'ALL THINGS CONNECTED' - Avatar 'The Way Of Water' Documentary | by Jamie Flatters

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[Music] okay now let me interview you okay who do you play an avatar first of all just say your name my name is Philip Burton Dalton Philip gillio I play log what's your name my name is uh Devin Corman now what's your real name my name is Jack chip play a spider hi okay can I interview you no okay [Music] yo [Music] like like go to the cycle everything that comes around goes around [Applause] comes around comes around until it goes down until this is the 100th week nothing has prepared me for this and people are dying get fixed nice investor with these bike flips huh that's a full Cab in the back flip uh go on Phillip go on give me give some commentary what's the dream [Music] throughout this process [Music] [Music] what you can handle I feel like I just have more I know endurance for life I feel like I'm just more emotionally in control of myself you know I feel I feel like I have more responsibilities than I can handle responsibilities better now um I just got more mature um and I don't know I feel like I've met a lot of people that have taught me a lot of cool things about life in general do you ever want to interview you first yeah all right so I'm just gonna see the same questions what's your name I feel like growing up so much on a film it feels weird because it feels like just yesterday I was like 12. yeah and now I'm 14. I can't say less in a while crocodile hello what's it like to be the man of the dots the man of the dots all I see is dots though hi can we call her when we arrive I see the sunrise um no no no um we're on our way to Venice Beach come on hi um nothing my dad's gonna try to forward it because you should directly from email without having to work at all the food did you get Brian uh chicken burritos we're one weekend into your last stretch are you are you gonna miss anything about La fan I'm hiding by wait I mean I'm straight [Applause] it's a dream I think it's kind of like run its course I want to be the best actor I can I possibly can be oh I just basically want to watch a film I'm in and be like that's a stranger that's someone I don't know I think that'd be really cool feeling how about you how do I want to be remembered I'm gonna miss L.A well we haven't crossed the finish line yet I don't know depends on depends on who it is but are you going to miss La do you think we're gonna see I'd see myself as as an accountant you're a German I swear to God I've always wanted to see an accountant why so I can account my own money what are you gonna miss the most probably you guys shut up the man behind the camera right here I see the world is a lot bigger so it's going to get in my bubble of my own what are you gonna miss the most real now Philip just dashed it I like running so I'll never look at the world in the same way go ahead and saying goodbye you'll fondest memory that you'll look back on after this is all over it's actually a hard one stop there's a couple of Philip's gone so if you can describe this whole experience in like a word or like multiple words oh my god well thank you for your time sir I'll see you soon man yeah yeah I'll see you soon bro giving it's been so giving thank you thank you I'm just stupid he's actually quite a stupid thing to be doing with your life and for people that are going to see the Avatar movie say goodbye what do you mean goodbye say goodbye to what the film that you're gonna watch is as crazy as the process was all right bro one more time what's your name what's the date 15th of September 2022 and I am 17 years old [Applause] again back in 2017 I asked you um you said I don't know I feel like I've met a lot of people that have taught me a lot of cool things I feel like time needs to pass for me to really appreciate it but right now I feel like it almost still was just just done so um I don't I don't think I'm like I don't really have a good perspective on the tsunami of what this film films are I still I feel very blessed but at the same time um I feel I'd say a decent amount of pressure but I don't put too much pressure on myself Bailey I haven't interviewed you since 2017. day from Avatar press look over there it's the Avatar poster I think your older brother likes Calvin Harris the coolest part that I learned is how similar we are no matter where we're from [Music] and Dora Dora I remember coming in the first time Philip Dewan Bailey everyone Britain and remember this place felt like even bigger and um and I remember we all I don't know we were all just I don't know felt like like I still had like that little kid magical feeling to know that I am a part of that like those floating mountains and all of this beauty like I'm part of that Legacy now is I it's hard to put into words I've been working since I was two so I've always kind of struggled fitting in with people so I'm grateful that growing up with a young cast you kind of experience it all together and I'm grateful for that when you strip someone of numbers and you know of all that side of what makes them so likable I think that's what's really important is what was who you are on the inside and how much care and helped people and just were a decent person I feel like it depends I feel like I can pretty much be myself I just have to be more energized version of myself so I I don't have to like completely be two-faced and you know create a whole nother and Persona of myself I feel like I can be myself but just more energized and more engaging but you know still myself but I I definitely couldn't I definitely wouldn't have fun if I had to like completely change my personality to fit whatever people wanted because then that would just be exhausting and not true to quote Kurt Cobain I'd Rather Be Loved for or rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not doing job posters and meeting fans for the first time we're gonna look glamorous so we're gonna we're gonna now I'm so excited to connect the dots the best times [Music] all the kids [Music] I'm grateful for the worst of times because I because I don't look forward to the best this month is all we have and knowing that is the only way that all things can become connected I'm an alien I want nothing to do with myself what you want to be when you're older now I still need an account services [Music] is the roller coaster still happening in my head yes filming the Avatar sequels in El Segundo California was an opportunity and experience very few people would pass up on it was an honor and privilege I'm so grateful and proud to be a part of this Amazing Project day-to-day life at the Hyatt House was real nice loved their omelets I also yammed chimichangas from the lobby at least once a day so good oh no I'm in frame today's the last dinner well [Music] can't say yes I'd say yes and no because I deserve some parts of it because I put in a lot of work other parts it's just with your luck I learned the different ways and methods and actor or actress prepares for a scene or role at how a stunt man or stunt woman trains their body to be ready to perform at the highest level they can I'm still processing it all and fighting the urge to scream and shout and let it all out I see you I definitely especially 12 at 12 I admission for this they just chose me and that was just my luck it had nothing to do with me without doing anybody else I don't know don't take life too seriously that's truly genuinely what I'd say be a good person don't spread something that will put other people down don't be evil obviously but don't take life too seriously don't think of yourself as you know the only person in the room you know the person who has the most time just like life too seriously just enjoy it for what it is uh say goodbye goodbye Trinity Bliss say goodbye hands I love you say goodbye just say goodbye [Music] oh here it is the idea is this life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it so don't do anything about it just take it easy that's my quote if I did go out that would be on my gravestone your name is Jeff the date is 15th of September and you will how old 17 years old it's been a pleasure bro what's what's the thing I was saying the outro foreign [Applause] yeah just make sure it's not too corporate right I just showed us some like Indie fans out there so less
Channel: Our Second Cousin
Views: 198,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamie Flatters
Id: Li75gHMYG3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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