AMD Datacenter Leadership In 2020 & Beyond!

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good afternoon welcome back I'm incredibly pleased to be here to share with you an update on the progress we've made so far in the data center and the future that we see ahead of us and for us at AMD when we think about our mission to deliver high-performance computing there is perhaps no market for which that is more important than the data center market because the data center market of today is a market that is seeing continuous innovation and continuous disruption with new applications that weren't even dreamed of a few years ago springing into fruition all the time with machine intelligence of course with the advent of web scale applications with artificial intelligence it is truly an era in the data center of continuous change and an endless need for compute power an endless need for high-performance computing which is a perfect match for our mission and it's also a very large and interesting market as Lisa said earlier it's a thirty-five billion dollar market in 2023 with a number of rapidly growing segments that we believe are a perfect fit for our technology and our direction and so I want to talk to you a little bit about how we're going to continue to attack this market but let me first reflect on where we began this journey this journey back to leadership in the data center we embarked on this several years ago we actually talked about this and our ambition to bring innovation back to the data center at our financial analyst day back in 2015 the first major milestone on this journey was when we introduced the first generation AMD epic processor in 2017 which truly was the first competitive x86 server CPU to challenge our competitor in quite some time and when we introduced that processor that first epic processor codenamed Naples the processor the with in its incorporation of the Zen core began our tour of Italy and a return to the data center we put up a road map showing what we were going to deliver from 19:00 and from 2017 all the way out to 2020 one of the reasons that we did that is because we knew that to be considered for the data center much less to be a leader we had to be not just a provider of high-performance components we had to be a reliable partner somebody that n customers could count on to be there and to always be there with each generation new products new innovations maintaining the value of the investment that they would have to put into any new entrant into the data center and so we put this road map up and I'm incredibly pleased and proud to say that the teams have delivered with metronomic regularity on this road map with Naples in 2017 Rome of course last year and Milan on track to ship this year as Lisa mentioned earlier so the execution is there and the execution with the second generation epic has delivered an amazing part this is the highest performing x86 processor ever and it's not close when we introduced Rome is twice the performance of the competitive x86 processor which enables our customers to in many cases drive 25 to 50 percent lower total cost of ownership for providing the data center services to their internal and external customers which allows them to transform their data centers their IT their operations and as Mark mentioned early the Zen two core at the heart of Rome also incorporates not just high performance but the high security features that are so critical to secure the data center to secure our customers valuable IT assets and so Rome has been a revolution in the data center and on the performance side I'm incredibly proud to say that we have garnered over a hundred and forty World Records so far we're the ultimate in performance in a wide range of workloads from enterprise IT through high performance computing through cloud infrastructure Rome delivers superior performance delivers world record performance if you take a closer look at that and you look at the processors that are available for the vast majority of servers today and that means to socket servers and you look at what we've delivered with Rome versus what the competitor has to offer today including including the processor refreshes that they just introduced a few weeks ago or a few days ago we clearly have incredible performance lead double the performance of the competitive offerings inclusive of their most recent refreshes in the to socket market and the same story in Woonsocket where the unique value of Rome and indeed Naples before that was to first establish a no compromise Woonsocket market where by not placing any artificial limitations on the availability or features of a single socket processor we have enabled customers who need all the reliability in the resiliency of an enterprise-grade server processor to address to scale their processor needs to fit their application and and hence drive yet further TCO value now Rick talked earlier about the various aspects of performance in the the client market and indeed these performance metrics that have shown you so far demonstrate the throughput superiority the multi-threaded superiority of AMD epic over the competitive parts and that holds true even when you look at lower core counts and it can compare a core to core so in the heart of the market where most enterprises buy and the 16 core processors segment if you take a look at our performance there again inclusive the two brand-new parts that our competitor just introduced AMD epic has a performance lead and an unmatchable performance per dollar advantage so three and it's almost three and a half times the performance $4 of the most recently introduced 16 core part from our competitor a truly remarkable remarkable achievement so with that I want to reflect on where we stand today so today we're in a place where we have demonstrated repeatedly predictable execution to the market quite frankly highlighted and thrown into high relief by uneven execution by others in this segment we've demonstrated leadership performance on multiple dimensions and we've demonstrated strong ecosystem support where we have the OEMs the software vendors and the IH fees that provide the rest of the ecosystem to compose an entire solution all embracing epic and so that's a great foundation that's a great place to be and so we're taking that Foundation and our imperative our mission now for the entire team is to continue accelerating growth of the AMD epic product portfolio and so our mission is to broaden the deploy sort of already begun first with Naples and then more rapidly with Rome across enterprise cloud and HPC it's to work with our customers to continuously unlock all of the power and performance of our solutions by working with them to optimize their workloads and tune their software to get every last drop of performance out it's to continue ramping our field and customer support organisations as our customer set grows and to support optimization and deployments and then that's all in service of course of growing our market share now on the market share the next significant milestone is one that we are going to hit next quarter when as promised we believe we will achieve double-digit server CPU market share in q2 of this year now when we look at what we've got in more detail across each one of these segments you know we have built a product we built a portfolio that really can demonstrate leadership performance in the workloads that matter and the the markets that matter broadly speaking are these three the cloud market which now constitutes quite frankly about half of the overall market for server processors the enterprise IT market which is a little north of 35% and then of course the HPC market which constitutes most of the of the remainder with the first generation epic taking that first generation Xen core we were able to produce a product Naples that effectively addressed about 60% of the workloads across those broad markets the vast majority HPC workloads much of the the cloud workloads in a good proportion of the enterprise IT workloads and for them we had leadership performance at a great solution with Rome and with the work that we've done with our ecosystem partners and end customers we've expand that footprint substantially and we see over 80% of the workloads across these segments are address best are addressed in a leadership fashion with second generation epic Rome and so to give you a few examples in each one of those segments on enterprise we have a great performance story we had with Naples superior virtualization capability and superior TCO with Rome we've taken that to the next level up to 50% TCO savings over the alternative but beyond that in many other application areas in Java performance in database performance we're providing nearly half or sorry nearly twice the performance of the competitive solutions even on things such as sa P we've demonstrated world records and we've demonstrated demonstrably superior performance you couple that with the embrace of the OEM partners who have greatly expanded their portfolio of solutions their portfolio of platforms that that are made available to the end customers growing from 22 platforms available in 2017 with the first generation epic processors to over a hundred and forty expected this year we've got a winning solution for enterprise IT and we've got that broad support across the enterprise ecosystem both on the OEM side on the software side and the yhv side our mission keep driving keep driving on the cloud computing side you know it has been incredibly gratifying to watch the growth here as well in 2018 our first instances were launched with some of the major cloud providers we had 18 public instances available public instances or services available on first-generation epic systems and now this year we expect over a hundred and fifty public services and instances available so that customers around the world who have embraced the cloud computing paradigm can do so now with AMD epic and see the full performance of Rome it orders support that we have developed and deployed customized versions of the epic processors uniquely tweaking in many cases to ensure that the the environments and the TCO is maximized for our cloud customers and they in turn are using the fact that we can we can support you know 60% more virtual machines at yet with each being at the same performance level or better that we can support better docker performance that we have much better performance for watt which is critically important for any cloud provider operating at scale and then we've got the memory bandwidth to unlock all of that performance and feed the beast as Marquez Marquez want to say to keep all of those cores humming and to keep that performance available to end-users with those advantages it's no wonder that the world's leading crowds in the u.s. in Asia and in Europe have embraced AMD epic a few examples Google's largest general-purpose clacks largest instance of any type is available on second-generation Rome we've delivered more than 25% better TCO for Twitter and Microsoft has a great set of instances in both general-purpose as well as as purpose specific instance types including examples that are demonstrating over 60% higher SQL performance for companies that are embracing a move to the cloud so great a great place for us so far and a great place for us to continue to grow with our cloud customers on high-performance computing of course this is a real area of pride for us at AMD is Lisa mentioned earlier you know we have a a part and a roadmap that is demonstrated leadership in HPC applications by virtue of a substantial lead in floating-point performance and demonstrated leads in performance on commercial applications with up to 72 percent higher structural analysis 95 percent higher computational fluid analysis than that available on our competitor very importantly as well and one of the things that's led to a number of major supercomputing design wins with the large meteor djegal research associations and institutions around the world 120 percent faster weather forecasting performance and with the frontier and El Capitan announcements it is a real source of pride for the MD team to be powering the world's fastest exascale systems and to be contributing to supercomputing and HPC clusters around the world from industrial applications to research to defense applications as well so a new area for us a new area of focus has really been to expand our reach beyond the traditional areas of cloud enterprise and HPC and to dive deeper into the realm of the telco and infrastructure products that they themselves are undergoing a revolution many of these systems that are powering today's networks have moved or are moving from being based on proprietary hardware on proprietary Asics to running in software on industry standard servers and the thing that's enabling that is the incredible power of today's servers and that in turn gives those customers who have embraced that paradigm the opportunity to add significant agility makes significantly better to their businesses epic particularly the second-generation epic is uniquely capable in this area with much higher double the the i/o bandwidth per link with much higher bandwidth capability in terms of more links more memory bandwidth we demonstrate leadership networking data plane performance and truly are the perfect fit for the emerging 5g telco infrastructure Nokia one of the leaders in telco infrastructure recently demonstrated why they have embraced AMD Rome because they see twice the performance on there 5g infrastructure based on Rome then they see using a competitive our competitive CPU that's the type of performance that that Rome provides and so we've got a great part we've got a great start in all of those markets and we're just going to keep going I'm very pleased to say that the third-generation AMD epic part codenamed Milan we expect to continue demonstrating performance leadership in both throughput and low thread count applications and we expect to be shipping it later this year as promised and with Milan we will open up the aperture even further I talked to you about with Rome we've got better than 80% coverage on the workloads across HPC enterprise and cloud computing with Milan and the work that we're doing with our ecosystem partners we believe will have leadership performance in virtually a hundred percent of the workloads the power today's data center which is incredibly exciting and we believe continues our progress in every segment but our tour of Italy doesn't end there so Milan Rome is an incredible part Milan will be fantastic but Marc and the team are completely committed to that CPU leadership that he talked about before and the Zen for core will show up in our next next generation server part codenamed Genoa that that you'll see in five nanometer and that we announced yesterday will be the CPU that's at the heart of the El Capitan system so the journey will continue the leadership products in server will continue but beyond server the other market that we've got to talk about is GPU datacenter GPU for us is a rapidly growing market that we believe by 2023 will constitute an 11 billion dollar market opportunity for us and in datacenter GPU there's really a number of different application areas or segments that are that where it it is crucial it is vital first one in virtualization and cloud gaming many customers are making the move to do virtual desktop virtual cloud of virtual gaming in the cloud unlocking a new set of economics unlocking a new set of collaboration unlocking a new set or new points for TCO optimization beyond virtualization cloud gaming of course the most actively discussed application of GPUs has got to be machine intelligence and we are committed to driving our roadmap aggressively for machine intelligence and then of course high-performance computing where the top-end supercomputers have been the province of GPU accelerated computing for the last decade our start in this market has already been made we have the world's first seven nanometer GPUs for the data center we're the only company to implement industry-standard hardware-based virtualization that allows the resources of GPU to be scaled up or down depending on the needs of a specific application and that's critical for almost any application in the cloud we're taking the same approach to developing a multi-generational roadmap that developing not just developing deploying delivering a multi-generational roadmap for GPUs that we took on the CPU side and when we look at the innovation that's happening in each one of these areas we think that innovation is best fueled by an open software environment by an open software community and AMD has made a strong commitment having completely open-source tool chains from drivers to libraries to enable each one of these segments GPU virtualization it was incredibly gratifying to us earlier this week to have Microsoft Azure introduced its latest virtualization instance the env v4 which provides accelerated VDI solutions via the cloud and with by virtue of our hardware virtualization technology scales up and down and delivers superior economics than any other alternative that same technology is also critically important to providing the scalability in the long term economics that are so important to cloud gaming to ensure that that segment grows as well in machine intelligence look the applications of mi are just incredible anybody that's you all have seen it the the revolution in natural language processing in image recognition in recommendation engines and even industrial automation robot robotics has been incredible the types of capabilities that we're seeing now in these systems are things that people would not have dreamed of a decade ago and we're seeing applications spring up Apple patience for artificial intelligence spring up everywhere one of the interesting ones that was discussed the other day is using machine intelligence in concert with HPC to steer scientific research and traditional HPC computing and by doing so to get what was characterized as a force multiplier deployed so we believe that machine intelligence applications are going to continue to grow but what's going to grow even faster is the insatiable need for performance for these applications because as researchers refine their algorithms as they explore the limits of what machine intelligence can do they're driving an exponentially increasing a demand for performance by virtue of larger models longer run times more data going into all of these models and that looks a lot quite frankly like HPC demands as well Marc showed earlier a portion of this data on HPC but just to put a finer point on it we have seen on the supercomputing side a 10,000 X increase in performance over the last 15 years and if you look at just this year to the exascale error we need to do another 10x increase in performance to meet that exascale barrier to break that exascale barrier similar things happening on machine compute you look at the model sizes of some of the most interesting work that's being done out there where you're seeing the most interesting results model sizes have grown 300 x in the last three years and so for both of these segments we see this unending to use Marc's word relentless demand for increased performance and the only way to meet those performance needs is with accelerated and so our roadmap is committed to providing that performance for those applications and David showed this earlier you know we're already shipping our 7/8 first seven nanometer GPU for the data center or a my 50 product based on the gcn later this year we'll be introducing our first cDNA product also based on seven nanometer and optimized for HPC and MI applications to be a highly efficient scalable a product to meet those needs cDNA 2 will be coming soon to usher in the exascale era and to provide that 10x uplift in performance at the system level and it's not just about performance it's about making sure that that performance is usable and this was touched on earlier but I want to turn up the contrast because look accelerated systems have now been around for about a decade but what we have done is we have bolted on accelerators onto a server system architecture that quite frankly was created for web-scale applications and databases and so the CPUs and the GPUs are isolated from one another they don't work well together and although the performance is there it's difficult to reach it's difficult to program effectively applications to fully unlock the performance in a system with this topology the first step in addressing this we're taking with our CD and our architecture to allow better scalability amongst the GPUs and coherency amongst the GPUs to allow up to eight GPUs to scale more efficiently and work more efficiently with one another but with the cdna 2 architecture we get something truly special where we extend that infinity architecture in this case infinity architecture 3 to the to couple the CPU and the GPU is together in - one unified data view where this not only provides additional performance much more importantly it allows programmers to stop worrying about the explicit management of data movement the explicit management of preemption the explicit management of a bunch of functions that they haven't had to worry about on CPUs for many many years and that are acting as barriers to embracing accelerated computing so we're super excited by this unified accelerate computing architecture that we're bringing to bear in C DNA - and it's that architecture quite frankly that led to the exascale systems that Lisa and Mark both mentioned earlier first with frontier which will be a 1.5 exaflop system deployed next year and it is capable of outperforming the hundred top 100 supercomputers on today's supercomputer enlist combined it will be deployed in the middle of next year supported by AMD CPUs and AMD GPUs connected together in a coherent way the only thing that's more exciting and then than frontier and what can be done with frontier is of course El Capitan announced yesterday in an event with Lawrence Livermore National Lab s'en and HPE it will produce over 2x of flops of performance expected to be more powerful than the top 200 supercomputers on today's list and will be supported by AMD cpus and gpus shipping in 2022 those two systems to us are a source of tremendous pride and a validation that our assertion that we're making tremendous progress on our goal to be the new data center leader is coming true and I think that I hope you see and I think that the industry is seeing seeing that AMD has produced leadership products with leadership execution and we have a leadership roadmap that's going to continue on to the future delivering the best performance available on all sorts of applications across a wide range of workloads and leading the way to the future of accelerated computing by defining the architecture of tomorrow's accelerated system and so I think with that I think we are well on our way to demonstrating to any of the question we are the new
Channel: Tech ARP
Views: 209
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: AMD, AMD EPYC, AMD Radeon Instinct, EPYC, Radeon Instinct, Datacenter
Id: aLM5m4_H6nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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