Am I Morally Obligated To Help My Ex-Wife With Her Bills?

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chris is in Hartford Connecticut hi Chris welcome to the Dave Ramsey show hi there how are you today sir better than I deserved man what's up in your world okay I've got a moral question for you it's not so much a numbers question for you because um I've recently found my walk with Jesus and I went through something with my family last year where my sigh I'm a little emotional sir okay well times I apologize last year I found out that my then wife was being unfaithful I had asked her directly for the truth on several occasions and I never got it until it was too late and she couldn't reel me back in and we've got two little kids and basically I I don't I'm not financially obligated to her just to keep it vague here I got a property down the street that I rent very involved in my children's lives it's a 50/50 custody agreement but my struggle has changed I'm working my baby steps on baby steps do I've paid off seventeen of thirty thousand and I oh good for you and I'm making traction very much because of your your work sir so thank you job so the question that I have is that my financial situation is turned around as much as it has I don't know where I've never been in a situation like this in my life I don't I don't know what is an appropriate amount to help her because I know that she's still working the same job I don't think she's making any more and when we were together she was struggling but this is somebody who is very dishonest to me ah randomly gets very vicious with me I I'm I'm not trying to say that I've been perfect sir I've got a lot of things that I need to ask for forgiveness for in this life but I don't think I deserved any of that I understand so um basically your divorce do you have any obligation on any of the debts that she I helped her with 100 bucks a month towards the car why no big whoop but that's it why is that part of the UH divorce shuttle well when I was broken we were splitting up I promised her that I'd help her with it okay so you promised her but you don't have that in the divorce decree oh no no I'm sorry sir yeah it's it's in the decree oh it is in the decree okay yeah and it's in Robert II so watch LD is your name on the car yes okay so if the car is not paid you've got a problem right yet there because they're going to come after you yeah okay are there any other debts that she's supposed to pay in the divorce decree that have your name on them uh I that was the first one that I said care of that we had a co debt on a debt consolidation loan as you called weren't were there any are there any other Co debts that she is responsible for right now my name comes off of the mortgage off of the house that we had together this month how that's in writing it's legal it's we've been working together on it so I know it's not it's not legal your name doesn't come off of the mortgage unless the mortgage has been paid off or refinanced oh it's getting refinance I'm sorry okay alright now that that works alright so your name comes off the mortgage are there any other code dad's no okay good so how much like owed on how much is owed on her car ah I think it was a $15,000 car is that what's owed on the car I would have to ask her what the balance is currently I know that she's turned with it and never missed the payment on it okay um that one what I asked uh hey that's okay the hmm how much debt do you have in your debt snowball I've got 30 left out of the 47 now you told me that okay the you're making really good progress congratulations the first thing you're the first moral obligation and the only moral obligation you have is to take care of your children okay your ex-wife is not your responsibility that's why they call her your ex-wife you know you have a moral obligation for 100 a month and you have a legal obligation for $15,000 on that car if she doesn't pay it so you got a real common-sense obligation to make sure that gets paid one way or another okay or gets sold one of the two I think you're going to concentrate on you building wealth and being generous in general and that includes certainly taking care of your children and that's where I would spend my financial energies if I were in your shoes hey guys Rachael Cruz here hope you enjoyed that video from the Dave Ramsey show if you want to watch another great video check out my video three things you should consider renting right over here or click the link in the description below you
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
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Keywords: am i morally obligated to help my ex-wife with her bills?, dave ramsey, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey show, debt free scream, dave ramsey debt free scream, dave ramsey live stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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