All You Need to Know About the Third Secret | Chris Ferrara

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[Music] foreign thank you Kevin uh well you're not going to hear everything you need to know about the Third Secret of Panama you'll get 17 things you need to know about the Third Secret of Fatima and that will give you the lay of the land on this controversy but let me begin but with a plug and a prayer request you know Howard Walsh would keep the faith is battling stage four colon cancer which is metastasized and he's not doing well but he wanted me to give you a plug so to speak for an application called keep the faith and it's uh fine you can find it on the App Store at Keep the Faith Catholic search for the words Keep the Faith Catholic that will give you access to 1 000 talks for free including all of the talks of Bishop Sheen and that that website has influenced priests and Lady throughout the world for many years now it's available to everyone for free so search on the app store for keep the fake Catholic and pray for Howard please he's been instrumental in the whole movement to bring about a restoration in the church and if he departs from us sooner than expected it will be a terrible loss to all of us so please pray hard for him now to the subject at hand all you need to know about the third secret I can't tell you that in 45 minutes read this book that I wrote when I got into this subject I said oh I I can't get involved in this conspiracy theory this must be all there is to the Third Secret of Fatima why would the Vatican hide another text and then I began digging into the evidence as did Antonio Sochi who was a skeptic and Antonio so she said that when you looked at the evidence you reached exactly the opposite conclusion that there must be a hidden text and if you go through this book it relentlessly and I'm a lawyer that's what I do I compile evidence page after page after page of evidence and it's a mosaic when you put all the pieces together you see the picture but even if you don't have all the pieces when you have enough of the pieces together you still see the picture and the picture points inevitably inelectably to a missing text there simply has to be a missing text and the 17 things I'm going to talk about today very briefly will tell you of a certainty that there is a missing text there can't be ending on their explanation for what has been going on with the so-called disclosure of the Third Secret but we have to situate this in context remember the first two parts this was the great secret converted to The Visionaries consisting of three parts and the Third Secret as it is commonly known is just the third part of the Great Secret but in the first two parts we have the vision of hell and God wishes to establish as our lady to save Souls from Hell Devotion to her Immaculate Heart And if what she requests is done many Souls will be saved and there will be peace World War one is going to end that's an historical detail but if people do not cease offending God a worse war will break out and it will break out during the pontificate of Pius XI she actually names the future Pope when you see a knight illumined by an unknown light know that this is the great sign that God is about to punish the world for its crimes and there was such a light in the sky as reported by many major news outlets including the New York Times just before the Angelus in the beginning of World War II now she goes on to say that there will be War Famine persecutions of the church and the Holy Father to prevent all of this from happening she will come to ask for the consecration of Russia and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays if those requests are heated then Russia will be converted there will be peace and if not she will spread her hours throughout the world causing Wars and persecutions of the church the good will be martyred the Holy Father will have much to suffer various Nations will be annihilated not just torn by War but annihilated in the end however she promises my Immaculate Heart Will Triumph the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she shall be converted in a period of Peace will be granted to the world end quote that's the first three Memoirs this the text is the same in those three Memoirs but then as if by prompting from heaven in the fourth memoir and only in the fourth memoir she gave us what is obviously the beginning of a whole new narrative by the Virgin she added in the fourth Memoir of the following words in Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved Etc end quote the except for being hers which indicates that our lady had begun to speak of something and said further things and later on when she was asked about this about the Third Secret she said in a way I've already revealed it meaning this Edition to the fourth memoir which talks about a crisis in faith obviously outside of the nation of Portugal so father gruner spent decades attempting to extract from the Vatican the contents of that mysterious Etc what words did the Virgin say after she said in Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved what did she say these are words of the mother of God speaking to us as to which sister Lucia gave us a hint she must have felt compelled to do that so that the Vatican could not claim later on that the vision is all there is to this secret those words destroy that Vatican narrative in and of themselves now we get to what the Vatican revealed on June 26 2000 after years of prompting and prodding and agitation and successful dissemination of the Fatima message by father gruner I think he was instrumental in this they disclosed this Vision to which Kevin alluded after the first first two parts which I have already explained she wrote at the left of our lady and a little above we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand flashing it gave out Flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire but they died out in contact with the Splendor of our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand pointed to the Earth with his right hand the angel cried out on a loud voice Penance Penance Penance and we saw an immense light that is God something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it a bishop dressed in white and then she puts in quotation marks within the quote we had the impression it was the Holy Father the impression other bishops priests men and women in religious going up a steep Mountain at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough Yoon trunks as of a cork tree with the bark before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in Ruins and half trembling with halting step Afflicted with pain and sorrow he prayed for The Souls of the Corpses he met on his way having reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him and in the same way there died one after the other bishops priests men and women religious and various lay people of different ranks and positions beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two angels each with a crystal espressorium in his hand in which they gathered up the blood of the martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God that's what the Vatican disclosed and the first thing that occurred to people was what does it mean when does this happen what is this city who are these soldiers how does a pope come to be executed at the top of a hill by this band of soldiers followed by the execution of bishops priests men and women religious and members of the lady how does this happen where does this happen why does this happen this is not some symbolic representation these are details Ruffian trunks of a cork tree a big cross a half a city half in Ruins a pope trembling with halting step kneeling before this cross and when he kneels at that moment he is killed by a band of soldiers that's not symbolism that's a description of particular events at a particular time and what Mother Angelica said after this was revealed is what we all think and what we all believe anyone who knows about it anyway I happen to think she said we didn't get the whole thing we didn't get the whole thing how do we know that well let's begin with the interpretation that the Vatican trotted out when the pope went to Fatima in 2000 when he announced when Sedano announced that the secret would soon be revealed it's a preemptive interpretation as Sochi calls it he said at Fatima before the vision was published The Following the vision of Fatima concerns above all the world war waged by atheistic systems against the church and Christians and describes the immense suffering endured by the witnesses of the faith in the last century of the second Millennium it is an interminable way of the Cross led by the popes of the 20th century already he's lying because what he's saying is the Third Secret is the second Secret because the second secret refers to World War One World War II and the spread of Russia's errors throughout the world that's the 20th century the third part does not refer to the 20th century it refers to some future event when there's a half-ruent city from which a pope escapes and is executed at the top of a hill in front of a cross made of cork bark try explaining away those details as symbolic but then he goes on to say according to the interpretation of the little Shepherds hold it the little Shepherds gave an interpretation Shepherds didn't interpret anything he is doing the interpreting according to the interpretation of the little Shepherds which was also confirmed recently by Sister Lucia really confirmed recently by Sister Lucia where is this confirmation we've never seen it when did she ever get the permission to speak to the public and confirm anything that this Cardinal says never so recently confirmed by Sister Lucia the bishop clothed in white who prays for all the Faithful is the pope maybe we had the impression it was the pope was it the pope we're not sure as he makes his way with great difficulty towards the cross amid the corpses of those who were martyred bishops priests men and women religious and many lay people he too falls to the ground apparently dead under a hell of gunfire he's lying he's absolutely lying right there he doesn't fall to the ground apparently dead he is executed the pope and division by a band of soldiers at the foot of a cross before which he is kneeling he doesn't fall to the ground apparently dead so Cardinal Sedano is lying through his teeth with this preventative interpretation of so she calls it it's not it's a nice lie and the fact that they brought sodano out to interpret it owes us that there must be something missing sodano the Oracle of Fatima let's remember who this guy was he died at the age of 94. he was a corrupt Vatican Prelude don't take my word for it many articles detailed the corruption in which he was mired throughout his ecclesiastical career there's one in prescenza the international press agency May 31st 2022 this is their Oracle of Fatima as ratzinger bitterly put it in 1995 when he found himself held back from acting on the scandal of Vienna Cardinal Hermann grower he conf he said the other side has won he confessed this to Cardinal schoenbarn another loser but somborne added that the other side was led by Angelo sodano whom he accused of having blocked five years earlier the creation of a commission of inquiry into Growers sexual abuse he blocked it this was an unprecedented and Vatican Vatican and friend infighting to go public one of the most that's it gets worse one of the most serious accusations against Sedano is that he was the protector of Mexico's martial marciel founder of the legionaries of Christ an ultra-conservative order this is a liberal Journal reporting on this they think they were Ultra conservatives we think they're Ultra liberals the ultra conservative order promoted by John Paul II who was now considered by the holy seat to be an unscrupulous criminal after the investigation order by Benedict XVI it turned out that he was a pedophile had two wives three children three different identities and managed funds worth millions there were also allegations against him in the Vatican but thanks to Sedano they were bogged down and so on so this is the Oracle of Fatima tried it out to give the preventative interpretation the mere fact that the Vatican employed this corrupt ecclesiastical criminal to interpret the message of Fatima tells you that something is being suppressed there's no possible way the Blessed Mother the holy mother of God could have confided the interpretation of the message of Fatima in the Third Secret to this clown okay so we know that something is amiss right then and there that's before I even get to my 17 reasons now uh so something is missing and what is missing is obviously as Kevin indicated a text in which the Virgin explains the vision there has to be an explanation by the Virgin but in the vision published on June 26 2000 she says not one word even though she explains to the seers the first two parts including the vision of Hell which was obvious to them remember Sister Lucia said we saw hell and if that that Vision had lasted any longer we would have died of fright but even though they knew what they were seeing the Virgin still said you have seen hell with the souls of poor Sinners go something that obvious she explained but was supposed to believe that this obscure vision has no explanation whatsoever by the Virgin and we need Cardinal Sedano to interpret it for us really so that that's a problem but we know that something is missing for one reason among many others and I think it's significant the testimony of Father Schweigel who was sent in 1952 to interrogate sister Lucia about the Third Secret of Fatima and here's what he said I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning concerning the Third Secret but I can say that it has two parts one concerns the Pope the other logically although I must say nothing would have to be the continuation of the words in Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved there we have it there's a continuation of those words have we ever been shown the continuation of those words no therefore if so facto they're hiding it they're hiding the continuation of those words now who promotes the Sedano interpretation none other than another loser Cardinal Bertone who used 422 000 Euro from a children's hospital to renovate his Vatican apartment Archbishop vegano has pointed out that it was Bertone and I'm quoting vegano notoriously favored promoting homosexuals into permissions of responsibility and was accustomed to managing the information he thought appropriate to convey to the pope not only did veganau accuse Bertoni of ignoring his many memos on the homosexual infiltration of the Vatican apparatus but he also said that Bertoni had difficulty in insistently presenting for the Episcopal candidates known to be active homosexuals just to jump ahead Cardinal ratzinger on his pilgrimage the Fatima in 2010 when asked about the Third Secret said that it shows that the worst crisis the worst threat to the church comes from sin within the church which has nothing to do with the vision published in June 26 2000 which the pope was killed by external enemies of the church the band of soldiers now in my book The Secret's still hidden and you need to buy this from the Fatima center it's free online but you can't read this online you need to have a hard copy I provide 101 reasons literally 101 at the end of the book in a supplement to believe that Bertone and Sedano are Liars who are perpetrating the cover-up of advancing text now I'm going to address a few of them today first we have the testimony of of Monsignor Loris capil the personal secretary to John the 23rd he said that there was this envelope which contains a text that John the 23rd read and after John the 23 read the text in this envelope the envelope was sealed and he wrote on the outside of the envelope the names of those who saw its contents and the statement of John the 23 that he would leave it to his successors to judge the text this is the capital Villa envelope that envelope has never been produced there has never been produced by the Vatican an envelope with that writing on the exterior of it containing the names of the people who read the contents and the dictation of John the 23rd but no one in the Vatican denies that this envelope exists second in his book defending sodano's ridiculous interpretation of the Third Secret Bertone fails even to mention Capital Villa or the capital Villa envelope now how do you defend the vatican's position that nothing has been concealed when we have the testimony of the personal secretary of John the 23rd that there's an envelope containing a text that has never been revealed and therefore is being concealed third in his TV appearance on May 31st 2007 where he goes on the air to defend the Vatican position and that's extraordinary don't you think that he has to go on Italian television to defend the vatican's position on what constitutes the Third Secret he goes on TV makes an appearance and again fails to mention Capital Villa well the capital Villa envelope fourth The Telltale Etc Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved Etc there's a lot of content in that Etc probably apocalyptic content everyone wants to know what's in the Etc you know what Bertone said about that he said during the same appearance or rather in the booklet published by the Vatican along with the secret on June 26 2000 he said that those are just annotations by Sister Lucia the words of the virgin in Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved he reduces to annotations by Sister Lucia so he buries the spoken words of the mother of God which begin the explanation of that vision fifth as far as I told you includes that Telltale beginning about the dogma of the faith and a crisis in faith outside of Portugal when the Vatican published the vision of the Third Secret on June 26 2000 they took the text of the first two parts which I read to you from the third memoir why did they avoid the fourth memoir the fourth Memoir was the most recent and most complete document as Cardinal bertani later admitted in another context they go to the third Memoir why did they avoid the fourth Memoir well it's obvious because in the fourth Memoir the text of the secret in the first two parts is immediately followed by her handwritten Edition of the additional words of the Virgin so if they were going to use the fourth Memoir they would have to address as the words of the Virgin those very words but they couldn't address them because then they would have to explain where's where's the rest of it what follows in the ETC so they bury the fourth memoir and they drop a footnote saying oh she added some annotations in the fourth Memoir well some something about the you know the Portugal the dogma of the faith Etc whatever some annotations we don't have to worry about it well that's significant because the the fact that they avoided the fourth Memoir no chose us that the fourth Memoir contains the Smoking Gun and they don't want you to see The Smoking Gun sixth they never asked Lucia at least not as far as we know what follows the Etc never including 10 hours sober Tony claims of recorded interviews with sister Lucia everyone wants to know what's in the Etc not only do they bury the fourth Memoir they never ask her about it or they did ask her about it and they didn't like the answer and you're never going to know the answer seventh on that television appearance which by the way was on the towel the Italian TV show door to door it's a talk show and only in Italy can you have a whole talk show devoted to the Third Secret of Fatima they had a stage set they had some artists sitting on the floor drawing a picture on the floor during the TV show so that by the end she would have completed her little artwork on the floor I don't know what that had to do with anything but that's Italy so on during that same appearance on door-to-door Carnival attorney shows up once again to defend the vatican's account and he produces not one envelope but two envelopes pertaining to the Third Secret and on each envelope it is written by Express order of our Lady this envelope can only be opened in 1960 by the Cardinal patriarch of Lisbon or the bishop of Fatima now why would sister Lucia write on two envelopes The Identical warning and then put one inside the other as per Tony would have this belief it doesn't make any sense one would suffice it was sealed it had the warning on it why two envelopes with two exactly worded warnings on them obviously there were two texts one goes into one envelope and the other goes in the other envelope and the envelopes are different sizes indicating that as Sochi indicated that the text in one was smaller than the text than the other on during the same appearance on door to door in May of 2007 Bertoni admits get this this is eluding something Kevin mentioned that Cardinal otaviani categorically stated that there is a text of the secret comprising 25 lines on one sheet of paper versus The Vision which is 62 lines on four pages he admits this he admits that Cardinal otaviani categorically testified to the existence of such a text on the same TV appearance cap Avila finally shows up they finally bring him out and he's interviewed by Giuseppe de Carly and he confirms the existence of the Capilla envelope on television yes there is this envelope on which I did all this writing I put the names of the people who saw the contents and the dictation of John the 23rd that he would leave it to the Future Pope to a judge the text oh where is it they didn't produce it on the door-to-door television show everyone now knows it exists they admit that it exists where the heck is it why haven't you showed it to us because they don't want us to know what's inside that envelope so that leads us to number 10 the Capilla envelope has never been produced even though no one denies its existence what does that tell you 11. three popes red different texts of the secret on two different dates John the 23rd read a text in August 1959 according to Archbishop Capital Viola and then in 1960 he read another text according to Cardinal otaviani Paul VI read the text a text in 1963 according to Capital Viola and then according to the official account of the Vatican he read a text on 1965. John Paul II read a text of the secret in 1978 widely reported in the Press including the Los Angeles Times but according to the official account he didn't look at it until 1981. what was bertani's explanation for that well he was too busy evangelizing the world he actually said this in all seriousness but he had no real explanation for the reading in 1978. he didn't deny it so there was two readings there were two readings by on two different dates by three different popes number 12 Bertoni pretends not to know will the John Paul II read a text in 1978 when he was pressed on this he said I don't know what you never asked him you were the Secretary of State he was still alive all he had to ask was did you read a text in 1978 why didn't he ask because he knows the answer John Paul II did read a text in 1978 but the official account says he read a text in 1981. 13th Bertone lies unashamedly about the virgin's connection of the secret to 1960. remember we have two envelopes saying the secret cannot be revealed before 1960 and then it can be revealed to the Cardinal patriarch of Fatima or the bishop of Fatima by Express order of the Virgin on two envelopes he says repeatedly in the official Vatican booklet on June 26 2000 in his own book The Last vision of Fatima and on the door-to-door TV appearance he says repeatedly that sister Lucia invented that date she just picked 1960. it seemed like a good idea as if the Visionary of Fatima would decide on her own when the secret could be revealed as if she would lie about an Express order of the virgin linking the secret to 1960 is if she would commemorate that lie by writing it on two different envelopes which were produced on camera for everyone to see so he's lying through his teeth about the connection of the secret to 1960. well why why would he be so intent on lying about this because the vision published on June 26 2000 has no connection whatsoever to 1960. there's nothing about that Vision that relates to the year 1960 so obviously that Vision relates to a different time in fact John the 23rd said this pertains to a future pontificate when he read a text not to his pontificate he didn't want to believe that it could pertain to him but as sister Lucia famously said when asked why 1960 she said it will be clearer then mice claro in Portuguese why would it be clearer in 1960 the vision doesn't tell us why it would be clear in 1960 Division standing alone has nothing to do with 1960. it would be clear in 1960 because as we all know if we've lived long enough if you're my age certainly that that's the year the wheels came off our civilization and that's the year the Vatican Council was convoked and two years later the council began and after the council ended the church went into a crisis the likes of which she has never seen not even during the Aryan heresy culminating in this absolutely absurd pontificate in which we have a pope who has Cardinal Mueller says is presiding over a sonatal process that remounts to a hostile takeover of the Catholic church that's Cardinal Mueller speaking 14th where was this text the Capilla envelope kept Capital Villa said it was kept in the papal apartment not the holy office archives it was kept in a specific desk called barbarigo named after a saint it was in an heirloom in the papal apartment and that text in the capital Villa envelope which has never been produced within the papal Department now Bertone knows that there's a text in the papal Department and during his appearance on door to door he Harps instead on an authentic text he keeps using the word authentic o in the Holy office archives but that's not the papal department so the text of this Vision was in the Holy office archives and no one denies that there was another envelope the capital Villa envelope in the papal apartment it was in the wooden desk called barbarico and during the reign of Pius XII as we see in an article from Parry match magazine it was in a wooden safe in the papal Department 15th at no time has Cardinal Bertoni or anyone else in the Vatican explicitly denied that there is a text as Father schweigle revealed in the comment I mentioned before that is a continuation of the ETC no one denies this no one has ever denied it sixteenth he was confronted with this Telltale Etc during the press conference on June 26 2000 at which the vision alone was published and here's what Bertone said during that press conference it seems to me that it pertains to the second part of the secret seems to him that the ETC pertains to the second part of the secret which means it could pertain to the third part well how do you solve that mystery you ask sister Lucia does the ETC the continuation of the words of our version of the Virgin pertain to the second or the third part of the secret is it in fact part of the Third Secret he never asked her during his 10 hours of interviews never occurred to him to say Hey sister Lucia what about that Etc what did the Virgin say after she said in Portugal the dog of the faith will always be preserved the world wants to know I would like to know can you tell us please according to bertoni's account he never asked her then the car to him sure you believe that I don't I think he did ask her or that he already knew the answer and doesn't want us to know what the answer is that's why he says it seems to me he doesn't say definitely because he's hedging it could pertain to the Third Secret and the fact that he never asked sister Lucia about this or that he did and he's not telling us what she said tells us all we need to know which brings me to the 17th reason the final one in this summary but again get this book there's a lot more to this than what I'm sketching here the evidence is is mountainous for the existence of a missing text 17th are we to believe regarding the crisis of the faith to which that Etc was obviously a gateway pronouncement are we to believe that our lady would not have foreseen the post-vatican II crisis in the church and would have nothing to say about the current pontificate really a pope who undermines the natural law by saying that it's something that we can only aspire to in our concrete circumstances talking about Amorous Leticia who has opened the door by explicitly adopting an interpretation of a Morris Leticia that allows for divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion when abstinence is not feasible who basically says do the best you can and if you sin it's no biggie because well you do the best you can and God will understand that's a destruction of the entire moral order who has who's indicated in press conferences all kinds of heretical things including the fact that you can use contraception to avoid disease because the avoidance of disease is a greater evil than contraception he actually used the analysis of adopting the lesser of two evils which is anathema to Catholic moral theology and then the sonatal way that he has launched this endless Sonata way now we have a synod on synodality I guess we're going to have a synod on the Synod on synodality after that the endless process of subjecting the church to parliaments at which people sit around and debate Doctrine and come up with position statements as if the deposit of the faith could be abused in that manner here's what Cardinal Mueller Cardinal Mueller former head of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith had to say about this the basis of the church is the word of God as a revelation not our Strange reflections this agenda is the system of self-revelation we reveal to ourselves what the truth is by the way Francis calls this discernment the sermon takes the place of Doctrine you discern whether in your concrete circumstances his phrase you can follow the natural law against adultery he goes on to say the occupation of the Catholic church is a hostile takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ it's not me saying this it's not some fatimite saying this Cardinal Mueller who was kicked out of office by none other than Pope gregolio and if you look at only one page you'll read one page of the Gospel you'll see that it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and in this agenda they think the doctrine is only like a program of a political party who can change it according to their votes if they succeed it will be the end of the Catholic Church and we must resist it like the old Heretics of arianism when Arius thought according to his ideas what can God do and what can God not do and it is irrationalism human the intellect to decide what is true and what is wrong how often has this Pope condemned pelagianism in we traditionalists accusing us of pelagianism while he goes about saying it's us it's up to each individual to discern what the truth is about the application of the moral law to his or her particular situation who was guilty of pelagianism but one who says we should have councils many councils to meet every so often to figure out for ourselves What doctrine is that's pelagianism they are dreaming says Cardinal Mueller of another church that has nothing to do with the Catholic faith what did Francis say about this oh we're not looking for a new church just a different Church he actually said this a different Church and they want to abuse this process for Shifting the Catholic church and not only in the other direction but in the destruction of the Catholic Church now condom Mueller was asked during this interview why is the pope allowing this and he says that's a difficult question I do not understand he ducked the issue but we know what he thinks he thinks what we think at this pontificate is a sign of the great apostasy it has to be if this is not the great apostasy then I'd like to know what would be yeah now we can only conclude as Antonio Sochi did 15 years ago when he started out investigating father grew in his contentions he thought father gruner was some sort of loony character with conspiracy theories uh dietrology the atrology from the Italian word diatro meaning behind people who see behind an official account some Sinister manipulation there's always something behind he said it was a deatrology but then he investigated and he said I came to the opposite conclusion there has to be a text that is missing that has been suppressed and he said and I quote from his book which I translated from the Italian that there is a part of the secret not revealed and considered unspeakable is certain and today having decided to deny its existence the Vatican runs the risk of exposing itself to very heavy pressure in blackmail and let us forget not forget Mother Angelica to give the full quotation of what she said to millions of people on live TV as for the secret well I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn't get the whole thing and we didn't get the whole thing but we will get the whole thing in God's good time for God will not be mocked and the will of the Holy virgin will be fulfilled at some point in the future it may be in the in the midst of the most drastic circumstances it may be after a pope is executed on a hill outside a half ruined City but it will happen sure as I'm standing here and on that day the guilty will be convicted and the innocent will have Justice thank you it's utterly disordered this idea of eradicating traditional worship and yet men in positions of responsibility I mean Canon lawyers and people who work in chances and the Bishops they're taking this document seriously that is so infantile there are meant to be men [Music] foreign
Channel: The Fatima Center
Views: 68,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: religion, Catholic Faith, Prayer, Pope, Vatican, Fatima, Virgin Mary, The Fatima Center, catholic, Roman Catholic, Traditional catholicism, Our Lady of Fatima, Latin Mass, Traditional Latin Mass, Blessed Mother, Mary, Rosary, Father Gruner, Fr Gruner, Gruner, Catholicism, Catholic Church, Nuestra Senora de Fatima, Three Shepherd Children
Id: 4R0iyGki6vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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