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[Music] what is going on you animals you you space apes you intergalactic animals what is going on it's gonna be a good day we're gonna be talking about the stock market we're gonna be talking about amc we're going to be talking about gme we're going to be talking about tesla we're going to be talking about some of my own emotional and physical problems in the down times to pass some of the time it's going to be a good day what is going on everyone good morning good morning good morning ah you gotta have your smile a smile on your face you know why because it's another beautiful day um to put it out there of course we're going to be talking about this otc non-ats data thing um just to forewarn you i've been up since about 3 30 this morning trying to figure out this entire situation and i very much feel like it's a tip of the iceberg thing so um i can't tell you that i'm gonna definitively speak right on this i don't want to speak on it too much until i have more of my facts rate but i'll let you know what at least i i am aware of to this point i don't think it's as um as straightforward as it seems right now i think it's going to be a very complex subject and i just don't want to steer everyone wrong i know i have at least within this world this small very niche world i have a decent sized platform so i very very much want to um at least share and spread accurate information so i'm going to talk about it at least to what i know but i'm going to try to get on people who are far more qualified than myself to like share all this information so we're going to be talking about that let me switch over to this uh we'll be of course talking about amc gme all that good stuff um we need to talk about the market it's looking a bit sick in general um we're gonna be talking about crypto crypto's been selling off a bit um it's gonna be interesting to see how all of today plays out all right where are we um actually let's hop right into gamestop amc i think that's about like i know so many of us are joining in um to really get this one ironed out hang on one second all right okay so amc trading just below nine dollars this morning 8.91 8.92 um hang on one second i just wanted to bring this up so many things going on sorry i'm very very scatterbrained today just because oh i don't need another robin hood window okay uh anyway uh no not that i wanted to talk about this okay we are good we are good we are good all right where are we okay so right now gopro puts we got those um s p 500 looking a bit sick uh we have amc trading at 8.92 gamestop 122. um gopro selling off here is actually here's those gopro but hang out more importantly for today let's start this off with the market then we'll go into gamestop amc here we are okay this is what i wanted to bring your attention to just for the overall market i think today is going to be a bit of a weird day so we had this blue trend line that connected the bottom of march 2020 and then late october this is that blue trend line we broke it once on march 4th start of march then we got right back into it more importantly we have right here this is very very important so many people watching the overall market have the 50-day moving average um right now the market's gearing up to open up at 386. this 50-day simple moving averages where is this roughly right now 386 is about where we are um so i'm going to be watching that as major support we also have support a little bit so basically 385 to 386 looking for that bounce today in the s p 500 this will have an impact on your apple microsoft test like all these classic stocks that we talked about beyond amc and jimmy palantir nvidia all those good guys um were looking for this bounce there if it somehow falls through it could risk dragging some of the market with it um [Music] you what's wrong but no no i sold put gopro puts i have gopro puts that i bought i sold gme puts we that was the stream thing to talk about getting the premium you can sell puts and you could sell calls i've been selling gme puts hoping that it doesn't go below that and you collect that premium um qq i dreamt matt last night i dreamt matt was conversation about the dark pulls and i wake up the caption yeah okay this is so cues and hang on this is important because this is a tech stock thing um and also just so everyone knows here are my gme calls um anywho so anyway uh qqq selling off um this is gonna be hurting the tech stock it got pretty much a double rejection at that 50 50 simple moving line so that's what's going on overall with the indices today it's just a it's a bit weird um a bit heavy bearish uh but let's really uh before the market gets going okay amc is still getting hit a bit um i still have all my amc calls shares gme calls gme shares all those obviously you guys are on this stream i show you all my portfolio um right now gme is at 123 amc 885 and the hot topic is right here so this is what i know so far i know we've been talking about dark pools and there's a good chance that if this um what is going on what do you think about you okay i think there's confusion you can sell puts um anyway so dark pools if you're just being brought into this world there's a good chance like as of yesterday as of to last night there was things going on on youtube on twitter about what are these dark pools and the symbol right here amc you can oh if you want this website i guess i could post it but basically how you find it is you come over to here otc non-atc non-ats issue data you search amc you come over here and you can get the info uh so this is on i'll post this actually here i'll post it right in the description of the video [Music] and here is what i know about it thus far so anyway all right i just updated the video uh all right we're good so that's in here now if you want to check out this website but anyway here's what people have been talking about of otc dark data all this stuff here's what i know thus far so for dark pools it's basically outside of the exchange so you're gonna have these big guys whether it's like citadel credit suisse fidelity blackrock all these guys when they're making big big trades for pensions whatever just massive block trades you can't just um when we take a look at the level two here um you can't just hit it with like a million by like i mean before we saw walls buying while selling walls on amc and they go to like 50 20 000. so when you have a big pension that wants to get involved say with amc you can't just drop that on the market it would like obviously it would just run through all the sellers and cause a weird spike so a lot of the times they end up using dark pools and a dark pool is just basically another exchange in between institutions of like this pension buying this pension selling things like that so it's a dark pool more so they get its name because like we don't know how well regulated it really is um so that's where it gets its name because it it's not that obvious it's not transparent really and they try to get it with some of the finra sec reporting but as you can see this data is actually already theoretically old it's from january you can uh trade last updated um january march 1st so it's kind of already all data and then even the data we get isn't the most like obvious of is exactly what's going on but that's what the dark pool is basically just helps facilitate massive block trades um then right here i'm a little bit confused about this so we know that citadel has traded 3.6 million trades representing 1 billion shares and in total on this otc non-ats data we have about 2 billion trades going through shares um so that's not total shares i believe this is the total shares traded uh feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on that but what's where i'm getting confused about is this is the data that's being cited a lot and right here we have otc which stands for over-the-counter non-ats this is the part where i'm like initially just getting confused because non-ats stands for non-alternative trading system and i believe the way they're using alternative trading system is essentially calling it a dark pool so basically non-dark pool so in my own brain and i'm i'm just a smooth brain ape and i'm definitely missing things um i'm just a little bit confused about why we went from dark pool stuff to potentially non-dark pool i'm confused about that and before i get too into it that's just like i've been researching it trying to figure it out and i don't feel too comfortable really just saying that hey look we have some massive short going on in citadel it very well could be true it might not be true and i'm just not trying to permeate potentially false information where i can't speak to like the hardcore facts about it um so i'm hoping i i did tweet out the the guy who kind of like brought this to light josh [Music] joshua jameis um i i messaged him asked him if he would come on the show today i hope he gets back to us just to see if we could explain it to like the best of uh the ability like i just want someone else to explain it um because i just have questions myself what's going on with non-ats does it mean the total shares just the share volume i have a lot of questions and i'm just trying to push it off to a person who can maybe answer these questions i also reached out to a handful of other people so hopefully at some point in today's show we have we bring someone on um to try to get that it's very very confusing and i'm not going to tell anyone like this is definitively happening not happening because in all honesty i don't know at this moment that's why i'm going to try to bring someone on actually hang on [Music] hang on hang on he actually just messaged me i can for sure recover some time i'm working today but i have 30 minute window this morning hop on via audio if that's cool yes yes yes okay yeah i'm just getting a time figured out with him just so we can ask questions um we'll keep this going all right what is this uh info together or tools systematic training have some regulations there are two kinds of dark pools alternative trading system which have some regulation and non-ats over-the-counter direct which has little to no regulation all right that's a good point gopro puts going to make some money this morning yes they are gopro is definitely getting hit um awesome amc is not on the list anymore i don't know what list hang on all right it is 9 13. i'm just trying to see what time i could get josh to come on just so we can ask questions so if there's like main questions that you guys specifically want to ask them just talking about this um this otc thing i'm i know a little bit i just looked it up i i'm getting confused about the ats non-ats according to discord thank you once again um for clarifying that the um it sounds like non-ats has like almost no regulation but i'm just like there's no way there's two billion shares out there i mean we're talking about a company that like we think has a market cap of roughly 450 million so to increase that by a factor of five i think that this has to just be traded and remember whenever you're talking about trading you're talking about like for every buyer there has to be a seller it's not like they're selling 2 billion shares because if they did sell 2 billion that means someone had to buy 2 billion there's for every seller there has to be a buyer um so i just want to get that out there all right my my main thesis some people are asking about what's going on with um the overall market today i think we're in for potentially red day i'm hoping we get a bounce pretty soon to bring the rest of the market up with it i have a feeling that if you have puts they're going to uh be paying money um yeah the s p 500 is dipping right now 385 all right elon must watch your stream check your twitter dm all right i'll be checking that um hang on i'm just trying to figure out to get joshua on joshua um has a decent amount of information kind of explaining this if you everyone wants to check out his twitter the otc all this good stuff so hopefully we can get some answers for that i i definitely know i have a whole host of my own questions that's for sure all right let's go to these questions really quick oh wow already um what's your opinion about trey's vid on the dark pool thing uh really no opinion i i think we just need more information right now i'm a big confused myself um what is this your shirt is nicely ironed over yellow trying to get you cold today or all right thank you uh hearing russian voices in my head whispering kickers good morning uh good morning matt morning moon getting ready for your attendees where's the tandy emoji be positive be fun be kind the ngo can you explain the drop due to the offering must have just come in at a lower volume value than expected justin they're trying to distract you your comments are full of hedge fund spam similar to reddit posts don't let them get to your brother apes together new enough to trading looking to get my first option traded today any cheap options please use recommend aaron i would say um let's wait for some of the market to play out is probably a solid opportunity red pre-market inspections with today uh yeah i think there's gonna be some blood in the water today ac puts are gonna rock it first thing what is viac at viacom we made a nice is it down wow it's down even more congrats if you held viacom um elon must watch your stream check your twitter alright we'll do that do you think tesla is going to break down even more or start pushing back to that 620 support uh how's tesla doing i wish i carried those puts right uh there's strong support at 600 um so let's see what happens at 600 on tesla here are some visualizations of the data josh found all right thank you tony let's check that out uh that website isn't loading for me tony for whatever reason see aims thank you for becoming an astronaut hey my question is how can it be done can we win hotel i mean we're we're definitely in an interesting like story an interesting saga we'll see how this all plays out um i did oh fun fact i did um update uh weeble i just didn't get really used to that platform this morning i downloaded the newest version this is version three there's version four out there um so uh we'll probably be running with that next week so if my screen looks a little bit different than yours it's just because i'm probably on the version before yours and i'll get used to it hopefully soon trading at 121 amc 886 gopro 1088 i'll probably be taking profits on gopro gopro i have the 1050 puts i bought those yesterday expiration four nine actually what does the gopro chart look like all right can you go over spy resistance support if it breaks when should we worry um yeah for spy i think it's cause for concern below 385 actually very close if we break below this i mean to be fair the last time we broke about it broke below it it got right back above it um so that could happen again but i think people are going to start to get antsy um really below below 385 on the s p 500. all right all right oh speaking of we have an upcoming support at a hundred dollars uh that's where i'm thinking actually about buying more on gamestop if we hit it of course i hope we don't hit it um but just in terms of technical support unfortunately like from a technical perspective it looks like there's unless we bounce off of this 50 simple moving average it looks like there's a pretty real chance we're coming down to 100 hopefully we get a nice dip right off of that it's a nice technical level nice um psychological level it's 9 20 right now um if we could get that bounce so let's see how that goes uh 120 and then what was the other one amc let's do those technicals looks like there is some port oh actually we've battled that 840 if you remember about three weeks ago there was a huge huge battle at 8 40 so i'm hoping that act as support now um so we're looking for a bounce right off of 840 it's at 88.90 of course with amc and gme it's way better if we just don't hit it i'm just trying to lay out the next reasonable support people out there saying hey if you're trying to buy a dip i'm just laying out the technical levels that i would personally consider it uh quack quack quack do you think neo will rebound or keep um or keep dipping uh right now it looks like it's going to keep dipping let me get rid of this for a second 31. uh i mean at this point it's trading at 35 i would just watch this low at this point his pounds here might be a day to get rid of calls wow palantir is getting hit that's not good um it's just we're in a little bearish wave it's our rate there's no reason to fear monger and call for a complete like blow up of our stock market system when you go up a lot it's okay to take breathers how's apple doing apple coming down 118. how about reacting to trey's latest video um i just need more information i i don't feel comfortable speaking that i guess authoritatively on it because i think there's a lot more questions than there are answers at this point um can vic keep dropping uh yeah i mean vice i wish i obviously held those puts at this point it's at 66. uh it's maybe target 60 i would or sorry 61 this low this high at this point but if it retakes 68 you might want to just take your profits um what else are people if what if my put strike gets passed 11 strike price on gopro uh it's just max that means you're in more money they're like you want to go further in the money the the most ideal way for you to make money whether you're playing a call or a put is for it to go from in the like if you bought something out of the money you wanted to go from out of the money into the money very rapidly apop may move pretty well due to merger catalyst news it's at 186 at at 6 14 from free market what a pop oh wait did i re i'm seeing 584 so still a pop please if you're in this awesome ride it don't chase it out of the gate um these like biotech mergers they can be very very weird do not chase a pop out of the gate just lit let's see um let's see how that can i don't know give it time to build all right what else do we have we have about five minutes until the market opens went on with you on the 416 tpgy puts what a pic already paid for tiblio sub when would you sell it okay this was the other one tpgy um i'm looking for basically 15 i would like to take profits um so we'll see if that hits today uh yeah around 15 is my first target on tpgy how's tcat doing 32 kind of selling off tcap might be done so how's uh dlpn all of these nft plays also coming down j finn uh down a little jafen's actually down the lease hofv hofv also down so um the that quick little like nft craze it might be over i don't know let's see how they run today uh all right casting coach thank you uh how do i calculate exit limit for options i wanted my options contracts to close at 12 on amc how would i know where to set the limit i wanted my options contract to close at twelve dollars well you can set a limit sale uh just the way you can with um like a normal stock you like if you bought the premium at one and you want to sell that too you could set a limit sale at two uh rocket fuel let's get ready uh yo matt apha looking spicy with eventual till ray merger i agree i'm bullish in the long term on the cannabis the marinara sector the new trades off the grid the aka short laddering could happen otc side check out cidm vizio ipo release today uh my we need a mortgage he's right you know meme react gopro um hang on let me go through all these uh vizio ipo release today um it usually ipos are let met with like a lot of lot of excitement um so i wouldn't be surprised if it like goes up today uh the overall market might be ending up dragging it down um but just so you know i i don't really normally um trade ipos for the first couple weeks i like to let the chart develop a bit but um that's what i don't know ipos lot of excitement usually they go up on the excitement then they come down a week or two later i think that's a personally good time to get in that's kind of how i handle it all right let's see how this all goes all right hang on all right trying to get a 10 eastern call with josh to talk a little bit about this otc stuff which would be perfect um perfect perfect perfect honestly half hour into the market we can see how it's playing out and then we can get some questions so if you have any questions about this whole like amc thing um feel free to ask obviously hey matt thanks again yesterday explaining credit spreads now how do you sell credit spreads to get your maximum return and your collateral back anthony most of the time you just let it go to uh expiration good morning what do you think if i buy a call for amc break even 991 expiration night first do you think there'll be money then possible it's definitely possible but these things are moving wild right now so in terms of direction i think every day is like a completely new crazy day all right the market is about to open it's 9 29 folks get ready get ready for the bell the casino is almost open get ready get ready get ready looks like we have 30 seconds till the market gets out going hang on let me get ready let me do trying to get this call figured out all right 10 seconds folks till the casino gme call or put today um i mean it depends on what you're trying to do or also buy so what you could do is buy gme puts if you think it's going down take that money and then transfer it into gme shares or you could sell gme puts or you could sell gme calls like you could do either way but ding ding ding casino open um actually surprisingly gme ripping out of the gate all right jimmy coming out of the gate 128 uh amc where are we at nine uh actually really really quick so i have some spy puts now they're not up as much as i thought they would be all right gopro hanging out and what's tesla doing all right amc whoa whoa whoa whoa all the way up to 9.50 nice okay uh some strength all right gme strength amc strength amc hit 962 still looks strong gme hit 130. what are we at come on jimmy come on come on come on spy bouncing off of that level we were talking about the mid 385s tesla looking strong up to 622. uh amc actually might be gunning for 10 right about now [Music] all right market bouncing interesting opening so far is any other like crazy movers okay it does look like we're gonna be able to get in about 25 minutes we'll get josh on all right let's see how this goes tesla actually coming back down a little bit not the best sign for tesla do i even have day trades left uh-oh things are coming back down how's this going day trades uh gme coming back down 124 um amc 9 30. things we're looking hang on the market standing hit how's uh he pro lookin d pro okay that went the other way that i wanted it to be pro eg what is this one tg ppgy another tibia okay tpgy is coming down um i have three of these two close order close [Music] one let's see if that gets filled um let's see what's going on a gme coming down a bit um we'll we're going to try to figure out this otc thing for sure um i think it's definitely a worthwhile conversation let's check in on everything all right let's check in on the robinhood account all right rominated account basically break even uh i still have this credit spread i think this is uh what people were just talking about about gme puts um it this is a credit spread um i sold the 100 and i bought the 97 this is a bet that gme will stay above a hundred dollars by this friday just so everyone knows i think you can sell puts which means you still want it to go up so if you sell the 100 and you buy the 97 you're betting that gme stays above 100 um i was trying to explain credit spreads and i was just using this as an example because i think there's a solid shot that gamestop stays above 100 by friday uh so that's what a credit spread is you have to have two different options you sell this one you buy it and it was more of like a tibio thing um trying to just explain tiblio but i think there's some confusion going on of what a credit spread is but anyway it's a bullish bet when you have a credit spread put when you're selling the first one buying the second one that's a bullish bet on it going up um anyway gopro gopro these are the same as they were yesterday let me know if there's any uh questions or confusion about that credit spread i'll try to explain it better but basically it's more like that tablet whoa look at this nice ripe in the market looked a bit weak coming right back um when you're doing a credit spread you sell the first number when you sell the first number in an option if you're ever selling an option if you sell a call the way you profit is by staying below it if you sell a put the way you profit is by the number staying above it so basically if you're selling a put it's it's not like really that leverage of a bet you just want it to stay above it so i'm betting that gamestop stays above a hundred dollars let me know if i confuse people more than i helped what's a credit spread a credit spread is when you sell um a call or put and then you buy one farther out so what i did was i sold the gme put at 100 and then i bought one at 97 so the way i make my most money is if it expires like if when the market closes tomorrow on the 26th if gme is above a hundred dollars it's a winning bet it's a that's what a credit spread is um you could also do it with calls and then you're betting that the number stays below if you're doing a call so credit spread for puts you want it to go up credit spread for calls you want it to go down and stay below value stay above about you i'll explain it more in um like when in midday trading when things get a bit more quiet but it's a credits red bet and it's a very small one matt can you do options trades on tesla to distract me all right hang on let me make sure okay okay gopro uh i'm looking for gopro to actually break down tesla or not tesla the overall market had a nice bounce gamestop coming back down actually dangerously close to my level like i said i wanted to stay above 100 amc uh hit 9.74 got hit it's down to 925 but it looks like it's trying to bounce back right now hpr just opened back up how's hpr looking why is it it opened up a lot lower uh so that's kind of crazy how's vicom doing for everyone in those vicom bicom i mean it's still very low like so it's training up but it's still gap down viacom getting its teeth kicked in uh do we have other big how's palantir looking i need to get out of my pantier calls i am getting uh i want to get out of my pound tier calls uh everyone is saying amc level two of course of course here we go there's your level two sorry about that your shirt is looking very crispy that's fine so i ironed the duck shirt i didn't iron the sweatshirt i'm not that crazy of an ironer um but i did iron and washed the duck shirt for you you guys can't smell it but it smells uh i don't know like whatever that soap is like a clean forest or something i don't know how they market that stuff i use tide i should get that tied sponsorship do you need to wash your duck shirts i trust tide all right palantir coming back a bit let's watch tesla oh i still wanted to see if i had day trades available yes okay josh will be on in about 18 minutes uh amc coming back are you ironing your hair too every morning didn't they used to do that way back when you could just iron all your hair so i had money stolen with this hpr oh what's going on with that charlie why was it halted and then it dropped uh viac still diving trying to cover but still on the day still let's check out viac i mean 68 that's when i was kind of saying like if it retook it um if it makes a new high i would get out but you're looking for another breakdown of 68. 68 is a pretty important price level v uh charlie i'm curious what's going on with hpr do you have that news where's that gap for gopro do you still have your puts i still have my gopro puts betting on that going down and the gap fill for gopro yes sabr uh who's in these puts let me know in a comment um but gopro gopro it actually had a gap fill right out this morning i should have taken some profits shoot shoot shoot i was too slow too frantic this morning 10.75 so it did officially hit that gap though that's exactly where i wanted profits ah i missed it okay viac is coming back down so um if you're in that uh let it play out i'm thinking this pop in the s p 500 might be a fake out so if you have puts um the way i mean i have puts right now on like i said gopro tp gy whatever those are um i'm holding i'm holding out for a little bit more just to see what happens with the s p 500 amc a beautiful recovery look at this wow let's go all right let me give me coming back nice remember i want it above 100 that's how i make a little extra money this week sec closed door meeting today that seems crazy my the s even though sabr is going in my favor it's just like the least bottle option i'm up 12 bucks uh what's going on with tcat no one's talking about tcat cat tcat t-cat all right uh if it can get above 39 t-cat has resistance at 39 i have i'm in at 56 so i'm super far underwater i was um definitely chasing but we'll see how that goes all right let me um let me go through some of these super chats then in 15 minutes we're going to be talking about the dark pool stuff with uh josh who on twitter was kind of like breaking it all uh we're gonna have some good questions for him i think he's only available for like 30 minutes so we're gonna have to make it kind of um efficient to say the least okay when would you okay casting coach for uh tpgy i'm looking for the where i don't know go back to it really quick tpgy if you're in on those puts i'm looking to take profits at 15 wherever whatever the options valued at when the stock goes down to 15. tcat looking very very strong super weird industry nfts are just running an insane amount why isn't gopro showing up here all right that's a bit weird b cat still running amc turning back around wow what a weird opening and things are turning around super strong all right i might want to take these profits soon on the s p 500 put all right i'm going to watch these hey matt thanks again yeah all right we good morning matt what do you think if i buy a call amc 991 april 1st uh definitely possible jimmy call or put today um as of now it does seem like the calls the bulls have a little bit more power good morning bro can you look at nakt and tell us what you think might be happening and when i'm not the biggest fan of nakd it looks weak it looks like it's breaking down if i had to trade it i would honestly short it i just don't like it quick question why would a stock drop 50 when volume has more than the market cap and mostly green um so these get their coloring just on the bar so if the clothes is higher than the open that's how they're colored green if the clothes is lower than the open that's how they're colored red and remember high volume doesn't mean bullish sometimes it can mean very very bearish it just means more shares are being traded um here i'm gonna have to start writing these down all right 950 a v a v i f y a v i f y we got that morning man tiblio yesterday gave spark lov as a pic was looking good last night couldn't find much mind taking a look yes lov all right that is on the list thank you rn ricky bobby you're in here all the time hpr why was it halted um still halted i think it's a new sink but i believe it's unhalted now denise analyze riot all right riot bitcoin play probably getting hit right now because bitcoin dropped to like 50k ish hey matt anything i can make some fast cash on in now fast cash um i oh i'm still thinking that these puts on the s p 500 might print big today if this can't recover i'm if if the s p 500 breaks below 385.74 i think we might be heading down today pltr has a demo day april 14th could be bullish yeah hopefully they um so the last time they had a demo day it was a little bit too like tech heavy i think it was very impressive but it didn't really resonate with many people um so hopefully they have something that's a little bit more digestible for the public michael i've enjoyed you every day watching but have to say goodbye sos and ryan calls down me 87 i wish you luck in many attendees for the moon gig michael you can't leave us like that you got to come back fight fight for another day man you're in here day and day out um if you actually like legitimately want to talk about it reach out to me on twitter or something i would love to talk to you but uh i i love your positivity i want you to stay around hey matt when you looked at meme socks nokia any thoughts on why but then disappear eyewalls all right um hang on hang on hey matt when you look at meme stocks nokia bb sndl and the sound by walls are wild um so usually when they have a bywall um walls actually like to make stuff more difficult to move like walls stop the movement so the more more walls you see it might actually be harder to get it to move uh market s p 500 turning right now this might not be good team uh i'm loaded up on puts so hopefully that helps with other aspects of my life how's tesla looking all right hang on but the amount of volume and trades on different ats in hang on hang on we're getting to the bottom of some of this dark pool stuff uh tesla coming back down off of 6 30 all right we gotta see how many day trades i have left day trades zero so if i place the trade now i have to commit to it in less and less and less and less unless i do it let's see how this goes probably not well robin hood's super super slow today let me know if anyone else is having those issues come on go go go go go go i don't know what's going on with this crazy sub but let's get back to the action all right all right let me get this zoom link over lots of brokers run their own ups charges all right going back to this playing with that toxic x tesla again um are we going to be better about it this time by setting profit targets pretty pretty early um okay let me get the zoom thing figured out [Music] all right [Music] let me get this new meeting [Music] microphone my microphone speaker is working nope not all right uh enable weight room no no no no no no all right let's invite some guests invite all right let me get this sent over without doxing myself with everyone else's information um here we go for sure send the zoom link and thanks for the reference if you don't pull up may not be able to get all of them okay all right let's get some of these [Music] all right this is who we're going to bring on the line in about five minutes uh just kind of talking about this dark pool otc stuff seems to be pretty knowledgeable on it so i hope that'll give us like a good basis of what's going on but he also just sent me some links that we need to talk about no no no hang on there's one here's the other one there's the second one and then finally here we go sorry i know this is a little mismatch but i just think this is such important info that like we all need to get on the same page with and try to spread like accurate information to what's going on here we are all right good good good all right i am good i believe on my end i'm gonna oh hey josh can you hear me yeah i can hang on i'm just getting your audio turned up so everyone else can hear you um just to preface this hey everyone on the line we have joshua josh do you like josh or joshua man honestly it doesn't matter whatever you want to call me all right we have josh uh this is his twitter account throw him a follow he's kind of the guy that seems to be breaking this information about uh darkpool's ats specifically related to amc and i was just telling chat to be completely honest i was trying to study it figure out what's going on and i'm i'm pretty confused about the situation i was like looking at some of this and i get that it's a little bit old data but more of like i think we're trying to look at the the trends and really what's going on so just if you want to like preface this of just like high level view if you had to explain this to like a smooth brain space ape how would you start us off yeah so like the biggest thing is understanding what otc trading is so otc trading or over-the-counter trading is i think where the biggest confusion is coming in at is the that otc trading is the same thing as dark pool trading so over the exchange trading is meant for smaller companies that do not meet the requirements uh to be listed on an actual exchange like the new york stock exchange so these are going to be smaller companies and we're talking about like you know penny stocks and you know companies that you probably would never even heard of if you are not trading uh off the exchange and so that is what otc otc trading is it's off the exchange trading it's specifically meant uh for smaller companies that don't meet the requirements to be listed on an exchange to be able uh to to trade their shares and allow other people to invest in their company now the thing with this is is that it is i i say very little regulated that i could probably say it's not regulated at all um and i think that larger companies and this is nothing new like this has been going on for a while i think that just because no one's been talking about it and it may have been talked about in previous years and it's now just being brought back up but i think that larger companies that are listed on exchanges notice this and there's nothing in the laws there's nothing that the you know sec the dtcc or you know any of these umbrellas of so-called regulation that says that if you're listed on an exchange that you cannot uh trade off the exchange or oh do otc trading and so that's what we're seeing now as we're seeing and the biggest thing that i've been trying to get out there is that we have these companies that are or these uh you know tickers that are uh listed on a stock exchange and they're being shorted off the exchange you know by these hedge funds now otc trading you know understanding that that it's really just off the off the exchange trading can happen in dark pools or it can happen publicly like in front of our face and so i think the that's where the biggest confusion is is that people are assuming that the two are are the exact same thing when they're not because otc trading can happen in both those spaces and so you know with that being said it's tough to really follow uh dark pool trading and that like that is purpose like that's purposeful like like that is for a reason they created dark pool trading uh they're so called to uh buy big blocks and make these big trades and it's it's really just to not have to be held accountable or to have no transparency and so the biggest problem with that is is there's no paper trail with dark pool trading like you can't follow any of these trades that are happening uh that are happening on the dark pool now if you go back to the other side of otc trading and the things that we can see publicly um i'm matt i sent you a couple links if you want to pull up that first link to to reddit the reddit post that i made yesterday and we don't we don't have to go through this because i think some people have already read through it there have been some other youtubers that have you know kind of went through it at least at least for my my understanding um and if no one uh like you know really gets what's what's going on here we can go through it but what i really want to do is scroll down uh if you scroll down past where i posted the it's like a little screenshot picture where it says total shorted uh short not exempt and total short exempt if you scroll below that it'll say here's the data from 323. so here here are the main things that that i'm looking at and you know we can explore some other things but i i'm limited time so i want to get to what's what are really important um so if you look at the where it says here's the data from 323 if you look off the exchange short short volume and you see under that it's a short exam uh 900k and then under that short volume uh 10 million you go below that it says on the exchange short volume and then under that it says short exam uh 200k below that 4 million the biggest thing that i want to point out here and that i really think that there's something here and this is where i've been spending the majority of my time to get into the bottom of this is if you see the volume on the short off the exchange is higher than the short on the exchange and so my biggest question is why are they shorting amc more off the exchange and you know doing otc trading than they are on the exchange and the craziest thing is is i looked at that i'm looking at one date and so i'm looking at these dates and i'm like okay maybe that's just 323. and and these the way they have the data set up is they have these large files that you can view it monthly or you can view it on a daily basis and so what i did was i first broke it down and i went to to the daily daily volume and if you scroll down a little bit more in the second paragraph below that there is a link uh to uh to finra dot org if you want to click on that okay got it so these are like the and this is like this public knowledge anyone anyone can view this and most you know finance websites report at least some a portion of this data but when you go through these things and when we don't have to do it now if you if you want to do it matt that's fine but if you go through these every single every single data point the short volume is higher off the exchange than it is on the exchange and i think this is where it is and i don't i i hate to speculate and i try to typically err on the side of modest and and sort of modest and not exaggeration but like my only theory and the only thing that i can think of and i'm sure it may be more to it than that that maybe this is where the synthetic shares are coming from because there's no regulation on off exchanges trading um there's there's not an exchange to regulate those trades it's literally two parties trading back and forth and i think that's where we're seeing the synthetic uh shares of being used um and i think that is where where the majority of what we're seeing on a day-to-day basis of this price being driven down is coming from um now with that said you know i posted the link yesterday and you know we don't have to go go to that if you want to click on that finra relate to the dart pool the the biggest issue and the reason that i posted a link and i i kind of put like a disclaimer uh as far as that link is concerned uh when i post it is that like i really don't like i don't think anyone knows exactly what's going on here when it comes to dark pool data and what we're seeing when it comes to these trades happening on the dark pool and that's specific because there is no paper trail so if you click on the the finra link that i sent you it explains this is the page that gets you to the page that i posted yesterday so if you click on it and i don't i'm not watching the live stream so i don't know if you've got to pull it up right now yep i do okay like at the top it says you know finra make start pool data available free to invest in public because you know prior to this article being published and you can look at the topics is june 2 you know 2014 there was it's it's almost reminiscent of what's going on right now you have these group of people and it happened prior to the financial crisis in in 2008 of like people like hey we like we want transparency like we want to know what's going on and so at this point they had to do something so he published this article that all right cool we're gonna we're gonna you know make this public but if you click on if you in that first paragraph you can see it it's got a link it says you know offenders website click on finra's website and you have to hit agree and if you've already hit agree you know to the terms and conditions it'll it'll send you to the you know the otc transparency data the biggest problem with what's with the data that's here like there's no transparency to it you just see a number so even whenever you know you look at you know amc under the otc non-ats issue data and you bring up that ticker and you see those trades um that are happening with citadel securities like there's there's nothing there like you see a number but what like what does that number actually mean we can you know we could speculate and i i have an idea that that may actually just be volume of trades that are happening but the the biggest issue with that is is that like we need to be able to see that as investors like why are we not able to see these things as investors and so that that's my biggest thing and this is something that it like the otc trading and this are kind of two separate dd's on their own that i'm kind of working on it simultaneously at the same time i think i may have caused some confusion because i'm working on two dd's at the same time and i'm posting about these two dd's at the same time and people are thinking that they're you know the exact same thing so you know what i explained before is separate from you know what i'm talking about now because off the exchange or otc trading is exactly what it is it's off the exchange and that can happen in dark pools or it can happen you know publicly where they have to report those trades that are happening and i'm just really looking at the shorts um that are happening off the off the exchange if that makes sense okay yeah so here let me dig into some questions just for like to really get us all on the same page so basically otc off the exchange it can help it happen for a myriad of reasons a lot of the times when i was like studying this like super early this morning to try to get up to date was basically like a lot of the times you have like big block trades or something like that and you don't want to mess up the normal market like there are seemingly some healthy ones and then like you said there's also dark pool so if for anyone watching right now just so you know i have the thinner website up ats uh stands for i think alternative trading system so i believe that essentially means dark pool and then non-ats means non-dark pool so um is is that to get everyone up to speed so like when we're everyone that's looking at this dd of the otc non-ats it's actually incorrect to call that a dark pool when we're looking at the citadel shares of 1 billion that's not their dark pool right that's just their their public yet still off the exchange number is that a proper interpretation that is completely correct these are just off the exchange numbers that are are not associated with the dark pool but they are still off off the exchange okay and um not even in the world of amc and gme what's like the number one like application for this is this just for big institutions to transfer blocks from like one pension fund to another pension fund and stuff like that or etf to etf without like just hitting like the market with a buy order for like i don't know just like an exorbitant amount of shares is that like the main application exactly at least from at least from my understanding but and like i mentioned before like the biggest thing for me is that i think that as as the years go on and as we as you know retail investors as we keep demanding more that hopefully we get more we keep seeing these small steps but you know we we have to have transparency as to what is actually going on behind the scenes and what these trades actually mean because we've seen them take advantage of these systems and of these umbrellas and of these you know uh lack of better term these opportunities that they should not be able to do and they're created for a specific purpose but they abused those purposes just just like with naked shorting like it was created for a purpose for a reason but at this point it's just being abused and a lot of this stuff that we're talking about with off the exchange trading with dark pools and all these all these other things at first they were created whether you know it where it was hedge funds that push push this agenda because they knew what they were eventually going to do with it but it was originally created for a purpose and the sec and these regulators at one point allowed it because they thought it was going to benefit the market and benefit um everyone that you know is involved with the market in free trading but at the point that we're at now it's it just seems like everything is just getting abused and there's no regulation and it it's just honestly it's ridiculous and i would hope that um the sec may be actually uh investigating it and they're doing it quietly and we don't know about it but like like these are big things like these are not like small things and they need to be talked about it's like something need like needs to happen okay so um in terms of facts for like all the stream of everyone listening right now what's going on so what we know as of at least what this update is march 1st that citadel did 3.6 million trades which represented most likely a billion um in in trading volume for amc so obviously it's not like they like it's not a billion shares it's most likely just their trading volume so it seems like that's what we know as a march first and on top of that the key i think an important piece of like just verifiable data is that the shares being shorted off the exchange are actually exceeding it by a factor of almost two and a half to the share shorted on the exchange uh 10 million versus 4 million on just a daily basis this was from 323 which was two days ago my so i think those are the facts that were like hey we have verifiable data that we can point to that seems weird um so my one question though or i actually have two questions now is this 10 million versus the 4 million is that by any chance just proportional like even though it went from 4 million short on the exchange to 10 million off the exchange is there any way that and this seems crazy it's worthwhile to ask is the volume traded off the exchange just 2.5 times greater is it like the same proportion or we don't know that uh we don't know that yet we're like we're still going through the data and big shout out to uh wormfall jim like he like he's been helping me out like a whole lot because it like the other link that i sent you it shows like the uh short volume transaction transaction data and so whenever you pull it up it pulls it up on a monthly and it actually shows you where this data is coming from if you want to pull it up you can but it'll show the monthly at the bottom it'll show monthly sale transactions and it'll show where they came from those first four are located in new jersey that is that's where um finra's headquarters is at and carteret or however you pronounce that new jersey and then you have chicago um and those like trf um those are just uh trading facilities like trading report like they're considered trading reported facilities and that's where they get that that's where this data is being re reported to and so as we're looking at the data we don't really know the the exact ratio as far as uh on the exchange shorting versus off the exchange shorting but we do know that it is consistently higher off the exchange than it is on the exchange when it comes to shorting and then we we also have been able to locate through these documents um how they've been able to short during ssr and short during downticks and uh using what's called short exempt and you know i kind of addressed that in the uh reddit post that i sent as well okay yeah so um i i want to ask a little bit about short exam but also when i'm looking at this list of citadel two sigma all these numbers they're these are the companies who are just facilitating the trades right like so in pretend world your pension fund a on pension fund b i want to sell 500 million amc you want to buy it so citadel is on or like this entire list they're just the people facilitating the trade right they're not actually the owners in any way exactly and what people and there's discrepancies there and i'm kind of looking into this as well but like citadel and citadel securities are two separate things citadel is the firm like citadel the firm citadel securities are the market makers they're two separate things you know obviously same owner um but they're two separate things gotcha and then that now the second part too so um what exactly is short exempt just for everyone listening in so short exempt is where you're exempt from ssr rules so you're allowed to when ssr is in place you're allowed to uh short a stock on the downtick and so you know the biggest thing that i think has been the maybe the biggest topic of conversation over the past few weeks is ssr you know so when the stock price uh drops you know 10 percent then ssr rule uh comes into place immediately and on into the next day um this is meant for so that short sellers just don't you know purposely tank a stock you know um so what we've been seeing is and you know if you watch like level two data um and you you you're a type of person that kind of pays attention to what's going on on a daily basis and you're really watching things you're like it just seems that they are shorting even when ssr is in place and so um when i started looking into it i'm like okay they're definitely shorting when ssr is in place and i just started doing research and i found out about short exempt and found out what that meant the biggest problem is is a lot of these things or these so-called regulations are so vague and you know if you read up on short exam like it doesn't really like it'll mention a few things but it doesn't really tell you who is allowed to be short exempt and so yeah it's real it's real funny but it's it's very purpose purposeful like they they do all this reason it's vague for a reason and it makes it even it makes it hard for someone to even regulate because they don't even know what the heck's going on and so with short exempt like we were able to find like these shares that they have been shorting amc uh when ssr has been in place and it's it's been it's been in the millions gotcha yeah i mean on this channel we talk about ssr and i um i think there's a lot of people within the world of social media reddit twitter and youtube who act like it's um some amazing backstop amazing like savings grace and i'm like i don't know man like it looks like there's still a lot of a ton of downward pressure and in all reality i would have just not drop i would have preferred to not drop ten percent and with that obviously like we have these rules and i think the public is like oh hang on this will help us and i'm like the pressure doesn't seem to ever be lit up so like with ssr i just prefer on a daily basis to not go down 10 because even with it i it doesn't seem to protect us like you said it seems like um and we don't have the specific numbers to do it right now like another thing that's hidden to the general from the general public of like i don't know it still seems like the same normal amount of shorts per day so what is ssr possibly doing for it exactly i mean it literally it's doing nothing like i address it in the post like i like hear the shares here's where they're doing it like you can hear the documents yourself you can look it up like look into a short exempt and what that actually means like like ssr does not mean anything and we can see it like you just said like it looks like it's not doing anything and it's like okay you at that point you're going on a hunch like you know what i mean you don't know for sure but you're almost positive that they're still shorting even with ssr on the downtick and so at that point it's just like okay how do we prove it it's like okay here here it is like like here's the data that says that they're still doing it and the biggest problem is and i think the like where people at a crossroads is that a lot of this stuff is legal like they are legally allowed to do it and so what a lot of people are feeling is frustration because it's like okay if they're legally allowed to do this stuff like what like what do we do now like you know like if they if like there's if there's no one regulating them to stop them from doing this stuff if there's no oversight if they could just you know pretty much have free reign and do whatever the heck they want to do like like where does that leave us and so you know my my biggest thing right now is that the the squeeze is there and you know i don't know if we want to you know take that you know right turn but like that that's the biggest question i'm having so at this point it's just one and i you you know we can't tell anybody what to do like i can't you know i can't tell you what to do and you know i you have to make your decisions you know on your own but as far as amc is concerned the squeeze is there like the the opportunities there the play is there so you have one you got one choice either you're gonna sell and you're gonna leave or you're gonna stay in and you're gonna buy and you're gonna hold and we're going to squeeze the company and and the way i like to explain it sounds very it sounds very uh adolescent but like it's just like squeezing a lemon like the play's there the play is the limit like like like the company is shorted it's but like they're sorry you're good you're getting that's how it's a great ads i'm sorry um like the play is there the lemon like the the play is the lemon they have been shorted but like a company that has been heavily shorted doesn't mean anything if it's not squeezed like you have to apply pressure to squeeze a company that's like that's what it is and that means buying pressure that means holding like it means all of these things and so the lemon can sit there all day at once but like it actually you know takes it it takes the hand buying pressure and holding to squeeze that limit so that those are two facts one either people are just gonna sell and you know go go about their business and hedge funds that are short in the stock are going to get away with it or two we're going to use our hand our holding power and our buying power and we're going to squeeze it and it's it's going to skyrocket those are just two simple facts gotcha so one thing uh that just came to my mind though it's like i get that they're heavily shorting it off exchange but does that shorting off exchange actually apply downward pressure to it on like this public market or are they almost taking like uh like a quasi like derivative bet of like okay we're gonna go down but we're not seeing it um maybe i'm not explaining that right but like when i take a bet against a stock outside of the normal market does that actually apply downward pressure on it oh yeah yeah of course of course it it definitely does like that so it seems that like with this otc thing because it's kind of it's kind of new to a lot of people even though there is no regulation that it has you know for lack of better terms uh not the same effect as far as price action as it would on the exchange that's why my biggest my biggest thing is that there's a reason why they're trading heavily short off the exchange and on the exchange there like there's a reason for it because it still has the same effect on the exchange as it does off the exchange as far as price action and other things that comes along with shorting a shortage stock so that's what i'm really looking into because there is something there and i may never find it maybe someone else finds it before me but my only theory is that maybe this is where those synthetic uh synthetic shares are coming from because if you and i don't you can probably do this on your own you know on your own time or anyone can do it on their own time if you pull up those uh monthly monthly short sale transaction files um they're large they're extremely large so you you know you may have to kind of work around getting those downloaded but the like the volume as far as shorting monthly has been ridiculous from february to january and so i i think there's just this from my from my just two days of trying to go through all of this crap because it really is a lot like there's a missing like i'm i'm adding pieces to this puzzle but they're still missing pieces to the puzzle gotcha yeah i know that's fair i mean like i said i felt um i think it's from sunny in philadelphia that scene where he's like crazy drawing the lines and everything like i've been up since three this morning trying to figure out and i was like man or like just because i saw people like talking about this people were messing with me i was like i don't know this is so new and crazy and i've been involved with the market for years now like the like pretty much a decade i'm like this is crazy still like it the fact that it's this foreign to me for everyone listening right now if you're like what is going on i feel the same way and i've been doing this for years it's absolutely insane and it's just whether it's legal or illegal well that's our laws like and that's a whole different question of if it's moral two very very different things but i think the biggest issue here is just how like unknown and how much mystery there is involved in it and the fact that we have to like be a borderline sherlock holmes to get a single answer to then decide if it is good or not yeah it's so funny because same here like i've been training for for years and like a lot of this stuff like i've never seen is it's you know somewhat new to me like and the like people like how did you get on this like you know rabbit hole it was funny because i i got on this rabbit hole because so i'm having a conversation with a friend of mine who's invested in amc as well we're talking about like you know dark pools and all this stuff and he's like oh that's a conspiracy and i'm like no it's not he's like yeah it is i was like well okay i'm gonna prove to you that it's not a conspiracy like these are like documents and things that you can find like on your own they're made to the public and people have applied pressure to the sec and the government to provide this data but what it is they just keep throwing they're not even throwing you a bone like you know every five years they'll throw you a little scrap you know you make some noise and all right we'll get them to shut up and we'll throw them a piece of a bone another five years people you know you know make some noise like hey what's going on you know and you can see the track record of like how you know little data they keep providing you know every five to six seven eight years whenever stuff like this happens and it's like it like it is very strategic what they do they hide behind the language they hide behind the documents like they like they make it so hard to find this information they make it so hard to understand the information that they hope that none of us ever read it that none of us ever go through it and even if we try that we don't understand it they do like that they do that on purpose like that is very strategic it's not by accident like they're hiding behind all of this stuff yeah definitely seems that way well i definitely want to be respectful of your time but before you go if you could just clarify for everyone as of now what we kind of like theoretically know about the currents or actually no like quantifiably know about the current situation and then like where we're theorizing like what's that line if just like the facts versus of like okay this is what we now think of of the facts if you could like wrap that up for us yeah you know i i think the biggest thing is is that we're still on the same trajectory as far as um amc being shorted the facts that we know is that there is off the exchange trading even though amc is listed on the exchange and so that is the biggest discrepancy and looking at those uh those numbers and the data that they are shorting amc more off of the exchange than they are on the exchange and we're trying to get to the bottom of why that is the next you know thing that we've been able to prove is that they are shorting during ssr that has been the biggest question are they showing during during ssr yes they're shorting during ssr they have been short exempt it is so vague that you can't really understand what uh you know a company is able or a hedge fund is able to be short exam it's so vague that i don't even think it can be regulated at this point um but those are the things that we know for fact the other fact that we know is that there is uh not only trades happening uh over the counter or off the exchange there's something going on with dark pools the biggest problem with dark pools right now is that they're it's very purposeful purposeful that there is no paper trail and so we can look and look and we're still going to keep looking um we're like we're not going to stop and it's me and a few other people are kind of working on this stuff um but it's just tough to follow and so there's no hard facts when it comes to to dark pool training but there are hard facts when it comes to off the exchange otc trading gotcha okay that is a great wrap-up obviously you are more than welcome back as we get more information if you want to come back on here obviously we have a way of contacting each other i like truly truly from the bottom of my heart appreciate you doing this on such a quick notice i was going nuts this morning i'm so happy you were able to explain it get the facts out because i feel like in the past 12 hours potentially not purposefully but just some information got out that maybe not the most accurate so the fact that you were willing to come on and clarify some of this it means a lot to me i'm more than willing to have you back it's been awesome let me actually drop your twitter one more time just so everyone can see it uh this is josh's twitter uh it's the guy who's speaking right now helping us all out here's his uh handle but once again josh uh thank you so much i'll be talking to you soon man thank you thanks man thank you have a good one all right you see man bye all right that was josh uh here is his twitter hardcore information of what's going on um it did answer questions for me but even there what he was saying himself is that um there's still unknown aspects to this so one thing to clarify actually not a dark pool uh it appears now that there's two forms of kind of off the exchange trading one to dark pool that's ats alternative trading system the information we're looking at right here is non-ats aka non-dark pool right here citadel these are all the people who just facilitate the trades as in citadel citadel facilitated 3.6 million different trades that represented 1 million volume not individual shares like that was the total volume so the trades multiplied by like the average shares per trade is how we get up to here um what i thought was most interesting myself is like as i've been telling you ssr doesn't seem to be doing diddly squat for us but what was very interesting is this article here is how the short volume per day is consistently bigger off the exchange relative to on the exchange by a factor of 2.5 that would make sense if the overall volume traded off the exchange on a daily basis is 2.5 times greater i highly doubt it is i asked him that we have to get more information on the total volume traded off the exchange but this short exempt thing is insane but overall once again shout out to josh i will be clipping that video and posting it so you guys can just listen to that little interview that thing but very very happy he was able to come on and uh share that i think it clarifies more questions and it sounds like i think more questions will be coming from this uh over the next couple days and as more questions come up as we have more answers obviously we'll be here to see what's going on and just try to make sense of it i obviously i'm not a financial advisor i'm not any of that good stuff um i'm just trying to answer questions that a lot of us have but i hope you enjoyed him being on he was obviously a very very nice guy very passionate i like that he seemed awesome oh sorry i think i misspoke and said 1 million obviously i meant 1 billion but that's just once again that's volume it's just like a crazy amount of volume that's not saying that there's 1 billion shares when you're talking about like um like free float the float the outstanding service that's just the total volume uh so obviously it's pretty active in the world of citadel to trade that many which is roughly about what i think if i do this math right about 300 shares per trade which is in average a quick google search of otc non-ats that's roughly the average trading size the trading lot for this type of stuff is about three to four hundred shares so that's in line with that um once again citadel securities is different than citadel they are two distinct business entities um legally at least i don't know like in practice how distinct they actually are but um man that was awesome i'm super happy he could do that shout out to josh if you're still listening that was so cool um but once again to wrap it up a huge short volume off the exchange it's not dark pull it's just an over-the-counter type thing um and there's still more things we need to figure out but while i was speaking gamestop super strong bounced off of 117 hit 144 right now it's trading at 133 amc coming off of sub 9 hit 10 20 trading at 10 right now well that was awesome either you're a josh or you're a greg i like that that's awesome um hang on let me see if i have everything on my side there we go all right what was josh's twitter again yeah yeah sorry right here joshua james j a m m-m-e-s uh if you guys just want to quickly screenshot this throw him a follow obviously doing hardcore dd it's worthwhile to follow him over the next couple days just to see how some of this plays out he is actively updating um some of this stuff i mean i was reading this like throughout in the middle of the night as confused as could be and i'm happy that he was able to um answer some of it where are we at now in the world of everything amc let's update these to see the current short interest as if this even matters anymore from the information we were learning as if these short shares like on the public markets like matter whatsoever when you could just like short it elsewhere 150k like if you care about these numbers um we all knew this was a fake house of cards before and now uh i think that just like really solidifies it what's going on with gopro am i up money anymore on this i haven't even been paying attention to my trades three minutes two minutes three minutes hang on my computer's now crazy slow let me fill some of these programs there we go okay i think i'm back i think i'm back all right three minutes three minutes market try to get up to 387 got rejected um i really thought once it broke below well it bounced right off of 385. um let's see what happens here on the market did i take a book position on tesla i think so probably knowing me i don't even know what's going on today things flying i know you guys love it though you come here for the chaos you come here for the chaos uh should josh's twitter get added to the twitter bot yeah i'll talk to some of the mods about that morning at good morning uncle mike v all right i'm super behind uh e this is awesome this is so cool oh wow this is amazing all right um just like i said i will clip that later and post it so you guys can like listen to them uh if you want to hear any of it later we'll come out i guess tonight when life is more of a normal thing um hey we have 11 5 of you i don't think i've done this hang on rocket fuel guys i need to track down some coffee hang on one second all right go there we go all right gamestop looking good amc looking good market looking sick what else is going on i feel like i've missed a lot of it like it's a weird day it's like um you know how when you're in school and you have those half days because of like act 80 or parent-teacher conference days and everything's just out of whack that's what's going on with the market today it doesn't even feel like a real day there's too many too many moving pieces all right um what do i want to happen where what are my positions team okay i'm getting killed on tcat i'm still getting killed on tme um i'm up on my spy puts i'm up on my tpgy puts uh i think i bought tesla puts i have gopro puts still is this um okay yeah i do have tesla puts i'm definitely down on these where did i even buy them at okay g and me we're cooking obviously the next resistance is a key psychological level 150. sometimes i say obviously and i don't mean it in the slice whoa gme is not even up anymore what's going on um amc so strong let's rip amc um let's get the next technical resistance on amc um team if you could do me a favor uh next resistance is eleven uh right here resistance easy psychological level we're targeting eleven dollars next um if you guys could uh drop me a like it just helps me out the algorithm there's eleven thousand of you in here we are at two seven we could easily hop up to five you might as well drop a like for josh i mean that was super super cool of them to do obviously all that stuff helps me out the algorithm don't forget to join up with the moon game by hitting that um the subscribe button while we're doing that let me go through and get i'm super behind on these super i'm super behind on these super chats let me catch back up here obviously gamestop amc on the window let's go through this oh wait hang on i need to start just writing a list of what you guys want me to run through that'll be faster i don't like missing any of these super chats all right so we already have av ify oh just so you know uh green colored pencil today obviously because we're going green our portfolios are going green av one of these days the colored colored pencil big business should sponsor me i don't know why they aren't there we go three three likes let's keep that running up uh guys dropping a like completely free uh give a shout out to josh shout out to just a shout out to all of you guys in here it's apes helping apes i appreciate it we're having a good day you know right let's go let's go av ify av oop hang on this colored pencil is getting a bit dull let's switch what crayola crayola are you tired of writing in boring gray colored graphite spice up your writing life by writing in color enter crayola i would be such a damn good spokesperson for this company the ads write themselves what color today i need a sharper pencil all right the sharpest looking one is purple so we're writing in actually it's violet whenever i see violet i always think of that chick from um willy wonka the girl that turns into a blueberry a v i f y a v i f y a v i f y l o v riot right all right we're going to crush these super chats as amc is crushing the chart right now crayola is your life at a crossroads and you wish you could write in color get yourself a pack of colored pencils i don't know why they're only allowed for like children like i feel like adults would be better with colored pe all right we're not going to go off on this tangent this early um all right all right right hey matt can i fast cash pltr we did that [Music] all right i think this is beginner option shader here do you have options on weeble or is robinhood better for option uh but they're both okay um dude read this chat uh i definitely need to give a little bit of preface to these super chat people because they paid for a chat and i'm behind regular moms irons introductory it makes the smell of forest greg mom also pukes out a place on you burns where do you come up with this stuff the amount of short walls are eating up is insane the bulls have enough it's mind-blowing watching the 11-2 oh let's get up to level two like i said i think we're shooting for 11 that's my next target on amc let me bring up the level 2 so you guys can see it as i'm reading reading off screen look at the stocks bruh i'm looking at the stocks gme is ripping amc is ripping this is the ripping round 18 or whatever round we're on i don't know i don't keep count i don't keep up to date on current events uh can i get your opinion on apop a pop got it by the dip just added 100 shares of amc guts gaming shout out miguel what's going on good morning matt any news on btc dropped like 1600 this morning i don't think there is new what's btc at uh where is btc btc bitcoin where is it should be on my list uh bitcoin 51k i honestly think 50 000 is strong buying but be careful with that because um bitcoin does seem to be kind of tied to the s p 500 so if this starts to like actually like seriously vomit you could buy it you could probably get a better price in buying bitcoin uh so just be careful if you think there's going to be serious weakness just be patient and you'll buy it at a cheaper price thoughts on expeve um matt you need to get oh wow i'm so behind my bad my bad my bad hang on hang on team there we go i think ko thoughts on xpiv all right fnko calls again on tiblio alright let's check out fnko i took a small profit from that yesterday a little too early sabr took 130 profit 130 percent nice keith just curious if match and the baby iron their shirts uh jamie we we do that together every morning the baby and i we uh we facetime each other and like hey man what are we wearing today today we're gonna like really confuse everyone like they're gonna be like hey twins uh how is one streaming on youtube and the other one is writing like grammy nominated songs and selling out entire arenas how does he do both in one day um that's usually how things go with me and the baby hey matt please set a time for your options trading tutorial credit spreads i want to ensure you don't miss it keep being real kyle walker 100 percent bought hpr this morning above eighty nine dollars already let's go nice sean don't sell by mc i think at least a year gamestop going up now it definitely is uh we're in 150 i honestly think we're heading up to 11 on amc uh market looking sick these puts better be printing where's my money give me my money market ah man thank you for that super remote uh is vih cell april 16 12 50 call 150 kind of option kind of a sure deal paul i'll look at that chart but never such thing as a sure deal in the markets uh ctrm dylan's life uh can you look at the short interest i mean i could check out the chart i don't know where to get the most up-to-date info on ctrm specifically for that short interest there's been a lot of issues with like the validity of data recently for all this short stuff please look at the institutional holdings map 37.24 now less are you arguing if that's a good or a bad thing do not see josh last name on my computer please repeat sorry my computer sucks diana if you're still having issues let me know again like just drop it in the normal chat get it to a mod or something and i could show you his twitter again i'm just behind josh mom does due diligence greg mom gives josh death threats for doing his two diligents your brokers lending out shares to hedges it seems like the high frequencies by lending them shares out should we opt out for stock landing yes uh i would bad hog thank you for becoming an astronaut joining up welcome to this chaos we call a spaceship is amc a good place to buy at 10 wait for the dip um i mean right now you have some support maybe like the midnight i don't know amc is just ripping today um 10 is a nice level it's a nice psychological level that hopefully there's going to be some buyers at people are saying trey raid uh shout out to all the gorilla gang guerilla gang we are your safe harbor here a space apes when trey has to go to work uh suez canal block for third day may take weeks to dislodge salvage steam enroute to help move the ship watch markets and oil futures interesting thank you for that update curtis still in 25 more gme today roaring biggest hint 11 mil on account just waiting to load gme also took revolut new bank cards theme moon total love that you have two gme okay i think i fixed that that was before did jimmy get added to the s p 500 related etfs no could you explain the recent poor performance of s p 500 stocks um i i think it's more of like why did they over perform for all of 2020 uh from march of 2020 until december 31st all these stocks were ripping and like should they have been so i think we're just getting back to like more of a healthy level it looks like the s p 500 is about to break down team um on an intraday i'm please uh sometimes i i speak before i think i'm not calling for doomsday i'm calling for an intraday breakdown can i get your opinion on rye chart yes r-i-d-e uh that is now on the list uh it was got really hit by hindenburg a while ago you think it's bottom now brandon will check into that ge leaps to 17 september and 20 january ge let's check that out ge's kind of like a slow mover but a consistent mover we'll look into that douglas thank you matt you need to get crayola to give you a sponsorship and tell them you'll do an ipo while they are and that's we can turn into a meme song for the day make her go burr man i just don't know if crayola like would be able to handle the amount of like volume we would push from this youtube channel they'd be like why are all these people who call them spell space apes buying colored pencils alexa play fortunate song that's how it feels where do you see spy puts trending down to great great question uh let's look at the spy bye if it can easily turn right here to be honest like it could retake 385 if it doesn't retake 385 my next target is 383 just above 383. um that's what i'll be kind of watching for but right here 385 is a big fight chris woodward what's going on can i get your opinion on k-pop yeah my opinion on k-pop is there's just too many people like in the group like it's just too many there's not like one person we could idolize at an unrealistic level uh there's just too many of them um it's like they're like little mini singing armies it's crazy um and i also i've read that they have like hardcore contracts like about like what they can dress in like what they can like look like how much they can weigh i heard it's like insane what their contracts say but chris i believe you're in the music industry so you would know more than i do please buy tessa calls i need it to go violently down sent with peace and love also did you peep that wave file jay i did it was hilarious um yeah yeah okay yeah i'm gonna try to hang on can i down j i i listen to it that sword thing um let me get that let me get that jj where was it where was it hey wait you sent it to me on twitter right can i find i listen to it the the swords ah all right i'm gonna have to track that down i did it and i want to use it for when we uh knock off some greg's today amc strong moving moving mr boo lay here yo matt since i am always on cloud nine you have me rolling when you get tongue twisted my wife's boyfriend walks in wondering what i'm laughing at and asking for my boy p r q r ripping can we check the chart yeah mister what's even the fun of talking if you don't mess it up once in a while you know bad doesn't take away from our 180 retail holdings doesn't that show where the 1.09 trades have played on otc uh less not necessarily uh just because it's just like a whole nother market this otc thing um it was email okay that's where it was thank you thank you thank you so for everyone reaching out to me i'm slowly and surely getting to you i promise it just takes me forever i mean i'm just like that kooky guy from sunny in philadelphia when i'm trying to figure information out um and like it's just busy i i usually get to back to people a little bit more on the weekend so if you've reached out to me through email through twitter one day i'm gonna get there uh i'll i'll be responding it just takes me a bit of time but okay i have that wav file i don't know i'm probably already demonetized today because we've been saying some of them curse words so we could just let it rip today honestly nothing's gonna happen to us they can't keep us down now uh if you were trading with cash app please read my last three buys on amc on three separate days i've been charged exactly seven cents a share over market value that seems weird um team team team don't forget about that algo rhythm if you're feeling good about amc if you're feeling good about gamestop show a little bit of love scientists can explain why but with the more likes with getting more people in here to party for the day it's all about those good vibes help spread those good vibes don't forget to subscribe hit that like we can easily run to 5000 we're at 3800 right now um we can do it i have enough faith in you space apes obviously it helps with the algorithm gets gets the people excited don't forget to stretch oh what a day what a day what is sleep i just have too much fun you can restart that's what they want me to do they wish i would restart and take a minute off and let the hedge funds win no thank you dark poolish what happened was a buddy and i posted an amc only dd channel remarking that the dark pools being abused a twitter guy then started confusing it with otc spreading misinfo yeah i mean there's just so much stuff with it and like i honestly you always gotta assume positive intent people are just trying to help and i and i like that and i'm just here trying to like okay like we think this is right this is what this means this is what that mean i don't think anyone at all is intentionally starting to spread misinformation i just think there's so much information out there and then the information we want is like very hard to track down and it's behind like all these walls of mystery and i figure with this platform i might as well try to spread the information that like is seemingly accurate that's why i wanted to bring josh on because i think a lot of people i mean my twitter last night my like dms my email everything blew up because people had way more questions than they had answers with whatever was going on on reddit twitter and youtube so i i was just trying to clear some of those up shiloh matt happy passover happy passover are you single i'm not single but happy passover i will actually be celebrating passover with uh my girlfriend's family this weekend a little insight into the life of matt there we go four thousand one hundred we're going we're going we're going so i just tried my first credit spread can you explain the next step is to get out for a profit thanks to lee uh hayek can you let me know if it's it's a call credit spread a put credit spread your strike price like give me all the info and we can run through it mod me made me so i can kick the ollie oh olliebot there's a bot in here hang on hang on hang on hang on i'm gonna find you i'm coming after you oh here ollie chaser oh this is gonna get excited jeremy here i think you guys should hear this it's probably going to be super loud i don't know hang on i'm trying to play a new new sound clip or uh these bots wait why can't i play it hang on hang on technical difficulties team this will be worth it i promise did you hear that i'm gonna play it one more time open with open with just uh just so you guys can hear it some more oh ally you're so gone bye-bye well bye will your girlfriend's husband be there too yeah that's the person hosting it uh the sword into the ducks the greg's are going to be running scared oh that was totally worth it he's immature i don't like him whatever dude whatever what's your wife's husband like he's awesome man he's so cool like he's just a friendly guy jacked eight pack lots of charity work speaks multiple language he's a really great guy super rich super good looking god out to an og of this jeremy channel jeremy brushing it with the sound effects i need to get one of those sound like board things i'm gonna buy one um just so i can like it'll be worth it you know i'm not a businessman i'm a business man which just means i need a sound board quack quack quack quack greg we're coming after you uh check out thirsty dranks and red butts dd on ansi only way to clearing up miss info the otc is still very important josh found okay aaron yeah aaron can you drop me that link somewhere or just like somehow give me the link to the specific dd you want me to check out do you think spy is coming back up this week um if it bounces off of this trend line i think it could this red trend line this is what i'm watching right here 383 the low 383s it's at 384 it might bounce early speaking of which oh look at that i'm almost up a fat stack to keep the greg's away my once again uh i saw some people talking i there's a lot of confusion about my gme credit spread uh remember a put spread when you have a put credit spread you're betting on it going up uh i sold the hundreds i bought the 97s i i will get the max profit if gme remains above a hundred dollars by tomorrow it's a bet that jimmy will be above a hundred kind of a binary bet are my tesla puts in money yet no no no no they're not uh [Music] cool cool we have a lot of things going on what are these at i'm getting hammered on amc down a cool k 4k not fun joseph singer what are we doing is that uh is that another bot there jackie man amc's ripping so much we gotta readjust the charts gme looks like it's about to move tesla bouncing right off of this 617 perfect perfect perfect bounce not good for me jordan belfort tweeted bounce back baby close the markets we have too much fun here the amount of fun we have should be illegal it's probably illegal in a couple states uh spam spam spam all right let's find this other person matt tesla put course hey guys i think i broke my street i made two profits on tesla yesterday it was crazy hang on i'm trying to track down this other this other hooligan joseph singer what are you doing joseph i find you quack quack quack joseph singer where are ya where are you i can't find him i've lost interest i'm too excited about gamestop about to rip faces off i wish i could play fortunate son there we go we're moving now i just got kicked from greg's stream for being a mat i love that mika becoming an astronaut shout out to mikka thoughts on vxxx call seems abnormally low considering the trash market vxx calls uh actually an even more leveraged way to play that zeb is uvxy if you think the market's about to take a put you can buy uxv uxvy calls or just it straight up and you'll make a lot of money if you think the market's about to vomit gamestop cripping ripping ripping ripping in uh is relevant at this point uh in my opinion no seems to be more wrong than it is right happy thursday king on tiblio what's the process again sell the first buy the second kyle you are 100 right let me just show tiblio really quick um in the meantime if you guys could push tesla down for me that would be i'll be greatly appreciated uh tib leo tiblio if you are dealing this is actually what's going on with the gamestop it's a short credit spread short credit spreads can be calls or puts so make sure you're picking the right one then you have to pick the right expiration date you sell the first number you buy the second number if you're talking about a call so for example if i took this the way you get the maximum profit of 16 returns 78 is if a whatever the stock is stays below 125 on march 16th on the flip side if you're talking about a put you want you still sell the first number by the second number you're always selling the first number buying the second number but for puts you want apple to stay above 111 by march 23rd uh 17 return chance of percentage chance of profitability 78 once again if you're selling selling which is short a short that means selling short means sell long means buy so you're selling a credit spread you sell the first number you buy the second number for puts you want it to stay above that first number for calls you want it to stay below that first number um that's for credit spreads long calls are just a lot of bullish action strong bullish option act trading training activity um at the money 30 days all out long puts the exact opposite strong bearish trading activity at the money 30 days out just so you know these credit spreads they give you if i can load this uh here's the chance of them being profitable and like they have all the other metrics the long calls and long puts they have about a 30 to 35 percent chance of being profitable um and with that being said these credit spreads are definitely tibio's bread and butter right now heavy put against g-e-o someone hates geo what's going on wow they also hate bips like they're betting against it let's check those out wait what are our stocks doing game stop still ripping amc looks like it wants to rip uh so i hope that clarifies some of this credit spread stuff you could do it on puts you can do it on calls calls you want it to stay below that first number puts you want it to stay above that first number you sell the first number you buy the second let me know if there's any confusion about that i have some credit spreads right now going on with draftkings credit spread i want it to stay above 65.5 expiring tomorrow i have another credit spread on gamestop i want it to stay above 100 by tomorrow and i have another one i have a call credit spread on the s p 500 i want it to stay below 403 by march 12th that's how you would read it i know it's confusing i know i'm probably going off the rails with some of you please if there's any questions don't hesitate to reach out does he wear chicken shirts uh mainly duck shirt uh but i would be willing to get into other avian-based avian based shirts hang on something just dinged in my ear did an order just get filled oh i got out of one of those tpgy tpgy making money tpgy when did i get in i bought three puts at a dollar 39 and i just got out of one at three so that was over 100 gain and i'm swinging the other two tpgy let's go let's set another order we're mate it's a money making day team all right let's sell the other one at four i sold one at three i'm in at 1.39 let's sell the other at four and then i'll let one run tpgy getting its teeth kicked in um can i put some trend lines up of course line so let's look for that breakout we're kind of in this wedge thing now on gamestop we're making money money money money money money money money as like trump sues me for using his dumb theme song that'd be funny i would be so stoked if that happened do you know how much fun we would have on this channel if that happened that's that's your moment of making it team team team um spy puts yes i have spy puts the market just looks weak i call it how i see it am i up on tesla yet if i make profits on tesla on two days in a row i'll have to cancel this channel and then just restart because that's completely off-brand as of now i'm still down seven percent i'm in at 4 49 i have three expiration tomorrow this is going to be a day trade i don't want to swing it overnight i'm too far out of the money just a silly day trade that i made before getting on the phone with josh uh people are mad about my emoji game i'll fix that you don't say my emoji game is weak you don't know what you're saying you you'll never see emoji game this strong again in your life where are my emojis all right cat cat cat cat i'm not a cat where's the rocket where's the rocket here we go to 11. eleven dollars we're gonna make so much money and we're gonna hang out on the moon with all of our moon friends and greg's aren't allowed because they really bring down the mood they're big party poopers they're that person that's at the party and stands in the corner and acts all like sullen or whatever that word is and just everyone's like what's wrong with that guy and everyone's like i don't know why are they here they're not having a good time um that's what a greg is they just never ever want to have fun all right let's do let's try the new emojis perhaps the signpost all right someone's saying my emoji game week you're gonna pay for that pal buddy buckaroo there we go all right how am i always getting this far behind on super chats my apologies what's a good entry on cciv my ducklord gamestop is ripping team that has to put a smile on your face the squeeze is over it's not gonna happen uh wrong oh pal cciv uh as the closer to 20 the better so easy this game's so easy the real question is it just gonna rip from here what's the volume should i just buy more gme calls to make up for my other gme call losses uh where's the volume 12 million we're already at 12 million do i want to buy calls now i kind of do team team team team team i wanna buy calls on game stop i want gamestop calls cause i already have amc calls and this is just really fun to play it's like a big casino i do have they're gonna be super expensive we're ripping team they're ripping here we go let's watch 158 here we go kitty cat let's hit that cat all right churchill we talked about that exp 47 spy paul credit spread 396 397 47 i like that um i like that that's a good one the you play it right you're basically looking to hold that till expiration on april 7th and you want the s p 500 to be below 396 and you'll get your max profit uh that's how you play hold it till expirations buy shares buy shares uh why they're both helpful uh if you buy call options out of the money you get a gamma squeeze if you buy shares you get um a short squeeze like they're both beneficial you kind of need both matt you are chasing how am i chasing when gamestop was just at 348 dollars if anything i could argue it's a dip buy does robin hood show you how many day trades you have yes left joshua yeah it's in your account like your account settings sold via ac puts for max daily profit and bought more amc calls for 416. michael i love that oh aaron okay let me copy these channels thank you thank you new york is legalizing marinara on april 1st for re recreational use dispensaries to open in 2022 weed isn't going burr yet uh that seems weird i thought that marinero would be going fur interesting look at this look at all these strong emojis this is just anarchy on this daily chart all right let's save that so i don't have to deal with that again amc rippin 1054 i'm still calling for 11. we are very close to official resistance on gamestop good chance of it getting rejected there obviously we're looking for a breakout though tesla bouncing off of 617 perfect technical bounce morning matt amc analysis on the daily chart um yeah right now we're actually playing very easy levels 10 to 11 10 is your support 11 is your resistance i rolled the dice on livx puts and i'm up 95 thoughts on its chart um just so everyone knows if this is your first time hanging out with me livx like it's been running and i just warned everyone because they emailed me which means that they emailed a lot of other people to um promote the stock like a pump and dump so like you might if you're if you have profits on it if you're long and you have profits you might want to take them because there's a good chance this thing crumbles um for you xxx look for that breakdown of basically five dollars um it might bounce off of five though but watch five dollars closely amc moving love the vidsmat down eighty percent on my portfolio took my last 150 put it into amc 850 call up 40. i'm rich tendy's on me lol keep it up man thank you christopher that's awesome i think nbix will rip any further nbix yeah it could uh you're looking for the breakout of 98 uh and past that you might get a nice gap bill back up to 108 but watch you just have to watch 98.50 still have my sabr puts you in still what kind of exit are you going with price point or rolling it love the channel brother uh matthew great name i still am in my sabr puts in fact i'm up 23 uh i am looking for sabr to fall to uh what did i say 15 maybe maybe 14 either 15 or 14. oh wait now i'm confused 13.50 this low this is what i was targeting um yeah 13.50 so that's what i'm looking for on sabr gamestop pushing this trendline trying to break it out again amc also moving i love it um tcat destroying me tme destroying me other things are looking decent market bouncing off of 384 thus far we've kind of seen this before like just a hardcore like v-shape like it bounces and then it rips so potential for the day for sure um bro you need that total stunt t-shirt i definitely do call debit spread for nndm for 12 17 21 uh mika so basically that's a bullish debt bet if you're doing a debit spread on nndm um if you did it you could target like 15 and make the other leg of it like 20 perhaps gopro i'm still in gopro what's going on with gopro i have too many positions right now oh it's looking weak okay i want i want gopro to break 11. why is this not coming up on recent like it should be on recent because i'm looking at it like put it up here dude come on dude i love the channel man i've been watching every day keep up the great work i love the ta i'm learning btc is dumping more 47 target uh let's look at btc just so everyone knows i own btc i own ethereum um as of now my my first target is 50 thousand below fifty thousand i would actually hold out for forty four thousand uh is how i would play it here we go looking feisty like this duck emoji needs to get moved over here no greg no greggs gregory that are you all right we're looking good i'm still calling for 11. still still still still still all right chris anderson mr anderson thank you well hello panic bought 20 950 calls on amc before the market closed yesterday let's go i love that thoughts on plby could see playboy getting into nfts and price is pretty low all right hang on back to the colored pencils plby p l e y i could see playboy getting into nfts as well hey man can you give me a technical analysis on s o s sir this is a wendy's mr anderson what are your thoughts on c-i-d-m d-i-e-m what will change for me exactly if i turn instant settlement off for robin hood is it a must do instant settlement no that um that might that almost sounds nathan like a cash account versus margin account thing have you ever seen the movie no country for old greggs gorilla gang what would you do if the squeeze happens live right now i would pee my pants team just straight up i would be upset that i don't have more gamestop calls if the squeeze happens right now i mean i have gamestops calls and i've just played them horribly i'm down 93 i'm down six in that like if if it does squeeze i would actually need it to go above 250 so like i would need the squeeze to be like a mega squeeze but i'm for it because i still have gme shares i have all my gme shares i have all my amc shares i'm in at 156 so i'm now back to break even on gme i mean at like 8.85 on amc uh so i'm obviously in profit on that the potential big money maker for me the way i would potentially make six figures is if gay not gamestop amc goes to like 20 25 um very soon so i have up until mid april but i have 10 of these i paid two each so if this somehow yeah about 2025 that would be like a six-figure play for me and then i would lose my mind like you guys already think i'm like unhinged and make no sense and like i'm sure some of you like worrying about like hang on is it a joke or is this mental health actually deteriorating i would lose all tethers to reality if i make a six figure trade um you think it's goofy and corky that i wear duck shirts now i don't know i'd probably show up to some of these streams in like no shirts and just slippers on it would get weird real fast um but hey that's what rich people do thinking i'm rich with six figures when there's like crazy people with billions i would act like that like as weird as like billionaires act i would act like that with like a hundred thousand for sure you think i have the mental capacity to handle that money no way matt can you give us a tray impersonation of not a dead cat not a dead cat not yeah man how does he do that it's it's always so funny when trey does it it cracks me up how does he do it like the intonation in his uh oh i would definitely full duck shirt suit like a very nice duck suit like a tailor-made duck suit oh my god i would totally do that if i make a six figure trade of course i would buy it um but anyway uh how does trey do it not a day cat not a day cut not a dead freaking cat his energy is just different like i think we're both high energy but his is like it's just a little bit more turnt up net worth sir this is a wendy's net worth like six bucks i don't know do i look like a person who cares about money here we go gamestop next resistance at this point little bit at 168 mainly 185. i'll repeat that for the people in the back little bit 168 mainly 185. dude i want gamestop calls what am i doing do i have money i don't have day trades what do i do he's freaking out folks honey the guy in the duck shirt's freaking out i'm getting hot i'm actually overheating what is going on in my life uh jimmy 160 4-1 bot dip can you go over the important levels just nailed that matthew what a great name um you're making money that's a smart play big brain big bang play from matt never forget start match tractor 211 uh cidm and what is an nft nft uh is a non-fungible token it's just a fancy thing going on in the world of crypto right now all those fancy pantses matt shows up on the stream with the duck chair chair shirt and tractor supplies when he hit six figures uh it's gonna get weird you guys think hey man something's a little off with that guy's brain i hope all of his serotonin levels are right i hope he's not hitting dopamine too hard uh it would get it would get bad fast but i'm here for it that's what that's what showbiz is baby all right what's going on in the discord hello discord uh e e can i like hang on let me just ask you i want to tweet this out but i need to give you the i want to give you props need your twitter alright [Music] should we sell it i think we could sell this as an nft i don't even know what that means it's just fun to say like we're just selling everything as an nft you want those groceries nft you want to pay for your netflix subscription nft you want to buy this stock you got to have an nft just i don't know what it means but i just know you need nfts now are they real are they fake i don't know it doesn't matter you're not asking the right questions the right question is can you make money not does this have a lasting positive societal impact no no no no no can you make money there we go uh amc breaking 11 practically bringing a tear to my eye is this what it's like watching a kid grow up for all the parents out there is this what it feels like to like bring a human like a little baby human from baby form to teenage form to adult form is that is it the same feeling right now with amc and jimmy let me know someone just commented like just random chat like once in a while i look over and i see the chat it's like flying at a million miles per hour and they're like this dude's weird and i just feel like everyone else is like must be your first time on the show here we go gamestop moving the squeeze is over says wall street this just in squeeze not over adam smith matt i love when you're in a good move adam i love when you're in a good mood it's all about those good vibes um all right anyway so twitter suspended me twice not sure why all right so can you uh well how do i give you credit then you let me know how to like the best way to give you credit because i don't want people to think that i somehow made it because i definitely didn't guys team i'm not artistic i did make this though uh where is it this is very important let me know uh i think we could auction this off for a charity this is a drawing though um chair and i got into a big fight so that was like a sorry that i made for chair just so everyone knows amc he's he's a drawer uh we're going team this is we're we're just on the rocket ship um i think i'm forgetting about something hang on quick break quick team break obviously i think i'm just losing it because i i've been up since 3 30 eastern well three eastern um so this is just like what someone like on the last little bits of their like brain neurons firing looks like that's what's so cool about technology is like no matter like the craziness going on in your brain you could just click the button to live stream and give it to the world like in the past like before the days of technology all of your mental stuff it was kind of it was personal to you and it was quiet it didn't really permeate throughout the like greater society but now with technology you could stream whatever you want it's crazy nothing no one's stopping me except except for the big shamrock show i am the big shamrock industry ah i love you know you're having a good streaming day i very much judge like how the daily stream goes the earlier we go off the rails the earlier the better you just do it just helm where's my mouse he'll marry it all right amc touched 1123 it's down to 1092 now let's see if he could hold 11 11 is obviously important support resistance let's see what happens there at this point with gme i'm feeling good about 185 past 185 we're looking at 212. chapstick up team it's hard to travel through space with a [Music] lips no one knows what it means but it's provocative i completely mess that up no one knows what it means but it's provocative it gets the people going oh anchorman here we go dan danny boy dan landry welcome back welcome back to the show uh it's the duck show spectacular episode i don't know what episode we're on team episode eight why not we'll call this one episode eight rick erased 30k of gme lost by dublin down and the nasa shirt go apes what's going on rick like a duck suit look like dumb and dumber oh that those like super bright suits the the orange one in that light blue one [Music] hang on one second team excuse me what's going on uh tesla's moving the wrong way amc is moving the wrong way jamie is moving the wrong way i only want to see green well in those top two not in tesla i want to see red and tesla [Music] on tax contact are the contacts on a phone where are you why does apple make this impossible to find dum dum dum dum where are my i contacts can't find the contacts on my [Music] phone all right what are we doing amc 1084 gme 162. what's the s p 500 doing is that why is it bouncing are we seeing that silly v-shaped crap going on again we definitely are time and time again they bring it down looks like it's about to capitulate and then they just um bring it right back up that's been the pattern over like the past two weeks oh where do we have any buyer walls on amc what's our level two looking like not any ones of note i'm almost starting to think doesn't matter though with all this like off market trading can you check out costs um yeah all right let me go back to these the chart requests that i've been writing down this list is getting big costs been in class all morning just got out came to see matt in the gang with our stonks ripping gonna be a good day boys i love that william positivity only my put on jimmy at 128 sucks right now good thing i have to like bro first i need my own chair and ducks if it hits six figures i'll personally get my son's brand to make l d n b x b mackwehr's ducking collection i love that one should i sell my 1050 calls on amc or wait wait brother i would wait hey tom just joined the discord oh i forgot if you want to be a member of the moon gang discord it's in the description of this video it's through patreon uh check it out it's about 500 people strong really fun community oh randall the emcee game is like when your kid says your first name instead of your wife's boyfriend's name i just spent five dollars to say this i'm taking my characters less i love that cos we'll do that when is baby chair being born we'll find out tom new member here how about a shout out shout out to tom thank you for joining the moon gang discord honestly i will get anyone who joins the discord today obviously i will give you a shout out why not it's a good day it's positive vibes anyone who joins the youtube membership you're gonna get a shout out i'm just gonna shout out random people in chat it's a good day you gotta spread those vibes it's obvious that hedgies are taking this on a roller coaster trying to shake paper hands we must huddle even when things look bleak look at the volume today the volume is already pretty nice it really is um where are we at gamestop already 21 million yes the average volume is 19 million and obviously we're not even it's not even noon amc's volume is 65 million already average volume 114 i think we're gonna eclipse that we just need to get this baby above 11. remember that is resistance the rsi is most likely blown out on the intraday chart so um it it's okay if it has to take a little bit of a breather a breather is good because then it allows it more room to run carson olsen shout me out there's your shout out all right let me go through unsubbed didn't know you were a big chapstick show i'm a chapstick shell i am a um big shamrock shell lots of shills just the duck industry as a whole this entire thing is funded by the duck industry they're like we need more interest in ducks let's hire that kid matt he has a boring channel let's turn it around um yeah big big duck sell out here wow i'm missing all these super chats hang on bought a hands a hane shirt a couple days ago put it on ripped the sleeves so i just bought two puts on hbo is this how trading works matt been here a few months this is my first super chat urgent apes turn off stock lending program in weeble it's on auto landing uh yeah that's a good point richard turn it off if you're on weeble so people can't short from your shares hey matt love the stream chair calls all day long what do you think about ge puts 11 521 track big resistance at 13. joe uh that is on the list uh someone else just about asked about ge calls so we'll dive into ge xxx what's going on something is wrong i think my portfolio is sick or something it's in the green tiblio check all right yeah we will go through tibio team 300 likes away from 5k fun psychological level to get through it does get other people in here it helps with the stream um just without engagement obviously youtube more people that interact whether you're hitting that subscribe button dropping a like or leaving a chat all that engagement helps get more people in here help us space out matt you say something hello i don't speak spanish jessica martin thank you i'm only down 1k now this is great what's going on oil field trash hey matt number one fair fan here you miss my super chat uh which one i just read that one sorry if i missed it it's been a crazy day team we're all over finally buying the dip worked it's obvious that hedgies are taking this roller coaster yep uh i promised my wife i wouldn't spend any more money on super chat how in when did you find out likes in gme price are connected also is it a good time to buy crypto or do you believe it'll dip more i do believe it'll dip more and mark uh i found out that all this is connected gme and amc uh just because it's good vibes i mean it's just good karma uh good vibes always win uh good guys always win that's when it's over is when the good guys win um so good vibes good karma obviously it's gonna help it go up because the good guys win when the roosters are crawling and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture um okay let's fly together edgy's just desperate as lord bagged enough will have their souls if the squeeze gets close hold the line fear not hedgie nor his greed austin uh i got your message i will be responding wishing everyone positive vibes and huge gains today if you buy five puts at once and close all five on the same day is that one day trade or five go apes it is one day trade you can actually sell them individually if you buy them all at once and then sell like two and then three that's still one day trade because it's it's just the opening and closing of a position mark west becoming an astronaut shout out to mark west welcome aboard all right let's go through the list um of like requests for chart analysis then we'll check on tiblio lots of things to do lots of things to do uh oh thank you so much for those 5 000 likes uh thank you for everyone for subscribing did anyone else just join the patreon i don't think so yet um what's going on with tesla tesla not cool dude um amc update i could leave the amc level 2 up here so you guys could check that out uh maddie member for like two months you keep up my spirits through all the bloodbaths so shout out to cherry mcguire and dr nfts for the win um all right let's do some of these daily chart analysis i'll leave this up just so everyone can check it out all right first one let's go through this list it is a big less cidm we'll go through and quit see idm it's moving uh but you're looking for that breakout at 220 good chance of a rejection there right now the bar is an inside day so there's not like much info that you can get from him mr buule here thank you for joining mr boolay i love saying that name cidm awesome prqrprq prqr ripping don't chase it um i what is this another nft announcement like the breakout came at 6 30 so like you're a little late to the party if you're chasing this one now um ge okay we have people betting on both sides of ge um ge's currently looking weak i think there's the next support is pretty much 12 uh so i won't be doing this now someone was asking about calls for like quite a bit out on 13. i think that's a realistic bet depending on how far you go out but overall ge i mean we're seeing lower highs higher lows it's just consolidating so either you just have to wait for consolidation to end and then you'll get a better idea of the next major leg for ge but overall ge is kind of like a slow boring mover um so just be careful with that um i think there's just better swing opportunities in the market than ge ride uh this was suffering from a hit piece austin joining the patreon shout out to austin welcome aboard welcome aboard um ride got absolutely demolished because of a hindenburg thing um and obviously people haven't been dying buying it back so that's not good uh eventually i do think that lordstown motors workhorse will bounce back but uh i would like to see a bit more momentum before i put my money on it okay ctrm ctrm remember um someone was asking about the short interest i i don't know how to like accurately track down the short interest for ctrm but overall i don't think any marine shipping company is a good long term play that doesn't mean you can't make money on it in the short term though especially like say right around here if you get in at 66 cents play a nice balance like get your profits get out shipping companies they have nice movements but it's like they're very quick and rapid they shoot up and come right back down so basically you're trying to get in ride it for the shoot up take your profits and get out i wouldn't argue that they're long-term plays i think ko another tiblio pick from yesterday i was told that it's on it again on the list again today kind of weird honestly not moving much today it has resistance at 20 i would want fnko to break out above 20. um okay how's cost doing a lot of people asking about costs ryan hamblin uh thank you for joining shout out to ryan is moving um i know this is another like people are interested in it as in there's a high short interest people are excited about a short squeeze from a technical level i would like it above 30 but if you're looking for a short squeeze play i still strongly believe gme and amc have a better statistical chance of being squeezed but cost does look like it's having a nice bounce back sos i'm assuming sos riot all those are down today because bitcoins getting hit um oh so a gap down and is coming back um nice technical bounce off of 520 um so you could use that the intraday low as your risk point other than that you'd have to use 420 um maybe a playback up to eight dollars but with this one i would actually care more about what bitcoin's doing than sos itself if crypto has strengths i would think that sos will have strength um plby what's going on with playboy that like an actual stock i didn't know playboy was an actual stock um it's getting hit um someone was asking about it getting an nft is very possible for now until that announcement the stock looks pretty weak i would actually want to short it down to sub 16 which isn't much so i probably just want to trade it uh vih another very weak one what is going on uh if this breaks below like 1180 i think it could actually come back down to whatever this start was what is this like a failed spat deal or something this isn't looking the best xpev uh getting absolutely annihilated really here we go gamestop waking back up still calling for 185. um let's look for amc to retake 11 11 is resistance 185 is resistance let's get going on gamestop i want gamestop calls do i have free money when will i ever learn my lesson lesson lesson probably never whatever let me get through this list before i get distracted again we're all over the map xpev looks very weak uh the next opportunity i think it's coming down to 25. it could catch itself at 30. so watch 30 if not watch 25. um apop a pop very very bad pattern it gaps up and then no one's buying the gap up that's weak um i would almost want to do a gap fill back down to 370. when it things gap up and then people don't buy that new price that's not a good sign a pop riot same thing as sos probably weak today because of bitcoin um looks like it is bouncing off of 38 though so if you can hold 38 interesting but more so you'll get a better indication of riot mara canon all those sos the nine more so by watching what bitcoin does uh l o v what's lov doing lov looks like it wants to break out watch 622 um this thing could get moving that's an interesting play it looks very bullish to me above 622 i think this thing could really rip at a minimum i would want to play it up to 7 30 and then i watch 840. but watch for this breakout as 622 625 worth a spot on your watch list uh av ify a b ify advanced info something uh ugly awful avoid it low volume unless this is just the wrong stock but uh super low volume play it's not traded i would avoid it uh oh team rut rose spaghettio um so here's what's going on with the s p 500 usually when we see selloffs like this they've been caught right away and then it's just like a hardcore v-shaped recovery like all intraday this time it's now showing weakness if it can't retake this trendline you might want to get some puts rkt someone just said hang on now i'm already behind again go behind so quickly hang on i need to see what's going on in the discord okay 100 how it feels um okay but feel free to tweet it out but i don't know if anyone can follow me currently twitter case open i don't know um if you you like it lol no i definitely want to give you a bit of credit this is awesome hang on let me download this picture wait why can't i download it how do you download it all right hang on one second team what is my email never ever remember why does this not work gamestop 167 amc 1083 all right uh e uh just emailed you or dm do you email me that picture um where are we what's going on what's going on what else is going on in chat dqr halt don't forget to soundboard a gamestop see link above also some good red i just i can't e i can't download it from here open original oh you have to open it and how do you download it all right i'm getting somewhere team where's the download this is just the original why can't i download i'm trying to just show everyone this awesome picture this is i'm excited to get out yeah i think emailing it to me might be the best option anyway awesome picture excited to show everyone why are there so many people there's a big correlation between people in the discord and on my chat who also get banned from forms of social media like a concerningly high correlation maybe were the problem so pr q p r q r is it a volatility halt or a um what kind of hall is it ryan austin where are we at all forms all right here we go awesome picture twitter time social media time this this will definitely uh help these stocks go to the moon there we go there we go all right gamestop update 166. they're both kind of trading flat honestly i think this is okay because what it's doing is let's rsi five minutes so see this is okay it very very much is you're gonna see this a lot um the rsi too much bullish momentum it needs to take a bit of a breather so this is common it shoots up let it take a breather so the rsi can come back neutral and then it'll have more room to run again very very common and honestly this is uh resistance i don't even know this trend line was here so we just got knocked out a trend line the rsi was overblown this is very very much okay i'm assuming it's a similar situation with amc look at that um our side was blown out the it's just taking a breather it's okay normal normal action as much as we want them to stonks don't just go up all right let me go back to twitter all right awesome this is what someone just made a a discord member check this out this is so cool this has to be a good sign why is it not showing up i just tweeted it here it is get the chair i'm not ducking around oh this is so awesome thank you e um i'm not ducking around oh the clark kent ripping off the suit there's just so many layers to this beautiful piece of art thank you thank you that's awesome all right back to business uh gamestop taking a little bit hit once again completely okay support at 150 the rsi is cooling off not a big deal not a big deal all right where are someone else had questions in the discord in the works ah this is cool too you guys are so creative austin i'm excited for that what are your thoughts on syf let's check out syf syf um potential solid dip buy honestly at 38 solid risk reward just be careful it might have a tough issue getting above 40 50 a breakout at that level all right back to business tesla's going the wrong way i didn't what's uh gopro and that stuff up to probably get out of these tesla puts coming back with vengeance gopro not doing much dpgy that's the one i'm shorting right i should just get out of those take the money and put it into something else how's viacom looking today still below 69. crazy viacom what other ones have we geo that was a big geo this was a big biblio again but for good reason this looks weak i would try to play it down right above seven this looks weak the i'm assuming the options market is probably kind of like dry for it though so even though it looks weak we might not be able to capitalize on it all right um amc 1048 gme 156. all right let's go over some of these super chats now that i'm once again missing what if it won't let me buy a call spread on e-trade is there a certain price type i should be choosing suggesting net credit suggesting a net credit limit spread kyle yeah that sounds right like they call it like different stuff but uh kyle you're also gonna have to have like pretty much the right permissions like there's different levels of options permissions so make sure you have the right one on e-trade are hedgie's trying to keep us under 11 or are people selling some profits a lot of things i mean 11 was already previous resistance it's a good area to take profits the rsi was overblown i'm really not surprised we were rejected at 11. um like it was just like you can't have like an infinite amount of bullish momentum it makes sense that we hit it we're cooling off we're looking for that next test of it oh that's not good wait i'm playing these for next week so i don't need to get out of them right away the s p broke this trend line which is now bullish i think gme is spooking the really big money and i don't mean hedge funds they left the ns because of this pardon nonsense long-term harm may ensue possible shampoo is better it goes i'm first and cleans the hair i love this community they make me lmao all day let's have a party one day i'm willing to travel keep up the great work i think that would be such a blast i'm game so easy to talk me into anything though diamond hands for those who bought gme at 500 does dark pool trading happening during the market can this explain big drops without volume um it does happen during the market yes um but for drops during the market i'm not sure that was like the one thing i asked josh that like it was a little confusing of does trades off market impact the direct market um i was still a little bit confused about that so i would like to dive into that one a bit more so i can't give you definitive answer awakening uh how's rkt doing someone just asked about rkt still looks pretty weak but maybe it's so weak that it's time for a bounce play but honestly it could also easily head down to 21. i don't think rkt is really a trade at this moment dom check the chart let me know your non-financial advice uh tom if you're listening to me um the way you connect to discords through patreon just click on my apps you should see an option that says my apps and that's how you get connected if you're listening or anyone that's having issues with the patreon discord connection it's all through my apps and then you'll see an option to connect to discord zom nice bounce off of 150ish uh good risk to reward play honestly quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack we're hitting the market with a flying v today boys benjamin thank you bye amc break the wall chair is my wife's boyfriend josh diaz good vibes only i love that josh it's lfg let's get the energy up my fellow apes what's up matt yo matt thanks for doing this all the love every day what's your opinion on psychedelic market specifically and new mi mmed um i don't i think they're kind of the same as cannabis of like a good long-term play one day they will be legalized one day those stocks will do well but maybe not in like the immediate short term so like i would look at them as more of like a longer term investment i have an unrelated sentimental duck tattoo a constant reminder that i'm in the right community wildlife biologist they duck trader i love that see the snake lady tiblio cx416 calls thoughts all right let's check out cx uh okay looks like gma and amc are starting to bounce cx don't like it that much uh because it could keep selling off clearly the bears have been in control um it's just not a play for me i would like to get it closer to support please put this fat stack of 199 on gme you got it backyard music matt i have 6k to spend on amc good level to buy at i need to average down from 1 300 shares at 12.25 um i mean it's just all up to you like what support like technically now 1045 is support 10 is a good support i don't know if we'll get there i don't know how it's gonna play out but um tennis support 1050 is a little bit of support 11 is resistance you can play those technical levels obviously this morning was like the best buying opportunity uh possible to have a chat about tilray rebound possible or likely have calls expiring april 1st 28th nathan i don't think you gave yourself enough time one day i do believe that till ray and apha will rebound for sure i just i don't know like we're not getting that reaction we all expected to the uh new york marinara like legalization you could play a nice bounce off of 20. i think cannabis will kill it one day i think we just need more time disney takeover amc they own the biggest movie franchise maybe um good it's amazon like there's all those suspicions uh but let's see how it like plays out i suppose can't like confirm nor deny all right the market is looking very very strong um i just i'm trying to pay attention to these spy puts might want to pull them out take a small profit move on with my life steve on get the chair ducks rkt put up 125 percent hold on for zero profit like matt tyler i like that powerbot gme amc what's going on ralph uh 28 gme shares bought at 150 oh 28 jamie shares buy order at 151 did i see that no i didn't uh i don't think my level two goes that like that deep but that's awesome if that's a nice wall nndm short squeeze is nndm running today uh not not really this isn't a short squeeze but uh it's moving i like it it looks bullish but that's not a short squeeze amc 14 call 326 should i close today or run it i mean you might as well run it derek because you're so close to zero anyway like what do you have to lose my opinion should i buy more amc and to the moon uh all up to you team remember i'm not a financial advisor i can't tell anyone what to do i just show you what i'm doing and uh try to answer some questions for people but can't tell you what to do they're looking bullish to me though i mean amc is up 17 today gme is up 31 today looking bullish nndn please it's going crazy yeah it's looking very bullish it's not a short squeeze though it's just a low flow people are just buying it i'm bullish on nndm i have a position i want it to go up it's just not a short squeeze all right i think i'm finally caught up on super chat super chat what's going on in the discord any news on vizio i just know it's ipoint today i'm not gonna trade it just because i don't trade new ipos i just sold an ipoe 15 put if i'm okay if it exercises what do you think about my chances so if it exercises if a put exercises that means you're selling ipoe it's your right to sell uh what do you think the chances are i p o e what are you looking at oh you you got rid of it okay 15 april 16th yeah i mean it is looking weak looks like it was going to go in the money i think you made a good call t-cat how's t-cat doing still trying to hold on p-cat battling back hit 40 almost 44 this morning t-cat t-cad alert team dlph what ep wait dlpn yeah the lpn um kind of weak jfin all these nfp plays not looking the best okay why does it always pick the wrong one hofv coming back interesting uh t-cat actually kind of looking the strongest out of all the h f or nft plays i understand elementary supply and demand but could you explain what would happen if hedgie's purchased all the shares they had to assuming the diamond hands are forever um it would just i mean i don't know the outstanding size but like the stock would go up considerably considerably considerably dark wing ducks got no love from dark pool ducks sell your tpgy what's going on with tpgy i i had an order uh for the second one i took some profits all right oh it is turning around all right dpgy it's just cancel order okay that is way too loud in my ears do what are we trading at 242 all right let's try to get out at 250. other two we're just locking in some profits profits profits profits i don't want that to like blow my ears up again uh i kind of feel like i should get out of these spy puts for the time being maybe not i'm watching like i'm just so this is bullish a trendline break but then is it going to be a double top rejection same like this looks the exact same as tesla right now so i'm just watching this to peel off take the profits while i have it i'll see if these get filled i just get out i'm not going to lose this trade over 20 bucks all right so i locked in i don't even know uh so i sold one at three which was a gain of 160 and then i sold two more 240 which together was a gain of 200. so almost 500 bucks i think i don't know no one said math is my strong suit so lock those gains in cool cool cool money money money money money uh i checked fnko mike uh it wasn't looking the best like i just it didn't look as strong as it did yesterday it was an inside day go to the daily chart like i think fnko looks better above 20. it's just like it was in the previous days bar already um we just need that follow through above 20. thank you for that super chat long time no see how about them two billion fake shares julian we actually did a full full talk about that um not it's not two billion fake shares we kind of debunked that we had josh the original author of that on twitter we did a whole run through i'll post like that interview as a separate video tonight um not two billion fake shares though that's how much just trading volume that citadel securities um basically fostered on the otc market so not a dark pool lots of misconceptions going on about like what all that information means but um feel free to check that out i can't like perfectly rehash it all now but um still still some like crazy things going on but um i don't think it's as i don't know i think there's social media is like pumping up the meaning of it where have you been though buddy i miss you i miss you in your positivity do i still have my gopro puts i do should i get out of those team where's my gopro put oh these are coming down that's not cool is gopro ripping that's straight up not cool dude yeah it is ripping what was this uh that's a nice technical bounce i feel like i just like missed my opportunity i'm gonna wait a little bit i'd be more concerned if it successfully gets above a le as i say that it shoots up son of a nutcracker all right maybe patience is to play with that one what's my expiration date i have quite a while and i'm actually negative on it now are you kidding me i was up like 500 bucks from it yesterday kelsey and i share my only fans like much love sure you could tweet it at me click fleek been sharing the merry love with bruce trey and andrew but julian i need you what about me and my needs buddy do i have the maturity to handle you going to other people no ninja dfb liquidated my 401k and got a consolidation loan to get 23k extra powder that's ridiculous that's wild and i truly truly wish you the best of luck all right what's going on amc 1050 gme 161. roaring kitty did tweet let's see what he's talking about oh i don't know if i could play this they're like can someone let me know what that audio is 15 tesla semi electric trucks are expected to be delivered to pepsi this year is that why it ran up a bit on me or is it just perfectly mirroring the s p 500 almost to a t what else is going on in the world you need to send me anything like during stream for notifications uh matt underscore thing i had matt underscore course i just said at matt underscore thing um at matt underscore coors it's the same thing on twitter and instagram if it's for whatever easier for you to reach out to me on instagram it's the same thing hang on maybe they're not moving right now because i didn't update my emojis maybe i'm the problem all right no greggs in vegas now to make sure i get lucky julian i love that hey matt missed my original question earlier netflix is selling any technicals and shorts you can think of to share i'm buying puts nflx let's check that out sorry mr corker yeah netflix is getting hammered um be careful though good shot it bounces at 500. it's an important technical level it's an important psychological level so if you feel very confident that it's coming down like definitely have at it but like there might be some dip buyers entering pretty soon um i would feel better about put place if it breaks below 500 and breaks below this trend line which today would be around 498 tomorrow for 99ish so i would wait for that breakdown because there is a good chance it could just bounce off of this so mr corcor just i would wait a little bit unless you for some reason like just really hate it have at it but uh don't be surprised if it bounces right here oh whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] we're trying to keep the market up you might have to cut this for a less of a profit i'm just watching the s p 500 on this little diddly tesla destroying me of course sorry if you covered this already my boss was bothered to bother me while i was trying to listen to your stream can you check check out hofv of course of course hofber so daily looks very weak the five minute looks more strong uh on hofv you're looking for that breakout of 480 then five um resistance at both of those but bearing out of five we know hofv can like really really run so that's what you i would be watching with that what are you doing what are you doing dude amc update uh hopefully this like little downtrend we have from 11 27 until now is going to be ending soon um it hit 11 23 right now it's at 10 40. game stop trading flat at 160. uh bullish pennant not exactly this is more of a bull flag uh these perfect downward channels typically break upward it's just a question of like when are they gonna break i can't believe g pros doing this to me weird volume spike people trying to i don't know it could just get dumped what's tme doing today coming back not really that was a bad play i was viacom looking viacom still weak that's crazy viacom what else do we have sa vr well they're letting the market fight back for another day came very very close to breaking down but now they're just buying it back up interesting these don't matter these don't matter right these don't matter new trend lines all right we're seeing if both amc and gme can break their downtrends do i have any orders pending no but i'm about to get rid of this spy put i just don't get what's going on i'm questioning is this just going to be like a fake out breakout patients patients patients hey matt my first options trade 11 contracts amc 1050 call what would you do um i would hold i was i would hope for this breakout due to options wondering if this is a good one vih 1250 sell a call for 416 150 an option love the good vibes hang on one second the market is riffing shoot come on all right i need to close this uh do i give it a second i don't want to give back everything i just these upward channels these perfect upper channels are bare flags like the way this is a bull flag and they commonly break upward um that's what we have these are bear flags these commonly break downward i just don't know if i'm gonna be like the sucker who sells at like the worst point uh what was your question um a v i h v ih uh vih doesn't look like it's going anywhere closures 1250 sell a call so paul you're saying you want it to be below 1250 if you sold a call that's what you're saying if you think this is going below 1250 which i think there's a decent chance of um it's a weird chart though low volume i don't really love it amc trying to break out um i think this is going to be like a tough tough like first options trade i really do but basically if you're selling a call from mid april you're saying that you at 12 50 you want this to be below 12 50 by mid april boeing what's going on with boeing nice bounce i mean it's an okay play if you're gonna risk today's low just be careful because like the market the s p 500 can still turn on us today holy smokes it's the baby no it's mad coors or is it uh caleb thanks for becoming an astronaut shout out to caleb is ripping is it seriously oh pro uh not real i mean it's already i need like an alert for gopro above 12. looks like amc is about to make a move a sneaky midday lunch move let's see how new conspiracy theory you're attacking my bandwidth on my phone you're trying to ruin your time in vegas julian well update does look like amc's about to make a move we're watching right here basically well we needed above 1090 obviously but the real breakout my opinion comes at 11. here we go jimmy following also about to test its trend line the party might be back on am i all enough to go i need chair a little bit there we go this need chair slowly in the background as team spirit team spirit all right where are we at gamestop looks like it wants to move so many hours of sitting definitely can't be good all the chiropract chiropractors in chat are like seriously man don't do that gme pushing on that trendline amc breaking out looking pretty smooth with the breakout as well um s p 500 coming pretty close to my pain point i might just take a small small w on this one [Music] here we go about to make some money amc 1065. i want it at 10 90. these are back to break even i guess i could get out of break even up from a thousand down to 34 bucks this is nuts all right i need to get out i don't know how much more pain i can take with the smp come on stop yeah you can see chair better can't you know before you can really see chair now chair is like supporting us why is gopro not on this list when i bring it up commonly team team team don't forget friendly reminder uh join up with the moon game by hitting that subscribe button the and then uh if you guys could drop a like we're at five five there's eleven thousand five hundred w in here if we could hit seven five that would be awesome if two thousand of you could show a little bit of love and support for the fellow spaceshape for gamestop for amc uh be much appreciated obviously it helps me out the youtube algorithm i always forget to talk about that stuff but it really does i would appreciate your subscription like the options pickers pinned to the top of chat don't forget to sign up for weeble this is weibo on the screen now you'll get one free stock for signing up another free stop for depositing a hundred dollars how's harley davidson looking isn't that under hog hog the weird stock to memorize nice bounce play is it a call is that what tibia is saying about [Music] honestly i don't think you need these websites thank you thank you five seven we're climbing can we hit 6k uh where's hogg on this um i would still like to see more i like i want to know where the big big money bets are i mean i guess that's kind of the second biggest one of the day no um arvl is a huge one lots of bullish sorry bullish bets these are all bullish bets people are betting on livx that's just so funny that they email me to like pump and dump them b-i-i-b uh biogen huge bets hog i don't know hog it looks like a like a very respectable bounce play uh gamestop rejected right out that trend line oops sorry let's switch this one i need to buy a standing desk the chair and i can hang out hang out hang in is disgusting [Music] amc holding strong above the trend line uh 10 54. that is uh now it's struggling at 1060 in general gamestop little wedge thing going on resistance support support all at like the one the mid 150s now we have this trend line finally reached my goal of 69 shares react come on what's going on all right [Music] guys stop spam spamming read the chat if you continue to span that i will block you um all right let's go to the super chat see what's going on amc 13. calls mid april not too expensive interesting how's harley-davidson look i mean it does look like just a nice bounce play like it got sold off and they're looking for a bounce off of that thoughts on cost future value no idea about that's costco right yeah costco wholesale their future value no clue does look strong though um looks like it's coming back up to 350-ish that's where i think it's shooting up in the short to medium term for its long term i don't know i don't really know about their fundamentals my wife just saw my credit card bill and flipped out over the super chats also what do you think one call tesla 4 685 a expiration i mean right now tesla's looking very strong there was some announcement about delivering uh the semi like tesla semis to pepsi so people obviously are liking that news but on an intraday basis it's a little bit chasy especially with resistance at 6.50 um you might want to see how like the market digests the rest of the news for the day uh dimitri especially with like the spy being so close to like the spy always does this like it seems like it's been doing this a lot over the past like three weeks it comes so close to like an official breakdown and it almost looks like it's gonna break down and then people are just buying it up same pattern wash rinse repeat and one of these days though it's not gonna work they're gonna rip the rug please check also did you see the reverse sign last eve at closing comparing rsi h a i don't know what h a is i know the rsi was super low and we were just like talking about the realistic chance of a bounce i mean i did that in my update video i was just pointing out how usually like this was so horrendously beat down the chance of a bounce was so high whenever you see the r side this blown out chance of a bounce statistically in your favor uh tesla looking a bit toppy right now please be careful dimitri if you can hold on to 638 can you show me how to sell a put already on weeble i want to sell my gopro put but the interface is weird and it seems like i'm selling a new contract and not the ones that i already have uh so i have my gopro on the other account like for this one what i do is if i want to sell it you just click on close order uh that's how i do it on the web interface i don't know if you're on your phone or what chris so find the one you want to close and close it and then how many you want to close the price blah blah blah close order check out m-e-i-p m-e-i-p looks kind of weak lower highs it keeps pushing on 320. so maybe that's a good support level to play off of if it breaks below 325 i would get out or if you're trying to short it obviously you could get a further south amc pick him back up happy thursday everyone keep your heads up and stay motivated matt do you think gme will hit 150 i have an order for 30 more also any day trades you are watching that way my chair can watch um as of now my no new day trades i'm going to look at tibuleo in a second uh gme hitting 150 i mean yeah we're only six dollars away it's very possible it selfishly i hope it doesn't i hope it breaks above this trend line and rips but uh it definitely could hit 150. hey mon hey match i bought seven calls 10 50 yesterday for amc april 30th thoughts also great stream listening to you every day at work with my youtube premium i love that uh carl so you have 10 50s for april thoughts i mean you're looking good i mean especially because now on intraday amc is bending back up look for it to get above first first hurdle is 10.75 1090 then 11 but uh it looks like it's trying to fight back and if it starts to sell off we'll just take your profits because you're definitely up from yesterday definitely up up up up everyone knows dark pools are legal correct manipulation yep we were talking about that legal yes immoral potentially bmy news today thoughts on i saw the poke okay rlx what's going on king collins check out rlx rlx i would avoid it man this this does not look like a good situation what is this uh bristol myers squibb announces value okay so for some pharma news will you look at bmy and also bby i accidentally bought pby when i started bi bmy so now i both say uh bmy i guess you're just hoping that it holds above 61.75 uh this resistance you're hoping it turns into support if it holds that i think you're good um i don't know where you bought in but your risk reward is like not that bad it's not that good but it's also not that bad um if you want to be a little bit more like loose with your play you could use 60 as your risk bb that's i guess technically a bounce play off the low nines so if you just use like nine as your support on that that's okay maybe trying to catch a reversion play i would like want to see another like tomorrow's bar exceed today's high for a nice like kind of valley look like a more the start of a you ppgy overbought oh it's back to 17 well i'm happy i took those profits yeah i mean people are just playing the bounce off of below 15. tell chris i had the same fear about weeble but the way it's formed is weird but it's right okay chris for you closing out your weeble um yeah some of the weeble interface does take a little bit of time to get used to buy seems like it's at its make or break point see what spy is doing i mean it's just like this these perfect upward channels are called bear flags they break downward the question is just when uh if you could ever see a perfect channel like this and obviously not the best drawing but just up perfect upward channels uh upper channels are bare flags downward channers are both flags so let's see what happens um basically i want to see it test this trend line if it looks like it's going to bounce i'll probably get out of these puts but if it breaks down obviously then i'll hold can you do a technical analysis on sndl i'm holding 300 shares for long term i just want your opinion um yeah i mean if you're in it for the long term technical analysis really isn't going to matter but it looks like you're getting it finally a nice bounce off of what is it the 1 to 110 area yeah this is a good region of support so even if you're trying to look in to get it getting into sndl now might be your time you could risk 15 cents per share not too bad and your potential reward is 150 170 maybe even two but sndl just in general if you're trying to play the marinara industry i think tilray apha and cgc are better plays just because they're like better known companies thanks todds i don't it's like i'm just trying to not get more dmca issues as if today matters anyway though too much swearing already all right tesla i want to see how it reacts to 632 market i want to see how it reacts to 387 uh amc coming back amc looking strong this is what we want to see on amc like we were talking about before it shot up the rsi was blown out then the rsi had a big chance to cool off now we're fighting back so it has more range to realistically run hopefully gme is right behind it let's go uh yo moong gang space apes we are a hundred likes away from 6k if 100 of you beautiful people you beautiful space ape space exploring people uh to drop it like i would be much appreciative thank you very much oh like you thank you thank you thank you what's tcat doing god i i don't i like legitimately think i need a chiropractor from sitting so much my like hip feels screwed he cat waking up kitkat let's see if he can get this breakout chance of rejection of course um but you never know with t cat there we go 6100 you guys are the best the freaking best oh did anyone else i forgot i want to give a shout out to everyone in the discord tom uh if you have issues getting connected i will help you personally but tom mr boule austin ryan thank you for joining that discord that's awesome uh if there's a we go amc uh gme trying to break out right now awesome awesome awesome how's this looking smp must be looking strong because my puts are going to crap super strong just people buying it we see this it comes on the edge of a serious breakdown and they're like no no no we gotta keep the stock market alive you question how many times they could do this i'm 11 2 friday all right cool cool well the gamestop and amc are definitely going the right way for me um the market and tesla or not uh balikin you are right yeah i don't use the ashley that much i know it's okay i just like rsi macd and the keltner those are kind of my go-to's check out a-l-k-s-a-l-k-s i'm at 1400 today tiblio rocks man am i missing out on some of these biblio plays today wow aoks does have nice movement yeah swing it if you could get this breakout above like really above 20 alks might move congrats hang on are there greg's in chat i don't think so i mean i'm sure they're always lurking but hey bali's 70 call 416 this morning already printing money thanks to tibio tiblio is crushing it if you guys i mean if you're trying to get into the world of options or if you're an options trader tiblio it's great i mean people right now all these super chats are about people making money geogeo this was another tiblia play i believe they were betting against theo right super weak geo down hang on but also not heavily traded i think geo's still coming down to the low sun but i don't think that's enough for me to like get crazy about it obvious downtrend it just doesn't move that much like the dollar amount smaller magnitude what is our market doing jesus perfect buying very systematic this is all algorithmic just bye bye like when you see such a perfect pattern any more suggestions for the marinara industry no i still i mean if you just want to play the industry as a whole check out the etf mj i have a hundred shares i believe we can average 25 each eight with say two million apes that's 50 million shares held by us and we say reasonable 100 shares how did you come up with 2 million apes though i mean it sounds reasonable i'm just curious like where you got those facts and figures moon gang thank you michael where are we with smp jimi trying to hold the breakout at 161 amc still strong 1080. this is so just insane i hate when they do this stuff because like it's not normal market action it's just algorithms buy buy buy buy buy it's so perfect and systematic vip options call for a month or two out or but i don't know i don't know what's going on with company oh i don't know so what happened here i would probably just unless you know the news i mean if it's really bad news i would probably try to hammer it down but if people are just overreacting i'll try to write it back up so i want to know why it sold off so bad me ever gonna come back this is so disgusting ah smp can't do this forever does tiblu have strike prices well it depends on how you're playing it yeah it does so basically for the long cause long puts look at the money call options 30 days from now or the puts look at the money put options expiring 30 days from now but once again their main like bread and butter stuff is right here the short credit spreads and that has the caller of the put the expiration the strike the percent of profitability uh max return max loss like way more information for the short long calls long puts at the money 30 days out but obviously you can tweak it in like whichever way works best for you this is their newest thing their earnings call it's pretty cool rlx that one that looks like crap and everyone selling off most people 52 when's that happen tomorrow 52 are buying calls on it and they're betting on a plus or minus four dollar move that's pretty interesting they're looking for a 25 move on lululemon next week um cool stuff it's 25 a month if you use the link pin to the top of chat or in the description of this video you get a 10 discount and they do have a 30 day money back guarantee if you try it out and it's just not for you um i mean i can personally attest to the fact that they're very very responsive if you have questions concerns anything like that um they're very easy to talk to i mean in fact they do every friday as in tomorrow they do live streams so if you have questions you could just check in it's on youtube they have like their own channel tiblio uh so if you have questions about this or that you can ask the guys who made it uh of course i'm more i'm more than willing to tell you how i'm using it and my thoughts but um if you have like a very specific like question of this like that maybe i can't answer they do live streams on a weekly basis amc slowly but surely going up i love it love it i love it i love it we just need more like we had good volume and everything and now it's getting tired but it's also midday um so obviously we're just looking for that to come back the market is still bouncing this is just now getting frustrating crazy all right all right all right there we go we're crushing i need some coffee excuse me for a coffee break excuse me excuse me excuse me slurp slurp slurp here we go there we go team all right gme battling at 160 amc coming up to 1090 resistance between 1090 11 no obvious selling walls though which kind of surprised me uh it looks like there is a cellar wall though oh i guess there is one at 11. we just can't see it yet but you can see it graphically here there's a bit of a selling wall about 20 000 shares on amc and honestly i don't think that's shorts i think that's just people happy taking profits they probably got a little panicked and they're like okay 11 is just a good place i'll get out i'll take my money i'll be happy i think that's like legitimate people just being like i'm done with this um can you go over credit spreads when you get a chance love the channel okay yes yeah yeah um if one of these things really starts moving let me know but let's go over a credit spread okay a credit spread is basically you're you're a short cred a credit spread credit means like you're selling it for a premium you're the seller short mean sell so long call means you're buying a call long put means you're buying a put a short credit spread spread means you're selling a credit spread a short naked put means you're selling puts so when you hear short think so so right here basically if you're using tiblio you're selling the first number and you're buying the second number if it's a call you get your max profit if it stays below that so right here if you bought an adobe call that expires in mid-march to get this max credit of a 19 return or 97 you would want it below 475 you would sell the 475 you would buy the 480 that's for a call the put is the exact opposite you still sell the first number and still buy the second number but this time you want it to stay above 230 that's how you get your max profit so if you think that boeing is going to stay above 2 30 as of april 9th you could get an 18 return or 46 dollars per like contract spread that you sell but basically make sure you're selecting right put or call because it could be both select the right expiration you sell the first number you buy the second number if it's a call you want it to stay below it that first number if it's a put you want it to stay above it that's how you get your max profit it tells you the chance of being profitable um your estimated credit your max return your return percentage your max loss tells you when it just got updated um so right here if you think that alibaba is going to stay above 200 by the end of april which i strongly think that it will do you could get a 10 return um this is the type of stuff that will ensure your like the longevity of your trading career amc and gme are very fun i mean i'm having a blast doing it but stuff like this doesn't happen all the time um this is the kind of thing where you make money off of gme or am amc it's called your grub steak you make your nice grub steak you use that as your trading account and then time and time again you make consistent trades like this like you're not going to make some amazing bazillion percent return trade but if you're consistently making 28 return every two weeks every week every month like whatever you want you get to pick the date um if you're consistently making a return that's how you are a long-term trader as much as you might make on amc and jimmy when things go wild like this it's really fun and games until it's not like as much as they go up they go down so the point is is to like knock on wood you get lucky with one big trade use that as your trading account and then you make nice consistent trades every single week and that's how you'll be that's how you act as a professional trader um yeah basically yeah amc 1080 got rejected the second time here at 1090 rejection rejection so now 1090 to 11 is resistance go get lunch on me take a few minutes look the chair gets some action thanks for all you do rblx is on fire today bought the dip yesterday how's rb alex doing maybe i will go on a quick break rblx yeah that's looking nice a bounce off the 60 all the way up to 69. that's a crazy jump for roblox that's awesome congrats doug i appreciate you being in here so much means means a lot to me all right there we go all right um i don't know if this got demonetized okay here's what i'm gonna do just in case i got demonetized earlier i'm gonna stop this stream and restart another stream like give me like two minutes three minutes find that stream make sure you're subscribed so you can find the next one i'm gonna restart it you can hang out with chair i'm gonna take a quick 10-minute break get some attendees but i'll restart the stream right away so you guys can hang out share you can talk and chat um and what's this one can you explain the exit strategy for a tiblio credit spread thanks about getting a sub yeah um l randall you basically let it go until expiration uh because if it stays above or below depending on how you're playing it that's how you get your max credit is it stays above or below it on expiration you just ride it out um it's pretty easy but anyway i'm gonna stop this stream uh just because of demonetization issues i'm gonna restart it right away uh so just join right back in three minutes just search my channel matt kors is gonna be live very very soon you can hang out with chair i'll be right back thank you thank you thank you you
Channel: Matt Kohrs
Views: 208,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt kohrs, matt kors, matt kohrs live, trading live, stocks, stock market, investing, investing for beginners, amc, gme, wsb, wall street bets, tlry, cannabis stocks, apha, top stocks, best stocks, stock market news, trading news, breaking news, stock picks, stock market live, top stocks 2021, best stocks 2021, bitcoin, crypto, palantir, pltr, amc stock, market crash, stock market crash, gamestop, gme stock, gamestop stock, amc short squeeze, gme short squeeze, wallstreetbets
Id: DtVepYD-ylQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 45sec (14325 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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