Amazon AWS Lightsail: Why Should You Use It if you are new to web hosting?

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oh my name is Kevin Randall and I'm with open source marketing dojo and today we're gonna talk about Amazon's AWS lightsail service I believe if you are new to web hosting especially in cloud hosting because you're looking to have the very most dynamic very most scalable do it the first time and then just grow with the service service this is the one you want and I'm gonna explain why but first I want to explain what is light sale light sales a way to host websites and web applications so web application is the fancy way of saying a website that does something that's more like a program than just like content information it is a very powerful virtual private server system and it's prog it is definitely the one that we consider the premier one as far as cloud computing goes it has about 75 percent of the market share now there are other simpler to use ones digitalocean comes to mind the node comes to mind and then there's other big boys Microsoft Azure Google cloud compute they're great services also but Amazon is my girl of choice and I'm gonna talk about a web light sail so basically light sail is easy to you know very user friendly wrappers so that beginners can get started without too much overwhelmed you still need some technical acumen but you are not at the same level as trying to get into ec2 and figure out what all these options are and make sure you do everything right enough that you can actually do what you're doing how does Amazon lights at work well it has like pre bundled images of the most common things that people do install in AWS over and over and over again so if you're not doing a custom development if you're installing a wordpress Center you're installing other software these are the frequently asked software's and then it has several operating system options so that you can build what you need at the time in a user-friendly way and so that's what it is how it works it's a place to store websites on the internet that gives you the most power possible so let's uh let's pull it out I'm just going to change it so you can see my screen and I'm gonna pull up Amazon and I'm just going to sign into the console so I'm gonna pause my screen so you don't see me signing in but you'll figure it out when you get there if you have not signed up make sure you click the link to the video below and I will have a video on how to sign up and I'll walk you through actually signing up somewhere so here I am in the management console click services it here's lightsail I will often just open straight to this page and last but along again I'll be done so here we go this is the wrapper for essentially an ec2 installation like let me see two instance so that's elastic computing cloud is what do you see two stands for it's the place you install servers on the regular ad of the US services typically it is that's how I would do it because I just like the flexibility and I'm used to it now um so you can create instances is to create a server perfectly create instance you'll see it gives you a location I'm going to change that when I do mine because I'm in Canada and that's where I want mine to sit and then it gives you a bunch of different apps so there's WordPress WordPress multi-site there's just a Linux Apache my SQL PHP site with PHP seven so nodejs joomla megiddo mean drupal get lab like these are actually super common presume read mine is for Ruby my guess would be that's for Ruby I don't know I don't program in Ruby but you could if you wanted to they've got an engine X install which which is just another web server instead of Apache I'm gonna be sticking the lamp almost exclusively because that is my gig or you could choose the Microsoft selections I'm not going to I don't microsoft well I'm uh I'm gonna bunt to flavor I run Linux Mint myself I'm all about the open-source software this is where we live and then you can again choose servers when I come back to do this I'm gonna probably come back firmata can do it directly to our own install we're gonna install the packages we need we're gonna make sure everything's locked down we're gonna check out the rest of it but that's what we're at with this for now so I'm gonna go back up to home we'll just keep going through what's here and then we'll create something so you can create a static IP I'm static ip's are free as long as they are attached to an instance so is there not attachment instance they have some ridiculously low cost like a ninth of a cent an hour or whatever they get it works out to be pennies on the month but do make sure you keep them attached you are only allowed to have five puppies in line so there's uh there's instance rules or resource rules and you learn more about that here and then you can create disks so you can share data between places or just store something new and then snapshots are for taking a backup of a running instance or I'll shut this stopped instance even then you use those to spool up bigger instances or smaller instances so that's kind of what you're looking at so let's talk about what makes this good one of the things that makes this really good is it's super affordable for let's go in so you see for $3.50 us a month you could get started and you get your first month for free which is pretty freakin awesome that is that it's a good value for any money this is one of the reasons why I kind of first got into this and if you're new - - this whole thing it is it's pretty big step so I'm going to just choose the WordPress one because that is is easy-peasy and it gives us something that we can actually see once the instance is created so here it comes I think got a bunch of bunch of information here I'm not too crazy about it I'm gonna leave it kind of where it is that's gonna take a second it's just ending of course these always take longer when you're watching them so laying there you go it's running now so let's go inside and see what you have inside so you have an IP address here we know our usernames bitNami we could create extra storage if we wanted to so if we wanted to attach an extra disk and then mount it and see metrics um this is gonna be super important when you're trying to diagnose what the heck is going on if you end up with more traffic than you're expecting especially if you start doing custom development stuff and then we've got the HTTP and HTTP like they said and so if I went and checked out this you'll see it is or press install this is right of the box it's good to go without doing anything extra and it is taking longer to shoot normally this is super super punchy I'm not sure why it's taking so long you might have to do with just where it's at and it's install cycle oh there goes the system might have still been tunings they just load it up and they came roaring in if you want you in Krita static IP and if you're running something that's gonna be production I would definitely create a static IP so static IP is like I was saying earlier they're uh they're free as long as they're attached static IP addresses are free only while they're attached to an instance you can manage five at no additional cost so you can have up to five IPs that's pretty freakin awesome and we're gonna use different VPS as for Monica WordPress when we get rolling so I'm going to create this static IP just to show you that we can get one there's our new static IP attached what was this once you see it's different right so we're just gonna click that you see now it's saying just another word post blog and we're we're static that's that's pretty cool I think so that's that's another benefit to going this way as opposed to traditional hosting you will never get that IP for that cheap with traditional hosting the speed of PWS is amazing now obviously with this WordPress installed I don't know that your name and password I will have to log into the console to get it and I'm gonna delete this guy's by the time this but this goes up hey this IP won't be mine anymore can be this won't be your real if I just go in here oh look I've got a nice SSH console in a web browser that's something you don't always get and it's amazing and I just cat out my my bit dummy credentials oh there it is is a username password again you're gonna watch me delete this before we're done so you know this doesn't exist this isn't mine and the next one I generate will be done manually you'll never get my password out of it that way so so that nefarious son of a gun who's running off to log into this WordPress site to do something nefarious don't and now if I go here again it should not load amazing it's not loading so the third big draw for me to light sale because I can move in to the the full-fledged accounts services so I can move to ec2 we're just gonna go to pop in here and take a look I can move up to here with an ami from light sale so that exact install that I've created in light so I can now migrate to someplace where I can have dynamic increases and decreases in the amount of resources I can't it's a it's literally scalable to the amount of money you have so as long as you can pay the bill you can scale to every user on the planet so she's like you're you're just unlimited on your scalability and that makes light sail basically sit in the premium area now there's a bunch more you can learn about Amazon AWS this is a massive tool there's a reason why people who use it get paid a bunch of money because there's so much to know so now there's some not-so-good stuff now let's just get out of the way there are additional costs to things that you might want to do if you wanted to add a load balancer you'll discover that there's an extra fifteen or eighteen dollars per month that you have to pay to have two servers that are our load balancing to the same layer to load balance the two servers that are identical um so you can create two instances so you could then just balance your traffic awesome but you have to have it set up right and so now you've gone from five bucks a month let's say to ten bucks a month with a load balancer is 28 bucks a monthly it design cost that up if you store a whole bunch of snapshots you'll find that they can cost you I don't know where it says it but basically you're charged at storage rates for s3 I believe so you can get additional costs by adding stuff on them if you forget to remove stuff those costs can kind of add up slowly but I've literally had months like ah crap and I spent $400 there wasn't fun to spend because I was testing things know that probably would happen to you you're gonna be a lot more aware of it but it can add up really really we fast if you forget to turn off a server or you forget to delete an instance overnight and you're using a big instance now that isn't true you might say oh so much because the instances have fixed costs and everything has fixed costs pretty good but I would definitely suggest going into your account going into your billing and setting up the warnings and I'm gonna make a video regarding that late sale also has the not-so-good feature that if you are terrified if technology scares you working on your server causes you stress you're going to hire somebody or you're gonna want to probably go with a traditional host at least at first until you understand all the things that are internetting it is not always for the faint of heart because you will be installing servers you will be installing services on those servers and you'll be setting up security things on those servers it is on you and though you can get support from Amazon by paying for it if you get it wrong you could be hacked you could be like there's there's reasons that you find the cost of traditional hosting is higher is because they're willing to handhold everybody and they presume you're gonna fail so they if they are gonna charge you so little they're gonna put you on a shared house that's way too full way too slow not good and then the technical support is my last thought for what's not good about this it's pretty expensive but only if you're little what I mean by that is like if you're starting out the cost is about $29 US a month and if you're doing production stuff the cost is $100 a month and when you're not making any money $100 a month feels massive if you are making money it's not such a big deal so just be aware that there is this other line cost that you just need to know about and so you got to think about that as you go beyond that though my final say is you could pick linoleic digitalocean you could pick any of these I mean I love digitalocean but it is not quite as powerful as AWS and so my thought is given the light sail it was designed to compete with them and then when it's time to move up and you're ready to hire a technical guy to go into the rest of this you're ready when you're hiring that developer and he can set up everything and you can feel secure what you're doing because somebody else is taking the reigns this can scale to infinity and that makes Amazon AWS light sail my choice for monic installations WordPress installations and absolutely anything else you want to do so those are my thoughts on this has a platform I think it's just amazing just gonna flip through make sure I didn't leave anything now I'm gonna close this there are a few choices that you could be disappointed with when it comes to light so you will have to learn some things but I'm going to actually go through the process of installing the server setting up all the services you need locking them down as much as you need to right aways and and making a monic installation run making a WordPress installation run without using their default instance now their default instance works pretty good but there's a few things you're gonna have to learn how to fix and I might jump on and do the bit Nami one if somebody wants me to but in my experience I like to run with a bun to 18 point zero for server then install my lamp stack myself and whatever other services I want because it leaves me in a position that I know exactly what's going on in the server I keep that they comfortable like I did it um sensation out of it and when I install software like Manik where install software WordPress I know exactly how it was installed I do exactly what the settings are on the server I know like where's when I grab that good nominee one though it is a perfectly good installation you don't know this video helped you make a decision or you just liked it please like it you want more videos on this topic make sure you subscribe and if you never want me to make a video about Amazon again disappoint you but hit that thumbs down so I know this is not for you or for the rest of audience you can also check me out at open source marketing dojo calm and that's going to be going through a whole bunch of changes now that I'm really back to making content and I can't wait to see on the flip side take care
Channel: Kevin Rundle
Views: 10,348
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: amazon aws, amazon aws cloud, amazon aws explained, amazon aws tutorial, amazon aws tutorial for beginners, amazon lightsail review, amazon lightsail tutorial, amazon lightsail ubuntu, amazon lightsail vps, amazon web hosting, amazon web hosting tutorial, amazon web series, amazon web services, amazon web services tutorial, amazon web services tutorial for beginners, amazon web services website hosting, aws tutorial, hosting a web app on amazon web services, cloud computing
Id: epdxANhcy4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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