Amazing Adelaide

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[Music] going into Adelaide which I think's been nicknamed amazing Adelaide um that's not what I call I call it all for I reckon yeah it was an amazing performance by the whole team that's for sure and it was it was nice to be a part of even though they were behind right through days one two and three and the best part of day four they always felt they were a chance of winning and that was the biggest difference in the two sides I I reckon England thought when Australia got to about 400 in their first Innings that the game was going to be a draw uh and they let the game Meander late on the fourth day was where it started to go wrong for England because just watching the way they were batting you thought to yourself they've decided this is going to be a draw and and once you decide that as a player you can get yourself into a lot of trouble the big thing that Australia had going for them was the fact that war believed that this match could still be won you know sometimes people can talk the talk and say yeah we can win but they don't actually believe I actually believe we could and I think that was the difference we took a lot of confidence out of the first test in Brisbane by the way we played game while we W the way we won that test so convincingly I remember doing the press conference after the test at Brisbane saying we've been in this position before we lost the first test in 2005 and we came back from that to win the series however the words were coming out of your mouth but I can't honestly say I believed him after the gabber I think we all felt England were better side than what them shanus in the first test and they were and we also knew that the adelite would be a very good Wicket a good batting Wicket an opportunity for them to come and show us what they could do and they certainly did do that the first day and a half two days they they dominated the game so I think they showed that they had a lot of class players in there who didn't really do a lot in the first test match coming into the Adelaide test match it's a test match that I really enjoy it's probably one of my favorite test matches on the on the Australian circuit unfortunately we lost to TOs and and England won England bed that's a good shot we started off really well [Applause] he's cut that one nice and hard and that's four you lose a toss in out L you know you're in for a serious bit of pain for at least a day and a half there it is that'll be 100 that's well played we had our backs to the wall at the start of that test match go for it and that's well run and that is an excellent 100 and we piled the on and smash us all over the park nicely Str doesn't make it 550 up and he declares we got a big score we declared and then Australia came out to B got him got him big wick beautifully B the skipper what he du it in short it play went to the go good catch great start [Applause] England I remember sitting in the dressing room at the end of day two I think we'd lost one Wicket uh in our Innings and I remember thinking I'm AB Ely exhausted here two days in the field and and and it was amazing to think what was going to unfold over the next sort of 3 days up until Ashley Giles drops Ricky ponton oh and the short delivery this is out oh he's it oh no I think that was a turning point in that match it could have been amazing Adel for us if that catch would have been taken but on this occasion unlike 2005 things weren't going our way we were in a bit of trouble through the game we we started to make a bit of runs we managed the tail managed to wag a bit with Michael Clark making a fantastic 100 well play Third test 100 and I think we got to 500 or so so had a 50 odd run lead going to the last day it was a great effort by the boys to get up close to their score and yeah I'd be lying if I said no I I thought it was going to be a draw I remember having dinner with Shane war on the night of day four um and me saying that you know to tomorrow is going to be a long day it's you know that England um probably just try and bat the whole day out and it'll be the second test will be a draw and I remember wary saying very clearly to me that we would win the test and I thought how are we going to bowl England out firstly um and then have enough time left in the day to you know to make the runs I was just adamant we could win because I thought I knew what the English mindset would be I knew we could actually do it if we B well wary has um has that habit of making something happen so as a guy who was lucky enough to Captain him as I was you always thought if you had Shane W on your side there was a chance something might happen your way and that's why you're happy to give him the ball so when England go into the day five one for 50 and their overall lead is probably something like 70 or 80 you think to yourself well we need to take nine wickets and somehow they've got to make runs and take 10 their chances aren't good we've got Shane War if he bows well we're a chance of taking those nine wickets [Music] [Applause] yesing oh he's got him he's bow him he's Bing around the legs once we got KP out first ball around his legs I sort of went up to Michael Clark I said look I told you I said we can do this his effervescence rubbed off on the rest of the team oh that's out to I think everyone as much as they believe they really believe then you know they were they were committed to it and said yep let's go got him the one thing about Australia what they do really well is is if they get on top of you they don't let you back up you know once you're down they keep kicking you and that's what they were doing they were just grind gring us down grinding us down and we ground to a Hal and then started getting [Music] out oh yes what a cricketer it was just playing in warn his hands it was like a big theater to him but now he's got the England batsman right where he [Applause] wants got him clean Bal him you could almost just see England sort of getting tenser and tenser with with every Wicket that fell that's off a shot chance is given in he's got it the problem was you need to score runs and we were bat him for time and it didn't really work we weren't far enough in front of the game to B for time and he still needed runs to play Australia out of it we just kept finding a way to uh to change the game to to get a wicket we obviously had a bit a fair bit of momentum and the crowd were really starting to to build up as well and get right into the [Music] game oh a sh out this time he's got in this time when we got England out I remember warning saying I told you we'd win this test match and that was still with 160 odd runs to get um I remember when we got that last wecket just getting a a shot of adrenaline or nerves or or you know anything thinking wow we've actually bow them out we've we've got a chance we we can do [Music] this Langer go Justin Langer set the tone with the first ball he smashed the ball through midwicket for four and and basically sent a message to our dressing room that you know you know we're we're right up for this Chase and and it also sent a message to England that we weren't just going to try and hang in there and survive and and try and creep our way there where we're going to really take it to them and um and be very positive oh miss it hits a St to the they came out and hit us hard from the word go and obviously we're striving for the win for us we were looking at it like a one-day game it was about consolidate at at the top build some Partnerships and then we we'd cash in at the end we still had a chance of getting out of this test if we took some wickets oh got him that's caught in the [Music] galley in England first little sniff Australia can come out be aggressive score quickly that's through oh bad ball bang what a shot magnificent shot through midwicket pressure right on England now in the air should be out midwicket coming around got to catch it for England he does he does it's two for 33 and hussy came out and played well yep oh great shot the white cut sweeps and sweeps brilliantly and he's got him he's hit it straight to Extra cover well they needed that one desperately D in Mart gone bang straight down the ground war Stoke got in St went the square cut straight to St short go or third or four who cares when I walked out the bat Michael hassy was in and it was about me and him we'd spent a lot of time batting together in the shorter form of the game it was about communicating how many runs we needed how many balls we had left um which Bowlers you know Michael hussy felt more comfortable with compared to who I felt most comfortable with oh good shot makes the shackles at the park the way Michael hussy was hitting the ball though my job was very easy it was about getting off strike and letting him face because he he was batting beautifully sweeps oh a did he hit that well yes oh how good was that magnificently priced up the full place of the bat soft hands boundary the thing about Cricket is is that you can see the outcome sometimes way before it actually [Music] happens and I remember wanting to P his ears off at one point cuz you kept hitting these boundaries and you kept fist pump into the dressing room and that was hurting that every time he did [Music] that I certainly started to lose control of my emotions a little bit I was you know punching the air and every run that we got I was sort of yelling at myself and saying keep going and come on keep hitting the ball in the middle and and um yeah fist pumps to the boys and all that sort of stuff so it it and and the crowd were really getting into it as well they were counting down the runs you know uh underneath the scoreboard there it was absolutely packed counting down every run and it was um just an amazing amazing place to be an amazing feeling to be out there in the now through cover goes the closer and closer we got to their score the more nervous I became because you're sort of you're getting that close you want to finish the job but you're never quite there and you don't want to stuff it up when you get so close five runs for victory oh there he goes what a shot what a cricketer punches the air how he should I wanted to kill him you know Mr Cricket himself I was desperate to be there at the end the crowd were going nuts I sort of remember that I remember um I just wanted Jimmy Anderson to hurry up and run in and Bowl we needed one run one run to win sea gos are flying saluting the Australians there it is wonderful Victory wonderful Innings there goes Michael hassy PR of the crowd hitting those winning runs was it's probably the best feeling I've ever had on a cricket field it it was just pure emotion and pure um oh just pure ecstasy really running through your body and then you look up to the team and you see the effect that it had on the boys you know they they were bouncing around and jumping around we'd won this amazing test match where no one gave us a chance to win and then it was also something that I'd hardly ever seen an Australian team they came running onto the pitch the players and and uh and it was just uh yeah a fantastic feeling I'd got to say that we lost the ashes then I think having got beat in that test match when we played pretty much as good as that team could have done to then get beat I think after that test we was always going to stir down the barrel of 5 n said a lot about the people we had in the team you know Ricky and um and Shane War uh and John Buchanan basically the leaders of our team sort of instilling the confidence in the team and the belief in the team that we could win we could win this game and and we should be going for the win at all times um that I think that was really important and that's probably what Ash's not not just Ash's Spirit but that's what test Cricket spirit's all about we just did everything right and um I think when you look back and these sort of things you start talking about it it's um um a pretty amazing Victory and definitely one of the best so I think they're the memories that stick with you forever and and I've said for a long time that more than the individual success the team success will always sit in the front of my mind and I think Adelaide test match is is one of those [Music] moments
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Keywords: 2890105644001, youtube
Id: 2xPx8Mq65Rg
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Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2013
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