All Things Maxxie | Facts About White Miniature Schnauzer

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so today's video is all about maxie my white miniature schnauzer so hey y'all welcome to my channel my name is renee and you all know maxie he is our and pollux who's decided to be in today's video even though it's not about him and i knew the minute that this video was not about him he was going to try to steal the show i recently did a video giving you an update on pollux's transformation since he's been with us a year and i called it all things pollux well everybody in the comments said now they need an all things maxi video so here it is this is all things maxi and yes he is a purebred miniature schnauzer i had my doubts we did a dna test and it came back 100 miniature schnauzer so here he is the maxi i think he's getting ready to bust out barking he sees something out the window and so i'm going to start off with my number one fact about maxie he's a barker y'all heard him bark in almost every single video i've ever i've ever produced he is a barker it's a trait of miniature schnauzers they are yippy they bark at everything and maxie is always always on the lookout for something to bark at right muy but that takes me to my next fact about maxi maxi has all sorts of nicknames i don't know where they came from or how i started it i just said them and they stuck but he's maxie maxie max mooey the moor moo and the mayor but he just has a ton of nicknames and it's just whatever comes out and it's funny because he responds to all of them if you can see all the dirt on maxi's face this is something else you need to know about maxie he loves to roll on his back in the yard he does it basically every single day right maui and today our long up mode which is his favorite time to roll in the grass and uh yeah so he's a little bit green at the moment he's got some grass in his beard and i'm just leaving it there because little known fact is maxie loves to be dirty if i give him a bath if he gets groomed he immediately goes outside and rolls in the grass but maxie just likes to be a dirty little dog so we just we just let him do it sir this is not your video this is not your video pollix well since pollux is in the picture i'll tell you maxie has a best friend and his name is pollux pollux and maxie are bffs since the moment that we adopted pollux and brought him into our home he and maxie have been just like this they love to play they love to run they love to walk together they sleep together sometimes in the winter they will even cuddle up together but they sleep side by side every night and they truly are bffs where one goes the other goes and this is maxi's hiding spot when it rains he always has this cute little booty hanging out so i can find him but any time it rains this is where maxie goes underneath her bed let me kind of tell you how maxi came to live with us we adopted maxie when he was 10 months old long story short the family that had him surrendered him to an animal shelter and said that they could no longer take care of their dogs there was maxie and they had a little white poodle he was not taken care of by his family he had lots of decay in his mouth so as soon as we got maxi we had his teeth cleaned really good we got rid of the infection he had to have some teeth pulled because of that and now maxi 10 years later he just really has never had a great mouth and over the years he has lost some of his teeth so if you ever see the movie laying around and his tongue is hanging out it's because he doesn't have he's missing like 10 of his front teeth and so if he gets really good and sleepy and dreaming his tongue will hang out and it's actually kind of cute but the vet says no big deal don't worry go on feed him his normal dog food don't cater to the fact that he doesn't have his front teeth he has all of his back teeth his chewing teeth and we just love him little toothless maxi i get a lot of questions about maxi's eyes because he is a white dog everyone wants to know what i do to keep his eyes clean yeah i don't do anything i bathe him in a blue shampoo and maxi just doesn't have the runny eyes and the staining around his eyes like you normally see in a lot of white dogs he just doesn't do that so i guess i'm lucky maxie are we gonna tell them your bad habit and it's very annoying maxie will go underneath our dining room table and dig a hole he digs and he digs and he digs and it makes me so mad because he is tearing up the rug in our dining room sir what are you doing and if i get on to him enough he will run upstairs and he will dig in our daughter's bedroom he just digs the carpet dig dig dig dig dig i don't know why he does it he does it every single night just like clockwork and it's always after we have finished dinner and speaking of digging can you all see the couch is torn up right here look at that uh-huh that is from maxie digging on the couch back in his younger days i think he's torn it up to his satisfaction honestly um but now he digs under the dining room table i think he's gonna fall asleep while i'm talking about him max he loves to sleep most days at any given moment if you're ever looking for maxie he's right here laying on this couch in my office if there is ever a siren an ambulance a police car they're testing the tornado sirens or if any dog in our neighborhood house maxie's gonna jump up and howl with him it is the funniest thing and maxie's howling is horrible to listen to he sounds like somebody's trying to cut his leg off like it's horrible to hear but he loves it he gets that nose up in the air and he just howls and he has the best time chiming in with whatever's going on outside and of course pollux has to chime in too oh and he loves a belly rub at any opportunity he thinks he can get you to rub his belly he's going to roll over and let you do it he loves a good belly rub right movie you like a good belly rub in my last couple videos about maxi you all noticed maxie has a shaved area on his arm right here and everybody thought something was wrong he goes every february and gets his teeth cleaned they had to shave a little section of his arm so that he could have an iv when i picked him up he had a pink bandage on his arm which he absolutely hated but that's all it is right move maxie has a spotted nose he has a little pink nose with little black spots on it but he does he has a spotty nose and it is so so so sweet so maxie does not get in our swimming pool he's actually really really afraid of the pool and there's a story behind that when maxie was staying with the foster family before we adopted him he was neutered the day that he was neutered and the foster family picked him up from the vet and took him to their home and he fell in their swimming pool and the lady had to jump in the pool and save him and ever since then maxie is scared to death of the swimming pool but he will on a nice sunny day go out and lay in the lounge chair he loves to lay in the lounge chair with me and just soak in some sunshine and if you all follow me on instagram in the summer time i'm always posting pictures of maxine i laying in our lounge chair at night maxie loves his bedtime we have the same bedtime routine every single night where's maui he's still partying let's get treats okay oh dear moo you ready moo let's go back oh daddy's getting your beds oh there we go tuck me in dad never not tucking me real good all right sweet dreams maxie loves to be all snuggly in his bed he has a blanket and this boy does not move until i get out of bed the next morning maxie has a food aggression yes i know it's hard to believe why in the world would this little sweet calm natured guy have a food aggression but he does and it's not about treats it's not about snacks it is only at meal time he's always been this way right moo and we've just had to figure out how to accommodate it if any other dog is eating their food he will get a little snippy and we've had some dog fights maxie gets fed first we wait until he licks his bowl his bowl is clean he walks away and then he's like okay i'm over it and then it's time to feed pollux we do not dare feed pollux first because maxie will attack pollux now pollux is barking he wants in doggy door got him a doggy door that's a whole thing maxie from the minute we got the doggy door is no problem move out of my way he would just in and out and in and out and in and out all day long pollock still has not figured out the doggy door oh no he did it did you come in the doggy door side note about pollux we are training on the doggy door we have a system we are we are figuring the doggy door out this summer and he just came through the doggy door that is big news y'all okay back to maxie maxie's a pretty lazy dude this is what he does all day long but don't let him fool you because even though he looks like he's sleeping or hanging out on the couch he is in constant guard mode he is watching everything that goes on i mean he this boy can tell you anything that is going on and if anybody gets out of line he is going to jump up and let him have it the delivery guy the mailman our neighbors anybody that dares walk by our house walking their dog he has a coming apart let me show you our window seal from where maxie barks and digs his toenails in the window in the process and he is torn all the paint off of our windowsill i paint it he tears it off so i've given up i've just i've given up and then on to the issue with the groomer you know i fired my groomer so maxie did not get groomed for about six months he was a hairy crazy white fuzzy mess of a mess right but he was happy as a clam that way but now that it's springtime and it's getting warm he really needed to be groomed so we did try a new groomer we've seen her one time when i picked maxie up i said how did he do and she said her words he was cantankerous don't know how to take that cantankerous he just he doesn't like to be groomed y'all it just boils down to that we are gonna try the new groomer again and i'll keep you posted on how that goes maxie has something that he does love max he loves food he loves snacks he loves treats and he loves crunchy apples and i love giving him apples because it just makes me smile to listen and watch him just crunch these little apples it is the sweetest thing you want one now you guys want an apple pollox you don't like apple but the movie loves apples okay let's see what mom's got hang on ready mary pollux you don't like apple it's like you gotta eat that one first buddy here you want another dry max he said no problem he'll eat it you want more moo no problem maxie is a daddy's boy he's a mama's boy too i don't really think he plays favorites he just he comes barreling into the living room at night and whoever's on the couch and has an empty spot in their lap he'll take it and he will just hunker in and just have a good night just laying in somebody's lap maxie is 10. i don't know if i told you that people have a hard time believing that he is that old but he really is that old he doesn't act like an old guy he acts like a little pup honestly he runs not as much as pollux but he will run in the yard he loves to go on walks maxie acts just like a spry little pup right muy so now you know all things maxi you're up to speed on our white miniature schnauzer oh see somebody running give him a grump tell him you're going to grump at him he's not going to grump at him because he's on video he said so now you know all things maxie our little white miniature snails are our little sweetie pie he has the sweetest little personality movie don't you sometimes when he wants to have a sweet little personality but not all the time i swear so anyway we'll see you later you
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Keywords: welcome to my curls, dog videos, funny dog videos, funny animal videos, funny dogs, dog adoption, adopting a dog, Renee Hayden, shelter dog adopts to new home, happy dog videos, dogs playing, happy dogs, shelter dog gets new home, adopted dog, adopted dogs before and after, shelter dog transformation, white miniature schnauzer, miniature schnauzer, schnauzer, shelter dog, schnauzer mom, white mini schnauzer, mini Schnauzer
Id: xlFKyYaNhWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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