Altruism Kills Self-Esteem: Ayn Rand Explains

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this was Ein Ran's answer to a question during a radio interview on the psychology of altruism what are the psychological effects of altruism well the basic consequence is an almost total lack of self-esteem or as near to Total as a man can come and still remain sane and Alive a man who would accept the ser of altruism necessarily has to regard himself as of no value it is his self-esteem that he has to renounce in every issue his self-esteem intellectually his self-esteem spiritually his self-esteem in the sense of the desire to make something of his own life to achieve happiness or to achieve some kind of purpose which he desires that is what he has to give up the mere idea of looking at yourself as merely a means to the ends of somebody else whether it's one other person or the total of mankind implies lack of self-esteem that is the start of accepting altruism and to the extent to which you attempt to practice you would have to destroy your self-esteem more and more now what most people do is that they abandon morality they then decide that nobody can can be perfect and that will sort a model as best we can I will not attempt to be a perfect altruist but I will feel guilty and give to others once in a while which really means an amoral kind of existence the destruction of any firm principles of morality and any firm base of self-esteem for
Channel: Ayn Rand Institute
Views: 3,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARI, Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand Institute, Fountainhead, Individual Rights, Individualism, Objectivism, Objectivist, Philosophy, Reason, Rights, Capitalism, Freedom, Liberty, Atheism, Secular Humanism, Libertarian, Conservative, Libertarianism, Conservatism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 12sec (132 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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