京都)大衆町中華食堂でキメる爆旨たっぷり炒飯玉子!鮮やか過ぎる職人鍋さばきが炸裂する京都下町の胃袋ガッツリ中華めし丨Amazing Wok Skills in Japan

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Japan, Kyoto Opened in 2008 Chinese Cuisine, Jianghua Chinese cuisine, owner of Jianghua Sweet-and-sour pork, fried Preparing sweet-and-sour pork Preparation of fried pork Overnight storage Eka, wife of the owner Homemade menma 4 days of labor-intensive, handmade menma Lunch of the day Vinegared sea jellyfish Vinegared sweet & sour sauce Crab ball with sweet vinegar sauce, crab ball with salt sauce Shrimp chili Fried bean curd Eka also offers delivery service. Opened at 11:00 a.m. The second floor seats a banquet hall and can accommodate 2 to 50 people. It is available for welcome and farewell parties, new year's parties, women's parties, etc. *Menu list prices as of September 7, 2022 Free refill of rice Knife worn out after years of sharpening. This is a vinegared pork I take out the sinew and everything, just the lean meat. Two fried rice with kara tei and lettuce (liang) Heading out for delivery. Shrimp sweet chili Pork and egg on rice (Pork momos are usually prepared twice a day) sometimes three times a day (I've had this restaurant for 15 years now) I've been working at the main store (Benihana Omiya) for 5 years. Opened in Ganghwa And all the way here (15 years). Mini bowl of rice, miso ramen and fried rice (regular). Fried rice Miso ramen Store, lunch. Shrimp sweet chili Cantonese fried noodles Both at lunch May I have two daily lunches, please? Yes, ma'am. (Male guest) Ganghwa set meal and (Male guest) Daily lunch Taiwanese ramen Stir-fried beef with green bell pepper (This is about the third time I've been here. This is the iron plate! Popular stir-fried beef with bell peppers (青椒肉絲) Thank you for your patience. Good afternoon (Clerk) Welcome (Shop assistant) How many people are you? (Clerk) We are full right now, may I ask you to wait? Delivery is still going on Here it is, the Ganghwa set meal! Here it is, the daily lunch! Ladies set I heard it's delicious - I'm here! Chilled Chinese noodles Daily set meal One soy sauce ramen (ordinary) and Tenshinhan and Sweet shrimp chili (set A) with Ladies A with Tenshin rice and sweet. And half of fried soba noodles. Half of fried rice Fried soba noodles Fried rice (half)/ Fried soba noodles (half) Ladies set Soy sauce ramen Half fried noodles, half fried rice. Bon appétit! Oh! That's great! Yo, there it is! It's even got a salad! What the hell is this? That's amazing! Here you go, soy sauce ramen! It's a thick soup. It's thick. Soy sauce. I think I'm going to be full just from this. Is it good? Yes, delicious! My long-cherished ramen! (I have a lot of noodles! There's a lot of noodles in there Ladies B set is ready! Yes, claypot! Bean-curd soup set meal Preparing tantanmen soup Tantanmen 1000yen *Limited to 10 servings a day Sweet & sour pork 900 yen Eka-don 760 yen Fried rice in Tianjin 890 yen
Channel: うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba
Views: 1,152,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: うどん, そば, うどんそば, うどんそば兵庫, 兵庫県, 兵庫グルメ, 兵庫ランチ, 兵庫うどん, 兵庫そば, Udonsoba, udon, soba, 우동, 乌冬面, 소바, 乌龙面, 荞麦面, 烏龍麵, 蕎麥麵, うどんそば 兵庫 Udonsoba Hyogo, Udonsoba Hyogo, 中華料理 江華, 京都市西京区, 担々麺, 酢豚, 天津炒飯, 江華丼, yt:cc=on
Id: dgJjcJGmtUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 40sec (4120 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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