Amanda - 2010 CrossFit Games
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Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 396,088
Rating: 4.624835 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, Affiliates, CrossFit Affiliates, 2010, Games, Individual, Amanda, Men, Women
Id: EsU-evw7hR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 46sec (6586 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 27 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I think the 2026 games will look more like the 2010 games than the 2018.
Given how the growth of Crossfit has plateaued, i have reservations the games will continue (in its current form) thru 2026.
Edit: This is especially true given the financial issues Crossfit Corporate have been dealing with lately...
Let's just be honest and admit that there's not enough interest from the general population to really support the sport.. outside of our community, most people could care less about competitive exercise.
That was fun to watch , I remember being there in 2010... The sport sure has evolved.
There won't be a Crossfit Games in 2026, Glassman will have bankrupt the entire company in his fight against that sweet sweet Coca Cola. Some other entity will probably take over and create some type of competition that people will remark seems similar to this thing people were doing years ago.
If Nike or Under Armor don't pick up the sponsorship, doubt we will have a CrossFit Games by then.
Never forget when Kalipa did a snatch and threw it across the floor
Not after all these changes