Amber Heard's Lawyer Tells HER "Truth" About Johnny Depp Winning | A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ Reacts

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we're going to watch the interview and see what she's got to say here we go me elaine charleston bretoff good morning to you it's good to see you first question how is amber doing we saw her hearing that verdict it took a long time to read it was a sweeping verdict for johnny depp how did she handle it you know one of the first things she said is i am so sorry to all those women out there this is a setback for all women in and outside the courtroom she should have apologized to you who put you through all this [ __ ] have you make up make you a laughing stock of the world because you had to repeat her lies yeah she yes she should have apologized to her and she feels and she feels the burden of that well knowing the case and knowing the law as you certainly do it frankly it favors defendants like amber heard are you stunned that the jury essentially rejected her story well you know really what happened here is it's a tale of two trials johnny depp brought a suit in the uk for the same case yeah and the burden of proof was easier for him there the son had to actually prove that it was true and and the court found my understanding is that i don't think that they had to prove that him being a wife beater was true i think they had to prove that it wasn't slander because my understanding with the law is that the press has a different level of of what do you call it they have a different level of responsibility with slander effectively it's harder to sue the press than it is to sue an individual for defamation so johnny depp didn't sue amber heard in the uk this didn't happen they he sued a publication for publishing an article like amber heard was there i mean she was involved but that wasn't what it was that to prove one occasion of violence i'm not sure and also like another factor is that like this is the this is a court of another country like how is this being used as the gold standard i mean it's weird man choose a witness oh yeah for sure um it was against him not in favor yeah no i think so too uk has an entirely different judicial system a lot of evidence wasn't let in in the uk case yeah i just i find this to be so weird that like effectively a kangaroo court in the uk is being used as a gold standard and also i think that people are drawing a a comparison that is misleading and untrue that johnny depp sued amber heard in the uk and that's not what happened he sued the son he sued the magazine he didn't sue her so i i don't i don't know why this is even a conversation there and we weren't allowed to tell the jury this but the court found that mr depp had committed at least 12 acts of domestic violence including sexual violence against amber what do you mean what do you mean like what what what and the burden of proof was easier for him there the son had to actually prove that it was true and and the court found there and we weren't allowed to tell the jury this but the court found that mr depp had committed at least 12 acts of domestic violence including sexual violence against amber so where did you find this in amber's brain like yeah are we gonna is yeah is she setting up for season three here like what is the logic with this is that so in the uk there was a bunch of evidence that wasn't admitted that would help amber in her case and i'm assuming that she's probably going to say the implication here is that it was used in this case and they still lost i i think that like a lot of times people never even really stop to think about you know like maybe i'm wrong maybe my position on this thing is wrong maybe the way that i'm looking at it is wrong it's crazy what did depp's team learn from this demonize amber and suppress the evidence we had an enormous amount of evidence that was suppressed in this case that was in the uk case in the uk when it came in amber won mr depp lost but here's so so what she's saying is that it was literally rigged so we're going to use we're actually going to go with the example that it was actually rigged yeah there was a bunch of evidence that was there but we couldn't use the evidence here listen guys if i it yeah it's just like oh my god you're not even like bro like this is like saying like man like my controller is broken like man like my my c stick doesn't work i can't play smash like i can't bro i can't roll like it's not letting me roll like it's just that my controller's broken and then you give him your controller like oh no bro this one's broken too like what is this yeah it's it's stopped the count exactly no it's unironically stopped the count yeah there it is you still feel bad for her not as much no the thing you were able to get some evidence that you say demonstrated abuse you certainly had her testimony there were pictures documents all kinds of evidence but in point of fact the jury rejected it you argued in your in your closing arguments that if they found even one instance of abuse it did not even have to be physical abuse that they would have to fight for amber heard and they didn't and well that's she said in her closing statement that doesn't make it true amber heard explicitly stated in the title of the article that she was a victim of sexual abuse she specifically stated the type of abuse that she received and the entire article was in it was implating johnny depp as being the person who was perpetrating the abuse if you actually think that you're gonna [ __ ] convince people that this [ __ ] like try to do the little run around here see like these people are just they're they're so stupid and like i don't think that she's stupid i think she's smart but like this this anchor this news anchor is so [ __ ] stupid she thinks that we can't see immediately around her language immediately around her language like it's just it's so obvious like what what they're doing yeah elaine's stupid i don't think elaine's that stupid i i mean to be fair she's not doing herself any favors with this i mean what she's saying here sounds really stupid but i i don't know like i mean i i just like it's just crazy it's absolutely crazy and uh yeah it's like they explicitly said sexual violence right so she she was the one that categorized it she was the one that put it into one category it wasn't even the jury so them saying like oh any violence well that wasn't what was talked about it's just crazy like they it's just it's a big lie yeah they're literally just like it's it's right there in front of you and they're pretending like it's not there the other part to bear in mind here is nothing changed the op-ed didn't even mention mr depp by name then why'd everybody started tweeting about justice for him whenever it came out by name it didn't even mention him by name like i mean i i thought we just got done with like a six-week trial that was expressing that yes you're right it was not it was not stated by name but like it was everything but that and so what basically they did here is demonize her and they did they were well to be fair i did call her a demon so she's right about this suppressed them the medical records which were very very significant because they showed a pattern back going all the way back to 2012 of america no they did we we had all them that they she said even it but she she said that she said that she had she had not she didn't seek medical attention this is such a stupid way like she's just literally saying like what we said in a trial didn't happen and this was all like no i mean like what you guys saw that yeah just it's just lying like you're just making up like what sh this is the argument that she should use is she should use the fact that amber heard grew up in a working-class abusive household and it was not something that she was acclimated to based off of her upbringing that she would seek medical attention because there is a lot of precedent for that it's an emotional argument and it is also partially true she should have used that argument i don't know why they didn't do that it was stupid for her not to we're reporting this to her therapist for example we had this is a medical record yes reporting it to a therapist this is the exact same thing uh as an actual medical record see this is the again uh obfuscation of reality uh mental health and physical uh damage are two different things and whenever you allege physical damage people want to have evidence of the physical damage not somebody talking about their mental health you can't say a and then say yeah i have evidence of b like i mean how do you it's just like this absolute clown stir yeah i mean like they're really doubling down as no it's more than doubling down they're saying like everything we said in the trial was just not true it's nuts man i have an evidence of b that means i have a yeah exactly significant amount of text including from mr depp's assistants saying when i told him he kicked you he cried he is so sorry that didn't come in is there any which contextually was whenever uh johnny depp didn't want to deal with it and he gave the phone to his assistant and he told the assistant just tell her whatever she needs to hear to get her to shut the [ __ ] up you see like yeah again like these people they rely on these things remember that yeah and also like that that's fine like if you want to say that's what happened that's okay but like we need evidence and there's we need some form of evidence rather than like a text message with a plausible reason for why that didn't happen like i've had that happen too uh is that you know i'll just sometimes i'll just tell somebody whatever they need to hear to get them to stop [ __ ] being annoying it it's crazy to me that the people can be so complacent in trying to establish a narrative that they don't even make any attempt to adhere to the facts that were publicly televised because they think people are so stupid they won't even remember them do you see what i'm saying text with no context does hear say i'm sure it probably is like yeah amount of evidence goes here so yeah exactly and that's what's so crazy is like they they actually think that people are going to buy into this and that's why i watch this stuff is because if if i don't watch it and other people don't watch it nobody is going to pick up on this because you can listen to it and people like oh that sounds like [ __ ] right but a lot of people don't really see why or whatever but like i i i lie all the time about stuff like i can immediately see through this because i do it it's obvious to me that's why i watch this [ __ ] is because you can immediately see what she's doing other way to interpret this verdict though that this jury for whatever reason and i hear you on some of the evidence that they didn't hear listening to amber heard did not believe a single word you know and that's because she was demonized here a number of things were allowed in this court that should not have been alive like one and it caused the jury to be confused they were not like what like it caused the jury to be confused that's right so they're so stupid that they can't understand the evidence is that right uh yeah is that right they're so dumb they're like what is this like it's like they're it's like i i i think like whenever i imagine like the jury in her mind it's like a bunch of slowpokes like imagine like just a bunch of slowpokes sitting there on the jury [Music] and that's about it you know it's so folks yeah you've got a bunch of those only whenever she was yes she's salty yeah i know it's amazing they allowed the truth yeah like what part of the evidence do you think was should not have been a lot that's what i'm actually kind of curious about right is that this is these types of narratives could only exist in like a vague foggy uh mirror right they can't exist in uh like they cannot exist in a what's the word for it in an open environment they can't stand up to actual scrutiny so they have to sit here uh what do you call it they have to sit here and do this weren't we weren't allowed to tell them about the uk judgment so the damages is completely skewed there are no damages it stopped at november 2 2020 which is when the judge that's not what it stopped with you know that you only said that because you you used that as an arbitrary time period because that was whenever adam waldman made the statements it doesn't make any sense that you stopped the uh the defamation claim there because the claim as everybody knows is going to follow him forever and if you think that it's not going to follow him forever let me hear about how you think amber heard is going to do in the future with her [ __ ] stuff and her her public image and i can guarantee you elaine would say oh it's ruined forever well of course it is because a statement doesn't just immediately go out of favor or go out of circulation the moment that you stop uh that you do something that's considered defamation it's just it's such a it's transparently a double standard yeah the uh and she's using a legal technicality of defamation to establish actual reality this is amazing see this like it's just it's just so amazing i can't believe this when it came down in the uk let me ask you about social media in this case see this is what this woman is really trying to do is she's trying to push a narrative very clearly because she just asked the same question three times uh is that she's trying to push a narrative that people don't believe amber heard and she's trying to probably demonize uh people online and make them look bad that that's why so let's talk about social media because she's trying to like reorient her but like elaine is a lawyer she's talking about the case and all the legal reasons why she should have won they're actually not really legal reasons but this woman is trying to create a narrative that social media is the problem unlike any celebrity case certainly i've ever covered or ever seen social media was a part of this and it was incredibly lopsided and vitriolic against amber heard do you think that i think that's true that that's definitely true uh you know the kyle rittenhouse case was pretty big the sandman case was you know like there were people talking about it that was mainly just a political thing uh but yeah of course this one is a lot bigger and the reason why is that like the sandman case and everything salmon it's some guy that like uh got he like basically settled with cnn and some other uh [ __ ] uh news outlets because of he sued them for like defamation or like misrepresenting him and like that's kind of what happened then with kyle rittenhouse uh it was it became much more technical right is that like should he have had the gun was this actual like violence right and because like shooting somebody with a gun is more far removed than domestic violence for an average person it was not as easily uh relatable so like for example whenever you look at the the domestic violence and things like that a lot of you guys know somebody who has been a victim of domestic violence uh or maybe you've been a victim of domestic violence but shooting somebody with a gun during a riot is not as accessible and it's not as uh it's really the word for it uh it's not as it's not as relatable it's not as relatable so the johnny depp case was extremely relatable and also another thing is that we had even more people that were paying attention to the derrick chauvin case whenever he killed george floyd i remember whenever it happened uh it happened whenever i was finished finishing a transmog competition at the end of my stream so like and i think that people were they were completely okay with that and the people were completely fine with that and the reason why is that i think that they were happy with the outcome which by the way i was too but still i i think that again i think all of the uh all of this kind of stuff is uh it's completely based on being on one side or on another side i i think that's literally all it comes down to yeah that's literally it first uh what's this here uh actually more relatable than me i don't abuse people a damn should shoot some people i don't know about that i don't think it's not that the case uh what's this here chad's rooting for [ __ ] murder jesus christ oh with kyle rittenhouse well there's a lot of people that think that what he did he they think that he did the right thing like i'm not gonna debate this or whatever i don't really know all the details of the case i think that in general uh if you're rioting and breaking into buildings and somebody shoots you i don't really care to be honest like maybe he's still guilty but i'm certainly not going to cry it doesn't matter to me if somebody gets shot you want to be a piece of [ __ ] act like an animal you're going to get put down like a [ __ ] animal don't do it had an effect on the case absolutely you think jurors were aware of it they weren't supposed to be they're admonished every single time oh so now now she's trying to put the narrative that social media influenced the jury's opinion social media influenced the jury's opinion wow that's crazy oh my god yikes that description dude yeah that's right i i didn't misspeak i i i i said exactly what i meant to say in the exact way that i meant to say it i'm not sorry i mean it and i think that it's true yeah i i yeah i just want to make sure that you don't think that you're going to get offended and then get me to walk something back i'm not walking it back because i know it's true and the court agreed with me isn't that interesting yeah that's the way it goes day don't look at it do you think they did see it how can you not they went home every night they have families the families are on social media we had a 10-day break in the middle because of the judicial conference there's so what do you think that they should do then elaine because like wouldn't this really be true for all cases in all situations even like the like here let me give you a really good example let's go back to the derek chovin case how much do you want to bet if the people in the jury were publicly named and they knew who the people in the jury were and derek chovin didn't get convicted that those people would suffer some sort of repercussion if people could find out what their real names are i find the chances of that are like 200 percent it's like literally 200 so what she's saying here is that she's saying that either a case cannot even be made up made public at all in any regard because then people will talk about it and express their opinion and if it is made public then the entire system of having a jury is completely null and void do you see what i'm saying it's like she's effectively saying that the entire by the nature of how people consume information that the entire thing is ruined yeah it's crazy man no way they couldn't have been influenced by it and it was horrible it really really was lopsided and i appreciate your saying that it's like the roman coliseum you know well it was lopsided for derek chovin as well like again like do you know why it was lopsided and i know people are gonna mauled over this but it's because he was a piece of [ __ ] bully cop who by the way had a bunch of other [ __ ] bad things that he had done before then everybody was happy when he got convicted everybody was [ __ ] happy there no there's not both sides it's all like oh wow like what are you gonna talk about how a lot of people weren't on his side too no of course not because you agree with it so it has nothing to do with the idea that the uh the perception of it was lopsided it has everything to do with the perception of it being lopsided in a way that you disagree with it's completely circumstantial and it has nothing to do with it do you see what i'm saying it's completely circumstantial it's nuts man what's this here you can't make them private someone will leak the information maybe maybe not right i have no idea it's the same here everyone could see amber was lying exactly the court system is bad as well well of course i mean the courts are not perfect but i'm i think that a lot of people are open to uh hearing other sides there's always both sides considered yes people get both sides considered that's the way it goes and you think it's fine for the jury to be influenced i think that if you want to make an argument that the jury can be influenced by any case that's made public you should probably also say that it is equally um so so let's think about this right so if the jury if a case being public makes the jury invalid then by extension of that the reason why it would be invalid would be because of media coverage so by extension of that logically i think that it would become irresponsible and a subversion of justice for a media to cover active trials because they would inject their own opinions into it and provide information about it that would not be provided to the jury potentially while they're deliberating over the case do you understand how like this doesn't make any sense they're just they're so stupid i i can't believe how [ __ ] dumb people are oh my god man what are you talking about i know exactly what i'm talking about i do it because it's it's circular logic and it's not even you know what it's not circular logic it's basically these people have an opinion and they work back factually from the opinion which is the exact opposite of a scientific method right scientific method is null hypothesis you have to prove yourself wrong these people it's the opposite they prove themselves right they never even consider any other other perspectives it's so annoying how they viewed this whole case i was against cameras in the courtroom and i went on record with that and and had argued against it because of the sensitive nature of this but it made it a zoo does your client well that's definitely true and i think that the reason why she wanted to uh not have cameras on her is because she didn't want to have the entire world see what it looks like whenever a lawyer takes on a case they know is false or probably you know any reasonable person would see as false and still tries to turn somebody who's innocent into a monster i think that's why she didn't want to have it be publicized that's why she was crying in the bathroom about it is because listen let me give you a little bit of advice whenever people don't want you to see what they're doing there's probably a reason for that and it's not good yeah it's not a good thing to appeal oh absolutely and she has some excellent grounds for it we even had tried with the uk courtroom and i went on record with that and and had argued against it because of the sensitive nature of this but it made it a zoo does your client want to appeal oh absolutely and she oh god oh [ __ ] season three oh my [ __ ] god like it's just that's here we go again yeah it's actually going to go again please don't they're actually like what are they going to do this time like uh yeah another [ __ ] look at this another ellen coming i mean really it's just nuts man uh yeah leave the man alone the whole court was more defamatory than the actual evidence uh i i i don't really know what you mean by that to be honest with you yeah was appeal not allowed no the appeal was allowed listen they are completely within their rights as american citizens to [ __ ] appeal this [ __ ] again and again and you know what they can do it they can do it that's their right that's their you know that's what we can do this this is america all right guys i wonder why elaine wants to have it get appealed i wonder why who could possibly imagine the reason for that it has some excellent grounds for it we even had tried to get the uk i thought she said she wanted to be over and done with well she didn't want it to be over and done with she wanted to win and now that she didn't win now she doesn't want it to be over judgment in to dismiss his case because he already had his shot and that's one of the issues but also a number of the evidentiary issues there was so much evidence that did not come in is she able to pay a 10.4 million dollar judgment oh no absolutely not damn i'm surprised they even let her like in my opinion i think it's kind of that this is like my opinion on this right but i think it's kind of irresponsible for her to go on and talk about this and like about her like personal finances and like try to shed doubt on like the entire entire judicial system etc right like it's kind of it's kind of bad i would say it's bad is the publicity stunt to get more clients who would want to have them after this finally in closing arguments amber's team argued that this would send a message that it would send a message that no matter what you do is an abuse victim you always have to do more you need to be perfect in order for people to believe you if she did not get a favorable verdict what message do you think this sends it's a horrible message as i said a setback it's a significant setback because that's exactly what it means unless you pull out your phone and you video your spouse or your significant other beating you effectively you won't be believed elaine charles and bradhoff thank you very much for your time oh my god like people actually believe this [ __ ] oh wow watch elaine at cbs uh let me see um see if i can find it here oh my god bro she's going on she's going on tour oh my god okay all right let's do this 15 minutes of fame well the last one was six this one's six so she's only got three left okay guys here we go no i actually the thing is that you should really appreciate people like elaine because they are so bad at hiding what they're trying to do and it's like thank god we don't have somebody who's actually like really charismatic and smart with communicating that can actually convince people of something that's not true here we go a virginia jury's decision to side with johnny depp in his defamation lawsuit is drawing both condemnation and praise the verdict came after six weeks of very dramatic testimony from both sides she claimed that he abused her while he said she was the abuser in his reaction depp wrote the goal of bringing the case was to reveal the truth and that truth never perishes elaine charlton bredehoff is the attorney for amber heard and is with us now and we should mention we did also reach out to johnny depp's team but they declined to be interviewed this morning elaine thank you so that's probably a good thing i mean like the thing is that as i said i think that they shouldn't go on interviews the truth speaks for itself there's no other reason like it that it's done you know what i mean like it's done like yeah there's nothing like there's nothing they can gain by talking about it very glad you're here thank you we heard amber's reaction uh to the verdict yesterday this this seems to be a huge victory for johnny depp this morning it's a major setback for women for women inside the courtroom and outside the courtroom because because basically what this said you know amber had an enormous amount of evidence although she's using it like she's using the same lines yeah she's using the same lines exactly uh that that's what it is yeah it's just used as it's the same lines the same thing yeah an enormous amount of evidence i thought was a mountain now it's only enormous if it was suppressed in this case as opposed to the uk but look at all the women who have no evidence all these women who suffer from domestic violence domestic abuse so what are you saying that like somebody they should just be able to say that it happened and then the guy goes to jail like what are you saying like yeah what what like look at all the people with no evidence for their case i can't believe all these people with no evidence aren't going to be believed god this is such a travesty guys like again this is this is what i was saying about how she has no [ __ ] idea what she's saying it sounds so [ __ ] stupid the moment that you even expose this to even the slightest amount of [ __ ] of critical thought it immediately falls apart oh my god in in most those cases there's no opposing evidence yeah that's true too oh my god man amber get the [ __ ] off they don't have evidence and basically what this jury said is unless you pull out your cell phone and you tape record your spouse beating you well she's using the same lines again you're out of luck i think it was bigger than that because you had the evidence as you say but they did not believe her why do you think they did not believe her i think that a lot of that was that it was johnny depp i think the celebrity status but she's a celebrity too no wait but she's a yeah to be fair to be fair johnny depp is a lot more popular than amber hurt right and so you i think you can still make this argument i i actually don't think that like the the host of the show like her her saying that amber heard being a celebrity too like all celebrities are not the same on the same level i actually yeah i don't think that's an incredibly good argument but i mean you it is something to say i mean she does have a platform it's like she's a nobody but she's a celebrity too right but you have to remember we it's a tale of two trials all the evidence came in in the uk mr deb brought that one the burden of proof was on the sun in in the uk because they had called him a wife beater and talked about the domestic violence they sure did he had his opportunity to tell the truth then um and a three-week trial well it wasn't the uh what wasn't that like and again it's just that she's trying to use this uh yeah was that was that televised was that trial televised the uk trial yeah so it wasn't televised so like it's just again like it's just how is it how is it that you could just go up here and just [ __ ] make up a bunch of [ __ ] it's like you're not even you're not even trying like you're really you're you're not even trying and the thing is like what these people rely on is that you you the audience are so [ __ ] stupid that you won't even see the obvious discrepancies here you won't even see this like it's you're not even like they're not even trying he lost the judge found 12 acts of domestic violence including sexual violence and that came out november 2 2020. we weren't allowed to tell the jury that well it's a different system and the judge it wasn't a jury was a judge yeah it's a different system exactly it's a different [ __ ] system why are you even going to use these as a comparison like if [ __ ] it it's just so dumb that was substantially true uh and that's that is significant and i think surprised a lot of legal analysts but you know in this case the jury not only didn't believe amber heard but enrolled it's again that she wasn't he wasn't going up against amber heard he was going up against his son i proving like the amount of times somebody has been able to successfully sue a news publication for defamation i i think i can think of one it's so hard telling that she acted with actual malice that means she had the intent to cause harm right that's a pretty high standard to prove it and it's pretty amazing since the op-ed never even mentioned mr depp you have to remember that what they learned from the uk case is to demonize even their own witnesses said it was obviously about johnny like what do you mean it didn't actually mention him like what he my god oh my god it's just that's so wait a minute so if it didn't mention johnny depp and you're going to use that logic but you're still going to use the logic that i kicked her how do you know that johnny was talking about amber it could have been about some other woman that he kicked oh but that's different of course it's different it's it's just it's just so stupid man amber which is what they did and to try to suppress as much of the evidence that came in in the uk and did not come in in the united states but the other problem is we had cameras in the courtroom so here we had not only did we have a group of depth fans that were there every day a hundred were allowed in they lined up at one o'clock in the morning for their wristbands to be in that courtroom i'll give helene a point on this i think that's cringe as [ __ ] probably just as much as she does i think it's really [ __ ] weird people that want to be on camera for the court case i want to be on tv i think that's weird man it's very weird it's not a big deal it's not like this is the reason why it happened but i i hate that stuff i think it's weird we had everything on camera and we had tremendous social media that was very very very much against amber there it was pointed out that that was the first time that a victim of sexual abuse had to testify on live television and i thought is that true i'm not even sure i have no idea uh but like i'd have to look back and and take a and look at the rest of it but like it's just it's funny to me man it really is i think it's fine for law students but yeah it's a little weird for fans oh for law students i think it's totally okay like i would have no problem with that if you wanted to watch a case i mean i think that's that would be encouraged by the courts right because they'd want to have people that were you know law students actually come in and be like hey this is how it's [ __ ] done you know be like hey you know hey you saw what they did yeah don't do that that didn't work did it yeah it was pretty stupid well of course i think that makes sense and lost that battle it should not have happened so i'm i am a former nfl player and after a hard loss it's easy to wake up and point to the other side oftentimes my man you know where he's going with this you know where he's going with this i realized the better thing to do was to look in the mirror oh yeah as a player what mistakes did our coaching staff make and then how can we improve from there she's not gonna like that one do you feel like you guys made any mistakes along the way do you feel like amber made a mistake while she was on the stand because you're saying it's the celebrity no she didn't make a mistake she made mistakes it was multiple yeah see like and this guy like the i i love how the way he communicated that to her right is like this is probably the most diplomatic way to communicate this kind of stuff right is that you can see the way that somebody can can talk to another person and call them basically say well you [ __ ] everything up so why are you surprised but like go and say that in like such a diplomatic way johnny it's it's the people who support him what about you and your team well and and that's an excellent question and to say and you know amber even said on the stand i am not perfect i am a human being these people were giving her death threats they threatened to microwave her baby this is the kind who do you think like like what like who like what is this this one again yeah it's just that's not an answer to the question well no it's about amber she's not going to talk about the [ __ ] that she did wrong you know what i mean like especially like remember whenever she said in her closing argument whenever you're thinking about how much money amber has to pay she literally got the jury to think past the sale of convicting her own [ __ ] client that's like the one that's like this is a [ __ ] used car salesman technique that everybody uses and she used it on herself i i oh no kind of social media she was getting so are any of us perfect no is there something else we feel we should have done yes i i absolutely i always i redo my closings a hundred times afterwards whether i win or lose um that just imagine her in the mirror amber get the [ __ ] up amber get the [ __ ] up amber no no all right all right so amber get the [ __ ] up amber get the [ __ ] up you know over and over and over her closing was a joke i think her closing argument was probably the best thing that she had done because it was it was the equivalent of it was the equivalent of just going for you just go for it go as far as you can do my best shot it was the best part about it was funny it was insane it was like disarming because it was so [ __ ] nut so and it's like it could have worked it didn't but it could have worked and i think that there are cases where probably she's done this in the past and it did work that's part of being a good lawyer there's always something but i think that there were a lot of influences here that were beyond our control and i think the social media it was like a roman coliseum it is the best way to describe the atmosphere here and i have to believe that the jury even though they're told not to go and look at anything he's going to accuse the jury of being biased and they're like like i think that you can make this argument like see this woman could make this argument if she was if the jury's names were like leaked and people knew who the jury was but but what she's saying is that like what is what is really what she's saying she's saying that people who looked at the discourse online decided one one way or another right yeah the jury cheated the jury it was the jury bro like you know they were cheating what's the evidence guys you know it i know it everybody knows it i mean come on you know they have weekends they have families they have they were not requested they were not so questionable and the ten day period we had how could they not have been involved yes for most people watching this child a lot of people you know got huge views it just seemed to be a it seemed to be so messy and salacious and so tawdry on both sides on both sides and i think for the a lot of people from the outside looking in thought both of them were not telling the truth and that they had both that they mutually abused each other do you not believe that that was the case no and and that's one of the many mysteries so she's not even gonna so she's not even gonna go and it's like that's true no there were a lot of people that thought that i mean obviously this woman is trying to uh trying to use that that way of language to push that narrative because it might be what she kind of believes i i don't really know but um there were a lot of people that came in during the whole event and they were like oh why are people talking about this they're both abusers let's just move on right there's a lot this is it's true that this opinion was shared by a lot of people and now she's not even going to concede to that nomers the way that depp's team approached this was based on ignorance of domestic violence it completely ignored the cycle of violence and just said oh she wouldn't have done this if he had been hitting her that was their approach they thought that they weren't fighting fair correct i i don't think they were fighting fair what do you think you've ever heard is in fact a that's good yo mama just get her to say it bro just get her to [ __ ] say it so you think they were so basically you think they were fighting for yeah that's right yeah there it is i love that at least she'll say it you know like i mean again like i i can appreciate in a way somebody like elaine because she will literally just come up and say it she'd be like yeah the whole thing was rigged everybody was lying the jury was cheating the other team was cheating the plaintiff was [ __ ] lying to everybody was lying social media was against us they want to microwave everybody's babies and yeah we didn't do anything wrong you know what i mean like you just yeah go all the way out go all the way out there why not driver of domestic violence yes i i absolutely believe that and there's a tremendous amount of evidence much of which did not come into this trial did come into the uk trial we even had more evidence we had does anybody ever ask why but can you give an example of the evidence that was admitted yeah like like what records we had mental health records that went back to 2012 that were contemporaneous we had text messages from mr depp's assistant saying when i told him that he had kicked you he cried so have you seen today elaine how is she today this is not a uh that's not an admission of guilt yeah that that's it's yeah that's not an admission of guilt like it's just not now obviously it's substantial and you know if you have other corroborating evidence i would say it is yeah sure but that alone is really kind of not what is her next move she's right well her next move is appeal there was a heartbroken she is heartbroken and one of the first things that she said when she came back from the verdict when we went into the conference room was i am so sorry to all these women that you said that yes she felt that's what i thought too man listen to how he said that i am so sorry listen now he said that these women she said that yes she said that uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah sure like i mean yeah yeah sure bro like uh-huh that's exactly what it was she felt like she had let down all of these women she did because she had more evidence than most people do and yet they still didn't believe her elaine charleston bretta hoff thank you so much for joining us we appreciate you yeah we'll be right back all right well there we go um can she even afford to appeal i don't know maybe she will like appealing to the masses for sympathy yeah i think so uh amber hitting her son's trainer and tell me it's a victory no i didn't see that i don't want to look at that the thing is like where's she gonna get the money to appeal i don't know i mean diablo it probably i think it comes out in a few hours or something like that i'm not sure i'll probably start it about then and so that's what's gonna happen and uh she photoshopped the evidence yeah it's like what do you like i i wonder like can somebody please ask her like so how do you explain how these two pictures are the same how do you explain this between the two that look exactly but how would how would you explain people think that these are photoshop why do you think they they believe that you know what i mean like why don't want to ask something like that and uh show more evidence uh because she duplicated it yeah she has infinite evidence she could copy-paste the same photo 100 times uh exactly they didn't want to uh uh didn't they want to protect the jury now she's criticizing their integrity well yeah and you know that she'd be saying listen here's the thing gooch marauder thanks for five subs i appreciate it you know that if uh if this whole thing happened and she ended up winning she would be saying how much she appreciates the um uh the jury how much she thinks the jury really went out of their way to you know look at the facts and see their side of things so it's again this is and and you shouldn't be mad at her for this right you should be like oh wow i can't believe she'd do that of course she's gonna do that right i mean that's just what people do but it's obvious what's happening here and that's what i'm really saying here uh do you think she's saying this so the jury will reveal themselves no why would they who they don't give a [ __ ] yeah they have no idea you mean she'd be on tv talking [ __ ] yeah team is defensive i think so she helped select the jury why am i not surprised i can't believe this woman is still arguing it's all the evidence how's she not embarrassed absolutely unbelievable is literally presenting her opinion after the jury has decided justice prevailed thank you judge penny putting cameras in the courtroom it's mind-blowing how the media keeps twisting as if people didn't watch the trial yeah it's they're not even it's like they didn't even watch it they didn't even see what happened man it's nuts man uk trial was rigged there's connection between the son and the judge on some uh foundations listen i don't know about the uk trial i have no idea all i i'm saying here is that i think we'll probably see a few more of these interviews um you know i i have a good feeling that we haven't seen the last of elaine this is the uh the best post that people had seen how we read this i hate this narrative it will make it harder for victims of domestic abuse to come forward for one at risk becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy but also depp was a victim of domestic abuse and he didn't come forward and he won it's suppressing that some people go out of their way to ignore this fact just because the victim was a man as far as i'm concerned it strengthens the metoo movement it shows that anyone can be a victim of abuse thus destigmatizing the concept of victim and massively discrediting common [ __ ] narratives like why didn't she leave it shows that there is no shame or weakness in being a victim of domestic abuse and that emotional abuse does matter and physically stronger person can still be the victim of a weaker one it shows the victims can abuse can still have the truth went out despite having an entire media establishment against them people who actually cared about domestic uh violence victims uh would choose this narrative and one that empowers the survivors into the nerve that disempowers survivors but lets the commenter feel righteous now i think this is obviously true and i think that really like read this first sentence and it's like it's going to make it harder for victims of domestic abuse to come forward why are they saying that why whenever they say victims of domestic abuse what they are really saying is women that's what they're really saying is because it obviously is not going to make it harder for male victims of domestic abuse to come forward i think that's clearly not true i mean any any reason or even the most insane person could come to that conclusion what they're really saying is women so that's make sure that you uh you you read and you know what people are actually trying to say yeah that that's all it comes down to extremists suck yeah everybody [ __ ] hates that [ __ ] and i think that that's really what as i said before people have been pushing back on for a long time as people just don't like the extremism and they don't like the unnecessary emotional elevations to everything and i think that yeah people are just [ __ ] tired of seeing it and they don't want to look at it or deal with it anymore that that's something for later on um method has uh joined forces or done some form of a uh what's it called uh they've done some form of a blockchain guild so it's gonna be a pretty exciting little uh little adventure here i guess uh it's got more difficult but after they made it uh way too easy to come forward for women well i don't think i think it should be extremely easy to come forward i just don't think that the outcome uh for coming forward should be immediate assumption of truth right that's all i think it should be extremely easy to do that and uh toxic masculinity stops men from going forward they get called wimps by other men but like is that really true like i don't think that's true like it is true what you're saying is true but like whenever you say like that's why period it's not it's one it's one slice of pizza of the whole pie it's a big slice of pizza but i don't even think it's half to be honest with you i really don't think that it's half and i think that also a lot of people would uh uh would attribute it to a number of other things as well but yeah no you you are right what you're saying is true there are guys that treat that treat people that way and they do the same thing with women too it's everybody and uh why are you support abusers i never do i i never ever ever have done that and uh i've made it very clear that that was not the case emerson understands seeing a man cry was weird for her she was reinforcing it of course she was yeah that's why she said be a man whenever she was like in that private recording too it was obvious anyway so let's go back over here and uh we'll look at this and there's a couple of other recap things that i want to get into and then after that i've got some other stuff to talk about with diablo mortal and some other videos etc and men are supposed to be strong be able to emotionally handle every anything i think that people should be strong and they should be able to emotionally handle anything uh i i think that's a good thing and uh yeah that that's that's my opinion on it yeah everybody should be able to do that i don't like this idea that there's like separate uh expectations of uh emotional uh stability for like men and women i find that toxic for men and i also find that extremely toxic for women it's patronizing and it's also off-putting so let's look at this right here and uh do you see interview yeah we're going to get to the interview we're going to go down there wait you're actually playing wait you're actually playing diablo isn't it a pay to win mess yes it is and i'm so excited to get down in the dirt we're going to take a look at it and we're going to play it that's right that's exactly what i'm going to do i want you guys to see what it's like i want you guys to be able to see how the game actually plays because a lot of people have no [ __ ] idea and you guys don't really understand and guess what uh i i'm gonna show you i wanna show you and i want to do give you a first-hand demonstration of what it's really like and i will give you you will watch me play the game you will watch me go through this game i will go through the different acts i will go through the different levels and i will do it and see what it actually is because you're right i don't really trust a lot of people's coverage right i want to see it for myself and that's it uh it isn't paid away until end game so it's going to take you a bit if it's a diablo it'll take me a few hours to get to end the game so i'm not that worried about it and so let's see over here uh political figures are trying to pass laws ensuring johnny depp versus amber heard cannot happen again it's literally happening now they're using mainstream media talking points to ensure male domestic abuse survivors can be silenced again so let's let's read this uh this article here sorry this uh this post here uh the impact of influencer culture this is what the original person said um as adam walden testified in trial youtubers on social media played an overwhelming role in the perception of this trial people consume their news from content creators specifically uh uh give me a second sorry i started writing um specifically uh news around this case believe it is more trustworthy than mainstream media yeah isn't isn't that true man wow read my newspaper don't watch asthma on why yeah i know man it is and so look at this the potential impact of journalistic exemption from the precision's uh provision set out in the bill is also of concern the online safety bill should not for uh should not be about regulating free speech but regulating the systems and platforms to enable safety accuracy and fundamentally choice well i totally agree i totally agree i think so and uh i've been tired of these mainstream media organizations pushing false narratives and misrepresenting things for years so i i completely agree that's why uh you know i covered it in the first place now i want to go ahead and put into perspective how important these people's opinions are two likes two retweets one comment and it was herself oh man this doing numbers these are not political figures these are nobodies nobody cares what they think nobody cares what they say and it will all be of no consequence because they don't matter that's the truth so they can get mad about that they can cry and get pissed off etcetera but they don't [ __ ] matter it makes different it cannot be allowed to happen be loud yeah we'll just listen if they try something like that we'll just shout them down [ __ ] them no there's no way like of course i wouldn't put up this is mp though uk parliament yeah i mean there's a lot of people that but like the thing is that whenever you talk about like oh well this person is in government a lot of these people in government can't do [ __ ] they don't do [ __ ] they never do [ __ ] anything nothing's gonna happen they're not gonna do anything and also the world the the internet is worldwide you can't really regulate the internet very well it's quite hard to regulate the internet on like an absolute level and it will become increasingly harder to regulate as people are able to decentralize it and this is a good and a bad thing by the way it's a good and a bad thing and i think that there are a lot of bad things about it but the amount of technology that people have to like host their own servers host their own platform and decentralize the internet more and more i think this will continue to be the case and people would just simply lose the power that they thought they had i've never tried so hard to control it too the reason why it's never going to happen is you have different competing interests that want to have different bad things said about each other so you have people basically the government's trying to control the internet are actually the reason why the internet isn't very well controlled it's because they never have consensus on anything on a worldwide level because they always try to push for things that will disadvantage other countries and other groups so you have this happen and it's like kind of an equilibrium of everybody trying to advocate for their own stuff so that's probably what's going to continue happening and i think it will only become more and more the case and that's yeah it's regional exactly should delete the tweet because i can't find it yeah because the thing is um again like i think that this stuff is on the way out already it's on the way out and i think everybody sees that so i want to talk a little bit about this okay i want to talk about one of the most um under appreciated and underrated and not stated enough things that is so great about the trial with the the johnny depp thing let me explain it's the first time in a long time that we've had our society make rock stars out of people who were successful in something that matters it was the first time that we had people elevated to a celebrity status based off of their competency and their skill and their education people like camille the anti-wizard these people like this this is this is a tremendous victory the last time we had this i i've been thinking about this right the last time that we had this was with fauci with uh a [ __ ] uh kovid but like it was so controversial it didn't really have an effect i think that if anything it had a negative effect but with this time i really do feel like it's been a tremendous positive to see people uh you know elevated to that level and looked up look up to on that level and these people are not looked up to because they have a big ass they're not looked up to because they're really good at playing a guitar they're not looked up to because they are an actor in a movie this is a person who's being looked up to because they are incredibly good at what they do and their job and i think that's so incredible man do you guys see what i'm saying like i i think that is such a big [ __ ] deal man that and like nobody nobody's thinking about this but i actually think it's one of the most positive things to come out of the uh out of the trial and uh what's this here uh camille's hot yeah no she is hot but like there were other i mean the guys there i mean people were like really happy about them like ben shoe the [ __ ] denizen the anti-wizard guy people love them and so all i i like to see let me let me go ahead and put this into context okay is that in china the um the main thing that people want to be is like a doctor or an astronaut in the united kingdom and in a lot of places in the eu the main thing that kids want to be whenever they grow up is a social media influencer us you already know it's the same [ __ ] thing so guess what i i think that it's a i don't think that's a i don't think that is good for society that everybody wants to grow up and just be famous for being famous and i think that seeing people that are successful in the field of work that they've devoted themselves to and seeing those people gain a large amount of uh you know like a praise and celebrity ship and celebrities uh celebrity bias i guess you could say i don't really know how to say it um to see these people be recognized for that i think is a tremendous uh leap forward for making people that are young try to aspire to be more than popular on youtube or more than popular on tick tock or something like that [Music] you [Music]
Channel: A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ T͏V͏
Views: 2,405,757
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 7Q-I2fxWEIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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