Amazing Gluten Free Pizza Recipe Made with Caputo Fiorglut Flour

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so gluten-free all the gluten-free stuff that i've seen is terrible especially pizza it's like eating cardboard so what do you think we're gonna do today well we're gonna try our hands at making a gluten-free napolitana pizza i got the flour i got the recipe roll the intro [Music] [Applause] hi guys welcome back to eat the world i'm chef alex lads again today we're going to be tackling gluten-free napolitana pizza now i know what you're thinking most of the gluten-free products that you can get in my opinion are and they have come a long way don't get me wrong but there should and i've tried quite a few especially the pizza products you get the frozen bases in especially in a restaurant sort of situation where like you don't you get a person in every now and then so you've got some backup gluten-free products and in general they're just terrible like if you've ever had like a gluten-free pizza before that's either the pre-made base or even a whole pre-made pizza it's not nice so today i'm going to be trying out my own version using caputo's fjorglut glute flower which is we'll see what happens you know i've seen some good reviews about it listen this is going to be a short video so let's just get straight into it this isn't a complicated process it's just adding water salt oil and off we go oh and yeast it's a re it's a yeast leavened dough let's give it a try and see what happens now before we start guys please if you could hit the like like button subscribe button any comments down below you'd be surprised so many people i've said this before if you have any questions or problems just ask me please message me it makes my day and the people those of you that have i think are surprised that i'm actually that available and willing and wanting to help you honestly i would love to so message me i'm here as your resource also guys please check out my patreon page for a couple of bucks you can really help support my channel and i've got a lot of exclusive content and resources coming up for my patrons so i would really really appreciate that so anyways let's get started okay so here's our flower the caputo fjor glute pure glow doesn't matter whatever this is actually a very simple process we have water salt oil and yeast so first we're going to rehydrate our yeast as always please always do this it will kick start your dough and put you in the best place to make great amazing pizza so use 100 ml of our total water to do this so in our mixer with a paddle attachment we have our flour and salt and then we will add the remainder of our water you can absolutely do this by hand and it will be pretty easy and give a great result we aren't building any gluten structure after all once it's nicely mixed let's add our olive oil and continue mixing now this is a pretty sticky dough to begin with so keep that in mind when handling it let's just scrape down the sides in the bottom to make sure everything is incorporated nicely then all we're gonna do is have one final mix for a few minutes and then we're ready to divide into dough balls [Music] use some gluten-free flour on your board or countertop and then scoop out your dough as i said this is a sticky dough so use a plastic scraper if you have one this is a perfect job for that simple tool then dust it lightly with flour and we're going to roll it into a kind of a log then using your scraper divide it into three equal portions i think my final balls were around 280 to 290 grams which is a teeny bit big but it actually came out perfectly next we're going to prepare some containers to store each dough ball in just spray them down with cooking oil or brush them now flour your hands and try to shape them into balls and then pop them into your container pop a lid on and then let them rest on your counter until you see the yeast starting to become active and bubbles form depending on how warm your final dough was this could be only after 20 minutes or so but take your time if it's a cold day and it takes longer so be it when they are ready pop them into the fridge overnight [Music] take a look at this that's pretty incredible i wasn't expecting it to blow out this much but that's pretty cool a lot of activity there and it's got a structure kind of looks like real dough to be honest with you pretty awesome let's get making this pizza then so we'll put down a bit of gluten-free flour of course and then we'll take our dough out of this container it's crazy but this feels a lot like like real pizza dough so far pretty impressed with it [Music] let's get that covered and we'll start shaping it this isn't like a wheat dough so we're just gonna have to shape it by hand get the shape that we want i'll tell you what it smells really good it smells like a proper pizza so far like i said i'm pretty impressed with this okay fabulous let's get saucing so i'm using a bit of white rice flour which is perfect for the peel this stuff i i actually bought it for baking but it's a bit too coarsely ground it's a little bit like the texture of semolina but it's perfect for this our pizza is just going to slide off of there like it's on ball bearings let's get this sauced up quickly because i can hear the rain is now setting in and i'm all ready to go typical that's all right we will be fine put some nice cheese on here and then i think we'll put some i've got some nice genoa salami put on a few slices of that maybe just one more little piece of cheese there okay let's get cooking [Music] [Music] check it out that's a gluten-free pizza i never would have thought it would come out so beautifully amazing let's go inside because it's raining out here and i'm about to ruin my very expensive camera okay let's do it [Music] guys the smell of this is incredible i am so impressed with this gluten-free pizza look at that napolitano style can you hear that it's crispy and crunchy and it smells great it's acted just like a flower dough or a wheat dough would just about i mean it's puffed up hasn't yeah it hasn't got like crazy puffs like some of my recipes but this is this is surprisingly good should we take a look inside let's cut it open and see look at this absolutely beautiful ah do you hear that crunch i'm so blown away by this crunchy that is puffed up beautifully and the bottom is nice this is a you know so far it's ticking the boxes but um let's try the ultimate test let's give it a taste test but i am thoroughly impressed with this flower this is really spectacular that's pretty cool okay guys here we are here is our gluten-free pizza unbelievable this is unbelievable i can't believe that it's it looks like bread it smells like bread like wheat bread i it the way it feels was with like a wheat dough with lots of gluten super interesting anyways i'm gonna give this a try i honestly can't believe it i mean it's pretty close this is pretty close if i if i hadn't made it myself and tasted it i wouldn't believe it this is actually a really good flower and a really good product you know if you wanted to cut back on your gluten intake i don't know why but if you did or if you're celiac totally get that but this is a really good pizza like i said it hasn't got that puff but like it's it's more than beautiful the way it is it's got texture look at it it's puffed up like a wheat dough would it's so super interesting how cool is that i'm so impressed with this pizza and it tastes that tastes really good that tastes a lot better than a lot of pizzerias pizzas that i've been to anyways pretty awesome who would have thought that you could make quality napolitana pizza like this with a gluten-free flour the guys from caputo know what they're doing the fjor flower try this flower out it will change your life i'm pretty sure okay guys well i hope you've enjoyed this quick video i'm impressed totally impressed thanks for watching and i hope you guys enjoyed this video i have had a lot of fun learning today as well because i've never used this flower before so look guys hey please hit the like and subscribe i've got a lot more really super cool stuff coming up very very soon and if you get a chance head over to my patreon page i would really appreciate it any support you can give to the channel would be fantastic i've got a lot of exclusive content for um our patrons coming up just a couple of dollars would go a long way in helping support me so i would really really appreciate that anyways guys thanks so much for joining me and we'll see you next time god damn it that's really good [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Eat The World
Views: 32,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Gluten Free Pizza Recipe, gluten free pizza recipe, how to make gluten free pizza at home, best gluten free pizza crust, gluten free pizza at home, how to amke gluten free pizza at home, gluten free pizza dough, gluten free pizza crust, gluten free pizza dough ooni, gluten free pizza vito iacopelli, gluten free pizza dough caputo, gluten free pizza caputo, gluten free pizza dough recipe, gluten free pizza recipe easy, gluten free pizza recipe vegan, healthy pizza base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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