Amazon Kindle Locking Up/Freezing

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hi everyone I'm doing this little video because I'm having a bit of a problem with my Amazon Kindle it's the fourth generation Kindle the base model I really like it when it works but I'm having a problem with it I've had to return three of them this is my fourth and each time the problem seems to reappear almost right out of the box so I don't know what's going on I'm going to give it one last try and two happens anyways here's the problem any time the device sits for more than about 10 minutes idle and not plugged in and I come back to turn it on I should be able to push this little button right here and have it come back to my page right back to the screen put there see I'm pushing the button nothing nothing can't get it to go back on so what do I have to do I know none of these buttons work either so I'll hold this down and watch what happens here the light stays on for a second and then it goes off and it kind of blinks like that it's a little weird and I'm holding the button down here just so you know eventually it will reset but not always sometimes I have to take my finger off the button again and it looks like this is going to be one of those times yep no luck hold the button again and eventually will reset there we go okay so it's resetting but now it's going all the way back to this initial boot screen so I should say just while this is going on I do really like this thing when it works I have had another problem with it though and it's that the Wi-Fi does not work in my house even though my iPhone picks up Wi-Fi my laptop's got the Wi-Fi my TV and Nintendo I'll work on Wi-Fi this is the only device I have in here that does not work on Wi-Fi so I have done everything through the computer so far so it's not really registered device because you can't actually watch register it unless you do the Wi-Fi registration or at least there may be a method to that I just don't know what it is so here we are we're back okay now look notice how the titles weren't there originally has to scan and come back up with all the titles and it actually even does remember my places so I'm reading Cormac McCarthy all the Pretty Horses and I'll push that great book by the way and it does bring me back to my place where I was no check this out if I lock it with the lock button down here if I just come back almost instantaneously okay it comes back on no problem no problem but if I set it down like this you know and leave it for 10 minutes an hour a day come back it won't work it'll be locked up but it's working fine now so that's what's going on I've been on the phone with Amazon help a bunch of times they don't know what's going on and I can hardly understand them anyways so that's what's going on maybe someone out there is having a similar problem if you are and you know a solution to this please let me know by the way I do have the latest up latest version of the firmware installed on the device I did that too so there's that okay talk to you guys see ya
Channel: Michael Marshall
Views: 402,482
Rating: 4.5460992 out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Kindle, Freezing, Locking, Glitch, Problem, ebook, ereader
Id: H8g9ZBuQmrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2012
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