Amazing Recent Discoveries Made In Space

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the world is a big place filled with wonders but even Earth pales in comparison to what space has to offer and the best part is we've barely scratched the surface every single year researchers discover a lot of awesome things about the universe coming up are some of the most mind-boggling recent discoveries made in space number 15 zombie star in November 2017 there was a study published in Nature about a star explosion which is formally known as a supernova not all stars explode when they die but those with a mass eight times bigger than the Sun do so so what's so special about this supernova usually a supernova reaches its peak brightness then fades in a span of about 100 days but the IPT f-14 hls supernova has been around for at least two years and instead of gradually fading it got brighter around 200 and 400 days in and way back in 1954 researchers spotted a supernova in the same area if it turns out to be the same supernova than this zombies star has been exploding for more than 60 years and may be over 30 times the mass of Earth's Sun if that's the case then this star could have condensed into a rapidly spinning neutron star called a magnetar another scenario was the exploding star has amassed 100 times more than the Earth's suns meaning that stars of this size still form today proving that not all of them have reached their complete form in the earliest stages of the universe number 14 underground lake in Mars using rock samples scientists have found out that water does exist on Mars but only in the form of ice and water vapor however there was little evidence suggesting it existed in the present time that changed in August 2018 when a study in science came out it supported the notion that liquid water does still exist on Mars the researchers used a radar called MRSA stew check what's underneath 1.6 kilometers of ice in the Red Planet southern polar region Planum Australia here they detected what seems to be an underground lake 20 kilometers wide if it turns out to be real it will make Mars a more viable place for life to exist and that includes human life number 13 far out in December 2018 scientists discovered the dwarf planet 2018 Viji 18 it's the farthest known body in the solar system hence its nickname far out second it's the only object in the solar system orbiting at more than 100 times the distance from the earth to the Sun in other words far out takes more than a thousand years to make a single orbit around the Sun but there's one more exciting thing about far out you see this dwarf planet was found where other extremely distant objects in the solar system are and these objects had similar orbits if researchers confirm that far out orbits the same way it may help prove that there is something out there that guides their orbits a massive planet known as Planet 9 or Planet X number 12 the first EXO moon any natural space object that orbits a bigger astronomical body is a natural satellite the Earth's moon for example is a satellite but if the moon is orbiting a planet outside our solar system it's an EXO moon in October 2018 alex teaching and David M kipping published a study in science advances about the first EXO moon discovery it was orbiting planet kepler 162 5b that's located 8,000 light-years away which is equal to about nine point forty six trillion kilometers multiplied by 8,000 if the science community confirms that this is the first x a moon ever discovered it would help us know more about the properties of planetary systems other than our own number eleven nuclear pasta in the one hundred and twenty first volume of Physical Review Letters published in September 2018 a study reported that the strongest known material in the universe may be nuclear pasta astrophysicists believe that these exist inside neutron stars which are very dense balls of neutrons usually resulting from the explosive deaths of stars much bigger than our Sun using computer simulations and what science knows about neutron star properties the researchers determined the strength of nuclear pasta the results you'd need strength 10 billion times the force needed to destroy steel to shatter a single plate of nuclear pasta if it does exist it will allow astrophysicists to test their theories and models on neutron star including just how big a structure can be on a neutron star before it causes the crust to break apart number 10 Trappist 1e in November 2018 a study published in the Astrophysical Journal noted how one of the planets orbiting the Trappist one star may be capable of supporting life on Earth located 39 light years or 368 point ninety four trillion kilometres away from Earth Trappist one is smaller than the Earth's Sun in both mass and radius but what's most interesting is that it has seven rocky planets that are more or less the size of Earth one of them trafficed 1e may actually have liquid water on its surface and a lot of oxygen researchers can better understand the evolution of planets through studying the Trappist 1 system which could then help them identify the processes that make a planet suitable for earth-like life to exist number 9 dust moons on January 2019 two studies about dust moons appeared in the Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society to understand these dust moons it's important to know about the lagrangian's these are the five points in deep space that balance gravitational pull between the Earth and it's moon two of these points are l4 and l5 if a space object resides in any of these two points they won't lose their position they more or less remain about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth and the moon as the gravitational forces are stable way back in 1961 polish astronomer Casimir Korda luskey argued that there were two clouds of dust of the earth and moons l5 point orbiting the earth just like the moon to us however the existence of this pair of dust moons now known as the quarter loose key dust cloud proved to be controversial but thanks to advancements in computer models and telescopes researchers were finally able to spot the dust clouds the findings shed light on space objects that were no more distant than the moon yet went undetected for half a century number eight the sun's nemesis some scientists believe that nearly all stars are born with companions for many decades researchers believe that the Sun and its twin caused disasters on earth as the two pulled at each other some Komets may have gone out of orbit and percent crashing down on earth this would have then resulted in mass extinctions which is why scientists nicknamed the twin emesis but according to a study in the Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society published in August 2017 nemesis may not be as bad as people thought it was rather it just separated from the Sun billions of years ago before melting in the Milky Way this study changes how we see the birth of stars like our Sun that most if not all of them aren't created alone in that the companion stars aren't necessarily bad for nearby space objects number 7 frozen water on the moon previous analyses of the moon gave clues as to whether it had ice or not but this is the first time scientists had direct evidence of frozen water on the satellite the researchers who had their study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in August 2018 used an instrument known as the moon mineralogy mapper or m3 to distinguish frozen water from other forms of ice or water they found very old ice at the North and South Poles specifically in the cold surface craters that never received direct sunlight if scientists could figure out a way to turn the ice into rocket fuel the moon could be an ideal source for space travel number six comet giving away alcohol in October 2015 a study published in science advances detailed how the comet Lovejoy released ethyl alcohol into space researchers observed the comet using a radio telescope at Pico Villita Spain what they found was that the amount Lovejoy let loose per second at one point was equal to 500 bottles of wine moreover the comet released twenty other organic molecules which may help prove that comet impacts on earth helped provide the molecules that would enable ancient life to flourish number five largest ring in the solar system in October 2009 a study published in Nature identified the largest ring in the solar system using nasa's spitzer space telescope researchers spotted the ring around Saturn it was 2.4 million kilometres thick with a span of at least 128 times the radius of Saturn which is 58,000 232 kilometers researchers believe that the ring gets its debris from the impact between Saturn's moon Phoebe and unpredictable space rocks that we could then explain why Saturn's moon yaw pitous has two tones that the dark side may be due to all the materials from the ring number four closest earth-like planet a study published in astronomy and astrophysics in November 2017 detailed a special planet outside our solar system the researchers discovered it using the harps planet-finding spectrograph in Chile it's called Ross 128 B and it may have the conditions to support earth-like life Ross 128 B is just 35% bigger than Earth only receives 38% more sunlight and norbit's a quiet star that doesn't let out deadly solar flares it's 11 light years away but it's a relatively close planet to keep an eye on especially if scientists could confirm whether it has liquid water or not number 3 o mula mula in October 2017 researchers discovered a very unusual space object moving at almost 92 thousand kilometers per hour it was eventually called au mula mula and it's the first and only observed interstellar object that's passed through our solar system researchers know it's between 400 and 800 meters long with a thin cigar shaped profile but what it is exactly is up for debate most of the scientific community thinks it's a comet others say it's an asteroid a zombie comet or even a spacecraft from another civilization some even see it as proof of panspermia that Nerf began thanks to microscopic life-forms traveling in space on these space objects number two space origins of gold in October 2017 astronomers discovered where heavy elements such as gold platinum and uranium came from with the help of LIGO and the Virgo interferometer they were able to locate two neutron stars colliding against each other 130 million light years away from the earth due to how dense these stars are their collisions caused gravitational waves and led to the formation of heavy elements researchers once thought that most of the heavy elements on earth were due to supernovas this discovery suggests otherwise number one first-ever black hole image arguably the biggest space discovery in recent years happened last April 10th with the help of more than 200 scientists it was the culmination of the event horizon telescope project which used 5 petabytes of data from telescopes around the war that's equal to 5,000 terabytes it took two years the BHT finally managed to create the very first image of a supermassive black hole technically what you're seeing isn't the black hole itself you can't see it because it consumes everything stars planets and even light what you see is its silhouette and the bright ring is the event horizon it's the visual evidence that black holes exist once an object passes through here can no longer come back so why is this image important it's the only direct evidence scientists have of black holes so far second the event horizon can help researchers test Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is theory predicted that objects the size of black holes would be spherical in form with a ring of light surrounding a dark Center there is a ring of light but it's coming from all directions because the black hole is warping space and time and lastly it could help scientists learn the very nature of black holes from twin stars to dust moons and black holes I hope you learned a lot from this video which one was your favorite are there other discoveries you want to add let me know in the comments below and don't forget to give a like and subscribe for more amazing content thanks for watching you
Channel: BE AMAZED
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Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, amazing discoveries, recent discoveries, space discoveries, origins explained, mysterious discoveries, discoveries in space, unexplained discoveries, nasa discoveries, solar system, strange discoveries, unexplained mysteries, unsolved mysteries, nasa discoveries 2019, nasa discoveries in space, life on mars, nasa discovery, recent space discoveries, outer space, recent nasa discoveries, new nasa discoveries
Id: T8D7eA-dCz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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