AMAZING GRACE - Angelic Voices, Full Album of Cordillera Songbirds, YOU ARE FOREVER Country Gospel.

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[Music] [Music] seeing country [Music] that's it [Music] this was but nah [Music] but [Music] to us [Music] to feel and gray [Music] [Music] that happy [Music] [Music] ah [Music] see Express [Music] see comments that's that's a I this was [Music] come you're broke and heavy-laden come your helpers come you in this come come on the site [Music] is amazing of my soul [Music] great all but Gracie died so I may leave my grace I am saved [Music] come you home and be free [Music] come fast come visit Oh [Music] grace is amazing of my soul God's grace is faithful she Concord but grazie died so I may leave by I am saying [Music] [Music] amazing my soul [Music] so I may be by grace I am saying [Music] the line of my soul [Music] so I'm in by grace come say [Music] come you broken heavy laden [Music] come you help us you in this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you the same infinite God yes you want ruler of everything - Laura fire lusting holy [Music] I bow down [Music] [Music] you are [Music] my duration [Music] me and [Music] the Sun says face you do always remain shiny you storm off everything it's my heart Lori busting home [Music] I [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] in trouble time look upon you in troubled mud I seek your face these restless days this restless night I won't be your friend I want this man oh I know this is just a test but I do for there's an time watching I won't give the I would be dismal [Music] did he say surrender [Music] I keep my face and keep my the world they call [Music] against upon I missed fighting for the cross I will Stanford [Music] I wanna surrender I will be the stress [Music] oh I know this won't be over [Music] for I know there's gotta be a sign I keep my face and get my believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] be decent [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. [Music] I believe [Music] you [Music] you are the true love for you died so I mean [Music] you carried my yeah you are my righteous man how can I Oh [Music] you bet [Music] what can I do to please you [Music] would I begin and true I could have fallen me [Music] smile [Music] I be without [Music] it's symphony you're amazing yes you are [Music] the bird [Music] fool Here I am to serve you [Music] here ahead - it's all true No to begin I can't afford me [Music] smile [Music] I could've brought him [Music] without you [Music] and true [Music] daivi okay [Music] [Music] there was a little girl walking down from home just cool [Music] full of hope that life can be [Music] you stumble on a muddy slippery with [Laughter] she got up again running just to know the teachers told me little girls dream it's true into the mountain her teacher Wow she starts to climb up to but seems like getting hard [Music] full of dear since we're too far it's hard to get [Music] we journey is to be there some lost in the way but some can [Music] be there soon [Music] reading so make home and shadows my dream I have a refuge Evil's my hair until light and [Music] to be this finish the race to the knowing God is my son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to be their son lost in the way [Music] be one be there soon [Music] we are there comment so lost [Music] [Music] [Music] living by living by bread I'm leaving my grace on living by God's grace living by leaving my grass I'm saved I'm forgiven by God's grace [Music] see difficult gosh [Music] Jesus my brother and vanished away due to all the Lord handy [Music] is living by great leaving by grace my dogs [Music] is living by grid I'm saved I'm forgiven by God's grace [Music] I'm nothing without him it's freedom it's all because of [Music] merci [Music] sleeping by [Music] leave me by God's grace I'm saved I'm forgiven [Music] living by I'm living by grace I'm living by God's grace by I'm forgiving [Music] I'm saying I'm forgiven by God's man [Music] living [Music] it's done Joe at [Music] you've got to be ready circumstances or any I won't succumb that girl though it's hot [Music] that is right he's true [Music] your wife is you see [Music] my the line is it here Oh - I prepared for you [Music] please Jane [Music] [Music] [Music] this round [Music] the night is fast fall he's shy on you the bird it's our turn [Music] dreams tonight [Music] [Music] see [Music] this [Music] of your [Music] resting [Music] sweet dreams to know [Music] when sweet dreams tuna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jules to learn [Music] Utah [Music] my bed see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day [Music] my hope and joy [Music] let me run [Music] you're you'll be done me I must into the night trust me [Music] in love [Music] much longer [Music] shake but you're the strong [Music] let me [Music] my hope and joy I'm serving you be ready and Jamie there we [Music] me [Music] into the wheel I trust [Music] and dream your wheel [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey Shay [Music] it may shake you're the strong [Music] late at night and you slam that door you are so ugly the air smells alcohol his cream I prefer dinner want it now you yes sirs your high school years your wake up you're touring up on that you've come distilled alcohol his cream and calm good morning I wanted you've been so and you pull [Music] sure [Music] she always for you [Music] you're drinking with your buddies but record all best friends they cheer like you [Music] one day your sister came rushing you she's here and she's not me I see [Music] [Music] who's John [Music] please [Music] to change [Music] [Music] she [Music] and hostess for a share [Music] [Music] your father in heaven it's been with you [Music] to change all the same pleasing with you come on world camera today [Music] it's been with you [Music] my son to you the day [Music] and you say forgetting but he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] dear [Music] we do [Music] forgotten what I can [Music] you want it to [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is the our confident he's the refuge in trouble time he's the love we have to try [Music] Jesus save your off [Music] he is the whole everyone [Music] come my dear friend here are precious everybody oh Jesus [Music] [Music] to you datian Oh [Music] spread [Music] gracious God is eternity adoration to take to your creation don't do everyone oh my sweet gee I'm Earl [Music] you are the rude your daddy 30 fan of truth you and [Music] [Music] Jesus I [Music] with tea [Music] you nation [Music] [Music] [Music] so stay beyond can [Music] Akuma yes [Music] I again I love Sudi me Oh No my son my cargo [Music] DVR [Music] Osby are cool [Applause] [Music] Lulla [Music] [Music] is a ball that'll get Hey see poopoo [Music] the yamen 10 I mean [Music] [Applause] eat up we hassles in Oh [Music] Sudeep [Music] c-cut Oh lovely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh look at [Music] [Music] [Music] singing huh [Music] that's it me I [Music] but [Music] right but [Music] to us that part to fee and gray [Music] [Music] Oh Cindy that [Music] Oh I [Music] [Music] me [Music] Jews [Music] see comments that's a I this was [Music] come you broke and heavy-laden come your helpers come you in this last come on the site come do you goodness [Music] the lifeline of my soul Crazy's faith [Music] but grazie died so I may leave by grace I am saved [Music] come you be free [Music] the best come visit [Music] Oh [Music] Crazy's amazing of my soul grace is faithful come on but grazie died so I may leave by I am saying [Music] [Music] [Music] my baby died so I may be by Craig I am saying the line of my soul [Music] so I may be by grace some say come you broken heavy laden [Music] come you headless you in this bed come saved [Music] the coolness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you always be the same infinite God yes you want ruler of everything spiritual aura fine lasting whole [Music] I bow down [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you love my derision [Music] me and [Music] the Sun sets and the moon phase yet you always remain shining all through night and day you stumble every it's my heart mystical mighty ibotta [Music] [Applause] you [Music] other Asian and honor [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] me and [Music] [Music] [Music] me and [Music] [Music] [Music] in trouble time look upon you in troubled mind I seek your face please the restless days this restless night I won't be your friend I want this baby oh I know this is just a test but I'll do my for there's an time watching I won't give up I would be dismal [Music] I will deal [Music] ah it is Surrender this true keep my face and keep my believe the world they call against a ball I missed fighting for the class I will stand for this I [Music] I would be this dress [Music] oh I know [Music] there's good [Music] yes I know I keep my face and get my believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] I won't surrender [Music] [Music] mr. [Music] I keep [Music] you [Music] you are the true love Lord for you died so I mean [Music] you carried my come on you are my righteous man how can I repay you how you bet [Music] what can I do to please you [Music] would I begin and true I could have fallen [Music] mercy restores my life where would I be without you [Music] this symphony you're amazing yes you are [Music] the burden [Music] for I here to serve you [Music] I can do [Music] here and - it's all true [Music] [Laughter] [Music] to begin and I did [Music] I could've fallen mr. smile [Music] without you [Music] and true [Music] baby [Music] [Music] there was a little girl walking down from home just cool little girl is full of hope that life can be [Music] you stumble on a muddy slippery with [Laughter] [Music] she got up again running just to know the teachers told me this little girls dream is to reach the mountain her teacher Wow she starts to climb up to but seems life getting harder [Music] full of tears and sweat to fall it's hard to get [Music] we our own journey differently is to be there lost in the way [Music] be there soon [Music] reading so may come soon and shadows my dream I have a red he holds my hand to light and God [Music] to be there I will finish the race till the knowing God is my son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in different ways they're some lost in the way [Music] be there soon [Music] we are [Music] differently so lost [Music] [Music] the girls of [Music] living by living by bread I'm leaving my grace on levy by God's grace leaving bye leaving my grass I'm saved I'm forgiven by God's grace [Music] difficult [Music] Jesus my brother and punished away to all the Lord and he [Music] is living by great [Music] my god square Levi my grid I'm saved I'm forgiven by God's grace [Music] is freedom it's all because of him [Music] he'll pay if [Music] leaving by [Music] believe me by God's grace [Music] I'm saved [Music] living by I'm leaving my grace I'm living by God's grace [Music] I'm saved I'm forgiven [Music] I'm saying I'm forgiven by God's grace [Music] living it's no Joe [Music] you've got to be ready circumstances or any most occur that girl though it's hot [Music] that is right these jeans [Music] you're down my fees you see around always very my the line is it he Oh the life prepared for you [Music] it's [Music] [Applause] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is she [Music] the nineties fast [Music] he's shy on you the bird [Music] kids beyond [Music] dreams tonight [Music] - time he you [Music] see [Music] this [Music] we are before [Music] sweet dreams to learn [Music] this [Music] [Music] my dreams tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to know [Music] it Oh [Music] my bed see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day [Music] enjoy [Music] let me run [Music] you're you'll be doing me I must into the night trust in you [Music] the [Music] with us warm the way [Music] the sugar shake but here the strong [Music] let me [Music] my hope and joy I'm serving [Music] and Jamie there we we'll be done [Music] believe me I must go in I trust let me win we'll be done [Music] [Applause] [Music] they call [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they shake what's wrong [Music] it may shake and run but you're the strong [Music] [Music] you came home late at night and you slam that door you were so ugly the air smells alcohol you scream I'm hungry [Music] you pee yes Highschool years [Music] you're trying you've come get disturbed alcohol his cream and coma good morning under water you've been so and you pull [Music] sure person [Music] fun prey [Music] she always and hers for you [Music] the your bodies but recall best friend then you [Music] one day your sister came brush you to tell you she see you and she smelled me I see hi Jen you're too screaming you stole prey [Music] please [Music] [Music] true [Music] she [Music] is free [Music] for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] dear father [Music] with you keep the change all the same pleasing with you I'm world Camry life's done [Music] it's been a while with you [Music] Oh to you the day [Music] those and you forget [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] dear it's beautiful with you [Music] what I can [Music] you want good time [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah our confidence he's the refuge [Music] he is the [Music] try [Music] Jesus is save your off so he is the whole Oh everyone [Music] come my dear friend ship here our pressures everybody oh Jesus [Music] evening like [Music] you nation Oh [Music] Oh [Music] gracious meaty adoration [Music] creation don't do everyone oh my sweet gee [Music] my soul you Oh your daddy thirty-four true you give all the love [Music] [Music] I need you now Bootes we do [Music] you datian [Music] [Music] [Music] to stay beyond can [Music] you soon Oh [Music] see [Music] the old nose my son my car by hand go [Music] DVR [Music] Hess's be a fool [Applause] [Music] sooner [Music] [Music] Hey I [Music] your antenna [Music] I mean up [Music] [Applause] Oh we hassles in [Music] Sudeep [Music] see come on I live [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] beyond [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] seeing grace country [Music] I lost but now [Music] right [Music] to us great is that [Music] to feel and gray I [Music] indeed death great [Music] [Music] to see [Music] I [Music] come you're broke and heavy-laden come your helpers come you in this come come the sate come to use it [Music] God's grace is amazing the lifeline of my soul Crazy's faithful [Music] but Gracie died so I may leave my girls I'm saying [Music] come you we hope and be free [Music] come fast come visit [Music] is amazing my soul squeezes faith [Music] but great he died so I may leave by grace I am saved [Music] [Music] [Music] but Gracie died so I may be by Craig I am saying [Music] the lifeline of my soul [Music] Oh so I made by grace I'm say [Music] broken lady [Music] come you headless you in this way come the goodness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thousand years from now [Music] gadi as you want ruler of everything - lura fine to holiness [Music] money's about [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you love hydrogen [Music] be an honor [Music] the Sun says you always remain shining all through night and day you stop everything it's my heart to glory busting holy [Music] I bow down [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] adoration [Music] [Applause] we Anton [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me and [Music] Oh breathe [Music] [Music] me and [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hymns & Worship
Views: 1,402,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: If1OmwA1WqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 17sec (7517 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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