AMAZING: This Pastor thought that PROPHETS ARE FAKE until he met Ps Alph Lukau

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are you a pastor yes i'm pastor you have a church yes i've got a church you have a church yes you sit right at the back pastor do you know calvary church yeah i'm the pastor there at calvary church you're the pastor of calvary church see you looking because in your heart you don't believe in the prophetic because as you hear right at the back observing you are wondering is this true but how can a man of god doubt the prophetic what more evidence should the church provide that god does nothing until his prophets know of it you are pastoring your church with 300 people is that correct it's true you have 300 people in your church yes and you you teach the world and you say to people is that true let me tell you i see you last week sitting with two people servant of god apostle jeremiah and pastor stefan and you told apostle jeremiah i see the will of god getting a bit uncomfortable because all that spoken secret is about to be revealed in public life you say i don't believe in these prophets and you say don't fall for the prophet and you say they collect people's information and they manipulate it and make it look as if they are prophesying family we do not have time to play private investigators when the world is dying and needs god's intervention is that true ah it's true i wonder if this person now believes the cause of his from god or does he still think that this is tricked how do i know that maybe not jeremiah or my friend christopher i don't know wow this man won't be convinced maybe i know jeremiah i know it maybe because i know jeremiah let's do this is this your first time yes first time do you know anybody in the church no no no you don't nobody in this church no it's my first time coming here it's your first time it's first time did you speak to anybody about your life no i don't know yeah [Music] did you tell anybody that in your wallet you have 200 rent 50 50 100. look at how he covers his face and shock this is purely the power of the prophetic at work made the world know that god sees everything but before him nothing is hidden family he pulls his wallet out and just as pasta alf said it two 50 red notes and 100 round note all amounting to 200 family let us not box the power of god i'm finished i'm finished did you tell anybody that you are wearing an under pet that is red if god has their hairs on our heads numbered would the color of anyone's undergarment be difficult to locate beloveda's pastor was even kind enough to show us that the prophet spoke the truth about the color of his undercovers this was not to humiliate him but to break them to the realization that if we say we believe in god then we ought also to believe in those whom he has appointed for they are an extension of him prophet sets in the counsel of god and unto them mysteries and secrets are revealed do not doubt god tell me that you are wearing a red underpaint [Applause] oh my man i don't have words to say man you don't have what to say i don't have any words to say you see give god glory from today open to the prophetic because your blessing is in dead unless you open to it you remain there your life is up and down you are struggling financially you have people but they do not stand with you it's true the 300 people is 300 trouble that's true financially you're struggling your church is struggling right now i see they have served you a letter to forget the prophet the property because it's a whanau letter you always three month rent i'm seeing 52 500. ah it's true my man of god because i pay 17 500 a month you pay 17 500. 52 500. a final demand has been sent to you and let me see i see a signature that goes as if it is a snake signature and the person signing it is linda the prophetic mental upon cause the office getting extreme [Applause] linda the owner of the property say i am kicking you out of the property it's true my man of god and even as you have come here you do not know where money will come you have nothing except 200. but i can help you god is a god of mercy in our weakness his power will be made more visible this pastor must simply humble himself and accept us i can help you hey that is the living god if you want to change your heart all right toward his work and give credit to god not to the devil for the works of god he will take you high thank you because it knows your heart you're an honest person thank you man of god you were just blind we are powerful men of god beloved his eyes have opened up to the truth we give god the glory there are pastors out there who are still blind and they fight god thinking they're fighting the devil because they're blind but that you know that i serve the living god amen amen tomorrow tomorrow before the end of the day you'll receive a call from linda that will tell you your debt is cancelled glory to jesus thank you jesus oh wow i am so happy that in the end god's power will be seen in all of them tomorrow before the end of the day you will receive a phone call it will happen just as i said amen amen 52 500 death will be cancelled not the following day tomorrow before the end of the day do you believe it oh all he needs to do now is believe this world i'm sorry not believing in you i'm sorry yes you're a powerful man of god i'm blessed to meet you glad to meet you too yes i'm blessed my name is a man sent by god to make his power known in this world thank you jesus tomorrow before the end of the day that everyone who's watching around the world may know that our god speaks amen and as the world said let he who has been here hear what the spirit says amen if your god is dead come and try mine [Music] i release an impartation of grace over your life prayed in the name of jesus never the same and doubt god no more [Music] pastor give me favor just for two more testimonies wait a minute is this not the pastor whom pastor of pig from the crowd and prophesied on just the other night god is good god is good this man did not believe in prophets just 48 hours ago but today here he stands as one of those who are testifying of god's goodness in a prophetic church we place god i am genuinely moved beloved that's the lord the man of god had released a word upon this pastor that he would receive a call from a lady named belinda whom he owed over 50 000 rents worth of church rate did linda call as pastor of had declared or has this man of god come to confirm his initial belief that prophecy is fabricated i need to hear this this is getting extreme it's getting i say extreme oh family it is getting extreme in this place look at him joyfully moving the church flag wow this man has truly underwent a change of heart god has surely shown himself to be god in his life i am burning to hear what god has done for him speak to me the man of god who passed the elf located who did not believe that everything that's happening here is real but it to the power and the knowledge of god when you had to indicate something that was hidden this is the man of god experiencing and here to acknowledge that god exists and walk with pastor elf amen glory to god i spoke to you about that cancellation and i told you the following day it shall happen it's true did it happen when i come here on friday you pick me straight from the crowd yes of course i was having you prophesied truly that i was having a problem i was owing my church yesterday saturday saturday mid afternoon linda called me the prophetic word has come to pass i don't know about you but the god of my father is a faithful god at first i thought maybe i'm crazy or what then she said no pastor person i can see things are difficult man let's cancel the 52. oh glory oh glory give the lord a shout of praise wow supernatural death cancellation after the prophet has spoken over his situation just as pastor of had stated the woman called and true to the prophecy the entire amount has been cancelled i am shocked i am shaken and happy to be under this grace god has done it this is just amazing family we do not serve a god of stone oh no he is alive and when he intervenes in the matter truly things change [Music] hallelujah now how do you trick this i told him only god could have done this i'm about to say something in your life wherever you are i'm about to say something in your life as an authorized month of god and it shall happen by fire by false now linda told you let just put it aside you believe now in the prophetic man of god from 52-00 how can anyone not believe after this jesus hallelujah hallelujah ministry god is at work here yes god lives in this house pastor patriot has said it well [Music] come here he said he did not believe the man of god but but now he has the flag with the face of the man of god glory to jesus i bless you serve god with no debt
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 1,800,669
Rating: 4.6770186 out of 5
Keywords: #JESUS, #AlphLukau, #Pastor, #Prophet, #AlleluiaMinistries
Id: lnuuMykoyv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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