All Types of Warships Explained

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“4.5 acres of sovereign and  mobile American territory”.   That is how the US Navy describes  their Nimitz-class carrier. Most people know what an aircraft  carrier or a submarine is,   but there are seven categories of modern  warships which consists of aircraft carriers,   cruisers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes,  amphibious assault ships, and submarines. “What about battleships?” Oh, well, A battleship was a large armored  warship with large caliber guns. They were   the most powerful type of warship during the  late 19th and early 20th centuries. But as   newer types of warships started traveling  the blue waters, battleships faded away,   with the last one being decommissioned  at the end of the Cold War. “How about the …” No more audience   questions during the video. That’s  what the comments section is for! Once your voyage through this video is over, you  would know why destroyers are called as such,   even though all warships have  the power to destroy, and   what differentiates these classes of  ships from one another … or will you? The first aircraft carriers became  operational in the early 1920s,   storing, launching, recovering,  and servicing aircraft at sea. Enabling a nation with airborne operations  far away from home and close to the enemy   is very advantageous for obvious reasons. A single  supercarrier holds enough firepower to rival the   entire air forces of some nations. A carrier air  wing is able to perform over 150 strike missions   at once, hitting over 700 targets a day, but  they can also protect friendly forces, conduct   electronic warfare, assist in special operations,  and carry out search and rescue missions. Super carriers can accommodate 4 to 5   thousand personnel including the ship's  company, air wing and other support staff. Even though aircraft carriers  do have surface-to-air missiles,   guns and other armament, they  usually do not travel alone.   Instead, they travel with a fleet composed  of other classes of military ships,   called a carrier strike group, which is typically  made up of an aircraft carrier, at least one   cruiser and two destroyers or frigates, and a  carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft. A carrier   strike group could also on occasion include  submarines, logistics ships and a supply ship. The aircraft carrier often acts as the command   platform for large battle groups  or multi-national task forces. Aircraft carriers traditionally ran on  diesel fuel, but newer American carriers   are nuclear-powered. If you are interested in  a comparison between diesel and nuclear-powered   carriers, we made a detailed video on it.  We’ll put the link in the description. In colonial times, a cruiser would have been  cruising the world; showing off their flag,   and representing the overwhelming  force that could be brought to bear   far from home. The name has stayed, but the role  is not exactly just cruising around anymore. During the period between the end of the  First World War in 1918 and the beginning   of the Second World War in 1939, also known  as the interwar period, cruisers were limited   by treaty to a maximum size of 10,000 tons.  Two types were defined by treaty: The heavy   cruisers carried anywhere from 8 to 10 8" guns,  and the light cruisers carried 12 to 15 6" guns,   and both heavy and light cruisers carried a heavy  battery of secondary and anti-aircraft guns. In wartime, cruisers were to operate alone  on the high seas to interdict enemy commerce,   but also to protect the battle line against  enemy light cruisers. These were mostly heavy   cruiser roles, but both types of cruisers  usually had top speeds in excess of 30 knots. Today’s cruisers are primarily guided missile  warships, ranging in size anywhere from 7,000   to 10,000 tons. Only the world’s largest navies  can afford to build and operate modern cruisers,   principally the United States and Russia. Their  use today depends on the navy it is employed in.   In the US Navy, cruisers are primarily an  air defense vessel while in the Russian   Navy they are anti-ship platforms. Other missions  included commence raiding and shore bombardment. Even though the US Navy at some point had a number  of nuclear-powered cruisers in its fleet, they   were all decommissioned in the 90s, since they  were deemed too expensive to build and maintain. Enough cruising, let’s move on to destroyers! Before we talk about destroyers, we  need to briefly talk about torpedoes.   In 1866, an English engineer called  Robert Whitehead invented the first   effective self-propelled underwater torpedo,  eponymously named Whitehead torpedo. At the time,   battleships were heavily armored  and protected against gun fire,   but only above the water. So the invention  of Whitehead torpedoes changed everything! Suddenly there was a weapon that could be carried  on a small, fast and relatively inexpensive boat,   called a torpedo boat, that could strike  a large ship underwater, bypassing all its   armor protection. The torpedo had the potential to  cripple and even sink a battleship with one blow.  But wait! With all its armament, why wouldn’t  a large battleship be able to annihilate a   little torpedo boat? See, the turbine engine  allowed the torpedo boats to reach speeds   that challenged the large caliber, but slow  firing guns on the battleships and cruisers.   As a result, a new class of ships emerged to  protect the main fleet from Torpedo Boats,   and it was creatively called  Torpedo Boat Destroyers. Torpedo Boat Destroyers were larger  than the Torpedo Boats, but much,   much smaller than the Cruisers, which  meant they were more maneuverable and   better equipped to deal with torpedo boats. So  they started traveling the blue waters with the   fleet to protect them against torpedo boats.  Shortly after, the destroyers themselves were   armed with torpedoes, which allowed them  to torpedo bigger enemy warships beyond   the range of the small coastal torpedo boats. … and that was the end of it for torpedo boats,   but not for the torpedo boat destroyers, which  are now just referred to as “destroyers”. Destroyers are protectors of the fleet.  So when submarines became practical, the   destroyer was equipped with depth charges, SONAR,  and other anti-submarine weapons, and became the   submarines’ #1 enemy. And when aircraft became  a major threat to the naval fleet, destroyers   adopted anti-air missiles. They were fast ships,  generally capable of 30+ knots in calm seas. This is how destroyers became the jack of  all trades among warships. Today, destroyers   are the largest surface combatants operated by  most navies, ranging in size up to 6,000 tons. With the destroyers getting  lagers and more heavily armed,   the difference between a Cruiser and  a Destroyer has greatly diminished.   While a cruiser should nominally be bigger,  this is not always the case. But a Cruiser is   generally considered to have greater facilities  for command and control, at least in the US Navy,   which often means cruisers have more space  and spare energy to power the additional   communications equipment and a command & control  room to coordinate the defense of the fleet. Similar to destroyers, Frigates are  quite common ships in a navy’s fleet.   They are quick to maneuver and their role is  to escort and protect larger vehicles from Air,   surface and underwater threats. Frigates are one of the smallest blue water  surface combatants. In the past, they used to   carry a lighter main battery than destroyers, for  example three 3" or two 5" guns would have been   typical. These days, they may have anti-air guns,  and perhaps a small battery of torpedo tubes,   however, they are not particularly well-suited  to theater air defense. Their strength is usually   in their anti-submarine weapons. For example,  the Royal Navy’s Duke class of frigates, have   specialized anti-submarine warfare capabilities  and are fitted with enhanced sonar equipment   and torpedoes. ASW-enhanced frigates come with  helipads and hangers that accommodate helicopters   capable of identifying and attacking nuclear  submarines using torpedoes and depth charges. Frigates are traditionally slower than  Destroyers, although, in modern times, there   is not a significant difference in their speed.  Today’s frigates often displace up to 3,000 tons,   and are usually capable of top speeds of 27  to 30 knots. One of the faster frigates is   the Indian Navy’s Shivalik class, which  can travel at speeds of up to 32 knots. Some European Navies such as the  Dutch, French, German and Spanish   use the term "frigate" for both  their destroyers and frigates. Vessels that are smaller than frigates are  typically identified as Corvettes or Missile   Boats, which are not big enough  to have a full air defense radar,   and therefore are not used to escort other  vessels or defend large areas. They play   more of an “offense” role, given that they  can use their anti-ship missiles to attack,   and they are small and maneuverable enough to  avoid being hit. They are also typically not   suited or capable of operating in blue waters,  so they typically stay closer to the shores. A Missile Boat is a small craft, outfitted with  several anti-ship missiles. They have low costs,   and are somewhat an outgrowth of  torpedo boats from World War II. A Corvettes is a smaller  version of a modern Frigate,   usually geared towards one type of  mission; surface or anti-submarine warfare. The first littoral combat ship, USS  Freedom, was commissioned in 2008.  Littoral Combat Ships are a US Navy design,  meant to replace the Perry-class frigates.   While the LCS class ships are smaller than  the frigate class that they are replacing,   they offer a similar level  of weaponry while requiring   less than 50% of the crew. They can  have a top speed that exceeds 40 knots. Littoral combat ships are smaller vessels that  are well-suited for littoral or close-to-shore   operations. In other navies, the closest thing  to them would be patrol vessels or corvettes. One interesting feature of littoral  combat ships was their modular design;   they could be reconfigured for different  roles, like anti-submarine warfare   or surface warfare by changing their weapon  systems, sensors and mission crews. These   module changes were envisioned to happen within  a few hours, but in practice took a lot longer   and proved to be logistically difficult. In  a 2016 announcement, the US Navy abandoned   the modular concept for littoral combat ships,  and decided to use them with a single module. Amphibious assault ships are used to help land  and support ground forces on enemy territory.   At a glance, they resemble aircraft carriers,  but they are primarily designed for supporting   helicopters. They can also carry vertical  and short take-off and landing aircraft. Most modern amphibious assault ships have  a well deck, which is a hangar-like deck   located at the waterline in the stern of  the ship. When the well deck is flooded,   landing craft, like hovercraft, can be launched  and recovered without the need for a crane. A submarine, also commonly referred to as a sub,   is a watercraft that is capable of  independent underwater operation. Submarines typically fall into one  of three propulsion categories:   diesel-electric transmission, nuclear power,  and air-independent propulsion. All current   submarines in the US Navy are nuclear-powered,  but there are a few other countries like Russia,   France, the UK, China, and India which  also have nuclear subs in their fleet. Submarines range in size from midget submarines  with a displacement of less than 150t to  Ballistic Missile Submarines with  a displacement of up to 48,000t   when submerged, and regardless of their  size, they are all referred to as “boats”.  There are three major types of submarines in  the United States Navy: attack submarines,   cruise missile submarines, and  ballistic missile submarines.  Attack submarines use torpedoes as their main  armament and have more of a multi-role mission.   They are smaller in size, making them faster and  more maneuverable. Cruise missile submarines are   typically larger slower boats focused on the  long distance strike using guided missiles.   Ballistic missile submarines, as the name suggests  can carry and launch nuclear ballistic missiles. If we take a look at the 7 categories of warships  that were just reviewed, aircraft carriers,   amphibious assault ships, and submarines are  quite easily distinguishable from one another,   in appearance and in the role that they play.  However, the appearance and roles that cruisers,   destroyers, frigates, and corvettes once had,  have been blurred over time. Most of them   have a mix of anti-surface, anti-submarine  and anti-aircraft weapons, and their size   and displacement does not necessarily fall  within their traditional class designations.  It's kind of like iPhones, iPads and  iPods. They used to look different   from one another and do different  things, but now they all have cameras,   touch-screen and FaceTime. But at least  the iPod still has the headphone jacks!
Channel: Not What You Think
Views: 6,536,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not what you think, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, amphibious assault ships, aircraft carriers, submarines, US Navy, US Military, Navy, Military, different types of warship, Navy Warship, categories
Id: 303_Xj8FKJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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