Amazing facts about your body. Compilation

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dear friends today we have a special episode of super tony's adventures enjoy tony and i are in a rush he was just walking around the park when he suddenly felt he needed to do a number two we're afraid we won't make it okay stop tony i wonder what will happen if you try to hold it inside you and how long could you do it sounds like a great idea for an experiment let's go after a few hours it's getting very hard to hold it and tony manages to keep his pants clean only thanks to his great willpower the first thing he feels is abdominal pressure tony is now suffering from bloating and gasses in his stomach which are difficult to get rid of after six hours it is a bit easier to tolerate but only because water from feces is absorbed into the intestines it gets more solid causing constipation you can still feel the urge to go to the toilet of course but it's not that strong anymore after 12 hours the stool becomes very hard the belly is swollen because of the high pressure in the abdomen if you go to the toilet now it can be accompanied by pain bleeding and minor ruptures of the anus after holding it for more than 12 hours the feces are hard as a rock a fecal impaction may form it is a large hard massive feces stuck in the intestines that it can no longer be pushed out most often in this situation you have to resort to an enema or even surgery and if you do nothing it can lead to serious illness and even death anyway dear friends you should never try this at home because the consequences can be too severe when you hold it you keep the waste products in your body and if they get into a wound or crack in the intestine it can lead to a bacterial infection in addition the rectum can expand or even change its shape which will cause problems in the future leading to intermittent constipation which will only aggravate the condition of your intestine and your health in general so tony let's finish this experiment and run to the toilet tony do you need to go to the toilet hang on we have an experiment to make hmm i have a great idea let's see how much can a person hold their pee before their bladder explodes and you'll help us with that tony let's go first we have to say that the bladder has a volume of 200 to 400 milliliters less than a half liter bottle but the need to go to the toilet doesn't appear right after you drink water first the liquid passes through the stomach and the intestinal tract it is absorbed by the blood and passes through to the kidneys it is there where it becomes pee and ends up in the bladder you'll first feel the urge to go to the toilet when your bladder fills up to 60 of its capacity [Music] so a person who drinks two liters of water a day will visit the toilet from four to six times if you end up going more than 10 times you probably have some bladder problems and should see a doctor how are you holding up tony you know an adult can hold their pee for up to six hours after that the bladder will explode and there will be pieces of you all around just kidding our body is truly advanced so if your bladder cannot hold any more pee the brain will send a signal and force you to relax and experience a very embarrassing situation if this happens too often you'll have problems holding your peak constantly this is known as urinary incontinence but in the worst cases your bladder can definitely explode for example if you hold your p for long and a friend accidentally pats you on the stomach too hard the unexpected stress can make your bladder burst your bladder will end up with a hole and your urine will enter the abdominal cavity this can be very dangerous and you'll end up in the operating table right away without proper help a situation like that can end up with the person's death overall friends an exploding bladder is not the only cause for concern the thing is that p holds toxic elements and your body wants to get rid of them so when you hold your pee these elements can pass through the walls of the bladder and enter your blood flow again so if you go to the toilet as soon as you feel the need you'll be making your body a favor so tony no more suffering run to the toilet on your marks ready go oh boy aren't you ashamed of yourself you wet your pants right in front of our viewers get ready to be shocked today i'm gonna tell you everything about all the microscopic monsters that are living in your body without you even knowing pay attention and if you have a weak stomach be careful let's start with the eyelashes we all know how they look but let's see if they change under the microscope it turns out that a genus of tiny creatures known as demodex lives in our eyelashes and all people have them their diet includes the dead skin cells and fat located in the follicles of your eyelashes they reproduce there putting up to 25 eggs in one go tony that won't help you won't be able to get rid of them so just get used to it moreover they can be found not only in your eyelashes but also in your face your head and other hairy places in your body now let's go to the bedroom and take a look at your sheets under the microscope meet the house dust mites these insects live in the dust which as you know consists of human dead skin so it's no surprise that they are in your bed and every night you sleep next to these creatures there are at least 1 billion dust mites in one bed unfortunately we don't know if they crawl on your face while you sleep but they probably could right now let's take a look inside tony's mouth you can see the dental plaque with the naked eye which isn't very nice on its own and if you watch tv you've probably seen toothpaste commercials telling you that there are many bacteria in your plaque but is that true let's take a look under the microscope because science doesn't lie turns out it's true dental plaque is not only full of bacteria but it's made 100 of bacteria and their discharges that's why you have to brush your teeth at least in the morning and in the evening do you know why your armpits smell bad after exercising it's not because you sweat or at least not only because of that after you sweat the warm humid and nutritious environment of your armpits becomes the perfect place for bacteria to live and their discharges are the cause of that bad smell that follows you everywhere but don't think too much about the information you've just learned in the end we've been living a normal life before seeing this video and all people on the planet live along with these creatures just be glad that you now know a little bit more about the world and keep enjoying your life tony today we're gonna conduct a very exciting experiment we will find out what happens if you don't wash your hair for a whole year let's go my trusty tony we're gonna do some great things together nothing terrible has happened after a few days in order to remain hydrated the scalp produces sebum and oil resulting in greasy hair about a week later an unpleasant smell has appeared which follows tony wherever he goes this happens because the scalp is now actively absorbing moisture creating a perfect environment for bacteria and the smell appears because of them by the way all body odors appear because of these little bastards which is why our parents ask us to shower all the time sorry we got distracted let's proceed with the experiment the next symptom is itching and skin irritation but this is nothing compared to what's gonna happen next after two months of not washing your hair you may experience pain oily and dirty hair weighs much more than clean hair thus it puts a heavier load on the hair follicles in addition the nerve endings on the head are now also in constant stress which may provoke migraine that means you will have a headache all the time the next problem is ingrown hair this condition occurs seven months into the experiment hair bulbs can get to the surface because of dirt and the hair has to look for other ways to grow under the skin for example and after nine months the hair may stop growing altogether we are already close to the end of the experiment tony hasn't washed his hair for 10 months bacteria is already beginning to penetrate deep into the scalp and cause dandruff well that's it a year without shampoo or at least water oh you look nice tony because of the huge layer of dirt on your head your hair follicles have stopped getting enough nutrients and simply died that's why your hair just fell out i don't even know if it will grow back good thing this experiment was hypothetical we would not do such a thing with tony right by the way friends did you know there's a bunch of people who don't use shampoo they do wash their hair but they use only natural products like soda or plain water i have an amazing idea let's find out what happens to the human body underwater not in the tub but somewhere deeper and darker so we're in a special pool used by scuba divers and free divers to practice in case you don't know freediving is a special form of diving that relies on breath building until resurfacing rather than the use of breathing apparatus such as scuba gear well let's take the plunge when you just dive underwater your diving reflex activates first your heart rate slows down reducing your body's oxygen intake a reflex preventing water from getting into your lungs activates as well and then the blood shift comes into play this means that your blood is redistributed towards the vital organs protecting them from pressure under water the pressure is much higher because water is much heavier than air so even at a depth of one meter tony can feel the water squashing him at a depth of 10 meters the pressure is twice as high at a depth of 30 meters is 3 times higher at a depth of 100 meters it's so high that your lungs shrink up to the size of a baseball but we aren't ready to get there yet even at a smaller depth the pressure can lead to severe injuries your eardrums can burst your lungs stretch out and shrink causing alveoli to burst and making you cough up blood what are alveoli these are tiny bubbles through which gas exchange takes place oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide goes out an average adult human has about 600 million alveoli in their lungs besides resurfacing too fast is really dangerous the sharp drop in external pressure causes gases to create air bubbles that lead to malperfusion this can lead to decompression sickness which can cause paralysis or even death as you can see freediving is a pretty dangerous hobby oxygen deficiency triggers the outflow of blood from the limbs to the vital organs motor skills deteriorate and you can faint which can be fatal underwater so friends never dive deep alone and without special training [Music] the world record for free diving belongs to 49 year old austrian herbert nitch who in 2012 reached a depth of 253 meters hello everyone bless you tony by the way do you know why people sneeze it's not as simple as you might think our body is a perfect machine this means that yawning sneezing goosebumps cramps and other processes have a purpose but what is that purpose you ask you're about to find out let's start with sneezing it happens when various irritants such as dust and pollen enter our nose when that happens our body automatically tries to clean the nose our lungs spill with air after which the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles sharply contract forcing the air out of lungs at a speed of up to 120 meters per second the air is released through the nose taking everything in its path with it that's why you shouldn't resist if you feel the urge to sneeze but try to block the sneeze with your elbow because along with dust you can sneeze out harmful bacteria and viruses at a distance of 3 meters here's another curious thing goosebumps this is another body reflex in animals it appears as a reaction to cold or emotional disturbance as a reaction special muscles in the dermis raise the hair on the body first of all this helps retain heat secondly it makes furry animals look bigger which can scare enemies away and force them to step back humans get goosebumps as a reaction to cold or excitement too but since we don't have as much hair as animals it doesn't have any practical purpose oh oh oh have you noticed that if you stay in the bathtub for too long then your fingers become kind of wrinkly this used to help ancient people to survive turns out this has a purpose it allows us to better hold objects in the water the wrinkled skin on our fingers works in the same way as rain treads and car tires improving our grip there is even a proof an experiment conducted in 2013 showed that people with wrinkled fingers lifted wet objects 12 faster friends tell us in the comments what other curious phenomena you'd like to learn about and share your stories related to today's topic the best comments will be featured in the next episode see you in the next episode of super tony bye
Channel: Super Tony
Views: 382,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Tony, supertony, what if, experiment, interesting facts, facts, facts about healthy body, body facts, interesting facts about body, facts about human body, scientific facts, human, body, brain power, amazing facts about your body, compilation, human body facts, amazing facts, What would happen with your body if you stopped peeing, what would happen, what happen, your body, if you stopped peeing, stopped peeing, funny cartoon, animated video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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