Amazing handmade pastel chocolate making process by the chocolate master - Korean dessert /파스텔 초콜릿
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Channel: Yummy Yammy 요미야미
Views: 1,909,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate, chocolate making, 초콜릿, 초콜릿 만들기, street food, korean street food, 길거리음식, 한국 길거리음식, korean chocolate, korean chocolate factory, korean chocolate making, handmade chocolate, 수제 초콜릿, 수제 초콜릿 공장, 수제초콜릿, 초콜렛, Chocolate factory, 초콜릿 공장, 초콜릿 데코, 초콜릿 장인, recipe, チョコレート, korean food, 韓国, デザート, チョコレートカカオ, 디저트, 초콜릿 템퍼링, 초콜릿 공예, 초콜릿 중탕, chocolate coreano, chocolate art, 맛집
Id: 0loQ7AojTzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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