Ambiguously Gay Duo: Live - Saturday Night Live
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Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 3,678,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fred Armisen, Bighead, Dr. Brainio, Half Scary, SNL, Saturday Night Live, 10s, 2010s, Jon Hamm, Season 36, Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Ed Helms, TV Funhouse, Ambiguously Gay Duo, Gary, Robert Smigel, cyber eel, Ace, duo car, Lizardo, nothing, can can
Id: xbWpISOIipg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2013
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wow, i do not remember this.
My best friends and I grew up on the 90's era of SNL. Freshman year of high school, and Ace and Gary hit all our buttons. This brings back some fond memories.
Wow - that audience was dead
Was big head played by Tom Cruise?
Gotta admit I dove in front of the screen when the flesh ray hit the car just in case. My daughter was in the other room.
Hamn's bulge was not enhanced
reduced actually
SNL just isnt like it used to b
I want all the old AGD cartoons please
Did Fred Armison play Lizardo?