Altis車宿平整化,四門轎車車泊免DIY免改車? 10分鐘就搞定! 新手車宿裝備分享| 山倉品草

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This is our fifth car camping. Today, we came to Baolai(Kaohsiung,Taiwan) for car camping. This is our fifth car camping. I think we have adjusted to a state. In comparison, it is already very comfortable. I can sleep well. Yes . Let’s take a look, it’s probably like this. So, many friends have asked me about this before . How do you do the leveling? How to make it for Toyota Corolla Altis? So, we find the best practice Like to share with everyone Our car camping evolution basically , the flattening method of our car accommodation has two major advantages . The first advantage is that it is easy to obtain . The first one is that it is easy to obtain these flattened methods. To buy things, you can actually get them in the store. You can easily obtain them. You don't need to go to a specific carpenter manufacturer to do DIY planks or something. No, this doesn't save you a lot of trouble. The second one is fast deployment . Fast deployment means that you only need to arrive at the parking lot or the parking location and move the back seat forward after positioning. Invert the mattress and put it on it. It's very fast . Basically, it has these two major advantages. Please see our detailed introduction to the evolution history . First of all, this screen actually has a disadvantage, that is , if it rains , the window is rolled down. If it is windy, it will seep in. We are going to buy the one hundred pages one by one, and then there is a gauze inside. It can even be equipped with an exhaust fan . We used it for a long time last night. There is a hole here , you can pull it out first. There is a hole in the front window, through this place , you can cover the rearview mirror. When installing , you can first cover the rearview mirror and then pull it over. This is the basic . It should be to let you stick to the door and then pull it down tightly. In fact, I think it's good to cover it. It won't move, so we didn't stick it. Pull it up from that place. This set seems to be only more than 100 yuan , so It's a very cheap plan. If you want to try a car lodging first, I think you can buy this first . Don't choose to come out in the rain. It should be fine . How do you know if it will rain ? Raise it a little higher. Now I'm going to close the front fender . I bought the front fender (the sun visor) a long time ago and I haven't used it anymore. I found a shortcoming. You can see that it has grooves (folding marks). After being exposed to the sun for a long time, it will focus and gather heat , so there are some bubbles on the lower edge of the front cover (insulation paper), but the part of the insulation paper where the film is attached is a little bubbling, so it is not used later. It just so happens that it can be used for car parking and car parking. This is the front gear part. We will close the side next. Drop it, the one here is also dropped, and it will drop as soon as you open the door. What are you doing now? I'm doing a home handicraft OEM . This is just the curtain, the curtain of the rear window. I want to say this. Yi and then how much? More than 100 yuan? So after buying it, you have to string it yourself, and there is a small hole here. I have to string this in by myself . This is not easy to string. The hook is open, and then the string is finished, the next step is to put this into the magnet track, this magnet track, this has a track, make it by hand, dry laugh~ How to string it? Put it in like this, one after the other One , it 's okay to string it in, it feels good to string it in, but in fact, it's quite troublesome to string it in the front, mainly because the front one is more troublesome , so we bought it for a long time and haven't used it. This weekend, we will come and go , because we think I don't know if it's ok because our car is an Altis , so buy a cheap one and try it first. The length of this (track) may depend on your car, so you have to cut it off (adjust the length) (track) The above is a magnetic suction type, I think The shielding effect is not very good. You can see the empty space below. There are this on the left and right sides. Tuck it up so that it won't slip out. It has to be cut to the length and then plugged (we didn't cut it later.) You should plug it first so that it does n't slip out. Open it a little bit, we all use the cheapest solution. Next , put away the sleeping bag first. The sleeping bag is very easy to collect. Just hold it and stuff it all the way inside. Wow, it took you 2.5 minutes to finish stuffing it. Your hands are sore . WM's is really a challenge. Yesterday was also jammed for a long time. Wait a minute . Start from the bottom. Who said that from the bottom? I said. Do you feel that the car accommodation is a bit tossing yourself? Yes, yes, hahaha , it's quite tired. We already only accept sleeping bags . Ah, there's no way to do that. No wonder people have to close the tent after drying in the morning because there's no time left. If you don't climb the mountain and don't do anything, it's fine, but we're going to climb the mountain . If it's camping, the camper may also need it. For a long time, some people just use the backpack directly. They just empty the backpack first, then put the sleeping bag on the bottom and the bottom layer, and then press other things on top. The sleeping bag does not need to be harvested. Press down the whole thing first , and after the thing goes down, it will naturally put that Squeeze the sleeping bag, you should take this one faster because it is easier to stuff, and my hands are sore . You should take this one fast. Practice makes perfect about 2 hours and 20 minutes (slip of the tongue should be about 2 minutes and 20 seconds). This one takes about 2 minutes , so The red color is quicker, the hand is very sour , the back cover, and the masking effect is not bad. I think this product can continue to be used. You can buy this piece of momo for 296 yuan. If you buy it at the shrimp skin, it is cheaper. I think this is OK . I just say that if the suction cup has been replaced for a long time (the effect is not good), it will be more fatigued . It can be replaced again , but I think this mask is not bad. It is quite sticky. It just needs to have an angle . Yeah, then wait for a while to dry in the back, wait for a while and put it in the back to dry for a while. This is a small night light, and I bought it from shrimp skin. To control the night light, we didn't come out with the remote control. No need to have a remote control so close . We usually use it as a night light. It's very cheap. This is a latex pillow . I didn't buy an inflatable latex pillow, although it is relatively large. Anyway, we don't have a lot of things yet. We have disclosed our flattening method. In fact, the flattening method can still be improved (space) is still relatively low in the middle. We will put one next time.. .That looks like it has a radian, it's still a little lower, so we'll put it up...we 'll know it when we open it up . We'll put that upside down... we'll take this mattress first , and we'll put together this mattress next time. The ones I bought at Carrefour are just the usual three-fold mats that appear in the student dormitory. This one is 549 yuan , 53X yuan (persistent), 549 yuan, no , 535 yuan, or 549 yuan. Anyway , just (cheap) directly I think it's easy to dent after a sleep. This is a good sleep leisure mattress. The size is 3 feet * 6 feet, and the size of a single person is 3 feet * 6 feet , so it is 180 cm long and 90 cm wide . In summer, you can sleep on the other side But I don't think it's very thick. We probably won't go to sleep in the summer (in the car). This is a cheap solution. It's not very thick. I think it's more comfortable to buy a thicker one . How do we... flatten it first . The chair is to just knock it down first, and then just knock it down. In fact, we originally wanted to remove the rear seat (the seat cushion) to make it more flat. The seat cushion was removed first, and then the seat back was folded forward , but we found that In fact... the head will sag down even more, and it will still bulge in the middle, and it will not go down (flat) because there is a high point there, and that high point is due to the relationship between the armrest and the armrest in the middle. So basically, it's not better, so we put the seat cushion back in again, so we don't pull out the seat cushion, we just push the back of the seat forward because it will make the head a little higher and more comfortable. Next , we will buy the waist. A cheap hollow brick (Styrofoam), we can take one and look at it ~ This hollow brick we bought in Zhenyu is 38*19*10cm, so the height is 10cm, so we will buy 4 pieces, which are almost right side by side, just fine This side is a little higher, I just noticed that it is higher, so I kept making a crunching sound yesterday. It should be this (organizing box) to press down on that (hollow brick), yes, you see, there is a little that one on the side. (Depression) When it is pressed down , let’s talk about this concave place. In fact, I think we still need to add a clever spell. Yes , we will add a clever spell. When the time comes, I will add it and share it with you. Then I also bought this from Carrefour. What is the size? Which series is this ? This should be the 35 series. I remember this one . The size is the K035 rugged type, and its size is 42.5*63.8*16.6 cm The height is about 17 cm. Yes , 17 cm. It is about the same height as the back of our chair . Is the width of these two pieces just right ? I bought two of them. We have n't opened them yet. You can put things. For example , if you really want to camp or something , you can put a lot of things in it. We don't currently have it, so these two are still empty. It won't deform when you sleep like this yesterday . The bottom is very stable and won't flatten. So I think this plan is ok. Now it seems that there is a gap here. This is a gap between this and that in the middle. When the time comes, we can use a clever cushion to go in. Then we put the mattress back , and then we directly put the back of the chair back in place. It's very simple like this (clicking sound), you wait here (clicking sound) and just go back to your seat, so the seats are still there (no need to dismantle it at all) It's actually quite fast. We did this yesterday for about half an hour . Because we didn't know each other well the first time, it took a little longer . The second time the car was exposed , just put it on first. Oh ~ It's wet, yes, just put it on first . It's wet here. It's really wet Yeah , just leave it alone. I'll go back and post it. This is the second time we have an improved version of the plan . How many layers have been added ? Then there are 3 pieces on the 1st floor. There are 12 pieces in total. If you put it together like this, you will feel that the waist will not sink in. If you do this, it will be flat. It is just here. I said it this morning I found that Qiaopin has slipped forward , and it just hit the organizer. It won't slide out again. Overall, it's better to sleep, and then the whole thing is raised and flattened, so I can sleep better. But I found a disadvantage is that this side becomes higher. It flattened, and then it became this side (smart spelling) and this one (iron piece), this iron piece just protruded from this side, and the distance became shorter, so it would get stuck when turning over, and it would be more stuck. If it is too high, or else just remove one piece and try it again. You can try it again to see if you want to remove another piece . Well , just put it away like this. Basically, just leave it. (No need to put it at all)! Then let's put it away and then we'll bring chair Joe back (leather chair rubbing) (click) (click) Good morning~We're up now and ready to tidy up After last night After adjusting this sleep , I think I sleep better. I feel better sleep . I sleep a lot . Let me tell you how I made it yesterday. Take a look. So if you see our place, we made it like this , using that camping chair to lean against and cushion it. (Headrest on the back of the chair) I can sleep a little higher with my head like this, and then I can lift my whole body up. If this is the place where it will get stuck, the hip bone will not get stuck. Of course, it is in line with our height. If everyone's shape is different, they may need to be adjusted differently, then pick up this chair and take a look (the background music of the temple fair). This chair can be adjusted (turning and pressing) so that When it is folded (turning and pulling), the height can be adjusted by yourself. It can be lowered a little, it can be raised a little bit, it can be lowered a little bit , it can be raised a little bit, and then it can be adjusted . It 's just like this . Is it DanRo? Waiting for Lu? This is from home A. I found out how can there be such a good thing at home, and then I went online to check the Internet. They are all for sale , so the black just bought online, this is in the home The A's looks exactly the same version, but there is a sign on it but not a sign. Then we made a little fine-tuning for our fifth car stay , that is, we made this Styrofoam hollow brick because it has a little radian on the bottom side ( Above the rear tire) After 4 pieces of this (hollow brick) go down, it will still be a little wider than that radian (the shortest distance between the two sides of the radian), so the focus of our adjustment this time is to make this side a little higher , then the hollow brick can be seen below this side There will be some dents, anyway , just let it press against this arc, it doesn't matter, and then it will have dents, this dent, if you just let this side, the driver's seat side is a little higher , this side is flat, this side is almost flat This side will come out a little higher, and it will come out a little higher mainly because I have found in several previous experiences that I sleep on this side (behind the driver's seat), and then I will lean towards this side (the door) halfway through my sleep, so in fact It will be uncomfortable to sleep and the reason for the tilt is mainly because the middle armrest will be higher on this side . Pull it open and take a look. The middle armrest will be higher . There is a grip on this side, so if it sleeps, this side will be harder. So it will be inclined a little here, so I will make it a little higher here , a little fine-tuning, let my body butt side , mainly the buttocks, probably this place will not be inclined this way, if the whole upper part of the body is kept here On the other hand, I won't slide down the car window, so I fell asleep this time, and I felt very comfortable to sleep , and then it's probably like this (a) small fine-tuning details are probably like this here. Love it !!! And anyway, anyway After this adjustment, we will still cover and put it on again, and then fold it again , fold it, and then the mattress is basically folded like this, and then the mattress is flat. If it recovers , just push it back, which is what we just did. It 's about quick deployment , so you can put things . It's very easy to put this chair in. It's good, fast . After reading the above evolutionary history of our lathe equipment, I think it can be summed up again . The key point is that we do not take up space . Of course We don't know how other riders adjust it, but we don't take up space in such a way. This is what we have restored to the original state after adjustment, so the space of the front seat is not affected. In the case of the back side, it is because of our seat backs. It still maintains its original function . As far as we are concerned, its original function is to store things , so we still put things in the same way. The mountaineering backpack can still be used. Because we will be in the car and we just want to climb the mountain and find a place to sleep and then we will look at the back compartment. The back compartment is still a lot of space, sleeping bag pillows , then this is the mattress, and the organizer is empty because we don't need to put it at the moment. There is still space on both sides of anything. There is an umbrella here , and you can put trekking poles here. The space is still large enough to put it. When we are going to sleep, we will move these bags forward to the front seat (back seat) Flip it forward and put the mattress on it. It's very simple and fast. The above is the evolution history of our lathe. Share it with everyone. If you think our video sharing introduction is helpful to you, please leave a message and let us know. Let us If you feel more motivated to continue sharing, at the same time , if you think there is room for improvement in this method, for example , it can be cheaper or simpler to make the whole process smoother, please leave a message to let us know. The above sharing is open to everyone. Everyone is helpful, see you next time in the car, bye
Channel: 山倉品草BarnVege
Views: 307,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 車宿, 車泊, 車中泊, 車露, 車床, 車宿裝備, 車泊點, 車泊地點, 車泊點推薦, 車宿點推薦, 水廁, 新手車宿, 裝備不落地, Altis車宿, Altis車泊, 四門轎車車宿, 四門轎車車泊, 小車車宿, 小車車泊, 四門房車車宿, 四門房車車泊, Altis平整化, 小車平整化, 平整化, 四門平整化, carcamping
Id: avYQUr-Hx7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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