Amazing marble race: Cyclone Quadrilla - Mini tournament elimination marble run

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[Music] [Applause] hello friends and welcome to MSP NS coverage of Marvel FeliCa I am Rick O'Shea here for the Cuadrilla race which is as you can see a very daunting track which will encompass a quite a long race the goal of this race is going to be to get your team to finish first and so whichever team will finish first will move on as you see this gigantic course which is the hape Cuadrilla course which is why we are calling it the Cuadrilla race as we have as you can see at the beginning but near those starting post you can have to get through those pegs before you enter some very complex spirals very complex funnels that will shoot you out all different places you are gonna lose sight of some of these marbles at some points so we will try our best to keep as well of an overview sign as you can as you can see there there are many different ins and outs of these different parts of the course as you see some of the countries lining up and getting ready to go should be a very very interesting race we have our 16 team feel fighting for that Cup right in the middle you can see some of those countries lining up and there they are India and the Philippines Ecuador icicle up toward the top Mexico who won our last standalone video that we have put up which you saw the half pipes the very large half pipe course that as I mentioned was almost like a Plinko style event where you scored different points with based on where you're landing nothing like this today this is just a good old-fashioned marble race where you want your entire team to get down as a as soon as possible and so our first matchup is the number ones against Brazil and we are underway Netherlands in the red and black everybody making their way through Raziel classic mostly yellow and now they go all all different ways in it's almost just a guessing game after who's in the lead first one down right now is the Netherlands we can tell you that much as they head up the conveyor belt there is Brazil with a couple and the Netherlands with two more and they begin the funnels one half pipe there and Brazil is the first one down there we split Netherlands and the Netherlands had one shoot right out for the right side they are the first one down to another one of those lower funnels can the marbles up towards that top at the very first funnel before you get to the half pipe a lot of them very tight with each other only one marble so far is chosen the left side and that is the Netherlands all alone everybody else either hasn't made a choice yet or has gone to the right side first one down is going to be maybe not here we go it's gonna be presented of nowhere big run by Brazil to take it here comes the Netherlands with two you have four marbles and Brazil's in a little bit of trouble Brazil gets one more down only one to go for the Netherlands they are circling it they fall and it is the Netherlands that is gonna take it Brazil will be eliminated with still two marbles one marble has two more funnels to get through exciting start but almost a a disappointing finish there for Brazil as they did have the first marble on a pretty heroic attempt by that first marble to get down first passing up a couple of the Netherlands marbles but the Netherlands is going to move on and now it's China against Argentina China be very intimidating black and red and Argentina and the light blue they head down this wooden funnel which will shoot you out all different ways at this point it's kind of hard to tell until you get to the conveyor belt then you can see he's really fully in the lead shaking the conveyor belt is China with the first two then Argentina another Chinese marble makes its way up looks like Argentina as the lowest marble Argentina in this is actually in a lot of trouble they've got three marbles up towards that first funnel they need some help run to the left side that is China wheels to the right side the first three right now are all Chinese this is a dominant run right now by China will they be able to finish it off though that's the question the last marble right now is China that could be some trouble Argentina fighting with themselves China's down first let's see if they can finish all of theirs before Argentina can get away with another close win there's the second Chinese marble here comes the first for Argentina left side really moving slowly Argentina has their second China has number three can they finish it off on the left side circling it China is gonna fall down first and the Chinese advance Argentina closer than Brazil but still going to be eliminated nonetheless as that was a closer match up all those China did lead wired a wire basically right there and we have two that are through and now it's Ecuador against Mexico Mexico coming from the left side and black and we multicolored yellow red and blue colors on the flag of Ecuador or on their marbles as well looks like Ecuador's out to the early lead but again depending on where you fall it is really back and forth on who's ultimately gonna take the lead until you get to this point and it is Ecuador with the first three and four out of the first five are gonna be Ecuador marbles and they see if they're able to hold off we have seen some of the marbles struggle when you get here to this part in the in the race with the funnels and cause problems the half pipes you have seen many times can definitely cause problems and for the first time we've got a couple of marbles go to that left side one Ecuador and one Mexico Mexico though is in some trouble they have basically all the marbles that are in last this is maybe even a bigger blowout first one down is gonna be Mexico though fittingly enough and an Ecuador off to the left Ecuador has their second has their third and they're very close Ecuador with a 4-1 advantage still three marbles had to cross for Mexico after Ecuador had dropped all of their so an easy win and just by way of how many marbles had crossed for the opponent by the time that the winning team had finished this is the biggest blowout although it was a little close there and Mexico did have the first one to move on but it is Ecuador overall as a team that will advance to move on to the quarterfinals and we get a battle of red white and blue it is France and the Russia making their way down [Applause] everybody I'm with one portion of the wooden funnels making their way towards the conveyor belt now which will take them up and over and on their way to the funnels and then to the half pipe and down where they have to make their choice on which set up fun we're gonna face pretty tight right now they'll be really pulling away yet France and Russia you can see up at the top of the screen a couple of the blue marbles very close there France and Russia across the line almost identically they both have two in and two to go however it is going to be too little too late for France as Russia despite the fact that they went to too early they finish off their two before the other two for France can cross the finish line they've still have a couple more funnels to go for that last French marble and Russia will advance to the quarterfinals as well from the bottom white qua bottom right quadrant I should say delay on the left side that's with the more blue more the blue is gonna be chilly Poland is their opponent and they are also mostly lights a lot of white on both these marbles but that is white with just red or Poland and it is white with blue as well as red for Chile and everybody is making their way toward the conveyor belt right now the advantage goes to Chile [Applause] barbar looks as though now Poland has taken that moon [Applause] yeah Chile has the last marble right now so they are in the danger spot it doesn't matter who finishes first you can tell Mexico or ask Mexico about that because they will tell you who finishes first doesn't end up mattering at choosing that last spot right now Chile's in a little bit of trouble they are well behind everybody else still out that halfpipe they're stuck now they will head to the left side on a make up ground chill a does finish first there is the first and second marbles for Poland it's 2-2 right now there's Poland's third there is Poland sport then they will advance and it was that last marble Chile with a respectable run except for the final marble and that ends up costing them as they still have two more funnels to make it through slowly going down you can see those marbles are very tight in color a little bit more clear on the Polish marbles as they will advance for their country into the quarter-final and they're gonna take on the Netherlands and now we got our matchup between Germany and Portugal it is gonna be Germany in the black on the Left and Portugal with mostly green coming from the right side first marble down was portal approach to down low for Channel everybody's down and making their way now through the maze that is that wooden area of this course pate Cuadrilla course well what we are referring to as the Cuadrilla race first round matchup still and Germany has the first two first three first four are no first three but the last two to come out of that top funnel or both from Portugal [Applause] the Portuguese struggling a little bit now it is Germany that's in last pretty good run there by Portugal to take advantage of a little bit of a mistake as you see a different angle here showing you from the top and now right back into last place would be Portugal it's very tight Portugal has their first through they have their second through here comes number three they've got a 3o lead but now here comes old there's a big run for Portugal and Germany in trouble circling and through is Portugal and Germany after having a huge lead they had the first three and there were two for Portugal that were at the back it is Portugal that will advance they will take on China our next matchup is India against the Philippines India with the mint color and light blue a most sky-blue representing the Philippines [Applause] everybody making their way down heading for the conveyor belt this is where it gets very tricky first screw was the Philippines but it is mostly right now India looks like they've got the advantage and it is India that has the last marble right now both these countries were very shiny representatives and we will find out who will be the first to fall and claim paying us a personal victory there three of the marbles for the Philippines are off to the right side first time first down was India there's the Philippines with their second and a 2-1 lead to two now it's three to India and India's gonna advance as the Philippines once again this has been a trend here on this early going one marble ends up struggling for their country and more or less it's just one that ends up knocking them out very tight all the way through with the exception of the final Philippines marble that is circling around that final funnel and will fall now and finish up what is a disappointing run for them India is through they're gonna take on Ecuador in the quarter-final and our final matchup from this first round is the United States against Spain Spain in the ham color white with red is the us in our halfpipes matchup we saw the US sport silver that they've got mostly white this time everybody heads for the determining factor of really where you are standing at this point it's the US with the first but it's also the US with the last as famous found their way through and now Spain has the final two marbles now let's see yep Spain's gonna have the last two to come out of that top funnel and make their way toward the half pipe us as three that will go down the left side and they are the only three down the left side all 4 marbles trying to go down the right for Spain and it looks like it might be a blowout for the US they have their first they are circling their second here comes Spain they knock down their first but the u.s. knocks in 2 3 & 4 and a dominant win for the United States to advance to the quarterfinal round as Spain had the final two marbles the marbles running seventh and eighth for virtually the entire race after they got out of the conveyor belt and down to that first funnel from there on the Americans dominant and they will advance to take on Russia in the quarter-final and we head back to the Netherlands who were in the first matchup they take on Poland and in the white Netherlands in the red a slow track here on this beginning with the wooden funnels ski doesn't build up until a little bit later when they head down the track and make their way onto the conveyor belt Netherlands had the first one down the last one down will also be the Netherlands similar to what we just saw from the US and the final match up the first round last out of that first funnel will be another ones we very tight with each other : takes the advantage Poland making their way to that final halfpipe with their last marble Netherlands still in that tunnel and now they knock with each other and Poland ends up losing out as the Netherlands knocked Poland and just went right on through that excuse me I'll take that and knocks Poland right now with a struggling marble both have one in Poland has two now the Netherlands have to Poland circling their third they've got it it's gonna come down to that final marble two funnels to go now only one funnel to go for everyone Netherlands with their third here comes Poland here comes the Netherlands it is tied and at the buzzer Netherlands they advance and Poland goes home in a buzzer beater a nail-biter right there and the Netherlands will advance to the semi-finals and Poland gotta be disappointed right there here is China against Portugal now China with the red and black stripes and they have the final three marbles stood out at the beginning of that wooden funnel there Portugal with the green making their way to the conveyor belt and the first four how about that one two three and four in the running right now are Portugal five six seven and eight are China and we'll see how well China can avoid that continuing to happen because that is a very big advantage right now for Portugal and they take advantage we have seen big leave blown right now the final three marbles are all from the Chinese they had an easy win in round one not coming quite as easy right now nobody down yet Portugal has three that are with either two funnels or one funnel to go then can now be said for China but they have one marble that's really struggling first one down is Portugal second down is Portugal here comes the first through China there's the third for Portugal second for China but Portugal circling it and they will win they advance with again as I've mentioned one marble can ruin it for your team and that is the case for China I actually got that third one in first despite being down big everybody else made that comeback but Portugal will advance as China unable to complete what would have been a large large comeback falling one marble short we move on to Ecuador against India Ecuador in the yellow India and Amit green [Applause] whoo Wow Ecuador had one of their marvels gets stuck had to be pushed along by that last marble and three out of the final four and the last three in fact all belong to Ecuador so they're in a little bit of trouble here look at that all of India's marbles were on that bottom funnel all of Ecuador's marbles were on the top funnel again a big lead getting late into this race and India hold on that was something that Portugal barely was able to do almost overcome by a big comeback from China Ecuador late would like to do the same right now it's pretty tight she's the last to get down from that top funnel that we see on the screen right now it's gonna be Ecuador and the first down meanwhile will also be Ecuador they will take the personal win they've got the first three here comes Ecuador trying to be pushed along one end to end now three and four India again it's gonna come down to the wire and it's Ecuador they do complete the very large comeback which nearly turned into a comeback bid by India tight one but Ecuador moves on and now we get the big boys Russia against the United States Russia in the dark red with white stripes the US and the white with red stripes very distinguishable which one is which these two countries facing off the spot on the semi-finals on the line the final spot in the semi-finals the US has the final marvel right now and now that changes hands to Russia last one to get to the half pipes is a telling site right now that is going to be the US although that was the case for the US and their first-round matchup and they were still able to hold off and in fact they had a sweep a dominant win us right now closest to the finish line but also they still have a marble that's up at the half pipes that marble is killing the United States right now and in a huge event they still can't get out of it now they finally do but they've got to hold funnels to make up on the next closest for Russia Russia has won down the US has three but they're going to be ousted it looks by one marble the theme continues in this competition Russia advances and the u.s. despite having a 300 lead they are eliminated Russia moves on to the semi-finals [Applause] [Music] the Netherlands against Ecuador for a spot in the championship and other ones barely held on the beat Poland they are in the red Ecuador in the yellow a very very tight match up more than Evelyn's to get them to this spot now look at that everybody was bunched up there at the conveyor belt had to take their turns making their way up fascinating right there again important in this matchup is the last marble down to the half pipes in the last two marbles down to the half pipes right here are going to be the Netherlands they have the two marbles that seem to be in the lead right now but they also have two marbles towards the bottom now they're trying to gang up on Ecuador and pass them they got one through they've got only one through before Ecuador retakes the lead on towards that bottom of the screen and now the first to finish is the Netherlands but again that's not what matters it's when does your last marble cross Netherlands with the 200 lead Ecuador has their first the Netherlands have their third but they also have one it's gonna come down to this final marble and they are in the same funnel who's gonna fall first the Netherlands are gonna go and the Netherlands with another tight win they advance to the championship in thrilling fashion how about that very tight as Russia and Portugal watched on now they are in the spotlight woo very slow getting into that wooden funnel but he slowed themselves down there and gave the marbles that were in the funnel a little bit of an advantage but again the slower marbles are the ones you want to focus on and there is a pretty big disparity right now between first and laughs in the last marble belongs to Russia who is struggling with a lot of their marbles towards the back however it is Portugal that actually went down first from that top funnel and let's see which one is the final one to get through that second funnel and into the half pipes it is going to be Portugal again and Portugal not exactly having the success I think they would have envisioned here Russia has won already down Portugal still has won in the half pipes they're down to their funnel let's see if they can make a run as they finish their first however it looks like it's a pretty big advantage right now for Russia to won the lead belongs to Portugal now it's 2-2 both of the Russians are down to their final funnel Russia moves on to play for this championship and they will face the Netherlands as Portugal once again outdone by that one marble that could not get through the half pipes every team member is important one marble can cost you but first it's our third-place match between Ecuador and Portugal who had one marble cost them each eliminated because of one single team member struggling as they will one last time make their way through a large wooden structure and head for the conveyor belt we are lucky that we have not seen any marbles get stuck on that wooden part which would a former disqualification we've seen a couple of marbles who have been stuck but nobody has permanently gotten stuck because those have not been the last marbles to make it through to that point so that is a break that nobody has had to be disqualified because of a team amar unable to finish the race learn to make their way down through the funnels Equador still has one more marble to make their way to the half pipe they do now and they need to get out of there as quickly as possible I'm not mistaken everybody went to the left and they did how about that first one down is Portugal however the last two also belong to Portugal Portugal trying to take advantage of the fact that they have their marbles to work with they have a 200 lead now here comes one for Ecuador and now Ecuador's got the last two they're in trouble big comeback by Portugal and I have to knock somebody out of the way Portugal and Ecuador comes down to the final one and Portugal's gonna take on we're gonna take third place as they get this win 4-3 in another tight matchup and that brings it to the finale it is the Netherlands and the brighter red with black stripes and it is Russia in the dark red with white stripes the Netherlands have barely advanced the last two times they had a pretty nice win in their first matchup but after that very very close in the quarterfinals and in the semi-finals everybody threw one last time onto the conveyor belt [Applause] Russia with a four marble lead if I'm not mistaken big advantage who's the last one down one of the Russian marbles is still stuck in that funnel and it is gonna be Netherlands last one Oh very tight they collided but did not get stuck that was both Netherlands marbles there that could have had disaster they're gonna need to make a comeback on Russia if they wanna once again come away with a close win first one down is Russia second one down is gonna be Russia third down is Russia fourth down is Russia it's a sweep for nothing as the Netherlands run out of magic in the finale Russia wins it for nothing they take the cup second place goes to the Netherlands and Portugal by way of winning the third place match up they get onto the pedestal as well coming in third the Netherlands in second but the crowned champion is Russia as they get the win via a sweep in the finale a dominated showing by Russia and they finish off this matchup on the Cuadrilla race on the heip Cuadrilla track with a pretty easy win in the championship round so that is all for us here from MSP n representing marble Fuca I am Rick O'Shea and thank you for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fubeca's Marble Runs
Views: 4,499,681
Rating: 4.4793572 out of 5
Keywords: balap kelereng, marble run, marble runs, marble race, marble racing, carrera de canicas, marble fubeca, fubeca, bolinhas de gude, marble game, marblelympics, marble sports, fubeca runs, fubeca race, race ball, ball run, amazing marble race, marble machine, course de billes, マーブルラン, Мраморный бег, marble rally, ras marmer, countryballs, fubeca's marble runs, quadrilla hape, quadrilla marble race, quadrilla marble run, hape
Id: fsG19u6eNUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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