Amazing Macros for Shadow Priests! (& Other Classes Too!)

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what's up everybody my name is pants face and today we're going to talk about macros I'm going to give you a list of some useful macros that I think will really help elevate your play as well as talk about one that you know has been in the game for so long and has such a history to it um and tell you kind of the benefits and the downsides of using it and for those who might not be aware I'm talking about the no channeling mindflay macro but I'm Gonna Save that one for the end since it's a spicy topic let's kick things off with a dispersion cancel Aura macro now this is really important because dispersion lasts for six seconds and during that time you know you've restore Mana you take 90 less damage but you also can't cast anything and a lot of the time you don't want your dispersion to last for the full six seconds so we can end it early by using a cancel or a macro this is really important if you're disbursing on Big Bang and there's two seconds left on the cast so you disperse he cast Big Bangs you would still have four more seconds up despair version if you don't cancel it early same thing on mimrod for example if you're trying to run through fire or run through spinning up you only need it up for a second or two you don't need that up for the full six second now the thing that I would stress about this macro is that I would not put it into your dispersion cast because if you press dispersion twice on accident when you go to activate it you'll instantly cancel it so what I like to do is I pick a spell that I put my cancel or a macro into so for example I have it in my mind blast cast so it's the same thing as your normal regular mind blast but it just has slash cancel or a dispersion added into it it's a keybind that's far enough away from dispersion that I'm not going to miss click it by accident but it's also pretty easily reachable so that when I do press it I know that I'm going to cancel dispersion next up let's talk about Shadow fiend attacking and its ability Shadow crawl I'm just gonna come out and say it Shadow fiend is a terribly designed pet it doesn't always attack it doesn't always use its abilities and it's just kind of annoying especially when it's chasing around a mob it can be really annoying to use this macro sets it into aggressive and has it start attacking your target immediately what it also does if you press it a second time it will use its ability Shadow crawl this is really important because maximizing your uptime with Shadow crawl is going to maximize your damage or Shadow feed it can technically cast this three times when it's up during its 15 seconds but I found that if I don't do anything like if I don't have this macro disability it only casts it twice during the average cast now in order for shadow crawl to activate on cooldown you would have to keep pressing your Shadow theme button every six seconds while it's active if you really want to min max it you can take the Warlock route which what that means is we essentially macros slash cast Shadow crawl into every single one of our abilities now this is annoying to set up but wouldn't make sure is no matter what spell you're casting you will make sure that your Shadow fiend activates shadowcrawl as soon as it has it available I personally don't do this just honestly because I'm lazy but if you want to min max Your Shadow fiend then I would highly recommend it next up let's talk about devouring plague and saranite bombs so this isn't really Shadow Creek specific but if you want to get a little bit of extra damage throughout an encounter or just throughout a raid in general you can macro saronite bombs into your devouring plague cast now this is just a spell that I chose to put this macro into but you could do it with any spell I just found that I like this one the best the important thing to know with this macro is that it's going to throw the bomb wherever your cursor is so if you're someone who doesn't really pay attention to that or usually have it off on the screen somewhere or you like to right click and you can't actually see it you really need to pay attention to what your cursor is because if it's behind you it's going to throw the bomb behind you if it's up at the ceiling it's going to throw the bomber on the ceiling so it's something that if you're not used to paying attention to your bombs might not be going where you want them to so just keep an eye out for that also just note that we're using at cursor because at Target does not work for this macro you cannot throw it at your target or your target of Target or your focus Target there's no way for that to work you have to manually aim where the bomb is being thrown which again is why we're using cursor now the next one I want to talk about is a vampiric Embrace cancel Aura and you might be thinking why would you ever want to cancel vampiric embrace it's passive healing and it doesn't really harm anybody right well have you ever noticed on algalon that as soon as the shadow guy spawn in Phase 2 that they immediately Target you or that during yog-zero after your tanks die the Guardians immediately kill you before anybody else that's because of the passive threat that's being generated by vampiric Embrace now what I like to do is as I transition into phase two of algalon or phase three of yak zero I will cancel my vampiric Embrace number one the healing doesn't really matter for those phases so if you're not harming your raid in any way by doing this but secondly these mobs are no longer going to be magnetized to you if your tanks die in phase three of yag it means you're just gonna have a few extra seconds of survivability because they'll probably be smacking around your healers instead of you same thing with algalon though if you have a big bang during that final 20 obviously threat's going to reset and they still will Target you after everybody transitions from The Big Bang because you'll be the only one that they have thread on so it's not going to do anything to change that but it just changes what happens like during the regular portions of the fight when threat is kind of normal now the mobs will attack whoever's highest on their threat table so if it's not you it would probably be a Healer so I'm not saying this is best for your raid but it is best for your own personal DPS as it increases your survivability so that's definitely something to keep in mind the next macro I want to talk about is setting your max camera distance this is something that I really really value as a macro only because the max distance that you can actually set in the wow settings is not this far out you'll see as I press this button I can now scroll out a lot further and I think this just helps generally in any rate encounter or really just anything you're doing in the game you can see a lot more of what's around you you can plan out your movement you can understand where different members of your radar it really just allows you to understand what's happening on the battlefield so you can plan your movement a lot easier easier the thing to note about this is that your camera distance is going to reset every time you log in and out so even though you click the macro once and you can zoom fully out if you log out and back in your camera will still be fully zoomed out but the second you change your camera it's going to zoom in back to that default max distance which is set by the game it is a little bit annoying but just put it on one of your action bars off to the side and just try to remember it every time you log in all right now the final macros I want to talk about is using equipped items so there can be anything in your character sheet whether it's you know your rings your trinkets uh your gloves or your boots it's just any item that your character has equipped now you can make a macro that says you know if I want to use my gloves Slash use conquerors hand wraps of sanctification which works but it only works for that item so instead what you can do is you can use the number slot that I'm showing on the screen in order to use any ability that's tied to that specific slot so for example if I want to use my gloves that would be Slash use 10 if I want to use my boots that would be Slash use eight now what's the point of this why is this better than just using the item well as you upgrade gear and as you switch out gear maybe you have different sets that use for different specializations you're going to be changing your gear which means you would need a separate macro that's like slash used this pair of gloves Slash use that pair of gloves by having the macro that just shows the number that will change with your gear so you never need to update the macro whenever you change your gear you just leave that macro as is you leave it on your bars and it will update with any new gear that you get so this is great with the engineering enhancements on different pieces of gear it's great for trinkets so if you always keep like your on-use Trinket in the 13 spot you know that that macro can always stay Slash use 13 and as long as you have an unused macro you can just use it with that button it's not totally necessary but it is a nice quality of life feature if you have multiple gear sets now let's talk about the no Channel mindfly macro and why you should or shouldn't use it so this macro has existed for almost as long as wow has I actually watched an old Preach video from original Kata and he recommend using the no Channel macro in his shadow crease guide so it's no wonder that this macro still has life today so let's talk about what this macro actually does and why that might be good or bad depending on what you're trying to accomplish in the game by using the no channeling macro your mind play will no longer interrupt itself like a normally cast in my play does this may seem like a good thing but there are a lot of times where we want to clip our mind flight after two ticks less so in Wrath of the Lich King vs The Burning Crusade but it still does happen now there is additional lag introduced by this macro into your cast that's because like I normally casted spell such as you know mind blast Shadow volt Fireball you can cue a spell into it which means before that spell is over you press the button of the spell you want to cast next and then the game will immediately cast that spell once your current cast is done but you can't do that with Channel spells because obviously they just interrupt themselves so the additional lag is introduced because the game has to recognize that the cast is finished and once that happens the game will then start casting your new mind play in practice the added delay is about double whatever your ping is in game so if you have 40 Ms it'll probably be about 80 between casts but if you have 200 Ms it could be about 400 between casts so if you have a really good connection then this actually really isn't that big of a deal and playing with this could be a DPS upgrade as long as you're okay not interrupting your mind play cast and if you wanted to you could have two mind plays on your action bars you could have one that's no channeling and then one that is a regular just you know from your spell book mind play that when you do want to interrupt your mindful you use that instead I wouldn't recommend that personally but I have seen people say that they do that but you know if you're somebody who's in Europe playing on an American server or vice versa or you're on the east coast of us playing on West Coast server and you do have pretty high Ms then using this is really going to hurt you so whether you want to use this macro or not really just depends on your goals for the game if you're just trying to hang out with the guys and the girls for a few hours have fun rating and you don't care that much about your DPS and you just want the game to be as easy as possible then absolutely use this I would recommend it in that scenario but if you are trying to parse and you want to be 99s hundreds do whatever you can to do your maximum DPS then I would stay away from this macro it's essentially like riding a bike with trading Wheels it can definitely be great for new players but if you never learn to play without it then you're only stopping yourself from getting better at the game but depending on your goals that might be perfectly okay for you but all in all do what makes you happy you know don't worry about what the top parsing people are doing if that's not your goal let me know if you have any questions on the macros I've put into here or feel free to add any others that you can think of into the comments I'd love to you know fill this out with even more suggestions from the community anyway I hope this guide has been helpful my name's pants face and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pants Gaming
Views: 19,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pants, pants gaming, pantsface, shadow priest wotlk, wotlk, wotlk classic, wow wotlk classic, wow classic wotlk, world of warcraft, shadow priest, wotlk phase 3 investments, wotlk phase 3 prep, pve, wow wotlk classic shadow priest pvp
Id: sQp1akzNQ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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