Amazing ABANDONED Home With Infinity Pool

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today we're in aurora ontario a city just north of toronto we're visiting a massive property with a mansion unlike anything i have ever seen abandoned the four-bedroom home is perched upon a hill providing stunning views and is even complete with an infinity pool so join me today as we enter this fascinating and gorgeous home with the power still on and explore its interesting history and the bitter end a company has in store for it okay wow this is already pretty nice holy crap it's beautiful wow you don't see uh murals done like this anymore in foys it's quite nice this is like uh this is probably someone's office at one point huh wow they left a lot of stuff behind they didn't take any of this brennan what do you think oh my god i think of what yeah good lord oh someone was sleeping here yeah i couldn't tell if the writing was from like um it was from the family maybe like as they knew the house was gonna get demolished yeah you know what maybe you're right maybe they just let the girl draw on the wall right well i mean they let her paint the closets here well yeah but that's more stylized i mean this was wow look at the ceiling i know wow it's got like a nice cloud pattern i don't know though because this it's like this is hastily put here i don't know it's possible that someone was sleeping here yeah the report they left the report card yeah they got a bunch of like school work well she was doing pretty good i mean 80 oh my god huh electrocuted i wonder if we can get a movie to play let's see now we've been through this before with trying to get the auxiliaries to properly oh wow oh look at that i don't know if there's a dvd in it's loading unbelievable there actually is it's small foot it's down there so the history behind this home is actually rather odd the original home was constructed in the late 60s but through the decades had many extensions built onto it likely in the 80s and 90s while information on this was sparse the property did seem to operate as a farm with fencing for cows donkeys and likely horses all surrounding a barn which at the time of filming this was already demolished in the year 2000 a local businessman named andrew dunnen purchased the property for 2 million over the next few years he acquired the surrounding land and eventually built a mega mansion on the far east side of his new land by 2015 it appeared that the home was no longer an animal farm and the mansion itself was being lived in for short-term uses in the same year local community members set up the new market refugee sponsorship program a charity effort to raise enough money to provide for a family while they immigrated to canada they were ultimately successful in 2017 when a family from syria had their basic living costs covered for one full year now it's unclear as to what happened behind the scenes with this home but it's possible that the property owner had donated or leased out the mansion for this cause so i could only imagine the delight of a family moving from syria to this home but they would only live here for one year and soon the mansion would be vacated and abandoned in 2018. wow the murals in this is awesome the murals in in this whole house are so cool genuinely like this was a a uh well built home you just feel everything's very solid this is a a proper home so i assume then this is the the master bedroom it's 48 degrees in here set to 67 that's funny backs onto the pool deck over here oh my god look at this closet area so that's all a walk-in closet over here and then it looks like there's another walk-in closet over here with a dying fluorescent light oh wow this home is spectacular abandoned or not this is genuinely one of the nicest homes i've ever been in i mean it's dated for sure but this is beautiful look at this look at this bathtub with that view i don't know what happened in here but something got into the peanut butter here and obviously there's mouse droppings so mice have gotten in here but also like everything's really dirty in here there's like water stains all over which is interesting mold growing up on the trim here so this has been abandoned for a while this had heated floors as well so this big bed here i guess with a couch sort of torn up just looked out onto their infinity pool and then out to the unbelievable view this property has and this is spectacular i guess this would have been their formal dining room it looks like again with that incredible view oh wow oh my god this is getting torn down look at this kitchen power's still on here with everything still here is this real yep wow i assume that the water doesn't work no this island is truly enormous you can't even fit it in with 16 millimeters that is gigantic everything's dirty the wood is starting to warp but everything it it really does look like this has been abandoned for some time i mean there's cobwebs everywhere there's mold growing on the trim everything's just dirty and the paint's coming off here bugs this is extraordinary yeah i mean like look at how how screwed up these cabinets are like even after being abandoned for a couple years i mean it's they're in rough condition all of these are they're in rough condition okay so this lavish kitchen kitchen uh goes into this which i guess is a less formal dining room and then into this which is like an insane great room or a family room or a living room or whatever you want to call this this is this home literally has me speechless on every single room i go into it's just it's dated and like you can see too the the tvs they're this home is sort of stuck in like 2006. by now i bet you're wondering what happened to this property and why it was abandoned well the reason is all too familiar here if you recall last summer i made a video broadly analyzing how developers buy up perfectly fine homes vacates them for sometimes years and then develop the land to which they're on well this property is a perfect example of that mysteriously this home was sold in 2015 to a company named shining hill estates for just two dollars mr dunn and the landowner seems to have had ties to that company so its true selling price has been estimated at around 16 million dollars shining hill is now in the process of building out this enormous plot of land that they now own constructing phase one of their project with detached single family and town homes starting at the high 800 thousands this particular plot of land has been proposed to have 91 single detached homes upon it likely starting at around a million dollars each the day we arrived was the beginning of phase two the next build-out planned the home down the hill had already been demolished and the trees were cut down preparing for total land clearing it's astonishing to me at least that all the history surrounding this incredible home is being stripped away and soon the mansion will be next oh it really was a greenhouse this was a legit greenhouse [Music] one thing that stunned all of us was the fact that this abandoned home had an infinity pool now i know these are common in wealthy properties and other warmer climates but a pool like this in canada is exceedingly rare let alone add an abandoned building so here's the infinity pool that's obviously been covered and uh i thought it may have been the developers who did it but it actually this wood has been here for a while this this is old wood so i think this has seen a few winters honestly and i don't know if this fence dividing the back deck was put up here recently or if it's been here for years as well i think it might be the latter while we were there i had theorized that this pool had been disused for some time and in fact i was correct looking at satellite photos of the home we can see that between 2013 and 2015 the pool was being maintained however after 2015 the water was collecting algae until the next year when it was drained and a wooden shell was constructed on top of it these dates actually make sense too as 2015 was the same time when the home was acquired by that development company likely due to local bylaws a fence was put up abruptly partitioning off the rest of the outdoor patio and that's where this ultra luxurious pool has sat ever since slowly decaying away what do you think brennan you're you're the pool expert how uh how much do you think this costs it's all like smooth cement which like a pour like this especially like molded as it is is very very expensive like i said original estimate like 60 60 to 70 000 i'd say for the cement work but it looks like it's in good shape like relatively good shape like i don't see any major cracks or like major um like structural flaws other than this tiling here so this is still salvageable if they wanted to uh yes all you'd have to do is replace some of the inner tiles there this i mean like the um yeah this is the ceiling thick glass right here and obviously if you don't know what a infinity pool is the the water would fill all the way at the top and it would cascade over this and it would look like an infinity edge yeah i mean pool i can't speak for all the way around but it looks like the seal here hasn't broken it does you know there's even like a little plant growing right out of uh the tile behind you all in all not even not even counting like the uh yeah blocking stuff it's probably another 10 grand i'd say yeah with that included i'd say maybe maybe close to 100 000 100 000 for this just the pool and what's super criminal about all this is that they didn't use it this has been sitting empty for years when it comes to real estate in toronto nothing ever seems safe driving around aurora the staggering scale of these new suburban developments is mind-boggling the small city north of new markets is growing at a rapid rate and seems to spare nothing in its quest to develop perhaps i wouldn't be so bitter if these properties they were adding had any sense of unique design or urban planning developers like that exist there's a great example of a unique new build community like that in niagara on the lake but what they're going with here is the opposite of inspired and the cheapest way to make luxury properties the same homes you're seeing everywhere now so who on earth are buying these cookie cutter homes for a million dollars i have no idea but i do know one thing and that's the fact that i would certainly rather spend my money to live in something like this over what they have planned it represents something all too common in the area and it's a sad end to a luxurious and stunning property you
Channel: Bright Sun Films
Views: 383,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QB5W3jDCt84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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