Barcelona, Spain is BEAUTIFUL & DELICIOUS! (Trying Epic Street Food)

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we are on the beach of Barcelona and the city is right there one of my favorite cities in all of Europe and we're going to take you on a full day of eating throughout the city and uh let's just go at the end of our cruise series we stayed a couple of days in Barcelona Spain what better way to escape the harsh German winter than to go south am I right just look at the Blue Sky the beaches and all this Sunshine but before we can enjoy the midday Sun we are starting this ultimate Barcelona street food tour with some of the best breakfast items we have ever found we passed G's famous lasaga familia in search for a very special Spanish breakfast item and oh boy did we find a good one good morning so we made it aan Barcelona at this mild winter day we are getting breakfast and what better way to start off the day with potatoes two ways we came to this place called LA granot and Co it's a pretty Central close to the Las Sagara Familia we ordered two dishes this here is Tortilla de patata it's a Spanish omelette made with potatoes and eggs mainly and we have two versions one with Harmon queso which is ham and cheese and then the classic one over here with just onions on top SE Phil's just going to put the seoa onion one on his plate this is a classic one so this one is very soft as you can see it's a lot of potatoes in there then mixed with egg baked in a pan and they actually have a bunch of different variations of those here but I think this is the classic one with just onions [Music] so bro that is the best one I've ever had I had a lot of them from the supermarkets and other places and Diana made them at home a bunch of times too but this one is so flavorful oh my God look at it it's just glistening in the Sun the light it has this light sh from the pan in there and it's basically tasting like a very good pan of fried potatoes added egg and a little bit of cheese and oh my 10 out of 10 start for me this is the best thing in the world and then there was so nice to add this bread here and I think this is called P tomette I think means bread with tomato on it and it's kind of like the Spanish or Catalan version of brusketa this is a catalon dish and it's olive oil with tomato on top of it and it's nicely pressed very nice this one's cold and it's very refreshing buenos um I'm utilizing my middle and high school Spanish here struggling a little bit so here we have a tortilla deata hamon queso so you can see the ham and cheese on there and I just personally love ham and cheese tortilla Pata I think is more of a morning thing and they have so many there are tuna fish ones there are cheese ones there are just a lot of different variations of it here and I'm going to give this one a try [Music] m m oh my God that's so good oh the potatoes are so tender they just melt in your mouth but they're still strong enough to hold their form and then the egg covered over it I feel like this is the best way to start a breakfast you have protein from the eggs and then you have potatoes it's like a cake look at that beautiful layer is glistening this is a 10 out of 10 I'm so happy right my God M the beauty of a potato I like them both they are great I think I like the onion one a little better for some reason awesome we thought about ordering just one and I'm so glad we did not I can't believe that those was amazing starting the day out with potatoes is incredible but if you prefer your breakfast rather sweet than Savory don't worry Barcelona has you covered so if you're not into the Savory version of breakfast there's also a sweet version of breakfast with awesome bakeries and pastries that you can can find everywhere so we're here in the gothic quarter area with these small narrow beautiful streets and I wanted to start with something that I love it's a catalon pastry so it's from this area of Spain it's called suo and it's filled with cream it's this beautiful deep fried dough M smells so [Music] nice M this would be so dangerous if I lived here I'd be tempted to get this all the time well deep fried dough filled with CAD is it good it's amazing and it's a decent amount of filling I hate when you get something and it's not filled enough but this is a beautiful ratio of filling a nice cream smooth and then this nice lightly fried outside and a decent amount of sugar as you can see I love custard that is oh my all-time favorite doughnut is a Boston cream donut and this has that nice cream taste on it all it's missing is a little bit of chocolate on top another one we had to get was an enel MA it's this beautiful though with powdered sugar on top this one is not filled it's normal I think what makes this unique is it's cooked with pork lard pork fat it's from Mara yeah Mara it's just a nice fluffy light thing let's give it a try it's so light it's like air like if you put this into your coffee it would just disappear it does have a little bit of a Savory note in there actually the after after you get through the powdered sugar no not bad and the last item we have here is a ca ca Crema which we googled and it's apparently also a very common dessert dish here it looks very nice this is actually from the fridge so it's cooled and they had these long sheets these full trays of them and she cuts it off actually by weight this one is 26 per kilogram but it's so light this was also €140 there's Crea Catalan in there like another custard type of cream that is very popular around the area and it's this like sheet layered little pastry it looks very delicate and I feel like this has got to burst into a thousand pieces now that I bite there oh that's a nice crunchiness to it okay it has this like candid flavor to it like a crunchy caramel very nicely roasted and then filled with cream that's quite nice which one's the best M yeah a little different the cream is the same but this one has a nicer sweeter more sophisticated taste to it where this feels like the the cheap version of you want a lot of it are you saying my taste is juvenile absolutely great both juvenile by the way we got all three of these items from a Patisserie called Villa Mala very good very good all three of them very fresh and absolutely love it rounding up breakfast the city absolutely nailed it and with kukos we found a new personal favorite wandering the city's beautiful streets you will notice many options for quick snacks between the bigger meals including lots of sandwich es or bados since it's still kind of breakfast time we went to a place called gloa it's a honia so it's basically a ham specialty shop and as you all know Spain is known for Sano ham and even better hamon Iberico the Iberian version of the Sano ham and you can tell by the darker color we got this big sandwich here I think they call it a badal everywhere in Spain in the bigger cities you go around and you see shops with these big sandwiches this one is Iberian ham the slightly darker version has a good amount of fat on it and has a very strong distinct smell and taste to it so oh no I dropped the piece oh God this big sandwich was $ 5.90 and I'll just see how good that thing is pretty standard forette like you can find it in Spain everywhere also France Germany whatever but the ham is what it makes it so special like check this out there's a slight layer of this tomato based sauce on it there and then these slices you can tell you can see the marble the structure of the meat in there there's always big pieces of fat in there dude I love that taste very distinct strong flavor you have to try it to know it and it's one of the main things I love about Spain whenever we come here I have to get but get Sano ham and guacamole from the shops and then have it at the apartment at all times I eat this stuff all that time it's so good if a massive Badu seems too daunting Tapas may be the way to go they come in many shapes and sizes and we wanted to test a very budget friendly Tapas chain that mainly offers tiny versions of the bokao called montados we came to a place for lunch called 100 montados everything here comes on this little bread roll and on a Wednesday on on a other day of the week I think it's Sunday or something they just one EUR so each of these was €1 they're not the fanciest as you can see not that many ingredients on one but they're cheap and I think if you just out for a quick budget vipe they're probably pretty decent actually fairly flavorful this one is a little spicy they sprinkle a couple of chips on there and all the dessert ones also come on a breath roll like this Nutella one this chain is everywhere throughout Spain we've seen it it's a very budget version of Tapas there's a 100 different options on there and you can just choose one this one has some nice bacon chunks in there and I'll just give it a try surprisingly better than it looks it's not amazing but the bread is actually softer than the one we had earlier so it's not that great but I feel like what it has going for it is the price and the ease of accessing it if you're hungry and you need a little snack it's good don't expect the most amazing thing though aside from the food we want to point out how gorgeous Barcelona really is we visited gaudi's laeda or casamia where you can walk on a rooftop above the City that seems to be straight out of a fairy [Music] tale we also took a trip up to tibo a mountain with stunning views above the city so this right here is one of the things I really like about Barcelona the whole city is right there and obviously it's right on the coast the Mediterranean is right there but then this is like it gets it's hilly immediately that's also where the city can grow wow this looks actually so crazy right now you can see it exactly this amusement park up here is one of the oldest amusement parks in the world that is still operating with the original stuff and it was built at the end of the 19th century like 1896 or 8 or something like that crazy so it's kind of like 120 years old so that Ferris wheel and this weird tower that is here in the back I think um that's still the original stuff I would hope they maintained that in the meantime yeah I'm not brave enough to try out though yeah but that's one of the selling points yeah that's one of the oldest amusement parks yeah but check out these views look at that mountains on either side there's Barcelona and then you have these little things down here some more of the amusement park and these trees that Phil really likes these tall long ones he says they feel very very Mediterranean This Plane here goes right over this cliff and you can ride it I'm not doing [Music] that Barcelona has so many faces and for our next street food snack we made it deep into the old Gothic quarter so we moved over to the gothic quarter of Barcelona with all of these quaint streets they're so cute there's a lot of shopping there's a lot of stores there's a lot of restaurants as well plenty of Tapas and we decided to get a classic here patatas bravas so spicy potatoes here I think Phil will be drooling behind the camera there's this restaurant called Papas and it had pretty good ratings so we decided to get one to go paraa and here we have it look at these spicy potatoes they're just these beautifully cubed fried potatoes and then you have a spicy sauce on top this looks like a spicy mayonnaise going on I love mayonnaise so I'm happy you have a little bit of fried onions and greens on top too but we're just going to give this beautiful little guy a try so good I know Phil is going to love this one but I feel like this is just an awesome appetizer or takeaway meal or snack in general we really can't go wrong with fried potatoes and mayonnaise right yeah dude I think I like the way Barcelona works a lot of potatoes and a lot of sandwiches for this bowl we paid $490 which is not too bad like kind of like the stand Tapas price it's a pretty decent portion too it's just like a thick french fry maybe a Spanish fry you know more like a potato wedge it's so potatoey ins wedges it's a little bit of seasoning on the crust and then the spicy mayonnaise just oh my God man can eat potatoes all day all different types of FS breakfast lunch and dinner the potato Phill eating potatoes 8 out of 10 this video is going to become eating potatoes in Spain bro patas braas can't go wrong and now we discovered this little nerd Heaven shopping district in the heart of the gothic quarter that's Harry Potter shops anime shops it's [Music] amazing one of the most overhead anime of all time no good [Music] found a big Market wow look at all the [Music] meat so we made it over here to a market it's a wet Market along with a lot of fruits and food as well and it's called Mar de la Bia and we decided to get some empanadas this is a spinach empanada here it looks very nice something I haven't tried here yet on this trip but it's definitely a common thing we've had in general oh look at that beautiful I'm eating my hair yummy so empanadas are these beautifully pastry pocket things and they're filled with Savory and sweet options normally Savory anything from like ham and cheese to cheese to vegetable mix in there but I really like spinach options nice I also got an empanada this one is a chizo and queso so chizo ham and cheese chizo is also very normal very standard and traditional for this area in Spain or in Spain in general it's just this type of sausage that they make from pork and it's very strongly flavored you can get it as a panata filling as well obviously yeah it's a minced meat filling that cheese in there it's almost like the Spanish bacon version that actually spicier like spicy bacon sausage very typical street food quick snap grab it go out shove it in your mouth and be happy like this exactly so we went to another stand we got another classic I think these are very unique to the Catalonia area these little things here are cettas and we got three different ones just going to try it just a deep fried cheese thing basically oh that's a juice one wow yeah it looks like the cheese one that looks so good it's like a blue cheese really yeah dude it's very strong yeah's going to try the blue cheese one M yeah that is blue cheese ham and cheese one very different also very good I like it and then last one there should be one with mushrooms it's just another dough a little darker color little greenish that might be a piece of a mushroom in there you know when people deep fry stuff often it just tastes like deep fried you know like oily B here every taste comes out very strongly wo the mushroom flavor really does come out it's not like the Fry and the oils overpowering it at all M these are awesome cettas everything deep fried but very tasty and if I look at this Market man there's so many of these different shapes of empanadas in any size and form oh there's so many options meat vegetable ones oh my God this is like foodie heaven like I could just eat myself to death here so this Marcado de la Bia it's highly recommended super nice especially now that it's getting dark all the lights are out the stands are looking super epic and on top of that it was Christmas time over here so it's a little more decorated than normal I think very nice to just go around and stroll around and try everything yeah I would eat so much more if we hadn't already eaten so much yes we have eaten a lot but there's always something else to try and one highlight was yet to come the next morning so as the sun comes out we're making our way to the barcelon n neighborhood which is closer to the beach in the south of Barcelona and uh we're going there because we're going for one specific Tapper and some critics say it's the most known Tapper of the city it originated actually in this area and potentially in the restaurant where we're going to it might be the thing I'm looking forward to the most in this video yeah I'm excited too can you buy me a yach sure look at all these nice boats here in the background uh the marina is also very integrated in the city got palm trees on that side but the the taer or the food that we're looking for might be the bomb if you know what I mean and can we please take a moment to appreciate the blue sky and sunshine I mean this is the deepest winter and as bad as the weather gets here people are actually utilizing the beach and even the water I'm not jealous after all Northern Europeans keep telling us there's no such thing as bad weather but but yeah uh time for the legendary taas I'm so excited I just went into this little shop at the square right behind us it's called Lova fumada and I just got two bombas these are called bombas These are little Tapas they are mashed potatoes with minced meat and then deep fried you put ioli and spicy sauce on top of it and this shop Lova fum is where they originated and now they're very famous throughout Barcelona and I would assume in the area or maybe all of Spain I just talked to the owner and I asked him is this where they originated and he's like yeah my grandma made them and these are the authentic ones he says so oh be careful they're very but they look amazing look at that thing little coat of alioli on it ioli and the spicy cream here we go bombas let's see wow garlic comes out nice and strong try to get to get bite here you don't really see see much the minced meat in there um but that's a little bit it is deep fried mashed potatoes with garlic mayonnaise on top aoli again it's potato it's a mashed potato I like so good the spicy sauce is actually spicy yeah it's proper spicy and the II is nice garlicky overall works very well together this reminds me of something that after Thanksgiving after deep frying a turkey you would take the mashed potatoes and then make little balls and deep fry them or at least my family did in the US but these are awesome very nice I give that a N9 out of of 10 I love it a lot that shop I highly recommend coming here because the area in general is worth visiting you have the beach right there yeah we're so close to the beach and that shop is Tiny it has these two doors there only a tiny sign on top but it's popping it was so full it must be like a local Legend here it feels like a restaurant out of a movie there's just a little bar people standing drinking coffee it's pretty cool yeah typical tapas bar here in Barcelona yeah awesome oh this is so good I love it m that's it that was our food tour here from the city of Barcelona to be honest one of my favorite cities in the whole wide world me too and if you want to see more from Barcelona or behind the scenes stuff in general check out our for more videos yes and as always thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time bye bye this is the type of weather I'm talking about it is December right now blue skies Beach mountains there little doggos look this is perfect look at this beautiful
Channel: Deana and Phil
Views: 37,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: street food, spanish street food, barcelona, barcelona spain, barcelona street food, food in barcelona, tapas, spanish tapas, barcelona restaurants, barcelona neighborhoods, tourist barcelona, tourism spain, visiting barcelona, best food in barcelona, must try barcelona food, best tapas spain, catalan food, tortilla de patatas, patatas bravas, bombas barcelona, spanish cuisine, catalan cuisine, barcelona market, street food market spain, Jamón ibérico, spanish omelette
Id: PBJvZ4p9X4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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