Amazing Factory Machines Operating at an INSANE LEVEL ▶2
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Channel: TechFreeze
Views: 2,586,794
Rating: 4.5720754 out of 5
Keywords: 2019, agriculture, amazing, automatic, biggest, bulldozer, construction, cool gadgets, cool tools, cordless, Dewalt, diy, drill, equipment, excavator, farm, forging, gadgets, hand tools, handmade, homemade, ingenious tools, inventions, life hacks, cnc, QuantumTechHd, machine, machines, Makita, mega, metal, mining, new, new tools, power tools, RC, skill, tech, technology, tool, tool repair, tool restoration, tools, top 10, toy, truck, woodworking, manufacturing, machine tools, another level, next level tools, factory, 设备
Id: -KkzjeDcaks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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