Amberjack and Shark Fishing With a Surprise Visit From a Very Large Grouper!

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[Music] do [Music] what is going on everybody me and jeff are gonna head out we're gonna go out and try to catch a shark maybe some of the aj's just like can we catch a shark yeah of course we can we got the bait for it now one bought a bonita we got the leftover stingray cow knows ray i mean i'm just gonna find came down here to catch a shark we're gonna catch a shark so we ran out we're probably 35 ish out on a man-made reef here and uh water is blue isn't it isn't it crazy it is it's so crazy once you get out deep like this um so i'm gonna just deploy the motor right on top of them but that's typically aj's and when there's aj's the sharks usually aren't far behind so there's a market fish on the bottom and as soon as we pulled up a bunch of aj just came up to the boat and those are decent sized ones so we're gonna see what we can do i'd love to get them on an aj those are fun fish to catch [Music] we got that blue runner too that's a good good bait now the trick is brother trying to get them in before the sharks eat them [Music] all right man [Music] all right there they are see them all right builder it's gonna happen fast [Music] okay this is your only pinfish we got a couple other baits that might work for this but you ready here you go oh he popped did i say we didn't have enough bait when we left we might be able to catch some more out there here go brother we'll put that in action here in a minute so on circle hooks you don't really want to set them nope you just want to reel and it's designed so that it pops out of their gut slides up and then hooks the corner of the mountain hill and they do generally work all right buddy let's cast it out there and get ready just leave the bale open and let him swim all right let him eat it yup oh my goodness look at them so when do i close it just go ahead and close it i think they got it just start reeling on him you're tight go ahead reel reel he don't even know he's hooked yet he don't even know he's there he does he's hooked that's just a little one too brother [Music] did you get your fish back at least yes just drop them down let them get eaten look at that just hit it right on the top of the water oh and that fun i don't care how much fuel it takes to get out here where's it that's just a baby one too now guys you can see there's a couple of big marks down there those big marks that's a shark 100 positive so the key is can we get him in without getting eaten all right now i would go ahead you got him a little tired just put a little twist on that drag there you go he's swimming up i'm betting he's probably 30 inches or four more that awesome these uh these are they call them reef donkeys oh you just got sharp that was a shark he came grabbed everything you lost it all all right another bait going down this time we got the drag a little bit tighter it's a butter fish now i don't know if they'll eat it but i gotta assume they will feeding frenzy number three here we go yeah just reel reel on them baby i think this one's bigger the drag is tight too that's why now we got to watch for the sharks we're going to watch for the shark that drags tight could be there's other ajs with them it's a per that's a pretty good size one not a monster but come on baby get up here way to go buddy oh you got me all wet well i guess they don't care about the butterfish good job man that's awesome isn't it that is awesome you can grab him i'll get a picture of you okay look at the shark i just turned it off too look at that thing i don't know if you guys can see it but there's a nice shark down there we're going after him next that's a little baby think about that can you imagine what the hundred pounders will do to you they put the hurting on you hold on all right go ahead just throw them head first man just fire him down head first give him a run and start go buddy he's outtie don't get eaten dude that shark was a decent sized one all right i think we need to uh we could throw another bait down there catch another one but i need to get rigged up for a shark that's what i'm talking about all right another buddha fish going down let's see what you got here brother they look like they're all running about the same size so but you never know he own again there is a ton of sharks down there guys we gotta get them in quick here he comes look there's the shark [Music] look at that shark that's a good sized one too that's sharp well let me get rigged up for them let me get you out of here bud before you get eaten there's a shark where is he right behind you oh yeah you better go fast buddy go we go sweet all right let me finish tying before you put another bait in so we can catch the sucker all right we're just going to throw this over i don't want to get it in too far because i don't want to waste it grab a hold of it and it's gone so we're just going to get some stink in the water let's pull the plug on that cooler and let that stuff go right out the back we've got one of the chunks of the skate wing or the stingray wing we're going to use that to start you know what i think we're gonna need a bigger boat yeah that was a bad jaws reference that's what that was all right going down i wanted to save this because this cartilage in here is nice and tough so this stuff will stay on your hook hey how's that knuckle feeling which one oh from the hook it's good so that's going over i just hope that fluorocarbon is going to keep up or hold up problem is is that cables should be like eight feet long that way as long as we're longer than the shark because when their tail thrashes over that mono we'll give it a whirl if it doesn't work we'll just we'll take it all off of there because that drives people crazy in youtube land clickers right here all right last live bait big old grunt we got the shark bait in the water we're gonna try and once the ajs get fired up you know what i'm saying and we start bringing one in all that flashing then the sharks are going to come then they'll find that hopefully so let's send this 10 or 12 inch bait down there they are i see the ajs already i think he just got egg brother look at this spool yup he got a [Music] oh geez look at the size let's get the camera on they're getting eaten look at the size of those sharks oh they ate it oh i'm back oh no something happened here hey he got away how in the world that was crazy he must have just swam straight up all right watch that pole how did you not get eaten i went slack he must have been swimming straight up the water column those are a couple big sharks all right buddy good luck all right buddy i don't know if he's still here or not uh yeah we got a fish you see what we got going on here oh boy that's a big fish bro i gotta take some drag off of that man goliath put it in the rod holder you're gonna take this this is your brilliant idea come on we're gonna we're gonna fight this thing [Music] this wiring yeah this is true all right he's good so it's all up to you just gotta find a sweet spot i'm letting my shorts hold it let's not mess with the drag much [Music] so like a big fish like a big fish well he's pulling the boat now too so we're just gonna this could take a minute uh excuse me while i go get another battery because this is gonna be a while let me see if i can see where he's at on the fish finder yep so i just the thing that's restricting us right now is that's 50 pounds fluoro you know what i mean otherwise we could really put the wood to him and feel his power but i don't think i'd want to no they're strong man do you at least put a new battery in so if i fall overboard like brandon you get it on tape yep i will do that this separates the men from the boys yeah it truthfully does and i can tell you right now my daughter would be all over it oh i see him you do yep oh yeah there he is it is a goliath you caught a goliath i've never seen one of those around here oh that's a 350 400 pounder bro holy look at that so much for shark fishing look at that son of a gun now we got to get him back down look at the size of that thing that's that's all it's probably 300 or more can you ever keep those uh no we have to actively be trying to release him and get him down okay let's give him a little bit of slack we got to do this the right way here here you go we got this monster all right guys i've got to get that hook out so just hold on to this i got to get the hook out look at the size of that thing all right guys now i want to kind of hang on to him okay because we might need to try to get him down have you ever caught one like this oh yeah not lately though we haven't been targeting them we weren't today either all right now all right if he doesn't go down guys we will get him down i've got my venting tool with me he just got away from me now you see the remoras on him now i've seen guys just let them go and they eventually will get down 100 percent i'm gonna go in with him the current below at least i can get a hold of him and then we'll try and vent him here's my wedding ring there he goes he's down he's down he's gone all you just need to get scared evidently i hate seeing them float like that but i've seen guys that couldn't do anything about it and i watched them float for 45 minutes and then all of a sudden they go well that was awesome dude nothing beats fresh but they sell these at west marine good to go they're not very expensive either i don't think see how close that gap is that's to protect the fish from getting gut hooked you know so it comes they can actually swallow it then it comes back out because that tip is curled over and then it goes to the side of the mouth hooks all right buddy quite literally i didn't even you didn't even get it to the bottom yet he's on i don't want to tighten it up too much jeff just take the fight out of them it wasn't down there 30 seconds nope you were still putting it out i wish everybody out there could come do this with us you gotta admit man for a freshwater guy you kicked the snot out of that goliath that was awesome and he says we always catch big fish the last video we did uh when we were in michigan caught one fish what was he 20 24 pound king yeah it was awesome if you guys haven't seen that video go look back it's a thumbnail on him his dad's boat is us holding the big king i tell you what that 50 pound fluoro is uh impressive don't know what we got here guys i think it's another goliath here let's take this off sorry about the clicker guys i don't like it he like i like it too you know when he's running i don't think we ever turn it off on the last one no we probably didn't you get excited you know what i mean it's part of the saltwater experience it is 100 i think i might have needed to start working out 20 years ago [Laughter] they will put a hurt on you i don't give a snot man you get a three four pound fish i don't care how strong you are it wears you out i wasn't even rested from the last one no you weren't you're the one who wanted to catch big stuff oh i see color what is it i'm not sure bro that must be is it that shark you saw when you dove in yeah that i didn't tell anybody that on camera because i don't want my mom to freak out when i dove in with that goliath guys there was a uh had my eyes open and i saw a big shark like right down below me shark for sure the nice one this might be my last one what what did you just say yeah that's a nice shark oh baby look at that thing look at that thing i've always wanted to catch a shark well as soon as you get to that leader just to catch look at that thing oh that might be a big bull shark i can't tell i think everybody should do this once love fishing you got to try this all right now the fun begins one telf flip and he just burned off a bunch of lines in 10 minutes that's a nice fish brother oh dusky i think all right we got to release him all right here we go here it is all right put that rod in the rod holder right there you got to keep his head out of the water you see that's about as close to those teeth as you want to get brother all right you see how they close their eyes guys touch his eyeball you see that that's for when they're feeding they don't lose their eye all right buddy all right i gotta get you i'm trying but them circle hooks not gonna happen [Music] all right that's gonna pop i'm gonna try and grab him by the tail real quick there he goes buddy sometimes if you get under their belly that'll make them just like that goliath did you are strong young man that kicked that thing's butt i love this new pole man we don't use it very often look at that that's why you never wrap your hand in the cable that's one ready to head powerful man what do you go home three days couple days i'll have to get back up there and see you up in michigan hey y'all guys thank you so much for watching god bless you and we're gonna see you guys in the next one we're out
Channel: Vander Baan's Wild Life
Views: 10,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: florida, fishing, amberjack, shark, Ocean, Adventure, deap sea fishing, goliath grouper, fishing video, fishing life, shark catch and cook, catch clean and cook, boat, Diving in the ocean, Amberjack catch and cook, Fishing in the ocean, Center console boats, Vanderbaan wild life, Offshore fishing, Saltwater fishing, Big grouper, Southwest Florida fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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