got an actual tow truck it's got a searchlight on it it's got the original Jack inside of it and it's pulling a car I mean that is how cool is that you could put another friend rerun it in another wheel what do you think 275 will that work hi 275 sir okay it was awesome ah Steve was this your soul and the guitar Gene Autry Gene Autry Tom Mix Roy Rogers the Lone Ranger in the 1950s every single little boy wanted to be a cowboy on the guitar I'd do like 70 bucks I think it's probably worth like 130 bucks go 275 alright I'm your guy okay my parents lives here really their whole lives and they just accumulated a lot of things pretty awesome stuff walking around a house like this to me is a very humbling experience because everything is here from the dishes to the silverware to the pictures on the wall Columbia Motorcycle Club 1920 that's really neat for families that are left with homes like this to go through them it could be the hardest thing to do but then it can also be the most rewarding thing my parents were you know they impressed upon me the fact that that we were blessed when we're walking through with Steve yet he gets choked up a lot because he thought so much of his parents what'd you find Frankie I found this Bank here now these are these are fairly common shoot for the higher savings at Columbia Federal Savings & Loan Association you'd put the little missile down like that penny goes in there BAM pulls up a way of saving the money and then you would take it out through the bottom my parents did a lot of it this way yeah so this would have been some type of promotional item that you probably would have got if you'd had maybe so much money in account you know they're not real super rare but I've never found one in the box and I'm a bank guy a lot of times they had ones that you couldn't open up you'd have to take to the bank and have an actual key you can save up to ten dollars you know that was a lot of money this one being in the box I mean they're fairly common but it's in great shape forty bucks okay this goes to space collectors bank collectors anybody want to save us some money it's a really cool piece look at this Frankie we got Jack Dempsey Big Boy Everlast boxing set Jack Dempsey is an American cultural icon the guy was a world champion from 1919 to 1922 six that's a long time to be the champ in anything especially boxing [Applause] and then next size up okay we're gonna keep fighting a six yeah damn see look at those kids fight in three years old well to see this one comes with two pair signify yes these are children's gloves in the original box with a Jack Dempsey name on the box and on the gloves 120 just for both yeah here's yeah they were we're going through the house buying a lot of stuff and Steve and I haven't forgot about the tandem deal all right I've been thinking about the bike a lot okay so your grandfather made this he had a master welder one I was gonna say because yeah I mean if you look at the everything yeah sure you can't ride this bike by yourself you have to have two people to balance it so you know forget about all the dating apps out there you know you really want to challenge somebody on the first date get him on something like this it's fixed gear it's direct driving there's no brakes if you're riding on the boardwalk you down with your person you just gotta you gotta control and control it with your legs you know okay now over the years the rims have been changed out the pedals are different the seats are different so when I'm looking at this I'm looking at it from like a novelty aspect it's interesting it's different but like as far as collecting goes this is not a big-money bike is it desirable yes it is to the right person like maybe 300 bucks I was thinking 400 I think threes a little low how about 350 on it how about I'll meet you halfway 375 you got your Frankie I like it I've never spent 375 done I appreciate it there's a little bit of room on the backend but what I want to do is push that story forward this is from a family three generations bicycle shop this is something that's gonna be fresh onto the market for a bicycle collector to enjoy like that there you go I got this I know that they have an appreciation for this stuff take it easy on the toys Frank's treasure chest Steve's been walking through memory lane today and honestly it's been like that for me - Stevie would appreciate it thank you both you feel connected on a lot of these pics but today was extra special for me rollin Steve thanks guys - Danny said he has been in business for a long time huh yeah my father started this business in 1947 the things that they were selling were major milestones in people's lives whoa stuff man pioneer 8-track [Music] we just had a great pic outside of Washington DC with Steve whose family owned a bike shop for decades now Danny found us a guy named Mark whose family ran an electronics and car stereo shop it's not too far away in Virginia just think it's this guy's Jetson know it Jenson try axles in the car boom boom boom Van Halen Leonard Skynyrd the who Zeppelin if your lady left you and your motorcycle won't run but you still had a set of Jenson trachsel's you were dealing good little town man a lot of businesses on the Main Street all right this looks like the address right here right here hello hey I'm Mike this is Frank nice to meet you he's going yeah Jenson try axles kids get him in the box here's some of the stuff he said you guys been a business a long time huh yeah my father started this business in 1947 no kidding my dad could always make money he was owner of six different businesses radios TVs appliances electronics record business I took it over 1976 so you're still doing car stereos huh yeah so what percentage of his business is like vintage compared to new 25% village 25% vintage and 75% named with you sure the things that they were selling were major milestones in people's lives when a family came in to get a radio that was a big for your news but it was also your entertainment can we take a look back there sure and that same family then comes in to get a television that was even a bigger deal now where'd the cigarette machine come from my dad had him one of you machine business right so it's not a lot with all the records are stuck in gearboxes cigarette machines that's kind of odd I mean cigarette machines I don't change much but the music he had to keep up with you know hey what's that neon say up there hey so okay soda and cafe Mickey metal my bitch restroom Casio he had a restaurant the appliance store the jukebox business how old was he when he retired her did he ever he didn't know her return I don't blame him anything from Records to restaurants to electronics his family had it covered what do you want for the neon soda in cafe um 75 books trying to hang how much money I'm gonna have when I put this in I got a shop in Columbia Tennessee transformer but the thing is I can't just have it a transformer that I got to build a box for it yeah I love neon man I'm like I'm off to the flame with it okay this is all VCRs yeah so will you rebuild this stuff and try to sell it yeah actually now I've got people coming in the door won't VCRs because they've got tons of tapes and no VCRs anymore left would have no value but when you're working on televisions and radios this is their parts department whoa stuff man just walk right upstairs and you grab a knob or a dial whatever it is I can understand why they've collected all this stuff and why there's so much of it whoa look at this Mike what are see a whirlpool appliances so I mean this looks like 70s early 60s and you guys never hung it or any double hung it and works are cleaned it up one day plugged it in they've worked just like a brandy right I mean the subject matter it's not you know playing says you know I mean now on signs subject is everything you know we're usually looking for transportation stuff but the thing that this signs got going for it is it's mint is it something you would sell sure would you have to have for this I'd like to have 350 350 um I mean I like it cuz it's got nice colors doesn't say RCA on it it's brand-new I think 350 sir thank you I grew up with my dad keeping stuff he didn't throw away anything he told me a hundred times you know I might need that tomorrow ooh pioneer eight-track the ham whoa there's a rocket in here oh yeah [Music] [Applause] knock it off Frank hey what about this says caution do not drop it's got a speedboat on the front it's got the wooden handle so you can tell us custom age on it my dad got into racing go-karts in their late 50s go karts in the late fifties everybody do it around here no kid so this was like alcohol racing fuel great graphics on the front what would you have to have for this 50 I'll do the 50 okay hi thank you all right wow this big old Pepsi machines you guys put beer 25 cents on here we had that full of beer yeah very rarely do you ever come across upright Pepsi check this out Mike yeah these wooden boats can be very rare and very expensive this is billing where they used to keep the new cars from the Chevy dealership well okay we had three dealerships in chase City at one time no kid and three car dealers Ford Chevy Ford Chrysler Heisler oh I bought it in 1986 it didn't have anything in here Frankie and I are picking Marc's property in Virginia from records to restaurants to electronics Mark and his family were very successful on a lot of different levels man like this member Frankie I'm pop-top on it oh yeah I love this cab over stuff Frank he's got phone in it is this a finest of CB that's a CB the 62 for Colonel run van my dad bought it brand-new he bought this brand new he used to bring like Washington dryers or appliances or we hold everything around everything in it yeah you love this fast he's got like 300 thousand miles on I mean it's a beautiful truck doesn't have any rust on it it's been sitting for a long time what are you gonna do with it you know sell it no we'll keep it well you understand how do not blame you a cool piece I get that baby 401 again yeah I'm in love with it but I get it you know his son wants the van it's an emotional attachment and there's no money for that well you gotta eat there check this out Mike I got Garwood a Garwood now I live next to the Mississippi River and I know that these wooden boats can be very rare and very expensive you guys were rolling in this 18 foot 16 foot 16 okay everyone Wow we see one of these on the Mississippi River usually there Chris crafts you know I go up to Clear Lake Iowa they have a big wooden boat on the river it stands but wood takes maintenance right you know this one says it hasn't been out since 1960 is that probably cracked that's right I think the motor had had some bad valves or okay how old were you when you rode in this the last four years old four years old you ever ridden in a since you were four no yeah my mom and dad had a lot of fun on that boat the years I ran the water [Music] it's pretty cool Frank mains been protected for a long time it's mrs. strips and stuff like they say all that I took it all off all the strip all this is stainless so you got the strips of gold so you took a knife you were thinking about work on it yeah right I can tell that Frank is completely interested in this boat the way he's massaging the wood the questions he's asking I got a friend of mine his name's Peter he specializes in wooden boats right if I was able to take a few pictures kind of figure out how much it's worth would you entertain an offer sure okay you know these kind of boats they're a little bit out of my comfort zone take a picture of the front Frank once we get this carpet off of here I got you oh we have a friend named Peter melon he is one of the largest antique boat brokers I'm gonna send him some pictures and hopefully he can give us some information before I make an offer please see him Ike machines still got the key in it got some nice bucks I see you got you guys put beer 25 cents on here right once ever no doubt so you put money in so can a pop coming out you get to Omaha me the last time I was able to buy an upright Pepsi Cola machine was in a junkyard in Atlantic City Frank you got the Pepsi machine back here 90% of the time if you're gonna find an upright early soda machine it's gonna be a Coke machine would you sell it yeah I'll sell it what would you have to have for it 2500 no kidding that's what I liked the airport yeah yeah don't make the offer if this cleans up if the plastic cleans up in front this should right give that cleans up really well I don't know what this is on your it's almost like a waxy residue but you can see like right there there's a big crack in it that's from everybody going Bam Bam Bam that's what that's from to be honest with you I think the retail on it's like if it cleans up really nice and the compressor works and stuff I don't think you know it's like fifteen eighteen hundred bucks at the most you know what I mean I mean I don't know I'm like I'm like 800 bucks and that's if it's full of old Milwaukee I'll take a thousand four thousand let me think about it thousand bucks let me let me ponder that I offer eight hundred this is a pretty big building I want to see what else is in here tell my gosh this is all one piece isn't it this thing's massive where'd you find these my dad had it on lake house no kidding everybody must have seen your house then I find a set of island lights these were on the gas-station island above the pumps to illuminate that area get those these are large porcelain shades with some of the original mounting hardware the pole is gone but the arms extending the shades out is still there I probably should have asked you this before I pull them out what would you sell them sure okay good you're at $1,000 on the Pepsi machine I'm more like teetering around eight so sixteen hundred for all of it you doing it you're okay I appreciate your gas and oil guys service station guys would love to have these if you're building a service station out a man cave you want to be authentic these would be perfect is this yours yeah are they I bought a brand new 64 oh kid my first vehicle that's what you're cruising around in high school it is we're here with Mark in Virginia picking through his massive collection we're finding old electronics signs vending machines and everything in between I just Peter Franky is bird dog in a boat and he is red hot on the trail pictures on the boat was actually a prolific boat builder and he competed with the legs from Chris Craft and while this particular boat is an entry level boat the most desirable lines are the 20 and 33 foot boats those boats with post-war aircraft engines in them fetch in the neighborhood of 200 $300,000 for a while when Peter said fifteen thousand dollars to restore it I mean that's four times more than the boats even worth now that is turning into a big project hey Peter thanks a lot you're the man all right take care is this something you would even consider selling Frank from what he was saying I just wouldn't want to sell it for that it's this more sentimental value to me and I'm sure at some point I hope I can fix it mark says he's gonna get to this project they took all the trim off of it they've kept it inside and marks the kind of guy to do it because if you had to farm it out it cost more money to fix it than the whole thing would be worth he kind of just basically described you he's like someone that remembered the bow someone that has that experience with the bow and so if you do it yourself and you know what you're doing then you still got room on the back end that's right sure I'm gonna keep the boat and I'll work on it with my sons you get the van rolling you could pull the boat I think we can get it back looking like a did when when my dad bought it careful now I didn't get to buy the boat you know but at the end of the day we got a few nice little pieces here you find some mint Jensen trachsel's I'll call you Mike and Franklin very cool I have them back in a minute I myself Frank's mortars fuel cans [Music] I need to get up on my wine I had a kid Cabernet Merlot you want to taste the wine in your mouth you want to taste the wine in your face you want me to describe the taste of a bottled water yeah little charcoal II kind of marshmallowy there's no marshmallow in the water I like the way that it finishes to me its marshmallowy not really seeing that purified water a little calcium in there you know a little magnesium sulfate I mean I don't see any marshmallow
Channel: Mesut Official
Views: 6,332
Rating: 4.4074073 out of 5
Id: VqudEYlKHQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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