Almost killed in my sleep

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what's up guys it's me Danny back with another hilariously terrifying video so I was just like sound asleep in my bed and woke up cuz I kept hearing these weird noises like someone was walking around in my apartment it kind of freaked me out so I've just been sitting here I'm not really oh whoa wait Danny yeah whoa dude that is wild you remember me right Bradley oh wait Bradley from high school right school yeah dude oh man that's crazy I did not expect to see you here well this is my bedroom in my apartment I didn't really expect to see you here that is too crazy man all right well I'm gonna kill you now no what what why oh dude I'm so sorry I should let you know what I'm doing here so I'm an assassin now and somebody has hired me to kill you here at Johnson and clads hitman service we take the quality of our work very seriously so if you have any concerns or wanting to let us know what you like please leave us a review on Yelp also we are now offering a 20% sale for any customer who refers 10 or more friends to our service we're slashing prices almost as much as we're slashing people which is a lot what is this all right all right enough corporate mumbo jumbo hold still I'm gonna stab you for a bit wait wait wait wait wait what oh sorry did you want to leave a tip first no I just say PayPal or venmo bye no cards sorry why my card machine broke yeah it actually happened when I was murdering an old woman in her sleep it actually got tossed onto the floor I mean why would I want to give you a tip for murdering me for doing it quickly dude some assassins are really slow it just makes it an awful process I'm gonna make your ears quick and painless okay stabbing someone isn't even a quick way to kill someone why don't you just carry a gun Danny do you have any idea how dangerous that would be literally swinging a knife around what nothing why are you an assassin now didn't you go to college for like accounting or something I did yeah you're right but I actually decided that being an assassin is more fun and way more lucrative I mean I make a killing while I'm killing so don't joke also hold on someone hired you to kill me hell yeah dude I wish I could tell you man but I would be in huge trouble so did they say why they wanted to kill me I and say that either broseph is there anything you can tell me yeah I'm gonna kill you know anything about the person who hired you oh yeah yeah I guess so what hey you wanted me to kill you oh my god I dude honestly it's been super good seeing you and catching up and everything but I'm like a little bit short on time so I'm gonna have to kill you now so no hard feelings or anything it's just you know I gotta get paid oh wait hold on like my phone's ringing I don't hear anything yep it's ringing all right it's on silent it said silent ringing so oh yeah for sure yeah go ahead and answer it dude I'll wait hello oh wow really oh my goodness dude you're never gonna believe this it's the president of the National assessing Society Association what really uh-huh yeah yeah dude he's really impressed with how you murder people he wants you to come over right now uh-huh yeah he says you better come quick oh dude yes all right just tell him I gotta kill you and I'll be right over no no no no no no I know he says you've got to come immediately oh okay yeah I'll come right now okay sure oh thank god hey wait a minute what it was really nice seeing you man oh yeah thanks man you too I'm gonna be back tomorrow to kill you no no no come on really well that's all I have for you guys today if you're new here make sure you subscribe I post three times a week shout-out to vibes of Sacha for turning out my notifications if you see that assassin walking around please call the police thanks for watching and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 565,680
Rating: 4.9782047 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, almost, murdered, killed, in, my, sleep, funny, comedy, assassin, killer, sketch, skit, parody
Id: mYsCxcF-tTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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