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Negishi Sangyo, a manufacturer of funnels in Sumida-ku, Tokyo Copper plate If you cut it as it is, it won't fit, so you have to cut it a little bit like that. This is the length of the bonsai that I'm making now. I've been working with a bonsai master on this through trial and error, and we've come to the conclusion that this is the length of the bonsai. He said, "This is the length, and this is the number of holes, and this is the size of the holes. The length of this length is the length of the hole that can make it rain I'm glad that the bonsai was good. It's like this, that cutting... footsteps I've been doing it a little bit since 1944, so It was kind of near the end of the war and things were really lost around here. We started making things out of metal debris and selling them. It started with rubble and then it became tin and so on. They were making things and selling them, and there was a funnel in the middle of it. I folded the ends. something like that Fold the helicopter like that It's like this, you roll it up and put it in a knot. It's like, "I'm going to put this in a rounded shape, and then I'm going to put this in a rounded shape. I'll let you know what's going on. Now you're going to make it nice and round. Because roundness is the strongest. Something like this in this shape It's totally different That's right. It's like you're making this from one board. If you look inside of this thing, it's nice and straight like this, so... It's like this to scoop out the water. It's got to be round, otherwise if it's damaged or broken, it's going to break. It looks like this I'm going to drill a hole through the cut like I just did. I'm still folded at the edges. I rolled it up like this I rounded it like this I'm going to shim with this. We're going to shim with this. If you round it like this Rounded like this I've squashed it down quite a bit and clipped it, or rather, just stopped it and rounded it off. I went over here and It's called taking out the distortion or putting in the string. It's distorted by a lot of force, so we're going to put in a line to prevent distortion. I'm going to put it in, and it's going to go this way. This is something that just folds the helicopter It's like pulling the bottom out like this. like this We're going to tighten this copper like this to make it one piece. We send the wind to make the fire stronger. Put a little ink in it. Put some coke in It's like doing it while the fire is strong We're going to go like this (solder) so that the water doesn't leak out The sound right now is about 250 degrees Celsius It's like we've got a temporary fix and then we're going to set the angle. This is where the most force is applied, so if you put a cover here I use brass wire to reinforce the cover This is something that will be held in a place called power This is where the most force is applied This is the last part It's going to be really beautiful, isn't it? You have to polish it twice Here and here and here, see how different it is, how much cleaner it gets. The tip also gets cleaned up. And then you use a cotton swab. You see these little details? See, it's all black. You have to do it with something soft or you're going to hurt it. It's like this You see it, right? Rainbow.
Channel: THE PROCESS ザ・プロセス
Views: 3,023,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WlQwpmx49k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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