Alpaca Turbo - NEW ChatGPT-like UI For LOCAL Models (Tutorial)

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hey welcome back in this video I'm going to show you a really awesome new user interface for local llms essentially it looks like chat GPT but you can load all of your local large language models into it so if you've been playing around with alpaca or llama or any of the other local models you can load it into this interface and it's really clean it's pretty early there were a lot of bugs getting it set up but the developers are extremely active very responsive and you can always hop into their Discord and ask them questions let's dive into it this is alpaca turbo I'll drop the link in the description below it's available for both Windows and Mac previously it was done with Docker but they've since switched to anacond and they still do have the docker installation but what we're going to use is actually the mini conda installation and it's available for both Windows and Mac m1m2 now something to keep in mind is Port 5000 is a reserved port on a Mac for receiving airplane so alpaca turbo attempts to use port 5000 and that causes some issues so what you're going to need to do is actually disable AirPlay and I'll show you how to do that now I don't ever need to receive AirPlay to my laptop so it's not a big deal but of course if you do need it then this might not be for you so the first thing we're going to do is install mini conda I already have it installed but I'm going to show you how to do it anyways so you're going to click this link right here you can also just Google mini Condor or anaconda go to the home page and download whatever version is right for you so click here put it on the desktop save mini conda three and so you would just go through these steps there's not much to it you just click continue a bunch of times it'll install it and that'll be the end so I'm not going to do it because I do have it installed already but all the other steps I'll go through together with you okay next right here it says download the latest alpaca turbo zip from the release page here so we'll click that link and the latest version which was updated eight hours ago is 0.5 so we'll go ahead click here I'm going to store it on my desktop it's downloading it says it may be dangerous do you want to send it to Google we're going to skip this but I have done it before and it's okay so double click it unzipped it to my desktop I'm going to throw away the zip file because I don't need that anymore open up alpaca turbo and there we go there's everything we need um so next let's head back to the instructions so the next thing we're going to do is actually place our alpaca models directly into the alpaca turbo slash models directory and so that is found right here it's going to be empty for now because we don't have any in there but let's go ahead and put one now there's a list of models alpaca models that are compatible with alpaca turbo I'll drop the link below to download all of the compatible models with alpaca turbo so alpaca turbo is compatible with the newer alpaca models they are typically a little bit over five gigabytes so I'm going to go ahead and drag that over here and the next thing we're going to do is get our conda environment set up so you're going to open up terminal I use item now I'm going to CD out to the desktop so I'm going to hit LS so I can see what folders are on the desktop and I see alpaca turbo so I'll start typing and then I can hit Tab and it'll auto complete and I actually need to hit CD first and now I am in the directory in terminal and then that's where I'm going to type conda and name and that initializes conda in that directory and then I'm going to follow the rest of the instructions here conda create so I'm going to go ahead grab that come back to the terminal I'm going to paste it conda create Dash and I'll pack a turbo python 3.8 y hit enter foreign next I'm going to activate alpaca turbo using conda so again copied it from the page paste it back in terminal conda activate alpaca underscore turbo enter there we go now you can see I'm in alpaca turbo then I'm going to pip install our requirements this installs all of the Python requirements there we go now it says requirement already satisfied because I've already installed it but you'll see it's something a little bit different and then we run python API dot pi okay so we got a little warning but not a big deal it just says that this is a development server and then there's one last thing so I mentioned that Port 5000 is going to be a problem so we're going to open up our settings we're going to come here we're going to type airplay AirPlay receiver and you're just going to turn this off so this was on for me previously and you're just going to select it off and then Port 5000 will be available so had you actually done this python API dot Pi before turning it off you would have got an error but I had it off already so just remember to turn it off before running that so now I'm up and running I'm going to grab this URL copy it I'm going to come back to the browser open a new tab and paste it in this is essentially pointing to the computer it's this local computer I'll hit enter and there it is there's the interface it asks me to choose a model I'll go ahead and choose the one and it already populated with the one that I have in the models directory Click Change it's loading the model it's going to take a few seconds there it is loaded successfully close and we can get going so one thing I really like is it tells you your RAM usage so I have 24 gigs of RAM and I'm right now I'm using 17 and the CPU usage the interface should look really familiar it kind of looks like chat GPT but it's really simple so what day is after Friday go tells you how many seconds it is Saturday is the day after Friday all right so uh write a poem 50 words okay that didn't do quite what I thought it would and let's try something different um what is the First Amendment of the United good Institution there it is the First Amendment of the United States Constitution is the freedom of speech so like the alpaca models they're pretty good they're not fantastic but there's a lot of new models being produced and I'm gonna have some other videos on some of these new models such as vicuna and hugging face GPT and there's a lot of really cool models coming out that are going to just continue to get better but as friendly developers continue to build cool stuff like alpaca turbo Dolly GPT for all all this stuff is going to progress really quickly and it's going to catch up to Chachi PT and I'm really excited about it if you enjoyed this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 19,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, gpt, openai, chatgpt 4, chatgpt 3.5, llama llm, llm, artificial intelligence, alpaca llm, chatgpt explained, what is chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, local llama, local chatgpt, install llama, install alpaca, install alpaca locally, chatgpt api
Id: bGcrTGsSNaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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