Amazing Africa - Unique Wildlife in Ethiopia's Highlands

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the ethiopian highlands rise high  into the skies over the equator many rare animals are found only  here in the cradle of mankind these rough islands in the east  of africa are also home to wolves the animals withdrew here thousands of years ago  this is the story of a young she-wolf and her pack they are highland walls and only  roam here on the roof of africa up to a height of 3000 meters jungle  surrounds the edges of the ethiopian highlands   during the rainy season fog pervades the  treetops the air is saturated with steam   plants similar to our heather grow meters high this is a forest that withholds its secrets much of the woodland is untouched  new species are discovered here   at the edge of the highlands every year it was only recently discovered that  lions have made this jungle their home   how they live here is still a mystery the fog dissipates where the open highlands begin an icy plateau extends at a height of 4000  meters the ethiopian highlands are one of   the few places on earth where frost  can be found so close to the equator rolled up snugly against the  cold a wolf lies in the grass let's call her mcgee barking from the neighbouring valley has woken her   but first the sub-zero temperatures  of the night need to rise somewhat has been wandering the  plateau by herself for weeks   the barking beckons her mcgee has lost  her pack and is looking for a new one   she needs to be careful roaming around  another packs territory can be dangerous the morning greeting ritual  is enjoyed by the entire pack   just like their european cousins ethiopian  wolves live in groups of up to 20 animals they are obviously happy to see one  another after such a bitter cold night on calm days like these the  warming sun is especially enjoyable only members of the family clan  are allowed to join in the ritual   it strengthens the bond between  the pack and affirms its hierarchy and outside a wolf would not be accepted finally the pack sets off to patrol its territory the animals monitor the border of a 13 square  kilometer area securing the best hunting grounds the alpha female of the pack stays  behind as do her three-week-old pups the little ones spent the night alone in the den their only food source is  still their mother's milk until the others are back from the  hunt the mother won't leave their side the ethiopian highlands are divided into two  sections by the great rift valley pressure in   the earth's crust pushes the land two  centimeters further apart every year   it is this rift that was once the cradle of  mankind and is home to diverse flora and fauna their thick fur protects the geladas during  the cold highland nights the rare primates   sleep in crevices in the rock face where they  are protected from leopards and other predators monkey by monkey the group slowly follows  the alpha male to a spot in the sun still shivering from the cold of  the night waking up isn't so easy foreign now all of the gelatos have  come together on the platter as usual it's the smallest that can't keep  still for long geladas are not scared of water   after all for several months  of the year it rains every day after the morning's ablutions it's time  for grooming but fur care is only the   secondary function of this ritual as with  the wolves morning greeting the body contact   strengthens social cohesion so everyone within  touching distance receives a free d lousing it's also a chance for the alpha male to stifle  any competition usually just a few threatening   gestures are needed the animals terrifying  dentures are thankfully rarely put to the test geladas are the descendants of an entire primate  genus that used to exist all over africa and asia nowadays they are found only  in the mountains of ethiopia the diversity of the natural habitats has  led to the origination of diverse species even today the elemental forces of  the earth's crust are still roof the walls are spreading their scent marks invisible lines traverse the plane   territory markers they are respected by the  walls of a region and refreshed regularly when things are quiet the pack splits up  and each wolf goes its own way for the day mcgee is wandering along one of the invisible  border lines she has been wandering close to   the area of a new pack for days the scent  traces picked up by her sensitive nose   relay information about them to her  there is nothing edible left here but rolling around in the carcass gives  the young wolf a sense of well-being   as with all canine species mcgee is unaware of what is happening  on the other side of the hill   the pups of the alpha female  are busy playing games she's not expecting there to  be any strange walls nearby the hill over the den is a favorite  play area for the young ones whoever plays here has the best lookout position but something's not right they  spotted mcgee and react instantly their mother has also caught her scent her warning cries to her young  are unmistakable get in the den the female does not hesitate  and runs towards the intruder loudly she calls for the rest of the pack she keeps her distance to mcgee and continues  the warning cries to her pups to stay in the den all mcgetty wants is contact with the wolves for the mother her intrusion is inacceptable and she forces the young she-wolf  back over the unseen territorial line magetti dares a last attempt surviving  without the protection of a pack   is a daunting task in the highlands but this time the mother stays in pursuit until  the intruder is dispelled from the territory the canyons of the highlands are like funnels when  the sun warms the air all day strong currents form perfect conditions for the aerial  games of the thick-billed raven a piece of wood is all that is needed to show off  an extravagant flying maneuver for the partner thick-build ravens are the  world's largest sunbirds   elegantly they demonstrate their reign  over the airspace of the roof of africa uh the springs and the highlands are  the source of countless rivers   the drinking water supply for millions  of people living in the horn of africa mcgee has ended up in this water world  at the edge of the wolves territory   ethiopian wolves tend to avoid  swamplands and do not usually hunt here   but mcgee has no choice all the other  territories in the region are taken these blue-winged geese have young  goslings which are worth a hunting attempt but the wolf's hunting prowess leaves much to  be desired and the youngsters dive for safety mighty doesn't dare go into the deeper water  so she woverly continues on an empty stomach   perhaps she'll have better luck  on the other side of the swamp but even the territory beyond  the springs is also taken   ethiopia is one of the most densely  populated countries in africa   nomadic cattle herders press  into the protected lands   almost 100 million people living on a surface  area of some one million square kilometers   despite the rough climate the meadows  are well suited as grazing land where there are people there  is always something to scavenge surrounded by cattle the starving  wolf closes in on her prey ethiopian wolves are nutrition experts they almost only hunt rodents the cattle don't even raise their heads the young wolf stays near the harmless  herbivores to get even closer to her prey once she has a victim in her sights  she uses her fine hearing to track it the digging causes panic and forces  the small creature to the exit where she is waiting with open arms but the grass rat is little more than a snack   and won't satisfy her for long not far  away her chances of success are higher the neighborhood opens up to a wide dip the deep grooves in the ground are  caused by an extraordinary creature the giant mole rat the popular choice as the rodents  weigh more than a kilogram a mole rat spends its entire life  burrowing beneath the surface barely gone and already  digging away at the back door   with the grace of an excavator they  shovel their way through the earth what was that just the neighbors again giant mole rats are sociable creatures yet no  one quite knows what they get up to underground they can only be found in the ethiopian  highlands they eat anything green they can   get their pores on when the coast is clear they  even grab a few bites outside of their barrow the large rodents have a surprising ally the maul and chat   where there's a rat there's  usually one of these small birds   the rodents have come to rely on  the birds as reliable lookouts there's one on the lookout  one can dig around at will which is exactly what the mall and chat wants   the beetle larvae hidden underground would be  out of reach without the help of the rodent two or three of these protein parcels are  enough to fill the stomach for the day the restless excavations of the  mole rat attracts more visitors   these two only exist in the ethiopian highlands the wattled ibis wherever the giant rodents  are doing their groundwork   they arrive in flocks to pick at the  larvae and worms in the loosened soil the giant mole rats only rummage around  the surface for about an hour a day   enough time to not just secure food for themselves  but also for their manifold feathered guests the pack regularly returns  to the pubs den on the hill   it is a fine vantage point for surveying the  plane mcgee doesn't realize that she has been seen yet today something is different  the young wolf is undecided the other wolves approach and she waits eye to eye they stand and face one another  but the pack's leader doesn't attack   vegeta decides to make the first move the ban has been broken the others welcome the young wolf without  restraint mcgee's patience has paid off   the pack takes her in now they will go on patrols together  the rich hunting ground of the pack   extends into the vast plain before them magetti is keen to take advantage of it too keen the giant mole rat is alert next door another has gnawed everything there  and is working its way towards new green areas   this could be easy prey but the warren has several exits hunting mole rats requires a tactical approach the first attempt must be successful  there are no second chances like a cat the wolf creeps in until she is within  a leap of her prey the rodents sense the slightest   vibrations in the ground the closer she is to  her goal the smaller the huntress makes herself   she does not let the clueless rat  out of her sights for a second if it looks up that means freeze giant mole rats are short-sighted in the distance  they can only register shadows and movement the rodent blocks the cave  entrance fiercely defending itself but mcgee's persistence pays off she just needs  a couple more catches like this a day to ensure   a balanced diet the giant mole rat plays a key  role in the ecosystem of the ethiopian islands   the wolves would not survive here without them africa just beneath the sky only rarely do the  clouds manage to envelop the highlands like this just underneath where the sea of clouds  meet the land unique forests of fog emerge   just a stone's throw from the plateau  yet an entirely different world little is known about barley monkeys  they only live in these forests   the monkeys are bamboo experts and  rarely come down from the trees the animals are being keenly observed noah knows what brought the kings  of the savannah to the forests jungle lions have never been filmed  before are these vervets really their prey there is no research data on the hunting behavior   or way of life of the lions that live here a  species that one usually knows so much about whether it's barley monkeys or jungle lions  year after year these forests reveal new secrets in the north of ethiopia giant heather trees  cover the high plateau the light vegetation   allows much space for expansive meadows  the grazing ground of the gelatos with their short powerful fingers they rip  up the turf and pick seeds out of the ground   geladas are the only primates in the  world that exclusively feed on grass this grass ripping is a trained skill  but practicing it quickly becomes boring   playing around is much more  fun for the young offspring the thin green blades only  offer a meager calorie intake   forcing the geladas to eat  for up to 10 hours a day shortly before sunset the  geladas retire to the rock face whilst the grown-ups enjoy the  last warming rays of the sun the little ones show no interest  whatsoever in going to bed once the sun finally takes its leave  the geladas descend the rock face   look for a safe place to sleep cuddling close to one another is the best way  to withstand the cold nights of the highlands uh slowly the sun regains its strength again  and begins to warm the frozen ground lonely nights are a thing of the past for mcgee  now she needs to find her place in the back   as usual the young are the first to wake up  and fill the time with climbing exercises but soon hunger brings them back to their mother the pups have built up trust in the getty  and even though she has nothing to offer them   she puts up with their small sharp teeth anyway after the morning ritual the walls go  down to the plateau the pups stay behind they lick the frost off the surface of the  petals as long as they are weaned they do   not need the extra water but the cool  droplets on the plants are intriguing today mcgee stays with the pups the young  female looks after them as a matter of course   and they make sure they get up to all  the trouble that young animals love doing it's not unusual for low-ranking females to look  after the young whilst the others go off to hunt never before has the pup seen a mole rat  but it already practices like a grown wolf   and even has the most important lesson  of the highland walls in his blood   once you've caught something never let go   and if need be fight for it and get it back mcgee intuitively knows what to do   as if she's done nothing else her whole  life she trains with the young ones this training also serves the purpose of making  mcgetty more experience with the wild pups at some point perhaps soon she will be able to  use the experience when raising her own young the rainy season is closing in like  beacons of fire the torch lilies   stretch upwards to the sky their flowery often  meter tall heads will soon fill entire valleys and this will not go unnoticed   four olive baboons these are the most  sought after delicacies of the season they inspect every petal and  suck out the sweet nectar before long the baboons sport yellow mustaches pollen which is transported to the next plant no one partaking in the sweet petals  can escape the dust of the lilies elegantly the sunbirds carry out  their work they form their tongue   to a tube through which they can suck the  sugary nectar deep from inside the petals the baboons have a more rustic approach   it's a miracle that the flexible  flower heads don't snap off villagers are on the way to the high valley   these people are some of the  earliest settlers in ethiopia   and their life as cattle herders and farmers is  basically the same as it was hundreds of years ago the herd dictates the order of the  day for the nomads on the lofty plane the shepherds dogs go with the small zebu   cattle to the grazing meadows  and protect them from leopards there are many dogs the search for food  increasingly drives them into the wolves territory mcgee warns the alpha female the dog traverses their area almost every day but  this close to the den he is a threat to the pups together they confront the intruder it is thanks to mcgety's courage  that the dog is chased off but mcgitti goes a step further again and  again she rolls around in the dog's feces a ritual that will have consequences for the thick bill raven cattle  herds are always of interest   whether in flight or on a perch they keep  a close eye on the valley and its planes the ravens are almost as large  as geese and are only found   in the horn of africa the birds have  discovered the remains of a zebra cattle but the ravens are dwarfed by the bearded vulture it can stay airborne for hours  without a flap of its wings for the birds the canyons and their air currents  are an ideal habitat and where they're a cattle   its staple diet can be found bones with almost no persuasion even  the last raven gives up its find the wolf pack is in good spirits the pubs have   grown into fine young wolves but  the den is too small for them now they're getting harder to control and venture  further and further out onto the planes   soon they will go on the patrols  with the rest of the pack today rickety doesn't join in any  battles of strength with the young wolves   she is restless and hesitant something  drives her off away from the pack she goes hunting to the most  distant levels of the lofty plane the young mole rat is not paying  attention and should be easy prey   but mcgee skids at the final moment and  the rodent disappears into its labyrinth this has been happening for days the wolf could no longer coordinate her behavior   her muscles contract and twitch permanently and  her usually steady gait gives way to trembling a new attempt this time the mall rat is only  a leap away too late again she is no longer master of her own  legs even walking is a struggle it is as though an alien  force has taken over her body despite being surrounded by prey  she is unable to satisfy her hunger brigitte is getting weaker by the hour she is very ill with the arrival of the humans a  treacherous disease was brought to the highlands   canine distemper the virus is what rendered mcgee an orphan it  annihilated her entire pack it was a miracle   that she even survived but now death rears its ugly head she was probably infected by rolling in  the dog feces highland walls are at the   mercy of the disease once they are infected  the virus easily takes hold of the animal with the humans their cattle and dogs the deadly  virus has also found its way into mcgee's new pack magetti had no predators to  fear no one was hunting her   no one had shot her prey or destroyed her  habitat yet still she has not survived the ethiopian walls once retreated to this land  above the clouds now reality has arrived here too   less than 500 walls are left roaming  the high plains of the horn of africa no one knows if they too will  be infected by distemper one day there is no survival guarantee for these walls the future of the ethiopian wolf hangs by a thread and the wondrous world of the highlands  would be a poorer place without them   you
Channel: Free High-Quality Documentaries
Views: 1,299,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free High-Quality Documentaries, HD, Full HD, Quality, Ethiopian wolf, Gelada, Thick-billed raven, Blue-winged goose, Zebu, Gras rat, Giant molerat, Alpine chat, Wattled ibis, Bale monkey, African lion (Jungle lion), Olive baboon, Tacazze Sunbird, Lammergeier, Verreaux's eagle owl, Long-crested Eagle, African Leopard, Africa, Ethiopia, highlands, fog, forest, mountains, prey, danger, wolf, hunting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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