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I welcome to a foreigner in the Philippines just looking at some of the comments that were made about how a friend such as he is our friend Alan the Canadian so scam or not oh and does it even matter now before anybody starts to look at this latent where they don't where they apparently have not seen everything that's going on just quickly look at it he came to us for help he said that he needed I think it was 14 thousand we said that we were not in a position to help and didn't particularly like the man but he had a young wife we thought then and a very small child two years old and that of course grabbed us and maybe that was part of his his ploy well what happened next was that we put the video up of that interview with him and someone I believe I've been had this put in as a doubt in my mind but I think it was two Canadians two fellow Canadians he was Canadian they sent him a total of seventeen thousand which of course we gave to him now that sent him off to Manila and he went to Manila and he came back with a story no documentation no receipts no evidence that what he was saying was true that money had been taken from him by no no other than the Canadian ambassador yeah okay well I've taken on his face value and so he was then at that point waiting for a date when he would leave that the Ambassador would handle that and all that Alan had to do was to be able to produce a ticket well we have a friend who was interested in the case simply because he was concerned about this young girl who had been taken in by this man and a child there's a two-year-old child there so we were given our instructions he said I will fund his ticket back to Canada and I will help to support the girlfriend while he is away for six months because I am concerned about the girlfriend and the child that is my focus and if in helping them I have to get this man out of the country I will do it so a week or so past and then we found out that Alan said well we actually went round to see him oh I'm missing a bit a bit of this he was living in a dangerous area he's being threatened and have been assaulted so a little bit rich who is the man who sponsored all of this change he he said use the money that I've sent you to get this family into a safe place we did that and they are now in a very simple studio apartment in a safe part of town so so that's all been taken care of now we went to see the man he didn't actually see us and then he said well it's just that I just popped out to the bakery to get something okay so what he needed was he needed five thousand so that he could go back to Manila because he wasn't having any luck on email from the embassy okay we go back to our sponsor what do you want us to do says give him the money and let him go back and let's see what happens so at this point it's a let's see now let's just dispel one of the things that everybody seems to be so rigidly committed to the idea of that we spend a lot of time on this we don't actually we've made two visits one to his new apartment one to the to the slum that they were living in before and that's it other than that we've seen the girlfriend at church because Lisa's Cydia Center maybe it would be nice if she came and she was willing and actually has expressed the wish to continue to expand her circle of acquaintances by going to the church because our church is pretty well an all-round community so that all said he goes off to he goes off to Manila and he comes out as I say comes back with the with this this story that the the embassy have taken the money and he goes off and he returns to Manila now since he returned to Manila how much time have we spent on it none okay none we're just waiting and then Beth texted the girlfriend because apparently he communicates to the girlfriend but doesn't communicate to us I know this the smell gets worse so what's happening well he tells us he needs to he needs the money to come back of course he does so we say we would like we would like to see the address the email address and phone number of your son and daughter that's what a little bit rich once so that's what we asked for so we need those addresses and then when we have confirmed what is happening with you will forward you the money to get back home no he doesn't want to do that he doesn't want his children to be bothered so then there's a little bit of silence so then we got in touch with a girlfriend we left it a while and then thought well what's happening with that so Beth Texters texts the girlfriend and the girlfriend says well is him he's in Manila he doesn't have the money to get home so he said we would like to see documents that will prove that he has done what he said a trip to the embassy a trip to immigration or some kind of liaison between the two which is confirmed by a document and I'm sure that it would be so that text goes there and the demand for the documents to be sent to us by email and that is refused by our friend Alan he refuses to send them because he says that they are private and confidential but he is more than willing if we will send him the money to get home to the whole to show them face to face he will show them to Terrance face to face okay now my feeling was much as most of you were the guys on there who are a little bit more hard and I was perhaps than I am prepared to admit to and I feel well we're gonna send him the money and then he's gonna come back and then what's he gonna say has he been forthright with any real truth so far no he hasn't so there's probably a ton of lies that have to be covered up by yet another ton of lies so at this at this juncture he must be driving a dump truck full of them so that he can easily unload them at every conversation now he doesn't want to do that so we texted again to the girlfriend and said following the conversation no docks no money and that's where it stands right now now during all of this of course we are we are communicating with little bit rich a little bit rich digests what has happened he has been in touch with the embassy the Canadian Embassy and has not received a response probably because of privacy of some of a Canadian citizen which this man is we have seen his passport and it's a name that sounds with it sounds as if it begins with something like Mohammed okay what with that as you will so now little bit rich says my focus remains I'm speaking for him now my focus remains the same the child is the main focus and the mother and I will continue to give support to them so that they are safe and eventually may return to her family who live not too far away okay so that's the present situation and he goes along with the idea that we have said no docks no money now if it is that say as far as we're concerned they the girlfriend being in that apartment with her child safe and supported not in a grand way in a modest way but so that she doesn't have to worry about feeding the child that seems to be a more ideal situation than having him back here but let's assume that he gets makya he has stated a date of the 13th I believe it's the 13th not sure if it's Friday the 13th okay but it's the 13th of June why is it so far away heaven my nose and heavens not telling us at the moment so we are waiting and seeing and spending little or no time on this because we have much more important things to do our intention always was to help the mother and that little girl sorry but it's a child again and we don't want anything to happen to that child by our inaction okay so this tells you absolutely as much as we know at this date that's it and not that there's no more to know other than this you will of course make up your own mind on things most of you have said is a scammer that's it if you have said well we've all been in trouble before haven't we and we've all done it wrong and he has done it wrong and all of that may be true it may be true on the good side it may be true on the bad he may be he may be I don't know he may be a saint in disguise for all we know but he also might not be the important thing is that we keep the girl the mother safe in a safe place until she can return to her family and I'll just tell you this he was not popular when they lived with his her family he was not popular he was not liked of course as with any woman who is committed to a man her loyalties were torn her loyalties are divided she is loyal to the man she is loyal to the father of her child and she's in a very difficult situation now we know we know other people who are in situations like this where they married very difficult men and even though they are loyal even to their faith and to their family it's a difficult situation to be in especially for the Filipino woman who would tend to be I'm telling you would tend to be loyal to her husband and to all intents and purposes this girl is married to this man now it turns out that he actually did withhold some quite important relevant information such as he is married already and the woman of course the woman has robbed him as most other people in the world seem to have done he seems to be one of those people that everybody's just in line waiting to rob him and and relieve that for another another philosophical late-night meandering why do some people appear to be like that well what they appear and what is the actual case are two different things so now no dogs if he's watching this no dogs no cash and we will continue to support the mother with small incremental weekly help because if we give a monthly if we give I am assuming here than making a judgment if we give the whole amount guess where it will go right so we will give a weekly thing she can come up she already expressed the wish to join in the community spirit at the church and come along there with a little girl a little girl will get the chance to play with other children and it could be a worthwhile thing for her so we'll expect to see her on day tomorrow and if she turns up then there will be something for her that will make it worth a while meantime as soon as we know more we will tell you thanks for looking in this is a foreigner in the Philippines please like comment I'm sure your comment and subscribe bye for now
Channel: A Foreigner in the Philippines
Views: 31,793
Rating: 4.7707601 out of 5
Keywords: a foreigner in the Philippines, humanitarian, poverty, living in the philippines, filipino family vlog, philippine family vlog, life in the philippines, family in the philippines, daniel marsh, residing in the philippines, filipino kids vlog, becoming filipino, kyle jennermann, baninay bautista, ahern family, filipino vloggers, expat Philippines, wil dasovich, Finn Snow, Foreigner in the Philippines, ALLEN CANADIAN EXPAT SCAM OR NOT DOES IT MATTER
Id: hZ1q2tRrYq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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